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1、8下5单元教案1Unit5 If you go to the party,youll have a great time课型:新授;执笔: 审核: 年级:八年级 时间:2009-3-12单元目标:1、 学习转述2、 重点单词: hard-working ,report card ,can do better ,speaking ,listening ,average ,surprise .句型: What did your math teacher say ?He said he could speak three languages .3、重难点:1、新的词汇和习语。2、个人Report c

2、ard 的写作。3、直接引语转换间接引语中,注意一些关键动词的变化和人称代词的变化。Period one SectionA 1a-1c【学习目标】1、 学会转述他人的话(直接引语变间接引语)。2、 关注直接引语和间接引语的时态。3、 文中的重点短语词汇与表达运用 文中的重点短语词汇与表达运用 教学内容教师活动学生活动time教学反思课堂导入1、ask: what do you do on weekend? 2、listen and give a check3、检测一部分同学的预习效果。再根据学生情况进行下一步1、give the answers 2、a student ask: what di

3、d MR.QIAO say?3、another student answer: He said2Groupwork1、write down the direct speech andReported speech2、ask more questions【注意用不同时态】3、write down the sentences4、抽查学生归纳情况,并强调1、 观察学习上面句型。注意转述中人称与时态变化。2、 Answer the questions by asking others3、 根据黑板板书句子,小组探究直接引语和间接引语的时态及人称4、 小组归纳3351a 1 、ask the four

4、questions on book on page 26【检测学生预习情况】2、write down the important words3、ask the key words and sentences the check(学生预习情况)4、倾听学生对话,及时把握课堂反馈1、answer2、朗读对话1,小组类讨论加深对转述的了解与掌握3、finish the second dialogue4、make new dialogue like 1c2342pairwork1、巡视与点拨1、小组讨论存在的问题。在听课后,针对自己在预习中或者是在课堂中仍然存在问题进行探究5课堂小结倾听与评价,并稍做

5、提点布置下节课复习预习任务回顾、梳理本节课所有知识2练习1、观察调控课堂,2、给出答案3、评讲与点拨并及时评价1、独立完成练习2、小组长核对答案并评上等级3、听老师讲解并作好笔记4、回忆自己错误的地方10问题回顾指点与强化1、清理本节课知识要点及自己在练习中犯的错误5板书设计:Period one SectionA 1a-1cUnit5 If you go to the party,youll have a great timeKey words:Direct speech and reported speechQuestions and answersHard-working soap op

6、eraHave a surprise party mad at sbOn Friday nightMother: I dont feel well.【Direct speech 】Father: What did your mother say?Son: She said she didnt feel well. 【reported speech 】Thecher: I am going to visit chengduS1: what did teacher say?S2: he said he was going to visit chengdu.【注意】1、人称根据语境变化2、时态 Di

7、rect speech reported speech 一般现在时态 一般过去时态 一般将来时态 过去将来时态 小组进行时态 过去进行时态:课后反思:Unit5 If you go to the party,youll have a great time课型:新授;执笔: 审核: 年级:八年级 时间:2009-3-19Period Two SectionA2a-2c【学习目标】1、 学习条件状语从句在在特殊疑问句中的运用从听说方面加强对条件状语从句的训练2、 运用一定的听力技巧,完成听力练习3、 文中的重点短语词汇句型的表达与运用 教学内容教师活动学生活动time教学反思知识回顾(课前准备)1

8、、指导学生回顾课前预习中的重点难点及其存在问题1、回顾预习内容,为新课教学做好准备2回忆导入Ask students some questions1、I think I am going to visit HongKong.2、I want to make some food for our class.3、make more sentences about “study for the test,organize,play party game.4、teach new words again【检测学生预习,同时导入听力】1、say: If you do,youll have a great

9、time.1. say: If you do,youll have a great time.2. Say more 4、study new words5、give an answer What will happen if .?8听说领先(同时也分部检测预习效果)进行听说练习New lesson 2a/2b1、give a sentence and underline, then ask students ask2、 My mother will be angry if I copy others homework。3、 ask students to practice then look

10、around to help them4、 paly tape1、 read the sentences 2、 partice in pair 3、 act4、 listen and finish 2a/2b5、 read P89(2a/2b)10口头练习2c1、 tell students a sentence and write: class is a good place to study Spring is a good time to studyAsk:Where is a good place to play basketball? When is a good time to r

11、ead English? 2、听,归纳学生反馈情况,以便决定在下面的环节是否强化1、理解a good place to study这种表达方式2、read twice3、answer the questions4、practice more in group then act in class5、read together5课堂小结1、倾听与评价,并稍做提点布置下节课复习预习任务1、 小组内回顾、梳理本节课知识2、 个人提醒全班重点知识,其他人倾听4回忆练习1、观察调控课堂,2、评讲与点拨并及时评价1、独立完成练习2、听老师讲解并作好笔记、小组长核对答案并评上等级4、回忆自己错误的地方10既是

12、练习也是回忆,评讲时注意联系的引导问题回顾指点与强化1、清理本节课知识要点及自己在练习中犯的错误5回忆与梳理知识,形成体系课后清理监督与评价默写本节课重要知识回忆课堂板书设计:Period Two SectionA2a-2cUnit5 If you go to the party,youll have a great timeKey wordsQuestions$answers课后反思:Unit5 If you go to the party,youll have a great time课型:新授;执笔: 审核: 年级:八年级 时间:2009-3-19Period Three Section

13、A3a-4【学习目标】1、 运用转述完成完型。2、 正确运用动词及其从句时态,为掌握宾语从句奠定坚实的基础。3、文中的重点短语词汇与表达运用 教学内容教师活动学生活动time教学反思导入1、ask two more question.【运用一般现在时态与将来时态】2、重点强化与提示1、Tne ask others2、The other give the answers 2New lesson and check【3a】1、ask ss fill in the blanks【检查学生预习情况】3. write down key words4. give key word to ask ss ma

14、ke dialogue Marcia : Lana:Ben:Lana:1、 give the words they given2、 practice the key sentence in group3、 learn the key words4、 make a dialogue123b writing1、 give a story1、write what people said5Group work【4】评价1、 Role play2、 自己相互纠错课堂小结倾听与评价,并稍做提点布置下节课复习预习任务回顾、梳理本节课所有知识2练习1、观察调控课堂,2、给出答案3、评讲与点拨并及时评价1、独立

15、完成练习2、小组长核对答案并评上等级3、听老师讲解并作好笔记4、回忆自己错误的地方15问题回顾指点与强化1、清理本节课知识要点及自己在练习中犯的错误5板书设计:Period Three SectionA3a-4Unit5 If you go to the party,youll have a great timeKey words:Events and datesQuestions and answersNot.anymoreBringto/fomWill-wouldDrinks and snacksYoung livesAfter allOn Friday nightI will go to

16、 Marcias house on Friday nightLana side I would go to Marcias house on Friday night课后反思:Unit5 If you go to the party,youll have a great time课型:新授;执笔: 审核: 年级:八年级 时间:2009-3-19Period Three SectionA3a-4【学习目标】4、 学会转述他人的话(直接引语变间接引语)。5、 关注直接引语和间接引语的时态。6、 文中的重点短语词汇与表达运用 【学习过程】【课前准备】1、翻译下列词组,(在上面的横线上翻译,在下面的横

17、线上写上你由该词联想到的单词词组)并在教材中勾画,试着运用词组造句(原句也可以)An exciting week(意思) however 造句: 联想: Do homework project pass sth to sb Pass on work on be supposed to do sth at the bus stop 2、根据短文及首字母提示完成单词。It was an e_ week for the people in the soap opera “Young Lives”. F_ of all, Marcia told Ben she was having a s_ part

18、y for Lana, and that Lana t_ she was going to her house to study. Then Lana _ Ben she w_ mad at Marcia, and that she w_ going to her house on Friday. So Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to h_ a party for her. Lana told Ben that she wasnt mad at Marcia a_, and that she w_ go to Marcias house on Fr

19、iday night. H_, Marcia called everyone and t_ them that she wasnt going to have the party.3、按要求完成句子(你能在原文当中找到这些句子哦)1 why, where, know, you Lily, return, and, it, it is, wants, didnt, to(连词成句)_2 were, at, supposed, the, meet, you, to, bus stop(连词成句)_通过预习你还有哪些问题?你认为还有哪些重要的知识考点,请补充在下面的横线上。 Unit5 If you

20、 go to the party,youll have a great time课型:新授;执笔: 审核: 年级:八年级 时间:2009-3-19Period Four SectionB 1a-2c【学习目标】1、运用转述,对自己进行评价。2、能从听力中获取相关信息,练习听力技巧先从从图片获取信息;从文章中辨别异同,先进进行对比性,有针对性的进行听说训练。3、文中的重点短语词汇与表达运用 be good at, do well/ok in, lazy, you can/should do better, Spanish, excellent教学内容教师活动学生活动time教学反思导入1a1、a

21、sk: Are you hard-working? Ask another: How about you? 2、ask:what did he say? Ask another: What dou you think of youself?1、 answer: Yes/No2、 say: I am(not)hard-working3、 another ss give reported speech4、 practice 1a3New lesson 1a1、ask them check 1a1、finish 1a according to themselves21b pairwork1、 lis

22、ten to ss and evaluate(评价) I think you are pretty good.1、evaluate themselves inclass2Listen2a/2b1、what does he/she do? 2、listen to the differences that ss say3、player tape and check answers1、know the job of the perasons2、say the differences in the four report cards3、listen and finish 2a/2b4、check th

23、e answers and read after recorder together15课堂小结1、倾听与评价,并稍做提点1、小组合作解决个人存在问题2、个人回顾、梳理本节课所有知识2练习1、观察调控课堂,2、给出答案3、评讲与点拨并及时评价1、独立完成练习2、小组长核对答案并评上等级3、听老师讲解并作好笔记4、回忆自己错误的地方15问题回顾指点与强化1、清理本节课知识要点及自己在练习中犯的错误5板书设计:Periode four Sectionb 1a-2cUnit5 If you go to the party,youll have a great timeKey words:Import

24、ant sentencesQuestions and answersbe good at,do well/ok in,lazy, you can/should do better, Spanish, excellentA:I am(not)hard-workingB:what did he say?C:He said he was(not) hard-workingB、really?I think you are 课后反思:Unit5 If you go to the party,youll have a great time课型:新授;执笔: 审核: 年级:八年级 时间:2009-3-19P

25、eriod Four SectionB1a-2c【学习目标】7、 学会转述他人的话(直接引语变间接引语)。8、 关注直接引语和间接引语的时态。9、 文中的重点短语词汇与表达运用 【学习过程】【课前准备】1、翻译下列词组,(在上面的横线上翻译,在下面的横线上写上你由该词联想到的单词词组)并在教材中勾画,试着运用词组造句(原句也可以)Be good at(意思) lazy 造句: 联想: Do better in report card Spanish excellent 2、理解例句并试着模仿1. What did your history teacher say? 2. Ms Mendoza

26、said I was good at speaking. 3. Youll have to try harder at science. 通过预习你还有哪些问题?你认为还有哪些重要的知识考点,请补充在下面的横线上。 Unit5 If you go to the party,youll have a great time课型:新授;执笔: 审核: 年级:八年级 时间:2009-3-19Period Five SectionB 3a-4【学习目标】1、文中的重点短语词汇与表达运用 in good health end-of-year exam get nervous envelope have a

27、 hard time with disappointing result my listening was good Hows it going? I hope that . I am sorry to hear that Mom and Dad send their love2、带着问题到阅读中去寻找相关信息3、学会用英语表达自己的一些想法,转述他人对自己的评价,与人分享自己的哀乐。4、能模仿写作告诉他人自己的学习情况和他人对自己的评价教学内容教师活动学生活动time教学反思导入1a1、 ask: Hows it going?2、 Were is the letter from/to?3、

28、Whats wrong with Alans grandpa?4、 Where do Alans parents live? How do you know?【检测对3a的预习情况,及时给出评价】Answer all the questions quickly3New lesson3a1、构建文章框架结构问候:Hows it going? Grandpa 介绍自己情况:总述(things are fine here)-期末考试后等待成绩的心情-成绩单报告【science(worst)find excuse to explain; history(could do better);math(good news,hard-working);spanish(listning was good)】-end2、write all key words and sentences on the blackboard1、 Give the answers to each step by reading text2、 Read the detail of each step3、 Read all steps again in class4、 Report 3a

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