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1、湖北武汉科技大学翻译英语考研真题及答案2020年湖北武汉科技大学翻译英语考研真题及答案Part I. Vocabulary and Grammar (20 points, 1 point for each) Directions: There are 20 statements in this section. After each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Select the only one choice that best completes the statement. Write your ans

2、wers on your answer sheet.1. They didnt find that the meeting was _ until they got to the hall.A. canceledB. conceivedC. put outD. cut down2. There are many kinds of steel, each _ its uses in industry.A. hasB. hadC. haveD. having3. They had food and clothing _ for their needs.A. sufficientB. efficie

3、ntC. properD. considerable4. The two brave young men _ the day when their own country was liberated.A. longed toB. desired afterC. longed forD. longed after5. It _ to rain cats and dogs that day.A. happenedB. occurredC. took placeD. was6. Thats his first offence, and the judge is going to give him a

4、 light _.A. sentenceB. crimeC. serviceD. claim7. Were there any exciting _ during your journey?A. incidentsB. accidentsC. eventsD. business8. A month after 5-year-old Leanna Warner was reported missing, her family still _ hope even as they try to live a “new” normal life.A. holds outB. holds upC. ho

5、lds toD. holds back9. This information is only _ data and will need further analysis.A. netB. grossC. rawD. rough10. Is the _ of food and clothes to the hungry more helpful than giving money?A. donationB. devotionC. dedicationD. compensation11. He was already _ the ship.A. boardB. aboardC. abroadD.

6、broad12. After graduation, he suddenly became interested in the _ of literature and art.A. realmB. rangeC. areaD. zone13. Stormy applause broke forth _ he appeared on the stage.A. for the momentB. the momentC. at the moment whenD. the moment when14. A good salesman must be _ if he wants to succeed.A

7、. militantB. offensiveC. aggressiveD. certain15. Physics is _ to the science which was called natural philosophy in history.A. likelyB. uniformC. alikeD. equivalent16. So much _ about his financial position that he cant sleep at night.A. he worriesB. does he worryC. did he worryD. he worried17. Many

8、 are socially active, are involved as volunteers, and are _ new responsibilities.A. taking onB. taking overC. taking inD. taking after18. I will now introduce the candidate in support of _ I wish to speak.A. whichB. whoC. thatD. whom19. At 125th Street, Mr. Torres would _ to the No. 2 train by cross

9、ing the platform.A. inferB. transformC. transferD. refer20. Not that I dont want to go, _ that I have no time.A. althoughB. despiteC. butD. forPart II. Error Correction (10 points, 1 point for each)Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes,

10、one in each numbered line. You are required to change a word, add a word or delete a word. If you add a word, put an insertion mark () in the right place and write the missing word in the corresponding blank on your answer sheet. If you delete a word, cross it and put a slash (/) in the correspondin

11、g blank on your answer sheet. If you change a word, cross it and put your word in the corresponding blank on your answer sheet. Remember to write the correct number beside each blank on the answer sheet.For most parents, having a newborn in the house candisrupt sleep schedules. Generally, there aren

12、t any long-termhealth effects.Its a evolutionary thing thats built in to help us raise 21. _newborns, though there are really no studies for this. New 22. _parents can prepare by understanding, and accepting, which 23. _the first few months will most likely consist of disruptedsleep. If you followed

13、 the guidelines below, the disrupted 24. _sleep will likely last for only a few months, which is rathershort-term in the scheme of things. During the first six months of life,babies sleep soundly in two-to-four hour periods. Newborns are notborn with a cycle that makes him stay awake during the day

14、25. _and sleep at night. Rather, sleep is spaced regularly to piece 26. _throughout the 24-hour day. Bottle-fed newborns tend to sleepfor slightly shorter periods, generally three to four hours, 27. _whereas breast-fed babies tend to sleep in one-to-three hourcycles. After 6 months of age, infants b

15、egin to sleep for longerperiods, they generally sleep through the night. From 6 28. _months to 9 months, however, many infants, even those whowere fantastic sleepers when they were younger, begin toexhibit episodes of night wakings. These night wakings aregenerally due to developmental phases. Inste

16、ad sleeping, 29. _babies often find it more interesting to practice newly acquiredskills like crawling or sitting up. About 30 percent to 50 percentof infants at this age awaken at most once per night for a 30. _short while, usually for about one to five minutes at a time,with 25 percent of 1-year-o

17、lds continuing to do so.Part III. Reading Comprehension (40 points, 2 point for each)Directions: Read the following passages and answer the questions. Choose the most appropriate answer for each question and circle the letter on the answer sheet. Remember to write the letter corresponding to the que

18、stion number.Questions 31-35 are based on the following passage:Conservationists call them hot spots - habitats that cover just 1.4 percent of the earths land surface but are so rich in biological diversity that preserving them could keep an astonishing number of plant and animal species off the end

19、angered list.Since 1988, when Dr. Norman Myers and his colleagues began describing these hot spots in a series of scientific papers and arguing for their protection, they havebecome a focus of worldwide conservation efforts. Private organizations and government agencies, including the World Bank, ha

20、ve made preserving 25 such ecological arks a top priority for financing and protective legislation. But a growing chorus of scientists is warning that directing conservation funds to hot spots may be a recipe for major losses in the future. Of species that live on land, nearly half of all plants and

21、 more than a third of all animals are found only in the hot spots. But they do not include many rare species and major animal groups that live in less biologically rich regions (“cold spots”). And the hot-spot concept does not factor in the importance of some ecosystems to human beings, the scientis

22、ts argue.This debate has been simmering(炖,煨,慢煮) quietly among biologists for years; however, it is coming to a boil now with the publication of an article in the current issue of American Scientist arguing that “calls to direct conservation funding to the worlds biodiversity hot spots may be bad inv

23、estment advice.” “The hot-spot concept has grown so popular in recent years within the larger conservation community that it now risks eclipsing(超越)all other approaches,” write the authors of the paper. “The officers and directors of all too many foundations, non-governmental organizations and inter

24、national agencies have been seduced by the simplicity of the hot spot idea,” they go on. “We worry that the initially appealing idea of getting the most species per unit area is, in fact, a thoroughly misleading strategy.”But hot spots have their ardent(热情的)defenders, notably Dr. Norman Myers and Dr

25、. Russell Mittermeier. Dr. Myers says hot spots have been successful at attracting attention and financing for conservation in tropical countries. “And that has been good,” he said. “No one is suggesting that one invest solely in hot spots, but if you want to avoid extinctions, you have to invest in

26、 them.”31. The best title for this passage would be _.A. A Debate on Preserving Hot SpotsB. An Introduction to Hot SpotsC. Hot Spots vs. Cold SpotsD. How to Finance Hot Spots32.Hot spots occupy a small percentage of the earths land surface with _.A. a third of all plantsB. many major animal groups l

27、iving in cold spotsC. rich biological diversityD. many rare species living in cold spots33.Critics of hot spots hold the opinion that _.A. hot spots are always as important as cold spotsB. it is unwise to invest largely in hot spotsC. governments should choose the best time to invest in hot spotsD.

28、the hot-spot approach is a misleading strategy from the very beginning34.According to Dr. Norman Myers, _.A. protecting and investing in hot spots can save species from extinctionB. conservation efforts should not center on hot spotsC. governments should invest most in cold spotsD. the hot-spot appr

29、oach now is not as good as it was in the past35.What is the writers attitude towards the hot-spot approach?A. Critical.B. Neutral.C. Supportive.D. Doubtful.Questions 36-40 are based on the following passage:Interactive television advertising, which allows viewers to use their remote controls to clic

30、k on advertisements, has been pushed for years. Nearly a decade ago it was predicted that viewers of “Friends”, a popular situation comedy, would soon be able to purchase a sweater like Jennifer Anistons with a few taps on their remote control. “Its been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years. ” says Colin Dixon of a digital-media consultancy.So the news that Cablevision, an American cable company, was r

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