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七年级英语外研版小学起点上Module1 Unit3 学案.docx

1、七年级英语外研版小学起点上Module1 Unit3 学案初一英语外研版(上)学案Module 1 Nice to meet you 一、学习目标:1.单词和短语:meet , first ,English , student , too , city , England , write , be from , years old , twenty-nine , Chinese , teacher 2.交际用语:1) My names 2) Nice to meet you .3) Where are you from ?4) How old are you ?3. 语法:1) be 动词(a

2、m , is , are )的用法。2)人称代词的主格。二、重点及难点: 1) be 动词(am , is , are )的用法。2) 中英文姓名的区别。三、学习步骤:Unit 3 Language in use .一)知识点回顾与学习1、be(am / is / are) 动词的用法。am 只能跟在I后面 I am ,is 跟在第三人称单数he she 后面 she is / he is / it is ,are 搭配you,单数,复数都用,you are / we are / they are 。含有 be 动词的简单的陈述句,否定句,一般疑问句。 1) 陈述句:This is my ba

3、g. 这是我的包。 2) 否定句:含有 be(am / is / are) 动词的句子如果变否定句,就是在 be 动词后面加 not This is not my bag. 这不是我的包。 3) 一般疑问句:含有 be 动词的句子,如果变成一般疑问句,就是把 be 动词提到句子的前面,大写。 Is this your bag? 这是你的包吗?2、Im not from England and Im not English . 我不是来自英国,我不是英国人。当表示某个国家的人时,可用:Sb. + be from +国家或Sb. + be +国家的人. eg : 1) 他是英国人。He is fr

4、om England . He is English .He is an Englishman . 2) 李雷是中国人。Li Lei is from China . Li Lei is Chinese .3) 露西和莉莉是美国人。Lucy and Lily are from America .Lucy and Lily are Americans .3、对中西方姓名结构的了解:比较中国人的姓名和英美人姓名的不同。首先要弄明白“姓名”的意义区别:full name全名family name姓;given name 名first name 姓(在中国);名(在英语国家) last name名(在中

5、国);姓(在英语国家)。即:In English, first namegiven name,last namefamily name;In Chinese,first name = family name,last name = given name。二)自主学习A. Look at the pictures in Activity 2 and complete the sentences . Sam , 12 , England , Class 1 Helen , 13 , America , Class 1 Wang Dong , 13 , China , Class 31. Sam _

6、 years old and he _ from _.2. Helen_ from England. She _ from _.3. _ Wang Dong from England ? No , he _. He _ from _.4. Helen and Wang Dong _ 12 years old. They _ years old.5. _Sam and Helen in Class 3 ? No, they _. They are in Class _. Wang Dong _ in Class 3.Answers :1. is twelve , is , England 2.

7、isnt , is , America 3. Is , isnt , is , China 4. arent , are thirteen 5. Are , arent , are , One , isB. Complete the table with these words.America , Chinese , English China2. _England1._American3. _Answers :1. Chinese 2. America 3. English三)合作学习A . Ask and answer .1.Whats your name ? 2. Where are y

8、ou from ? 3. Nice to meet you . 4. How old are you ? 5. What class are you in ? B. Talk about you and your friend to your group.Im Liu Bing. Hes my friend , Zhang Hai . Im 12 years old . Hes 13 years old . Were Chinese and were in Class Two.C. Match the words with the picturesread books sit down sta

9、nd up write on the blackboard D. Ask and answer about the people in the pictures . David Beckham , England , English , twenty-nineJackie Chan , China , Chinese , fiftyBritney Spears , America , American , twenty-threeE. Introduce yourself. Ask and answer with a partner.Hello , my names Im years old

10、Im from Whats your name ? How old are you ? Where are you from ?四)达标学习A、用be动词的正确形式填空1.Ann _ in Class Three. She _ good at English.2. A: _ you Sam? B: No , I _ John.3. Where _ Tony from? 4. I know his parents _ teachers.5. We _ not from England, but we can speak English.6. There _ some bread in the f

11、ridge.7. There _ many people in the park.8. What _ your favourite food?Answers :1. is , is 2. Are , am 3. is 4. are 5. are 6. is 7. are 8. isB、完成下列句子。1、你来自何方?_ are you _?2、我今年十三岁。Im _ _ old.3、他们是好朋友。 They _ _ _ .4、她姓张 His _ _ is Zhang .5、我来自美国,是一名英语教师。 Im _ _ and _ _ _ teacher .Answers :1. Where , f

12、rom 2. thirteen years 3. are good friends 4. family name 5. from America , Im an English C、根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空格处填入正确的词,使短文意思完整。T_1_ is No.1 Middle School . WangHui is in this s_2_ . She is thirteen years o_3_ . She is in C_4_ One , Grade Seven . She has two good f_5_ . Ann and Betty . Ann is from E_6_ ,

13、 she is English . She is thirteen years old , t_7_ . Betty is f_8_ America . She is twelve years old . T_9_ are in the same class . They are good friends . They all like C_10_ very much .Answers :1. This 2. school 3. old 4. Class 5. friends 6. England 7. too 8. from 9. They 10. China课题Module1 Unit3

14、Language in use课型Revision and application时间使用班级学生姓名小组名称学习目标知识目标:be动词的用法能力目标:掌握英美国家在姓名上与中国的不同。情感目标:说话时要尊重对方的习惯。学习关键介绍自己及朋友,正确使用be动词。学习过程:预习导航:请你试着用be动词的适当形式填空。1. What _his name? 2.His family name _ Miller.2. Her name _ Jenny. 4.I_ Jim. You _ Bob.5.His telephone number _ 5352375.精彩课堂: Language practic

15、e(语言练习)Im a teacher and Im Chinese.Hes my friend. Were students.Are you a new student? They arent English.探究:1.be动词的用法:_1 be动词在很多时候可以和前面的单词缩写:_Activity1.Talk about you and your friend to your group. (在你的小组里谈论你和你的朋友) Im Liu Bing.Hes my friend,Zhang Hai. Im 12 years old.Hes 13 years old.Were Chinese a

16、nd were in Class Two.Activity2.Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. (看图完成句子)Sam,12,England,Class1 Helen,13,America,Class1 Wang Dong,13,China,Class31.Sam _ _years old and he _ from _.2.Helen _ from England.She _ from _.3._ Wang Dong from England?No, he _.He _ from _.4.Helen and Wang Dong

17、_ 12 years old.They _ _years old.5._Sam and Helen in Class3?No,they_.They _ in Class_.Wang Dong _ in Class 3.Activity3.Complete the table with these words(用这些单词完成表格) America Chinese EnglishChinaEnglandAmericanActivity4.Match the words with the pictures(将短语与图画匹配) read books sit down stand up write on

18、 the blackboardAround the world(世界各地) Family name Given nameIn Chinese, the family is first and the given name is last.Family name + Given nameIn Englsh,the given name is first and the family name is last.Given name + Family name Chinese name:Yang Liwei Yang is the _,Liwei is the_English name:David

19、Beckham David is _,Beckham is_Module task Introduce yourself to your new friends.模块任务 向你的新朋友做自我介绍Activity5.Work in pairs.Ask and answer the people in the picture. (结对练习。就图画中的人物进行问答练习)见课本Activity6.Introduce yourself.Ask and answer with a partner. (做自我介绍。与同伴进行问答练习)Hello,my names . Im . years old. Im f

20、rom.Whats your name? How old are you? Where are you from?达标测试题一 单项选择1.“Im Peter Smith.”“Oh,Smith is your _.” B.first name C.last name2.Tony is a boy. _ last name is Brown.A.His B.Your C.My3.“_.Whats your name?”“Rose Brown.”A.Hi B.Oh C.Excuse me4.His name is Tony Henry William.His _ name is Hen

21、ry.A.first B.middle C.last5.In English,the family name is the _ name.A.first B.last C.full二汉译英1.读书_ 2.写在黑板上_ 3.一名新生_4.姓_ 5.名_ 6.我的朋友_7.他的英语老师_ 8.看黑板_英语学案七年级(上)第4课时课题预备级Module2 Units1-2课型New单位主备人学习目标1.知识目标:掌握双元音/ / / / /以及句型What is this ? What are these ?及其回答。2.能力目标:能用所学音标读出单词,能在日常生活中运用所学句型。3.情感目标:通过

22、音标与句型的学习,培养学习英语的兴趣。重难点掌握双元音/ / / / /句型What is this ? What are these ?及其回答。教学活动Step1. 音标学习1.认读下列音标/ / / / /读音要领:双元音不难读,会读单就会读双,前滑后要连贯,前要重后要轻先试读,再小组探讨,最后听老师领读纠正读音。2.读出下列单词,注意划线部分的字母以及字母组合。cake make day wait grey / bike nice fly my try / boy toy oil point / go home coat show know /how house now our /St

23、ep 2 . Listen and read .(Look at Activity 课本第八页,看活动1、2、3、4,根据所出示的图片读单词,模仿下列对话,同桌之间练习。A: Whats this in English ?B: A desk.A: A desk?B: Yes, a desk. /No,sorry.A pen.Step 3 . Write and say in groups .(Look at activity 5.6)课本第九页,看活动5、6,补全内容,并在小组内做如下对话练习。Li : Huang: Whats this in English ?Huang

24、: A pen .Li : A pen?Huang : Yes . Whats this in English ?Song : Its a bag .Huang : A bag ?Song : No, its s desk .Wang,?Wang : .(像这样小组内成员轮流问答)Step 4 . Listening 1. Listen and say 课本第十页,看活动1、2。听录音跟读,然后同桌之间做对话。2. Listen and match .课本第十页,看活动3。听录音把单词与图片对应连线,小组内探讨答案。3. Listen and number.课本第十一页,看学生活动7 。听录音

25、排序,小组订正答案。Step 5 . Play games : 用下面的词同桌之间相互做说、指游戏。 head hair ear eye nose arm hand mouth leg . Step 6 .Write .( Look at Activity 5) 1. 课本第十页,看活动5,用下列词填空,小组内纠正答案。a an are is these this its what1.What this ? -This is arm .2. What is ? Its hand .3. What these ? are feet .4. is this ? hair .Step 7. 拓展延伸

26、1. 对照找不同 A :- whats this ? -It is a hand . B : - What are these ? - They are hands .总结: 延伸 :this (反义词) that these (反义词) those用that those 做对话。(注:对Whats this / that ?的回答应是:Its . )2.观察两处找用法。This is a hand . This is an arm . This is a tree . This is an umbrella .小组探讨后总结:a 用于 音素之前,an 用于 音素之前。3. 随堂小练:1.Li

27、ly is lovely girl. 2.I have good friend.3.There is “o” in OK. 4.There is “u” in cut.5.I have umbrella.当堂达标检测一找出与该组划线部分读音不同的一项。1.( )A .take B. cat C. may D. okay2. ( ) A. bye B. like C. hi D. happy3. (). go B . not C .know D. okay4.( ) A. know B. now C. brown D.down二单项选择填空。1.( )-Whats this ? - .A. This is a bag . B . Thats a bag . C. Its a bag . D. I am a bag .2.( )-What are these ? -They are .A. foots B.arm C. hairs D. mouths3.( ) -What are these ? - hands .A. It B. Its C. They D. They are 4.( )-What are these ? Arms ? - . They are legs .A.Yes , they are B. No, it

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