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1、第11章 包装讲义Section 1 The Parts of a Packing letter Introduction of Packing1、The Types of Packing Packing is usually classified into two categories: Transportation packing(outer packing)and Packing for sale(inner packing)2、The Kinds of packing marksPacking marks are classified into three categories: Sh

2、ipping marks, Indicative and Warning marks The Parts of a Packing letter* The opening part has one paragraph where to express thanks for the previous letter and introduce the matter of packing.* The second part is where to state in detail the packing instructions for the goods ordered. If necessary,

3、 the reasons are given here.* Express the hope for the addressee to make a response as quickly as possible.Section 2 Common Patterns The paint is usually supplied in tins of 10 kilos net, four tins to a crate.通常涂料每桶净重10公斤,每箱装4桶。 In view of precaution, please mark “Fragile” and “Handle with Care” on

4、the outer packing.为预防起见,请在外包装上注明“易碎”和“小心轻放”的字样。 The goods must be packed in plastic bags before they are put into the cartons. This is of primary importance.商品必须用塑料袋包装之后再装入纸箱,这是最为重要的。 The packing should be in line with local market preference.包装应该符合当地市场偏好。 For the sake of precaution, the cartons mus

5、t be secured with metal bands.为预防起见,纸箱必须用金属带捆绑确保安全。 Please line the containers with waterproof material so that the goods can be protected against moisture.请用防水材料做容器里衬,以免货物受潮。 Cartons are comparatively light in weight, they are much easier to handle in the course of loading and unloading.纸箱分量较轻,更便于货

6、物的装卸。 In international standard grain sacks,20 sacks in a container.用国际标准粮食袋装,每集装箱装20袋。 The consignment of books is packed into two cases, each weighing about 100kg.将书装入两个箱子,每箱重100公斤。 We must take measures to reinforce the packing so that it can be strong enough to withstand rough handling.我们必须采取措施加

7、固包装,使其能够承受野蛮装卸。 Fountain pens are packed 10 pieces to a box and 300 boxes to a wooden case.自来水钢笔10支装一盒,300盒装一木箱。 Sports jackets in polybags are packed in cartons of 10 pieces each.运动款夹克衫先装入塑料袋重再用纸装箱,每箱10件。 We propose neutral packing instead for these goods, and expect your acceptance.我方建议这批货物改用中性包装,

8、希望同意。 Can you make some improvement in the packing? This is our design of the packing for your reference. It will probably help push the sales.可否在包装上做些改进?这是我们的包装设计,供参考,它有可能有助于推销商品。 Owing to faulty packing, several of them arrived in such a bad order so that we were compelled to dispose of them at gr

9、eatly reduced prices.由于包装不良,致使部分货物到达时毁坏严重,我们不得不大幅削价处理。 Section 3 Sample LettersNotes(一) mark n. 标志shipping marks 运输标志,装船唛头 warning marks 警告性标志indicative marks 指示性标志Warning Marks should also be stenciled on the outer packing. 警告性标志也应刷在外包装上。mark v. 在上加标志,标上Please mark the carton with our initials as p

10、er the drawing given.请按所给图样给箱子标上我方缩写名称。 Trip Scissors 旅行剪刀 state v.t. 说明,声明We believe we have repeatedly stated the importance of packing.我们相信我们已经反复说明了包装的重要性。Please make us an offer, stating the earliest date of shipment.请报盘,并说明最早船期。Partial shipment is not allowed as stated in the L/C. 按照信用证规定,不允许分装

11、。 dimension n. 物品的长,宽,高;尺寸Please specify the dimensions of the packages. 请说明包件的尺寸。 volume n. 体积,容积 cubic meter 立方米 square meter 平方米 gross weight 毛重 net weight 净重 tare weight 皮重gross adj. 毛的A persons gross income is the money they earn before tax is deducted from it.一个人的毛收入就是他在扣税之前赚的钱。She earns 30,00

12、0 a year gross. 她每年的毛收入是3万英镑。gross national product (GNP) 国民生产总值 gross domestic product (GDP) 国内生产总值net adj. 净的,纯的Gross for Net 以毛做净She earns 30,000 a year gross, but her net income is about 24,000.她的毛收入是3万英镑,但纯收入也就是2万4千英镑左右。 in addition to 除之外,并且,此外In addition to Cotton Piece Goods, we have silk fa

13、brics available at present.除了棉布外,我们目前还有丝绸织品供应。In addition to this order, we would like to order 50 tons. 除该订单外,我们想再订购50吨。 initial n. 起首的字母;initials(pl.)名字的起首字母缩写BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司WTO = World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织CCPIT = China Council for Promotion of International Trad

14、e 中国国际贸易促进委员会 diamond n. 菱形其它常见形状有: rectangle 长方形 triangle 三角形 square 正方形 circle 圆形parallelogram 平行四边形 trapezoid 梯形 ellipse 椭圆形 heart心形 stencil v. 用模板刷制(唛头)We will stencil the shipping marks in strict accordance with your instructions.我们将严格按照你方指令刷制唛头。Please note that warning marks like “Stow Away Fr

15、om Heat” etc. should be stenciled on the outer packing.请注意,警告性标志象“远离热源”等应刷在外包装上。 Handle With Care 小心轻放 Keep Dry 保持干燥 indicate v.t. 说明,表明Information indicates that the market is advancing. 有消息表明行情正在上涨。We regret being unable to reduce our price to your indicated level.我们抱歉不能把价格降到你所指明的水平。 to the best o

16、f ones ability 尽某人最大努力We will settle this problem to the best of our ability.我们将尽力解决这个问题。We will improve our packing to the best of our ability.我们将尽力改进包装。to the best of ones 就某人最大的To the best of my knowledge, the goods are arriving next week.就我所知,货物将于下周到达。Notes(二) requirement n. 要求,需要;需要之物We have no

17、ted your requirement of samples and catalogues.我们已注意到你们需要样品和商品目录。We can meet your requirements for (or: of ) grape wine.我们可满足你方对葡萄酒的需求。 beer glass 啤酒杯 refer v. 谈到,涉及(to);参照;提交We refer to our letter of Oct. 12, 2010. 兹谈及我方2010年10月12日的去函。Referring to your request in your letter, we enclose a copy of o

18、ur latest catalogue.应你方来信要求,现随函附寄我方最新目录一份。As regards the claiming procedures, please refer to Appendix Two.关于索赔程序,请参照附件二。Should friendly negotiations fail, we shall refer the case to arbitration.如果友好协商不能成功,就将该案提交仲裁。We are glad to refer you to a local dealer of high quality bamboo shoots.我们很高兴将你推荐给当地

19、一个优质竹笋经销商。reference n.with/in reference to 关于,谈及,相当于referring toWith reference to the complaints in your letter of May 14th, we assure you that we will give the matter our serious attention.关于你方5月14号来信之投诉,我们保证将严肃对待。We have made all possible inquires with/in reference to the integrity of the firm you

20、 mentioned.关于你提到的公司的信誉,我们已做了最大程度的调查。Reference is made to 兹谈及, 是make reference to 的被动语态,用于句首。We make reference to your delay in shipment. 我们谈一谈你方延误装运的问题。Reference is made to your proposal of cash payment. 兹谈及你方现金付款的建议。 cardboard carton 纸板箱 fragile adj. 易碎的As porcelains are fragile, we insure them wit

21、h a franchise of 3%.因为瓷器是易碎物品,我们按3%的免赔率投保。 advisable adj. 适当的,明智的As the market is advancing, we deem it advisable for you to accept our offer without further delay.因为市价上涨,我们认为你方立即接受我方报盘是明智的。 make it clear 说明,明确Weve made it clear that the goods under S/C No. 123 should be shipped by direct steamer.我们

22、已明确说明销售合同123号项下的货物应用直达船装运。We think it necessary to make it clear that the outer packing is strong and seaworthy.我们认为有必要明确外包装应坚固并且适合海运。 pack v. 包装,打包Our usual way is to pack these goods in cartons.我们通常用纸箱包装这些货物。We require walnuts to be packed in double gunny bags.我们要求核桃用双层麻袋包装。packing / packaging n 包

23、装The packing must be seaworthy. 包装必须适合海运。inner packing 内包装 outer packing 外包装neutral packing 中性包装 seaworthy packing 适合海运的包装export packing 出口包装 packing list 装箱单 “in ” 用某容器包装,用某种形式包装 Cement should be packed in double kraft paper bags. 水泥要用双层牛皮纸袋包装。 “in of each”或 “in , each containing ” 用某容器包装,每个容器装多少 M

24、ens shirts are packed in cardboard cartons of 10 dozen each. 男式衬衫用纸板箱装,每箱十打。 The goods will be packed in iron drums of 25 kg net (each ). 货物用铁桶装,每桶净重25公斤。 “in of each, to/in ” 用某容器包装,每个容器装多少,若干小容器装于一大容器中 Pens are packed in boxes of a dozen each, 100 boxes to a wooden case. 钢笔要用盒装,每盒装一打,100盒装一木箱。“ to

25、/in a , to/in a ” 多层次包装时可用此句型 Candles are packed 20 pieces to a paper box, 40 boxes to a carton. 蜡烛每20支装一纸盒,40纸盒装一纸板箱。 Cotton socks are packed each pair in a plastic bag, 100 bags to a carton. 棉袜每双装一个塑料袋,100袋装入一个纸板箱。package n. 包装物,包件(packing指的是包装的方式,package指的是包装之后的物品)Upon examination, it was found t

26、hat 10% of the packages were broken.经检验发现,10%的包装破损。 instruction n. 指示,要求Please inform us of your shipping instructions so that we may make arrangements accordingly.请告知装船要求,以便我方照此进行安排。We have received instructions from our Head Office to postpone execution of the order.我们收到总公司的指示,推迟执行订单。instruct v. 指

27、示,通知Please instruct your bank to make necessary amendment to L/C No. 123.请指示银行对信用证123号进行必要修改。We will instruct our warehouse to release the goods upon receipt of your remittance.一俟收到你方汇款,我们将通知仓库放货。 lest conj. 免得,以免The wooden cases must be bound with metal straps lest they are broken during loading an

28、d unloading.木箱必须用铁箍捆扎,以免在装卸过程中破损。 in transit 在运输途中Goods should be packed in cartons to avoid any possible damage in transit.货物必须用纸板箱包装以避免运输途中任何可能的损坏。There is no doubt that breakage occurred in transit.毫无疑问破损发生在运输途中。 The boxes are to be padded with foamed plastics. 纸盒内要垫上泡沫塑料。foamed plastics泡沫塑料,又称作p

29、olystyrene(英), Styrofoam(美,注册商标) apart from = except 除之外You have no reason to cancel the contract apart from this minor one.除了这个微不足道的理由之外,你们没有理由取消这个合同。Apart from the salary/Salary apart, its not a bad job.除了工资较差之外,这份工作还是不错的。 withstand v. 顶得住,经受住Cases should be strong enough to withstand rough handli

30、ng.货物必须足够坚固,以经得起粗鲁搬运。Please note that your packing must be able to withstand the long sea voyage.请注意你方包装必须能经受长途海洋运输。 rough handling 粗鲁搬运,野蛮搬运The damage is apparently due to rough handling in transit.损坏显然系由运输途中的粗鲁搬运所致。 in perfect condition 状况完好in good condition 状况良好 in poor/bad condition 状况不好The good

31、s were in perfect condition when they left here, and the damage evidently occurred on the voyage. 货物离开此地时完好无损,损坏显然发生在运输途中。We trust that the goods will reach you in perfect condition.我们相信货物将完好抵达你处。Notes(三) concerning prep.(略正式)关于Ive had a letter from an African customer concerning the demand for Chinese green tea.我收到了非洲一个客户的来信,关于求购中国绿茶一事。Enclosed please find our latest price list concerning the main exports we handle at present.兹随附最新的关于我方目前经营的主要出口商品的价格

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