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1、译林版小学英语四上Unit5Ournewhome第一课时storytime教案教学内容Unit5 our new home (Story time)教材版本译林版教学课时共 4 课时 第 1 课时课 型语篇教学教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读home, bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, sofa, fridge, table, clock.2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会初步运用句型Wheres the/my? Where are the/my? 并会用Its 和Theyre来回答。3. 能理解故事大意并有感情地朗读。4. 敢于想象,大胆表达,能自信

2、大方的表演,并能正确评价自己的语言学习。教学重点1. 阅读、理解文本,并能体会故事的surprising ending。2. 能认读理解新单词和句型。教学难点能流利准确地朗读单词和句子,并进行表演。教学准备PPT,图片,导学案修注栏Step 1 Enjoy a songT: Its time for our English class. Im ready. Are you ready?S: Ready.T: OK. Now lets sing a song in my home. Try to follow the music and try to sing, OK?S: OK.师生看动画尝试

3、跟唱。T: Boys and girls, do you like this song? S: Yes.T: Me too.【设计意图】利用歌曲引入本课情境,帮助学生集中注意力。Step2 Lead inT: Whats the song about?S: Home.T: Yes. Bingo! Youre so clever. Its about home. Look, today our friends Su Hai and Su Yang have a new home.T: o here pronounced /u/, 带读home。T: Look at their new home,

4、 what do you think of their new home?S1: Its very beautiful.S2: Its nice.S3: Its big.S4: Its lovely!Step3 Pre-reading1. 1. Learn the new words about rooms.T: T: Its very big and beautiful. I think so. Look, there are eight in it. Who can read this new word, r-o-o-m, who can read it?S1: Room.T: Yes,

5、-oo- pronounced /u:/, 带读room.T: Its ready big, because there are eight rooms in it. Can you guess what rooms do they have? You can say Maybe they have, They haveS1: Maybe they have a kitchen.T: Look at here, i pronounced /i/, kitchen. Who can read it? (听录音一遍,跟读三遍)S1: Kitchen.T: Read after him/her.T:

6、 What other rooms do they have?S2: Living room.T: Yes, you can read it very well. They really have a big living room. Now S2 read it again. Lets read after him/her.Ss: Living room.T: Clever. OK. We also call this room sitting room.S3: Maybe they have a bedroom.T: How many bedrooms do they have?Ss: T

7、hey have three bedrooms.T: Yes, they have three bedrooms. Look, the big one is for Mum and Dad, two small ones are for Su Hai and Su Yang. Oh, look, in each bedroom, there is a bed. So we call it bedroom, who can read it?Sx: Bedroom.T: Follow him/her.T: What about the others home?S4: Maybe they have

8、 a bathroom.T: Yes, bathroom. They can take a bath every day. a here pronounced /a:/.T: What about the last one?Ss: Dining room.T: Here i pronounced /ai/. Dining room.T: Oh, look, this is Su Hai and Su Yangs new home, they have a living room, a bathroom, a kitchen, a dining room and two bedrooms.T:

9、Can you remember their rooms now? Ss: Yes, I can.T: OK. Lets play a game about it. Try to say what you see. You should look carefully and try to say it quickly and loudly, OK?Ss: OK.T: Are you ready?学生看图片快速说出单词。2. Learn the new words about household things.T: This is their new home. Its really nice.

10、 Oh, today is a sunny day, Su Hais family want to move to this new home. Wow, theyre coming. What can you see?S1: I can see a sofa.T: What about you?S2: I can see a clock.T: You try.S3: I can see a fridge.T: What else?S4: I can see a table.T: Yes, in their home, they have a clock, a table, a fridge,

11、 a sofa and two chairs.教师边说边将物品贴在黑板上。T: Who can read it?S: fridge.T: Good! I here pronounced /i/, fridge. 跟读T: Who can read it? S: Sofa.其他学生跟读。T: Yes, they have these things and they want to put them in their home.(教师在黑板上张贴大房子)【设计意图】直接进入本课的主题,借助图片和动画,在师生的问答互动中教学本课的房间和家具新词,帮助学生从音形义的角度感知、理解单词。3. Ask a

12、nd answer Where the household things areT: Lets look, where are these things? Wheres the sofa?S1: Its in the living room.T: Is it in the living room? Is he/she right?Ss: Yes.T: OK. I will stick the sofa in the living room.T: Where are the chairs? There are two chairs, so we can say Theyre in theS2:

13、Theyre in the bedroom.T: Who can help me stick it?T: What about the fridge? There is only one fridge, so we can use Where is? Who can try?教师请一个学生上台,其他学生问:Where is the fridge?该生回答:Its in the kitchen.并把冰箱贴在正确的位置。.【设计意图】借助黑板上的图片场景,在游戏中,让学生初步感知where的两个不同句型,并尝试运用。Step4 While-reading1. Look and answer.T:

14、Yes, we put the things in the right place now. These thing are big, so we can find them easily. But there are some personal stuffs. Do you know personal stuffs? Such as the skirt, sweater, cap. They are small, so what happened? Lets see.T: What happened? You can say Chinese, never mind.(引导学生观察苏海和苏阳的

15、表情)S1: Su Hai 找不到她的短裙了。S2: Su Yang 找不到她的包了。T: Yes, they cant find their things.(板书cant find) Su Hai cant find her skirts. Su Yang cant find her bag. So if youre Su Yang, you cant find your bag, what can you say?S1: Wheres my bag?T: Different ideas? What else can you say?S2: I cant find my bag.S3: Wheres my yellow bag?T: If youre Su Hai, what will you say?T: Now if youre Su Yang, what will you say?S1: Where are my skirts?S2: I cant f

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