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股票权证协议 中英文.docx

1、股票权证协议 中英文CERTIFICATE OF DESIGNATIONS, PREFERENCES AND RIGHTS OF THESERIES C CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED STOCKOFJPAK GROUP, INC.JPAK集团公司C系列可转优先股的分配、优先权和权利证书The Articles of Incorporation of Jpak Group, Inc, a Nevada corporation (the “Company”), provide that the Company is authorized to issue _ shares of pr

2、eferred stock with a par value of $.0001. The Articles of Incorporation provide, further, that the Board of Directors is authorized, to the extent permitted by law, to provide for the issuance of the shares of preferred stock in series, and by filing a certificate pursuant to the Nevada Revised Stat

3、utes, to establish from time to time the number of shares to be included in each series and to fix the designation, powers, preferences and rights and the qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof.Pursuant to the authority conferred upon授予 the Board of Directors by the Articles of Incorpor

4、ation, the Board of Directors, by Unanimous Written Consent dated November 3, 2009, adopted a resolution决议 providing for the designation, rights, powers and preferences and the qualifications, limitations and restrictions of no less than 8,000,000 and no more than 22,000,000 shares of Series C Conve

5、rtible Preferred Stock, and that a copy of such resolution is as follows:Jpak集团公司(内华达州注册公司,“公司”)的章程规定,公司被授权发行_股优先股,票面价值每股美元0.001。章程进一步规定董事会被授权在法律允许的范围内规定以系列的形式发行优先股股份,并通过根据内华达州法典申报证书来确定每个系列时时包含的股份数及确定其分配、权力、优先权和权利以及条件和局限或限制。根据章程授予董事会的授权,董事会于2009年11月3日以一致书面同意通过决议,规定不少于8,000,000不多于22,000,000股的C系列可转优先股

6、的分配、权力、优先权和权利以及条件、局限和限制,该决议的副本如下:RESOLVED, that pursuant to the authority vested in授予 the Board of Directors of the Company, the provisions of the Companys Articles of Incorporation, and in accordance with the Nevada Revised Statutes, the Board of Directors hereby authorizes the filing of a Certific

7、ate of Designations, Preferences and Rights of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock of the Company.Accordingly, the Company is authorized to issue Series C Convertible Preferred Stock with par value of $.0001 per share, which shall have the powers, preferences and rights and the qualifications, limi

8、tations and restrictions thereof, as follows:通过决议,根据公司董事会被授予的权利,公司章程的规定以及内华达州法典,董事会特此批准申报公司C系列可转优先股的分配、优先权和权利证书。据此,公司被授权发行C系列可转优先股,票面价值每股美元0.0001,其权力、优先权和权利以及条件、局限和限制如下:1.Designation and Rank. The designation of such series of the Preferred Stock shall be the Series C Convertible Preferred Stock, pa

9、r value $0.0001 per share (the Series C Preferred Stock). The maximum number of shares of Series C Preferred Stock shall be Twenty-two Million (22,000,000) shares. The Series C Preferred Stock shall rank senior to the Companys common stock, par value $0.001 per share (the Common Stock), and to all o

10、ther classes and series of equity securities of the Company which by their terms根据其自身条款 do not rank senior to the Series C Preferred Stock (Junior Stock). The Series C Preferred Stock shall be subordinate to and rank junior to all indebtedness债务 of the Company now or hereafter outstanding. For purpo

11、ses of this Certificate of Designation, the term “Original Series C Issue Price” shall mean an amount equal to $0.60 per share.分配和等级。本系列优先股的分配应为C系列可转优先股,票面价值每股美元0.0001(“C系列优先股”)。C系列优先股的股份数不超过二千万(22,000,000)。C系列优先股的等级高于票面价值每股美元0.001的公司普通股(“普通股”),且高于所有根据其自身条款等级不高于C系列优先股的其他类别和系列的权益性证券(“低等级股票”)。C系列优先股的等

12、级低于公司现在或以后发行的所有债务。在本股权证书中,“C系列最初发行价”指每股美元0.60。2.Voting Rights. 表决权(a)Class Voting Rights. The Series C Preferred Stock shall have the following class voting rights (in addition to the voting rights set forth in Section 2(b) hereof). So long as any shares of the Series C Preferred Stock remain outsta

13、nding, the Company shall not, without the affirmative vote or written consent of the holders of a majority of the shares of the Series C Preferred Stock outstanding at the time (the “Majority Holders”), given in person or by proxy代理人, either in writing or at a meeting in which the holders of the Ser

14、ies C Preferred Stock vote separately as a class:类别表决权。C系列优先股应有以下类别表决权(除了第二节(b)规定的表决权之外)。只要存在任何已发行的C系列优先股股份,如未获得半数以上当时已发行的C系列优先股持有人(“多数持有人”)亲自或通过代理人以书面形式或在C系列优先股持有人作为一个类别单独表决的会议上的赞成票或书面同意,公司不应:(i) authorize, create, issue or increase the authorized or issued amount of any class or series of Preferre

15、d Stock, which class or series, in any such case, ranks pari passu or senior to the Series C Preferred Stock, with respect to the distribution of assets on liquidation, dissolution or winding up;授权、创设、发行或增加被授权或发行的任何类别或系列的优先股,在任何该等情况下该类别或系列的优先股在清算、解散或清盘分配资产时的等级等于或高于C系列优先股;(ii) amend, alter or repeal

16、the provisions of the Series C Preferred Stock, whether by merger, consolidation or otherwise, so as to adversely affect any right, preference, privilege or voting power of the Series C Preferred Stock; provided, however, that any creation and issuance of another series of Junior Stock shall not be

17、deemed to adversely affect such rights, preferences, privileges or voting powers;修改、变更或废除C系列优先股的任何规定,不论因合并、兼并或其他情况,以致对C系列优先股的任何权利、优先权、特权或表决权造成不利影响;但是,任何创设或发行其他系列低等级股票的行为不应被视为对上述权利、优先权、特权或表决权造成不利影响;(iii) issue any shares of Series C Preferred Stock other than pursuant to the Purchase Agreement (as de

18、fined herein) or as a dividend;发行任何C系列优先股股份,但根据证券购买协议或作为股息而发行除外;(iv) repurchase, redeem or pay dividends on, shares of Common Stock or any other shares of the Companys Junior Stock (other than de minimus repurchases from employees of the Company in certain circumstances or repurchases pursuant to a

19、plan approved by the Board);回购、赎回普通股或公司的任何其他低等级股票的股份或为该等股份分配股息(在特定情形下从公司员工处少量回购或根据董事会批准的计划回购除外);(iv) amend the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws of the Company so as to affect materially and adversely any right, preference, privilege or voting power of the Series C Preferred Stock; provided, howe

20、ver, that any creation and issuance of another series of Junior Stock shall not be deemed to adversely affect such rights, preferences, privileges or voting powers;修改公司登记注册证书或公司章程以致对C系列优先股的任何权利、优先权、特权或表决权造成重大不利影响;但是创设或发行其他系列低等级股票的行为不应视为对上述权利、优先权、特权或表决权造成不利影响;(v) effect any distribution with respect

21、to Junior Stock other than as permitted hereby;为低等级股票分派红利,但本文规定允许的除外;(vi) reclassify the Companys outstanding securities;重新分类公司已发行的证券;(vii) voluntarily file for bankruptcy, liquidate the Companys assets or make an assignment for the benefit of the Companys creditors; or自愿申报破产、清算公司资产或转让公司债权人的利益;或(vii

22、i) materially change the nature of the Companys business.重大改变公司的业务种类。Notwithstanding the foregoing, no change pursuant to Section 8 herein shall be effective to the extent that, by its terms, it applies to less than all of the Holders of shares of Series C Preferred Stock then outstanding尽管有上述规定,如果根

23、据第8节的规定做出的改变根据其自身条款不适用于当时已发行的C系列优先股股份的全部持有人,则不应生效。(b)General Voting Rights. Except with respect to transactions upon which the Series C Preferred Stock shall be entitled to vote separately as a class pursuant to Section 2(a) above and as otherwise required by Nevada law, the Series C Preferred Stock

24、 shall have no voting rights with the Common Stock or other equity securities of the Company. The Common Stock into which the Series C Preferred Stock is convertible shall, when issued, have all of the same voting rights as other issued and outstanding Common Stock of the Company, and none of the ri

25、ghts of the Series C Preferred Stock. 一般表决权。除了根据第2节(a)的规定或内达华州法律的要求C系列优先股应作为一个类别单独表决的交易外,C系列优先股对普通股或公司的其他权益性证券无表决权。C系列优先股可转换的普通股应在发行时具有与公司其他已发行的普通股相同的表决权,但不具有C系列优先股的任何权利。3.Liquidation Preference. 清算优先权(a) In the event of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the Company, wheth

26、er voluntary or involuntary, the holders of shares of Series C Preferred Stock then outstanding shall be entitled to receive, out of the assets of the Company available for distribution to its stockholders, an amount equal to $0.60 per share of the Series C Preferred Stock (the “Series C Liquidation

27、 Preference Amount”) before any payment shall be made or any assets distributed to the holders of the Common Stock or any other Junior Stock. If the assets of the Company are not sufficient to pay in full the Series C Liquidation Preference Amount payable to the holders of outstanding shares of the

28、Series C Preferred Stock and any series of Preferred Stock or any other class of stock ranking pari passu, as to rights on liquidation, dissolution or winding up, with the Series C Preferred Stock, then all of said assets will be distributed among the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock and the

29、other classes of stock ranking pari passu with the Series C Preferred Stock, if any, ratably in accordance with the respective amounts that would be payable on such shares if all amounts payable thereon were paid in full.若发生公司清算、解散或清盘(无论自愿或非自愿),已发行的C系列优先股持有人应有权在向普通股持有人或任何其它低等级股票持有人分配之前,从公司应分配给其持有人的资

30、产中,就每一股C系列优先股获得数额等于美元0.60的金额(“C系列清算优先数额”)。如果公司的资产不足以向所有已发行的C系列优先股持有人和任何在清算、解散或清盘中的权利与C系列优先股同等级的优先股票或其他类别股票的持有人支付C系列清算优先数额,则公司应按照各C系列优先股持有人和任何与C系列优先股同等级的其他种类股票(如有)持有人所持有的股份数按比例分配公司资产。The liquidation payment with respect to each outstanding fractional share of Series C Preferred Stock shall be equal t

31、o a ratably proportionate amount of the liquidation payment with respect to each outstanding share of Series C Preferred Stock. All payments for which this Section 3(a) provides shall be in cash, property (valued at its fair market value as determined by an independent appraiser chosen by the Compan

32、y and reasonably acceptable to the holders of a majority of the Series C Preferred Stock) or a combination thereof; provided, however, that no cash shall be paid to holders of Junior Stock unless each holder of the outstanding shares of Series C Preferred Stock has been paid in cash the full Series C Liquidation Preference Amount to which such holder is entitled as provided herein.C系列优先股的零散股份的清算支付等于其向对于每一股C系列优先股的清算支付的相应比例的数额。本第3节(a)规定的所有支付可以为现金、财产(以公司选择的且多数C系列优先股的持有人可合理接受的独立评估师确定的公平市场价值进行估价)或二者结合的方式;但是,除非各已发行的C系列优先股持有人应得的C系列清算优先数额已以现金全额支付,否则不可以向低等级股票持有人支付现金。(b)A co

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