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1、四六级英语能源环保类UseUtilize/bestow/employ policy/strategy AvailableEnoughample, sufficient, plentifulGasGasolineFreewayExpress wayService stationAddFuel my carCharge my mobile phone bill.CharacteristicsHow are you?Everything goes smoothly. Thanks a bunch, and u?My Chinese name is Yinshen, you could call me

2、 Sunny for instead.I am still on my way.Poor limitedEconomic prosperous/boom crisis =recession /depression/ fiascoKey important/core/significant/vital/indispensibleSolely/merely/only/the oneEverything goes smoothly. Thanks a bunch, and u?Cheers I am still on my way.My English is limited.AdaptAdept=s

3、killful/sophisticated/experienced Adopt measure Carry out/implement Go DutchMy treatCover the bill.Pay the bill.Food Safety Milk powderMelamine Illegal recycle cooking oilCyber SecurityLocalization GlobalizationDeficitInfrastructure FacilityEquipment DeviceStatesmanPoliticianPolicymakerGovernor Offi

4、cer PresidentPrimerPrime ministerChancellor 2MinisterVice-Deputy-revaluation devaluation (currency)inflation通货膨胀 deflation (purchasing power) 通货紧缩favorable balance 顺差 adverse balance 逆差 (international trade) useutilize bestow employ strategy/ tacticmaximize time=make full use of timeladies and gentl

5、emen, may I have your attention please?DrawScant clothesShabby Social networkRelationRelationshipAffairDomestic civil violence Foreign StateNationEconomies Sino-us MandarinFar EastPublic healthClassificationAcute diseaseChronic Epidemic Endemic Contagious BronchitisPneumonia HypertensionFluMalaria疟疾

6、Cholera 霍乱Typhoid 伤寒Sores in the mouthBird flu avian influenzaSwine fluSARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)SmogMaskSuffer fromStubborn headacheCosmopolitan Air pollution Pressure Housing pricesPurchase propertyAnt tribe Over-crowded Traffic jam congestionTake public transitBMW (bus metro walk)Lea

7、d attitude SARS situation; statistics Suspected case Confirmed caseDetectionQuarantinetreatmentReportingTertiary industry education General Head chefChiefWe believe It is universally accepted thatwe think It is universally acknowledged that.Trace back toDate back toCredit cardMasterVisaIn the red=po

8、or=bankruptcy=deficitIn the pinkBlueBlue stocking=female scholarBlue blood Blue moon=rareBlue movie =pornCapital punishment letterJob hoppingJob hunting RichWealth scionStar scionInnovationTeam work spirit (corporation) Community spirit (dedication) Stock 股票Listed companyShare 股份ShareholderStake 利润J

9、oint-stake =interest公司CompanyCooperationFirm Joint ventureGiantLady on the shelveBachelor Blind dateweakness Pollution污染AlleviateRelieveNitrogen 氮气Hydrogen 氢气Oxygen 氧气Environmental planning 环境规划/ Environmental administration环境管理Administration feeTuition Intuition SchemePollution prevention Preventio

10、n and control 防治Rising of sea level 海平面升高Deforestation 森林砍伐Extinction of species 物种灭绝Endanger Destruction/deterioration of ecology 生态恶化Destruction of ozone layer 臭氧层破坏Greenhouse effect 温室效应Acid rain 酸雨Desertification of land 土地沙漠化Uncontrolled urbanization 城市化失控Overcrowded Traffic congestion=jam Take

11、 public transitBMW=bus metro walkLabor forceMigrant workersPrior toLiving standard Ant tribe 蚁族/蜗居Housing condition 住房条件 Medical care医疗Education 教育Allocation Imbalance Purchase propertyDown payment LoanMortgageAffordWaste/polluted water/gas 废水/废气Residue 废渣White pollution by using and littering of no

12、n-degradable white plasticsThrowaway bio-degradable plastic bag可降解的一次性塑料袋Light pollutionOrganic pollution有机物污染Uncontrolled urbanization 城市化失控Refuse landfill 垃圾填埋场Conservation of water and soil水土保持 water and soil erosion水土流失Smog 雾霾Sand storm 沙尘暴Afforestation project 造林工程Wind/sand breaks 防风/沙林Develop

13、and utilize renewable resources开发和使用可再生能源With/at ease Pain killer Ease ones pain Alleviate relief unease 采取。措施 take actions 当今世界,环境保护已经成为各国政府和各界人士共同关心的话题。过去10年,海平面上升,森林砍伐的速度都是前所未有的;生态恶化、物种灭绝,臭氧层破坏、温室效应、酸雨、土地沙漠化等一系列问题已经严重影响了人类的生存环境和身体健康 Heated topicIssue 1.currently, environmental protection has beco

14、me the common issue that concern the governments of all the countries and people from all walks of life. During the past decade, sea level has risen and forests have been destroyed at an unprecedented rate. A series of problems, namely, the deterioration of the ecosystem, the extinction of bio-speci

15、es, damage to the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect, acid rain and desertification have posed a serious threat to peoples environment for survival as well as to their physical health. Diversity据预测,未来25年全球人口将由60亿增长到80亿,环境污染面临更大的压力,解决环境与发展的问题面临着重重困难1. It is estimated that with the global population e

16、xpected to increase from 6 billion to 8 billion over the next 25 years, environmental protection faces/confronts bigger pressure, and many problems remain to be resolved in striking a balance between economic development and environmental protection.2. According to estimation, the next 25 years will

17、 see/witness the increase of the global population from 6b to 8b, environmental protection faces/confronts bigger pressure, so does the solution of problems between environment and development.3. According to estimation, the world will see/witness the increase of its population from 6b to 8b over th

18、e next 25 years, environmental protection faces/confronts bigger pressure, so does the solution of problems between environment and development.我国是一个发展中国家,尽管经济发展很快,但仍然面临着发展经济和保护环境的双重任务China is a developing country. Although its economy has developed rapidly, it still faces/ confronts/ is still faced

19、 with/is still confronted with the dual task of developing economy and protecting environment.Emerging economiesMature economies = developed country新三年环保行动计划涉及6大重点领域24大类约300项任务,涵盖全市水、大气、固废、绿化、农业和工业等。项目总数是第一轮的2倍多The new plan involves 6 key areas with 24 categories. They are about 300 projects which c

20、over the citys water, gas, solid waste, greening, agriculture and industry. The total amount of the projects is over twice as many as that in the first round.DoubleThe total amount of the projects over doubling that in the first roundHalve中国积极发展环境保护领域的双边和多边合作,在环境规划与管理、污染控制与预防,森林和野生动植物保护,海洋环境,气候变化,大气

21、污染,酸雨、污水处理等方面进行了交流与合作,取得了一批重要成果China has positively promoted/ conducted bilateral and multi-lateral cooperation in the field/realm/domain of environment protection.We have had exchanges and cooperation in environmental planning and administration, pollution control and prevention, forest protection,

22、 wild animal and plant protection, marine environment, climate change, air pollution, acid rain and sewage disposal. Subsequently, significant achievements have been made.Significant achievements have been made after exchanges and cooperation in environmental planning and administration, pollution control and prevention, forest protection, wild animal and plant protection, marine environment, climate change, air pollution, acid rain and sewage disposal.

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