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1、电影安德地游戏Ender27sGame英文台词When I understand my enemy well enough to defeat him, then in that moment, I also love him.-A.E.WigginEnder Wiggin: Fifty years ago, an alien force known as the Formics attacked earth. Tens of millions died. It was only through the sacrifice of our greatest commander that we a

2、voided total annihilation. Weve been preparing for them to come back ever since. The International Fleet decided that the worlds smartest children are the planets best hope. Raised on war games their decisions are intuitive, decisive, fearless. I am one of those recruits. Colonel Hyrum Graff: I watc

3、h through his eyes, I listen through his ears and I tell you, hes the one.Major Gwen Anderson: Thats what you said about his brother.Colonel Hyrum Graff: Brother tested out impossible for other reasons, nothing to do with his tactical abilities. Bernard: I gotcha! I gotcha!I dont know I will go wher

4、e! Go back!Colonel Hyrum Graff: Hes gonna crash him.Bernard: Come on! You cant do that!Ender Wiggin: Youve got to use whats around (surrounds) you.Bernard: No, no, I had you all the way through the belt! (I know I had you ought to do it with the belt.)E: You miscalculated your(new) trajectory relati

5、ve(out) to the incoming asteroid. Bernard: Dont lecture me, Wiggin! You cheated( it).E: It was a good game. Thanks. Bernard: Hey! Play again.E: Sorry, tomorrow maybe?Graff: You see? Hes got a talent for strategy.Anderson: His humility could be false, part of a strategy to avoid antagonizing an (evil

6、) ego-driven opponent. Graff: which makes him even smarter. Anderson: He may be a genius, but we need someone the others will follow, a leader. He cant win on his own.Graff: Lets see how he handles rejection.Ender Wiggin. Andrew Ender Wiggin. Please report to the infirmary. Ender Wiggin, to infirmar

7、y. Doctor: Hello Ender!Ender: Hello.Doctor: That nasty monitors coming out today. Please, lie face down. E: Am I off the program? Did I do something wrong?Doctor: Thats not really for me to say. Lie down. The sooner we get this done, the sooner you can move on. Ready? Thats wont hurt a bit. Bernard:

8、 Where do(are) you think(ing) you are going, Wiggin? Washed out, huh(m)? Come on! Get him in there! Come on!Ender: Youre expectingBernard: Come on, cheat. One on one, for(a) real this time. No game!Hes got no monitor now!Bernard: Thats right! No ones watching you now, Wiggin.E: One on one? Then why

9、are your boys (are) holding me?Bernard: Lets go!E: Come on, man! Stay down!Bernard: Im gonna kill you, cheat!Boy: Take it easy, Ender!Ender: You might be thinking of ganging up on me, but just remember what I do to people who try to hurt me. E: (Its) He said I was cheating, (so)said thats why I was

10、off the program, and I kept on kicking him.Valentine Wiggin: It doesnt matter. Ender: even after(that) he was down.Valentine Wiggin: He will never bully you again.Ender: All (that) I could think was, what would Peter do? Im just like him Val(now).Valentine Wiggin: No, no, you are nothing like him, E

11、nder.Peter Wiggin: Nothing like whom?Valentine: I thought you had a game.Peter: Rained out. Whats he crying about?Ender: Im not crying. My monitors gone. Now Im just like you.Peter: You mean that (know) mom and dad spent all that (put our) money on a (the) Third, now hes off the program too?V: Stop

12、it, Peter. He made it farther than(You made a bother on) either of us.P: Hey, dropout. (He dropped out.) Remember how to play Formics and astronauts?V: Thats it! Wheres mom?E: No, dont! Ill play!P: Put the mask on. You can be the bug.V: Peter, youre insane(sick)!P: Stay out of this(there), Valentine

13、!V: No! Stop it!P: Alright, bug, you started it, you attack first. V: Let me in!P: Come on! Come on, fight back! At last we got one of you alive. (Last we go when you are alive!)V: Peter, Stop!P: You know I could (can) kill you just like this?E: Peter Please!P: I should have been (be) chosen!Deep sp

14、ace Intel (IF recent test) shows us the (a) number of enemy ships (are) already deployed(employed) is (. Its) ten times those we faced during the first invasion. The Formics are rebuilding and strengthening (stretching) their fleet. We must conquer or die.Theresa Wiggin: Turn it off, please, John.Jo

15、hn: Why? (If) Youd rather not to know whats going on in the world?We must never again bear witness to the laughter of tens of millions of innocent people as we did (every day) during the Formic invasion.Mom: Id rather you talk to your son.Our survival demands total commitment to the destruction of t

16、he enemy.Ender: If you want, I will go away, so you dont have to be embarrassed. V: Ender, no one is embarrassed.E: Im a Third. I should never have been born.M: No, we wanted you, Ender. We just need permission. John, please say something!J: Its a tough program, Ender. When they brought (propped) me

17、 to this country, there was less competition, and still, I didnt make it. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing.Sensor alert. (Censor alarm,) front door. Please state your name.Graff: Colonel Hyrum Graff, director of training (in) International Fleet. This is my colleague, Major Anderson. May w

18、e?Anderson: Whyd (do) you keep kicking him? Youd already won the fight. Did you enjoy it?Ender: No!John: Then why? Speak up, son!Ender: Knocking him down was the first fight, I wanted to win all the next ones too, so theyd leave me alone.Mom: Ender, (Then do) you should have (feel to) asked a grown

19、up for help?John: Nonsense! He can fight his own battles. Colonel, he was obviously being bullied and he defended himself. Graff: Son, Id like to offer you a place in our program. Ender: But you took away my monitor. Andrew: The final step in our evaluation is always to see what happens when the mon

20、itors removed.Mom: And he passed? He put a child in(to) the hospital.Graff: Its not what he did; its why he did it. It was tactical, a strategy to stop future attacks.Mom: Ender, you dont have to do this.Graff: Ender and I should have a private conversation.John: Absolutely not!Graff: With(To) all r

21、espect, sir, you really cant stop me.Graff: The Formics might have wiped us out the last time, you know? A brilliant commander is the only thing that saved us.Ender: Mazer Rackham.Graff: Mazer Rackham. We need minds like yours, Ender. Young people integrate(整合) (can degrade) complex data more easily

22、 than adults.Ender: Will the monitor be reinstalled?Graff: No. Youre graduating(ed) to battle school, privacy rights restored. (So) If theres a chance that because of you the Formics might leave us alone forever, then I have to ask you to come with me. Ender: Its(Thats) what I was born for, right?En

23、der: Valentine was too compassionate for battle school. My brother Peter washed out because he was too quick to (to create) violence. Colonel Graff said I need to find a balance between those two emotions if I were to succeed.Graff: Join the others.Anderson: Go on.Bean: Youre late!Ender: Out of my c

24、ontrol. Im Ender. Bean: Ender? What kind of name is that?Ender: Whats your name?Bean: My names Bean.Ender: Bean?Bean: Grew up on the streets. Not worth a bean? (Crop on the streets, not with the bean?)T-minus 10 seconds and counting. T-minus 5 seconds and counting. Four, three, two, one.Alai: Im gon

25、na be Bean: Bag! Give him the bag!Boy: Are you serious, man?Graff: Close the bag! Are you all right? What are you doing, Wiggin?Ender: Nothing, sir.Graff: Something funny? I asked you a question, launchie!Ender: Sir, the way you are floating, horizontal, I thought that was funny.Graff: Really? Why?E

26、nder: Because in zero gravity, there is no right side up. You may think youre vertical and we may be horizontal.Graff: Is that funny?Sir, no, sir!Graff: Yes, it is. Alai, you know whats hes talking about?Alai: Yes, sir. Graff: No, you dont. Theres only one kid on this launch with any brains at all s

27、o far, and its Ender Wiggin.All the arrivals follow the yellow lights to your accommodation, the yellow lights.Ender: Sir, you made them hate me.Graff: I told them you are the best. We need a Julius Caesar, a Napoleon.Anderson: We hope that will be you.Ender: Caesar was assassinated by the people he

28、 trusted.Anderson: and Napoleon lost in the end.Graff: Not before he conquered the known world. Dismissed!Ender: Yes, sir!Anderson: He has a complicated response to authority. He wants to please the overbearing father figure (play the overbearing in farther figure), but resents a lack of reciprocate

29、d (the like of the super kidded) affection.Graff: His (This) isolation can never be broken. He must never believe anyone will help him. Bernard: Oh, look! This is the smart ass!Ender: Thanks! (I) Thought Id have to ask to be by the door.Speak your name.Ender: Ender Wiggin.Sergeant Dap: Dont freeze y

30、our balls(bones), kid!Attention on deck!Sergeant Dap: At ease! Listen up, launchies! My name is Sergeant James Dap. Ask me a legitimate (gentlemans) question, and I will give you a direct answer. But if you are looking for a shoulder to cry on, use a (the) pillow! Do I look like Im joking, snots (sn

31、arks)?Sir, no, sir!Sergeant Dap: Good! You are to work as a team. You will (are) all (to) make this bunk room your home. You will keep your home clean. There are separate showers for both sexes. If you are found in an area not designated to your gender, I will personally neuter you. Am I clear?Sir,

32、yes sir!Sergeant Dap: Classs in five. Follow the yellow lights. Yellow like (light,) your cowardly selves (yourself).Sir, yes sir!Graff: Welcome to battle school. A great responsibility rests upon each of you. When the enemy first invaded, we were not ready. Millions of innocent lives were lost. That must never be

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