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1、太阳系的奇迹1太阳帝国中英文解说词我们生活的世界充满奇迹We live on a world of wonders.它的美叫人惊叹 错综复杂又让人唏嘘A place of astonishing beauty and complexity.这里有浩瀚的海洋We have vast oceans不可思议的天象and incredible weather.还有巍峨的群山 壮美的景观Giant mountains and breathtaking landscapes.你要是以为这就是全部If you think that this is all there is,布莱恩考克斯教授以为我们的地球孤立

2、存在that our planet exists in magnificent isolation,那你就错了then youre wrong.我是物理学家 着迷于自然界的法则As a physicist, Im fascinated by how the laws of nature这些法则塑造万物that shaped all this同样也塑造地球之外的世界also shaped the worlds beyond our home planet.我觉得我们所处的时代是人类文明史上I think were living through the greatest age of discov

3、ery最伟大的探索发现时代our civilisation has known.我们航行到达太阳系最远端Weve voyaged to the farthest reaches of the solar system.我们拍摄下新奇古怪的世界Weve photographed strange new worlds,站在异域之中 品玩外星空气stood in unfamiliar landscapes, tasted alien air.而位于太阳系中心的 是其动力场And at the heart of it all is the powerhouse.是我们每天都要迎接的奇迹A vast w

4、onder that we greet each day.是一颗主宰着其域内所有世界的恒星A star that controls each and every world in its thrall.看哪Look at that!太阳The sun.如若它哪天消失了 那将会是我们真正的末日And when it goes, it really will be the end of us all.本字幕由 YYeTs人人影视 原创翻译制作仅供学习 禁止用于任何商业盈利行为 更多纪录片更新 请登陆 www.YYeT翻译:苏打水 zhanginfo applening 玖兰枢 校对:苏打水 时间轴

5、:马小样 后期:yyp 总监:Joanna 鱼骨头太阳系的奇迹第一集 太阳帝国这里是瓦拉纳西This is Varanasi.对印度人来说 全印度最神圣的地点之一For Hindus, its one of the holiest sites in all of India.它如此特别 原因之一在于Part of what makes it so special印度的圣河is the orientation of its sacred river流经此地时的流向as it flows past the city.这里是恒河唯一一处This is the one place on the Gan

6、ges可以在这一侧的河岸洗澡where you can bathe in the river on this shore并且在东岸看到日出的地方and you can see the sunrise on the eastern shore.因为恒河只有在这里Its the only place where the Ganges才转向了北方turns around to the north so you can do that.当明早太阳升起的时候When the sun rises tomorrow,一个真正的奇幻景象将要上演a truly extraordinary phenomenon

7、will take place:日全食a total eclipse of the sun.对于这个在古印度人眼中Its an auspicious occasion是太阳之城的地方 这是个吉祥的时刻for a place that ancient Hindus knew as the Solar City.科学不同于其它的思想体系Science is different to all the other systems of thought,比如在这座城市践行了数千年的the belief systems that have been practised宗教体系in this city fo

8、r millennia,因为科学不需要你来信仰它because you dont need faith in it.你完全可以去证实它You can check that it works.举例来说So, for example,我可以准确地告诉你明天早晨6点24分I can tell you that tomorrow morning at precisely 6:24 am太阳会被月亮全部遮住the moon will cover the face of the sun到时将要发生日全食and there will be a total solar eclipse.我也可以告诉你在2904

9、年I can tell you that in 2904这一年里地球上能看到五次日全食there will be five solar eclipses on the earth我还可以告诉你到2186年7月16日这一天and I can tell you that on July 16th, 2186将会发生五千年来历时最长的一次日全食there will be the longest solar eclipse长达七分钟for 5,000 years- seven minutes.太阳统治着一个庞大的星球帝国The sun reigns over a vast empire of worl

10、ds,每一个星球都如钟表般规律地运动all moving like clockwork.在它的域内Everything within its realm一切皆遵循天体力学obeys the laws of celestial mechanics这个由伊萨克牛顿爵士于十七世纪发现的规律defined by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century.这些规律使得我们能够精准预测出These laws allow us to predict exactly若干世纪之后每一个星球的去向where each world will be for centuries to c

11、ome.无论你身在哪里And wherever you happen to be,只要月亮挡在了你和太阳之间if theres a moon between you and the sun,日食便会发生there will be an eclipse.这显然是木星 它有很多卫星Of course, Jupiter, plenty of moons,这是一幅罕见的照片and this is a rare picture2004年春天由哈勃太空望远镜拍下来的taken by the Hubble space telescope in spring 2004你可以看见上面有三个卫星的影子where

12、you can see the shadows of three moons on the surface,三种全食同时发生three eclipses simultaneously.现在这样的奇观几十年才会发生一次Now, this kind of event only happens once every few decades.土星 有很多的卫星Saturn, plenty of moons.在所有太阳系发生的全食图片里I think these are my favourite of all the pictures我想这一组图片是我最喜欢的了of eclipses in the so

13、lar system因为这些图片是从火星的表面because these are pictures taken from the surface of Mars由机遇号火星车 朝着太阳的方向拍摄下来的by the Opportunity rover looking up at the sun.上面可以看见火星的卫星Phobos火卫一And you can see Marss moon, Phobos,经过日面的过程as it makes its way across the disk of the sun.这是一个从其它星球表面观测到的日食 So this is a solar eclipse

14、, partial solar eclipse,准确来讲是日偏食from the surface of another world.未来的宇航员们The astronomers of the future会发现别处的日偏食will discover that these partial eclipses永远比不上地球上的can never measure up to the ones back home.这是因为 在这里And thats because, here on Earth,人类占据着太阳系中humans have the best seat in the solar system观

15、看日全食盛况的from which to enjoy the spectacle最佳位置of a total eclipse of the sun.全在于命运神来之笔All thanks to a wonderful quirk of fate.太阳的直径是月球的四百倍The sun is 400 times the diameter of the moon but,纯属巧合的是by sheer coincidence,日地距离也是地月距离的四百倍its 400 times further away from the earth.所以当月亮绕到太阳的前面时So when our moon pa

16、sses in front of the sun,可以把它完全挡住then it can completely obscure it.太阳系里有大约Now theres something like between, what,145到167颗卫星145 and 167 moons in the solar system,计数方法不同得出结果不一样depending on how you count them,但只有地球的卫星but none of them produce才能产生出如此美妙的全食such perfect eclipses as the earths moon.正因太阳系的奇巧

17、排布This accidental arrangement of the solar system我们可以在这里 这个特定的地方means were living in exactly the right place于明天早晨 这个特定的时间and, tomorrow morning, exactly the right time欣赏到最难得的天文学现象to enjoy the most precious of astronomical events.距地球最近的恒星太阳最为奇特Our closest star is the strangest,是整个太阳系中最迥异的一颗most alien

18、world in the solar system.我们无望登陆那里Its a place we can never hope to visit但我想告诉大家but I want to show you that,通过太空探索加上一些偶然发现through space exploration and a few chance discoveries,我们对太阳的认识our generation is getting to会在这个时代更上一层楼know the sun in exquisite new detail.太阳于我们是一切 但对拥有两千亿星辰的For us, its everythin

19、g and yet its just one ordinary star浩瀚银河系来说 它只是一颗普通的恒星amongst 200 billion starry wonders that make up our galaxy.这里是太阳系的边缘领域This is the remote frontier of the solar system,有一颗叫作莎娜意为海之女神的行星a dwarf planet known as Sedna.它距离地球130亿千米 从这望去Seen from out here, 13 billion kilometres away from Earth,太阳只是一粒星体

20、the sun is just another star.天王星比它近100亿千米Uranus is 10 billion kilometres closer in,但即便如此 日出在这里几乎无法察觉but even so, sunrise is barely perceptible.这里看到的太阳The sun hangs in the sky比在地球上看到的要小三百倍300 times smaller than it appears on Earth.更近一点的是土星Further in, we come to Saturn.奇妙的土星环把太阳光Its spectacular rings

21、reflect反射到它黑暗的一面the suns light onto its dark side.这颗行星不仅沐浴在阳光中This planet is bathed, not just in sunshine,也照耀在环光中but in ring-shine.2亿3百万千米开外230 million kilometres out,我们遇到第一个we arrive at the first world可以看见太阳熟悉脸庞的星球with a more familiar view of the sun.这是火星上的日出This is sunset on Mars,由精神号机器人探测器捕捉到as s

22、een by the robotic rover, Spirit.地球之外 远在1亿5千万千米的地方Past Earth, 150 million kilometres out,我们继续向太阳系的中心进发we continue to head to the heart of the solar system.水星是靠我们最近的行星Mercury is the closest planet,只有4千6百万千米的距离just 46 million kilometres out.它缓缓地转动着It spins so slowly从日出到日落要经过176个地球日that sunrise to sunr

23、ise lasts for 176 Earth days.远处 正是那赤裸裸的太阳Beyond, there is nothing but the naked sun,巨大的火球拷打着其上的物质a colossal fiery sphere of tortured matter,炽热地燃烧着burning with a temperature at its core日心温度高达摄氏1千5百万度of over 15 million degrees Celsius.纵贯人类历史 这个壮丽的奇迹Throughout human history, this majestic wonder源源不断地发散

24、着安逸 敬畏和崇拜之情has been a constant source of comfort, awe and worship.这里是加州的死亡之谷This is Death Valley in California,地球上最热的地方regularly the hottest place on the planet,汽车仪表盘显示今天的气温达到华氏111度and today the car says its 111 degrees Fahrenheit,摄氏45度45 degrees Celsius.几个世纪以来For centuries,顶尖科学家们the finest minds in

25、 science上下求索试图弄懂struggled to understand the origin太阳看似无限的热和能从何而来of the suns seemingly endless heat and energy.由什么构成What is it made of?又是如何形成Where did it come from?以及这惊人能量的源头在哪里And what is the source of its phenomenal power?后来 1838年 英国物理学家约翰赫歇尔Then, in 1838, British physicist John Herschel,突破性地尝试took

26、 on the endeavour in his experimental attempt捕捉太阳光束to catch a sunbeam.那么究竟有多少能量从太阳So how much energy does fall on the surface散发到地球表面呢of the earth from the sun?我们可以用一个精巧的实验计算出来You can work it out with a beautifully simple experiment只需一根温度计 一听装满水的罐头 还有一把伞using only a thermometer, a tin full of water a

27、nd an umbrella.先让罐头里的水Basically, you let the water升温到同等于周围环境heat up in the tin to ambient temperature今天死亡之谷的气温是which, here in Death Valley today,摄氏46度左右is about 46 degrees Celsius.然后把温度计放入水中And then you put the thermometer in the water撤掉遮阳的伞and you take the shade away让太阳照射水面and let the sun shine on

28、the water.阳光直射下 水温开始升高In direct sunlight, the water temperature begins to rise.测定太阳照射下By timing how long it takes the sun水温每升高1度所花时间to raise the water temperature by one degree Celsius,可以计算出太阳传递给you can figure out exactly how much energy罐中水的精确能量the sun has delivered into the can of water,据此又可推算出and

29、from that, how much energy is delivered地表每平米接收到的能量to a square metre of the surface.实验结果表明 晴朗的天气状况下It turns out that, on a clear day太阳当头照时when the sun is vertically overhead,能量约为一千瓦that number is about a kilowatt.这就是说Thats ten 100 watt bulbs太阳传至地表每平米的能量can be powered by the suns energy可供10个100瓦的灯泡工作f

30、or every metre squared of the earths surface.赫歇尔大胆向前迈出一步In an audacious leap of imagination,基于这个数据他计算了Herschel used this figure to calculate the entire energy太阳散发出的全部能量given off by the sun.试想 把这整片地域的So imagine adding up those kilowatts千瓦数加总起来有多大over this entire landscape.再试想 太阳的光辉撒遍And then imagine following the suns rays整个地球表面的能量有多大as they cover the entire surface of the earth.但此时 想象一下But then, imagine this,地球距离太阳1亿5千万千米the earth is 150 million kilometres away from the sun,所以实际上 太阳以1亿5千万千米的幅

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