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1、四六级翻译 1、 孔子【翻译原文】孔子(Confucius)是中国历史上影响最大、最受尊重的哲学家。Confucius is the most influential and respected philosopher in Chinese history从公元前100年到20世纪早期,孔子的理念是唯一一种极大影响中国社会的思想。His ideas have the most powerful and sole influence on Chinese society from around 100B.C. till the early 20th century.孔子本人从未写下任何箴言(te

2、achings)。Confucius never wrote down any of his own teachings.如果不是他的弟子不辞劳苦记下他的谈话和言论,今天孔子将是无名之辈。But for his disciples who took the trouble to record his conversations and discourses, Confucius would have been a nobody today.孔子的言论在中国广为流传时,因其言论包含正确的哲理,人们接受了他的言论,历朝历代都将其确立为官方思想。Being widespread across Chi

3、na, people accepted the teachings of Confucius for their sound principles, and all successive dynasties made them the official state ideology.儒家思想影响了中国的方方面面,包括教育、政府、公共和个人看法以及礼节。Confucianism then affected everything in China including education, government, public and private attitudes, and etiquette

4、. 2、 故宫翻译词汇:故宫 the Imperial Palace紫禁城 the Forbidden City天安门广场 Tiananmen Square长方形 rectangular建筑面积 floor space现存 in existence上朝 give audience处理 handle世界文化遗产 World Cultural Heritage故宫,又名紫禁城,为明清共二十四位皇帝统治中国近500年的皇宫。The Imperial Palace, also called the Forbidden City was the palace where the 24 emperors

5、of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled China for roughly 500 years.它位于北京市中心,在天安门广场的北侧,形状为长方形。南北长960米,东西宽750米,占地72公顷,总建筑面积达15万平方米。The Imperial Palace is located in the center of Beijing, on the northern side of Tian an men Square, rectangular in shape, 960 meters from north to south and 750 meters wide

6、 from east to west, with an area of 72 hectares and a total floor space of 150 000 square meters.故宫是世界上现存规模最大、最完整的古代木构宫殿。Its the worlds largest and most integral palace made of wood in existence.它分为外朝和内廷两部分,外朝是皇帝上朝处理国家大事的地方,内廷是皇帝和皇室的居住地。The Forbidden City is divided into two parts: the outer court a

7、nd the inner court. The outer court was the place where the emperors gave audience and handled state affairs, while the inner court was the living quarters for the emperors and their families.1987年,故宫被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产。In 1987 the Imperial Palace was listed by the UNESCO as one of the World Cultural

8、Heritage sites.3、方言【翻译词汇】方言 dialect必修课程 compulsory course依据 judging factor支持 approve消失 extinguish文化多样性 cultural diversity弘扬 enhance个性 identity争论说 contend绝对的 absolute引起 give rise to/bring forth考试标准 examination standard不可缺少的 indispensable自愿地 voluntarily学习 acquire翻译原文:最近,一些地方大学开始将方言列为某些学生的必修课程,学生们要学习当地

9、方言,然后被评分以作为毕业的依据之一。Recently, it has been practiced by some local universities that dialect is made a compulsory course for some students, under which students are subject to learning the local dialect and then graded as one of the judging factors for them to graduate.一方面,支持此种做法的人认为,将方言列为必修课可防止其消失,从而

10、使当地传统文化和文化多样性得以弘扬,同时城市独特的个性得以保留。On the one hand, people approving the practice maintain that it will help to prevent the dialect from extinguishing so that the local traditional culture and the cultural diversity can be enhanced, and the unique urban identity can be preserved simultaneously.另一方面,反对此

11、种做法的人争论说,当地学生与外地学生相比有很多绝对优势,因此将方言列为必修课会引起教育不公平的问题。On the other hand, people in opposition to the practice contend that it will give rise to the appearance of educational inequality, for the local students will enjoy absolute advantages over those from other places.而且,将方言列为必修课程还会引起一些其他问题,如教材使用、师资问题和考

12、试标准等。Moreover, the inclusion of dialect in compulsory courses will bring forth other problems like teaching material, teachers and examination standards.在我看来,方言作为传统文化不可缺少的一部分和一种交流工具,可以让学生自愿学习和使用,而不是强制完成。As far as I am concerned, dialects, as an indispensable part of local traditional culture as well

13、 as a tool for communication, can be acquired and used voluntarily, not compulsorily.4、奢侈品【翻译词汇】大规模消费时代 an era of mass consumption追求物质生活 pursue material life购买力 purchasing power因此 therefore奢侈品 luxury占 account for市场份额 market share从来讲 in regard to炫耀性消费 conspicuous consumption炫耀 show off与相关 be associat

14、ed with社会关系 social tie中国市场经济的发展而迅速增长。因此,那些追求物质生活的人们只要有购买力,就不可避免地会购买奢侈品。As China has achieved new heights in its economy and recently entered an era of mass consumption, the purchasing power of Chinese people is rising along with the development of market economy.Therefore, it is inevitable that peop

15、le who pursue material life buy luxuries as long as they can afford.一项报告显示,中国的奢侈品消费总额占全球市场份额的四分之一,且位居世界第二,仅次于日本。According to a report, the total consumption of luxuries in China accounted for a quarter of the global market share and ranked second in the world after Japan.然而,从消费观念方面来讲,很多中国的消费者还处在“炫耀性

16、消费”的阶段,这是一种不健康的状态。However, in regard to consumption concept, a large number of Chinese consumers are still in the stage of “conspicuous consumption”, which is unhealthy.奢侈品不应该是炫耀的手段,或者是与权力、财富和社会关系相关的标志。Luxuries should not be the tools of showing off or signs associated with power, wealth and social

17、ties. 5、古训翻译原文:中国自古就有“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”的古训(maxim)。There has been an old maxim“Cultivate the mind, and then regulate the family, state and world”since ancient China.齐家指的便是成家立业,成家不能没有自己的一套房子。Regulating the family refers to getting married and starting ones career. However, getting married cannot come true

18、 without a house.因此,房子成为中国人有家、有归属感的重要标志,并深人人心。Therefore, it is deeply rooted in Chinese peoples mind that house is an important signal of home and gives them a sense of belonging.房子在人们观念中的重要地位,使得房子不仅仅是居住环境的体现,更是个人身份的体现。His importance attached to house makes house both a symbol of living environment

19、and a symbol of individual status.根深蒂固的传统观念和强烈的的家的归属感,吸引着都市生活中这样一群忠实而又执着的“买房族”。The deeply rooted traditional concept and strong sense of belonging attract many loyal and persistent people in the city to join the group which struggles to buy a house.也可以说,中国的房价之所以一路飙升与中国人的购房观念是密不可分的。You could say the

20、soaring price of house in China is closely related to Chinese peoples idea about house.选秀(draft),指选拔在某方面表现优秀的人。A draft refers to a procedure during which people who perform well in a certain aspect are picked out.中国自古就有,古代选秀一般是宫廷选秀。从2004年超级女声开始,大众选秀节目开始进入我们的视线,这类几乎“零门槛(zero of threshold)”的选秀活动让所有人都有

21、机会成为明星。In ancient China, there were also drafts which generally referred to court drafts. From the year 2004 when Super Girl was on, talent show programs began to come into our sight. Such kind of nearly“zero threshold”talent show offers everyone an opportunity to become popular.之后的好男儿、快乐男声、我型我秀还有中国

22、好声音等等选秀活动一一登场,几乎一刻都没有让中国的电视观众闲着。Later, there came My Hero, Super Boy, My Show and The Voice of China. As these talent show programs appeared one by one, Chinese TV audience hardly had time to rest.通过这些选秀活动,很多有才能的 “平民百姓”实现了自己的梦想,走上了星光大道(avenue of stars)。Through these talent show programs, many talent

23、ed “ordinary people”realized their dreams and stepped on the avenue of stars. 6、占座占座现象是大学校园内的普遍现象,甚至已经发展成一种不成文的规定,一种“潜规则(a hidden rule)”。Occupying a seat is common in universities. It has even become an unwritten rule and a hidden rule.无论是在教室、食堂还是图书馆,凡是座位资源相对稀缺的地方,都不难看到占座的现象。Anywhere where seats are

24、 relatively rare, be it classroom, canteen or library, occupying a seat happens.对于这种现象的出现,人们各持己见,褒贬不一。People differ in their opinions about this phenomenon. Some agree while some disapprove of it.学校的座位资源有限,这已经是人尽皆知的事实。It is a widely-known fact that seats on campus are limited.在同学们面临期末考试、司法考试、英语四六级考试

25、等诸多考试压力的同时,还要腾出精力去占座,使忙碌的学习生活平添烦恼。Under huge pressure of examinations like the final examination, judicial examination, CET-4 and CET-6, students have to spare time to occupy a seat, which makes busy studying life more disturbing. 7、打车打车难已经成为大城市人们生活中较为普遍的问题。城市人口规模的扩大,人类社会活动的不断多元(diversification)化都增加

26、了对出租车的需求。随着城市交通拥堵状况不断加剧,为避免堵车影响收人,上下班高峰时段很多司机不愿意跑拥堵路段和主城区,导致市民在一些交通枢纽、商业中心、医院附近很难打到出租车。城市建设影响了出租车的使用效率。出租车行业不规范,拒载行为屡屡发生,这也是导致打车难的人为因素。参考译文:It has been a common problem in large city residents life that its hard to take a taxi. The increase of urban population and diversification of social activitie

27、s make the demand for taxi rise. As the traffic jam becomes worse in cities,to guarantee personal income, many taxi drivers refuse to drive on busy roads and main urban areas, which makes it difficult for many citizens to take a taxi near some transportation junctions, commercial centers and hospita

28、ls. City construction affects the efficiency of taxi. Being not standard in the taxi industry and taxi drivers often refusing to take passengers are the human factors that make it difficult to take a taxi. 8、助人为乐翻译原文:助人为乐,是中华民族优良传统之一。通过“助人”,既向别人提供了帮助,又体现了一种自尊。帮助他人要摈弃私心杂念,不能处处为个人利益着想。遇事要多替别人考虑,主动伸手帮助

29、那些需要帮助的人。做到助人为乐,要偷快面对生活,不能自寻烦恼。在帮助别人的同时,自己收获快乐,享受生活的乐趣。做到助人为乐,要积极行动起来,不能只说不做。要脚踏实地(be down-to-earth),热情周到地为他人服务,哪怕是简单的小事,也要从一点一滴做起。参考译文:Being ready to help others is one of the fine traditions of Chinese nation. By helping others,one not only offered help to others, but also expressed one kind of se

30、lf-respect. To help others, one should give up selfishness and shouldnt consider his own interest all the time. Think more of others and initiatively give a hand to those that need help. To be ready to help others, one should live happily and avoid asking for trouble. When helping others, one can ge

31、t happiness at the same time and enjoy the pleasure of life. To be ready to help others, one should take action actively instead of just saying it. Be down-to-earth, and offer service to others with passion. Even for the simple things, just start doing them bit by bit. 9、翻译原文:红楼梦由曹雪芹和高鹗所著。小说以贾氏家族为故事核心,描述了贾家从一个富裕、有权有势的家族沦落为破落家庭的过程。小说成功塑造了100多个经典人物,他们分属于清朝的不同阶层。红楼梦对中国的封建社会有深刻的描绘,如果要了解中国人复杂的价值观,最好先能读懂红楼梦。 毛主席评价道:“红楼梦不仅是爱情故事,也是历史故事,因为它描述了封建时代的兴败。”【翻译词汇】红楼梦 A Dream of Red Mansions由所著 be attributed to家族 clan富裕 affluent权势 prestige沦落为 descend to塑造 portray阶层 rank封建社会 f

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