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外贸英语函电Unit 18.docx

1、外贸英语函电Unit 18Unit 18 Acceptance of a ClaimIntroductionThe following structure is recommended in writing such a letter:1A positive openingNo matter whose responsibility it is,it is not advisable for the writer to reject the complaint or claim promptlyInstead,the writer should open the letter by refer

2、ring to the complaint or claim,expressing apologies or assuring the reader of his immediate attention to the matter in discussion.2Explanation for how to settle the matter in discussionIf the writer admits his company is in error and is willing to take responsibility,he should express his willingnes

3、s directly and inform the reader how he is planning to settle the problem.In case the writer cannot accept the complaint or claim for some reason,he should provide detailed reasons for his doing so and propose other alternatives to settle the problem.3A positive closeUsually,the writer chooses to en

4、d the letter by expressing his expectation for an early settlement of the complaint or claim or his willingness to cooperate.Notice:All claims,whether justified or unjustified,should be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated.Terms Used in Making Complaints (索赔常用词汇):a justified claim有充分理由的索赔an e

5、quitable settlement公平解决 an impartial judgement公正判断bags torn袋子撕破bundles burst捆带松散conciliation和解调停to compensate partly部分赔偿 to help one get out of the mess帮助排除纠纷 to offset the difference抵消差额to raise an objection提出抗议to resort to arbitration诉诸仲裁to resort to litigation打官司to settle the case amicably友好解决to

6、stretch a point通融让步to tackle the problem properly适宜地处理问题 to view the matter in a proper light正确地对待问题to withhold business找出妥协办法Chinese Versions of the TextsSample Letter 敬启者:贵方2004年11月5日的来信及一份报告书均已收到。对于贵方由于包装砂糖的麻袋质地低劣而遭受的损失,我们甚感歉意。一接到贵方的来信,我方便立即过问此事,并要求我方实验室对麻袋的承受力进行严格测试。结果发现,我方实验室的检测结果与报告书所述完全一致:麻袋不

7、结实,承受不了100公斤的重量。根据检验结果,我方同意向贵方在新加坡的客户进行赔偿,随函附上由中国银行签发的第112/YS 447号汇票一张,金额为542.50美元。请将此汇票转交给贵方客户,届时请他们将正式收据寄来。谨 上Sample Letter 敬启者:收到贵方 7月 12日来信,得知我方运送的台灯由于包装不当,货到时有损坏。我方运送给贵方的货物其包装与同类货物的包装并无不同之处。我方还是第一次受到收货人的投诉。我方相信,损坏是这批货在运输途中由于意外情况所致。因此我方对货损不负责任。但考虑到完全由贵方承受损失,似有不公,故建议损失由双方共担,望贵方能接受这一建议。谨 上Sample L

8、etter 敬启者:首先让我对您购买我方产品,并接受我们的服务表示感谢。我们的副总裁李先生已授权我负责解决你的问题。他一再强调使具有您这样身份的客户感到满意的重要性。我立即命令我方在贵国的代表调查你方困境并送交一份详细报告以便我们能立即采取令人满意的措施。我意识到上述初步措施可能不能使您感到宽心,不幸的是您的特殊问题极其少见,我们以前从未遇到过这种情况。此事或许要花些时间,但我们会尽快解决。谨 上New Words and Expressions1owing to由于,因为We are sorry to inform you that owing to the unexpected bad w

9、eather,the delivery will be delayed by two days.很抱歉告知贵方,由于天气状况不佳,货物运送将延误两天。Owing to our joint efforts,the task was fulfilled ahead of schedule.由于我们的通力合作,比原计划提前完成了任务。2issue vt.签发,发行We only accept cheques issued by the Bank of China.我们只接受由中国银行签发的支票。The Central Bank will issue the 5th set of Renminbi n

10、ext month.下月中央银行将发行第5套人民币。3pass on 转交Please pass on our sincere apologies to your customers in your country.请向你方在贵国的客户转达我们的真诚歉意。Certainly I will pass on your regards to all the staff in the company.我一定会将你的问候转达给公司全体员工。4look forward to 期待The buyers look forward to punctual delivery of the contracted g

11、oods.买主们期待着已订购的货物能够按时交付。We are looking forward to having your early reply.我们期待着贵方的早日答复。5consignment n.寄售的货物,委托代销的商品As desired,We agree to ship our 500 pieces of bicycles to you on consignment.按照你方要求,我们同意以寄售的方式发给你们500辆自行车。You may sell the consignment at the prevailing market price.你们可按市价销售这批货物。6needl

12、ess to say 不必说,不言而喻Needless to say,after the business season,the toy market is bound to decline.不言而喻,旺季过后,玩具市场行情必定会下跌。Needless to say,we shall look favorably on any suggestion that will increase efficiency.不用说,我们将积极考虑任何有助提高效率的建议。7be responsible for 对负责After the check-up,we think the shipping company

13、 should be responsible for the damage of the goods.经过检查后,我们认为船运公司应该对货物的损坏负责。Keys to ExercisesComplete the following sentences.1We have reached an agreement with the buyer on the following terms(按以下条款).2The case number is wrong,which led to you taking the wrong delivery(导致你方提错货),we are deeply sorry.3

14、The short shipping was due to the error of our packing staff(是由于我方包装人员的错误造成的).4If you have the machines returned(如你们退回机器),we will make necessary repair,and let you have them in their best condition.5In view of the long business relations between us(鉴于我们双方的长期业务联系),wed like to settle the matter amicab

15、ly.6We have made thorough investigation(我们已进行了深入的调查),the only reply was that the labels had been mixed.7We have been exporting spice for many years,all our spices have gone through strict inspection before export(我们所有的香料在出口前都经受过严格的检验).8We are sorry to learn from you that some of our food has gone de

16、teriorated on arrival at the port of destination(我们发货中的一些食物在到达港口时已腐烂变质).9We can not accept your claim unless you will send us the papers which show exactly the condition when the goods reached you(精确说明货物到达你处时的状况).10We would like to assure you that all possible steps will be taken to avoid such thing

17、s happening again(我们将采取一切可能的措施来防止此类情况再次发生).Choose the best word or phrase from the box to fill in each of the following blanks,change the form where necessary.Dear Sirs,Damages on 20 Bags of WheatWe have just received your letter of September 11 together with a copy of Survey Report No.223 issued by

18、 the SCIB and have given it our prompt attention.We are very regretful to learn that 25 of the total 80 bags wheat supplied to your order No.477 arrived broken and seriously damaged by seawater.However,we are not the party to be blamed.According to the B/L ,it is clearly noted that all the wheat was

19、 packed in perfect condition when they left here.Therefore,the breakage must be due to the rough handling in transit.Under the circumstances,we are apparently not reliable for the damage and would suggest that you contact the shipping company or the insurance company concerned for settlement.Anyhow,

20、we thank you for placing this before us.Yours faithfully,Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1你方索赔须有充分的证据。 2由中国商品检验局出具的检验报告将作为最后依据,对双方都有约束力。 3今天航空邮出3000美元支票一张,以支付你方500磅短重索赔。 4本着友好精神,同意接受你方的全部索赔。 5得悉运送给你方的订货中货物损坏颇多,令人失望,使你们失去一月份销售时机,对此深表歉意。 67月14日来函收悉,得知由“红旗”号轮所运送的货物,其中两箱到达时已损坏,对此深表歉意。 7你方

21、3月11日电传中提到茶具到货受损,我们异常惊讶,因在发货前已同往常一样小心地予以包装。 8我方货物因运输途中受损而接到投诉还是首次。 9显然是发生了差错,以致错发了货。 10我们再一次把你方的剪样同我方所提供的布料样品进行了比较,发现它们的质量完全一致。Choose the best answer to fill in each of the following blanks.1As arranged,we have effected insurance C the goods 110% of the invoice value All Risks.Aof,at,withCon,for,aga

22、instBfor,in,againstDto,at,over2It is important that your client C the relevant L/C not later than April 15,2004.Amust openCopenBhad to openDopens3The goods D shipped already if your L/C had arrived by the end of last December.Awould beChad beenBmust have beenDwould have been4The buyer suggested that

23、 the packing of this article A improved.AbeCwould beBwas to beDhad to be5If we had a sample in hand,we A to negotiate business with our end-users now.Awould be ableChad been ableBshould haveDshould have been able6 A your needs,please write to us with your specific enquiries.AShould these new product

24、s suitBHad these new products suitedCIf these new products would suitDIf these new products were to suit7If your business with us had been carried on to our satisfaction,we A to renew the agency agreement.Awould have agreedCshall agreeBhad agreedDalready agreed8Please inform us C the tendency of you

25、r market.AForCofBinDwithTranslate the following letter into EnglishDear Sirs,Please refer to your claim No.202 for a short weight of 1,200 kg.Chemical Fertilizer,we wish to express our much regret over the unfortunate incident.After a check-up by our staff,it was found that the packing bags of some

26、30 bags were not strong enough,thus resulting in the breakage during transit,for which we render our apologies.In view of our long-standing friendly cooperation,we will make the payment by cheque for $ 3,300 into your account with the Bank of China,upon the receipt of your agreement.We hope that the arrangement we have made will satisfy you and look forward to having your further orders.Yours faithfully,

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