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1、新牛津英语三年级下册教案unit6扬州市八里中心小学备课纸总 课时 第 1 课时 上课时间 教学内容Unit 6教学目标Enable the Ss to understand and say 21 words .Enable the Ss to understand and use the communicative words .Raise the Ss interest to learn English .教学重难点能在相应的情景中熟练运用上述句子。教学设计教学步骤教师活动学生活动Step1Step2Warm up Sing songs: A B C song ,Family song .

2、Say a rhyme : Its his key .Revision .1.Things for school:复习文具类单词时,教师应充分利用学生桌面上的实物,以自由谈话的形式进行问答:Whats this /that in /on ?Whats this /that in English?2.Things in a room .Play a game :Think and guess .游戏规则:学生两人一组,一画一猜,要求能用简单的线条勾画出已学过的家用类物品的部分特征。Its a /an e.g S1:Whats this?Guess ,please .S2:Is this a co

3、pybook ?S1: No, it isnt .S2: Is this a 扬州市八里中心小学备课纸教学步骤教师活动学生活动Step3Step4另一位学生猜一猜对方画的是什么。3Family members .让学生自由组合成“家庭”,向同学们介绍各位成员:This is my grandfather/grandmother 各个“家庭”成员之间互相提问:Have a rest .Play a game :抛“魔盒”第一位学生边问Is this /that a 抛出手中的“魔盒”,接到盒子的学生根据盒面呈现的物品图象作出肯定或否定地回答,继续边问边抛,以此类推。Practice .Liste

4、n to the tape and repeat .(From Unit 1 to Unit 3)Read the dialogue aloud .Look at the picture and try to act .(C Look and say)Practice the dialogue in groups .storybook ?(This is a storybook ,I think )S1: Yes ,it is .交换练习。e.g Sa : Is this your grandfather?Sb: Yes ,he is .This is your uncle ,I think

5、.Sa: No ,he isnt .Hes my father .Whos she ?Sb: Shes my aunt .扬州市八里中心小学备课纸作业设计Listen to the tape four times ,from Unit 1 to Unit 3.板书设计教学反思扬州市八里中心小学备课纸总 22课时 第 2 课时 上课时间 教学内容3bUint6Review Unit 4,Unit 5.教学目标Enable the Ss to understand and say 20 numbers .Enable the Ss to understand and use the communi

6、cative sentences .Raise the Ss interest to learn English .教学重难点教学设计教学步骤教师活动学生活动Step1Step2Free talk and motivation.Sing a song: Twenty green bottles .Free talk .教师以“Excuse me ”展开对话,充分运用Unit 1,Unit 2,Unit 3 ,Unit 4, Unit 5中的不同句型、单词进行连锁操练。Revision .1.复习数字120。a. 教师出示手语,学生根据手势快速说出相应的数字。(可以采用开火车的形式进行)b. 用

7、扑克牌或数字卡片复习数字类单词。学生编排20以内加减法算式,学生自由组合24人一组,一问一答,或一人问,其他人抢答。e.gS1:Whats one plus two ?S2: Its three /Its four.扬州市八里中心小学备课纸教学步骤教师活动学生活动Step32.Have a rest .Play a game :速记电话号码。教师将学生分成几个小组,各组派代表到黑板前进行速记比赛。教师用英语报出电话号码,要求学生写出相应的阿拉伯数字,或快速说出相应的数字。Practice .1.Look at the picture and try to act .(Unit 4 C Look

8、 and say )学生以小组为单位自选其中任意一幅图,根据图意运用所学的日常交际用语(不要求局限于本课的句型)进行小品表演,鼓励学生充分展开想象自由发挥。2教师收集学生的各类文具,自制的图片进行交际练习。e.g T: How many keys can you see ?也可采用学生问学生答的形式,练习时要注意名词复数的表现形式。3Listen to the tape and repeat .(Unit 4,Unit 5)S1: Thats right /Sorry ,youre wrong .Its three .Ss: I can see five keys .扬州市八里中心小学备课纸S

9、tep 4ENDING .作业设计听磁带,读对话。数数,顺数,倒数。(120)(201)板书设计Unit 6Review and check教学反思扬州市八里中心小学备课纸总 19 课时 第 3 课时 上课时间 教学内容Unit 6 AListen and number ,BListen and answer .教学目标The Ss can understand what they have listened .The Ss can use the words correctly .教学重难点能较熟练地在一定情景中运用以下交际用语。教学设计教学步骤教师活动学生活动Step1Step2Greet

10、ings .T: May I come in ? T: Good morning /afternoon ,boys and girls .Say a rhyme :Jack has a clock .Revision .tape knife staplercopybook storybook crayonpencilstorybook computerkeyradio bookcase fridgeTV clockTVclockk 教师板书school bag和room ,让学生围绕这两个中心词充分发挥各自的想Ss : Come in ,please .Ss: e.gschoolbagroom

11、 扬州市八里中心小学备课纸Step 3象力,说出自己知道的与此有关的单词,并分类写下来,鼓励学生主动到黑板上填写。Presentation Ask and answer 在Ask and answer的基础上完成练习A Listen and number .指导学生练习B Listen and answer .学生拿出各自准备好的小闹钟,教师报时间,学生根据听到的时间拨动闹钟上的指针。先集体练习,再指名到黑板前进行比赛。问答练习。同位同学互相配合,一人拨动指针,提问:Whats the time ? 另一个回答:Its 作业设计Copy the words four times .板书设计sc

12、hool bag room tape knife stapler computerkeyradiocopybook storybook bookcase fridge crayonpencil TV clock教学反思扬州市八里中心小学备课纸总 24 课时 第 4 课时 上课时间 教学内容Unit 6 C Look and say教学目标Enable the Ss to understand and use the communicative words .Encourage the Ss to have gook cooperationwith one another .教学重难点复习句型与

13、单词。教学设计教学步骤教师活动学生活动Step1Step2Step 1 Warm up Sing the songs : Family song .Twentygreen bottles .Revision .Touch your body .选择正确的答案填在横线上。Whats ten plus four?Its Afourteen .BsixWhats nine minus two ?Its Aeight .BtwentyWhats thirteen minus five?ItsAeighteenBeight.扬州市八里中心小学备课纸教学步骤教师活动学生活动Step3Read and ma

14、tch .Thats your uncle ,I think .You can go home , now .Whats the time now ?Time to have lunch .Presentation The T shows the wall picture .(C Look and say )Do you know who they are ?Check .Picture 1 Su Hai : May I come in ,Mike ?Mike:Comein ,please .Picture 2 Su Yang : Is she your grandmother ?Mike :

15、 Yes ,she is /No ,she isnt .Shes my Picture 3 Mike : This is my grandfather .Su Hai, Su Yang : Nice to meet you Try to act . 该吃午饭了。现在几点了。你可以回家了。我猜 ,那一定是你的叔叔。Group work .Ss discuss : What are they saying ?扬州市八里中心小学备课纸Step 3Step 4Step 5Do the workbook .Listen and respond (鼓励学生用多种不同的应答语)Listen and check .Try to act . Do the workbook .Listen and respond (鼓励学生用多种不同的应答语)Listen and check .Listen and judge .(注意指导学生听准时间)Listen and draw .Listen and draw (练习前要充分复习所学的字母)Good bye .(学生自由选择任意一幅图练习表演,不必拘泥于已学过的对话)。作业设计Copy the words.板书设计教学反思

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