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26B 教案+教后记.docx

1、26B 教案+教后记Teaching Plan of Oxford English(Shanghai Edition)6BModule One City lifeUnit 1 Great cities in Asia(一)知识与技能1 运用How far?/ How long?来询问距离及做某事花费时间的长度,并学会用It is aboutkilometers./It takes aboutminutes.句式来回答。2 掌握V+doing. 如love eating/enjoy swimming.3 操练有关How/Wh-的各种提问及其回答。(二)过程与方法1 本课中出现了较多的特殊疑问句,

2、用来询问。询问方式,如How are we going to get to? 询问做某事花费时间的长度,如How long does it take? 询问距离,如How far is it from to ? 询问方位,如Where?这些问句及其答句,教师有必要在课堂教学中加以一定的机械性训练。在6A的同名模块unit1中,学生已学习过east, south, west, north四个方位,建议用指南针图表形式复习并学习其他四个方向,如north-east, south-east, south-west, north-west.情态动词shall的用法在本课中多次出现,在课本中也为首次出现

3、。课文中主要结合旅行的方式提问。教师可以设计多个场景,穿插各种不同的事物让学生进行操练。(三)情感、态度与价值观1 学习一系列与国家有关的信息,了解他国的风土人情,拓宽知识面,如:1) 国名、城市名:Asia, Beijing, China, Tokyo, Japan, Bangkok, Thailand2) 旅游展览相关词汇:exhibition, explore, pier, harbour, tunnel, midtown, route, international, capital, tourist, sightseeing, travel2 学习用英语正确表达方位,掌握基本常识,如:

4、east, south, west, north, north-east, south-east, south-west, north-westPeriod 1Language focus:Asking How questions to find out meanse.g. How are we going to get to the Exhibition Centre Using modals to make suggestionse.g. Shall we travel by underground Using prepositional phrases to indicate means

5、 e.g. by bus/by ferry/by undergroundAsking How questions to find out the length of a period of time e.g. How long does it take Pre-task preparation1 Explain to students what an exhibition means, telling them that it means a collection of things shown publicly. Ask students whether they have ever att

6、ended an exhibition. Encourage them to talk about what they can see there. Write the list on the board.2 Review and introduce new vocabulary items, e.g. pier, tunnel, route.3 Play the recording: Look, read and think. Students listen and follow in their books.4 Students practice in groups of five the

7、 target language items in Picture 2 of look, read and think by role-playing the characters. Ask them to pay attention to the target language “How”, “shall” and “how long”.While-task procedure1 invite the more able students to come to the front of the classroom and role-play Danny, Kitty and Miss Guo

8、 in picture 4of look, read and think, with the information in photocopiable page 1.Other students listen carefully and check the answers.ConsolidationGrammar Practice Book 7A page 1Period 2Language focus:Using proper nouns to refer places e.g. Tokyo/Japan/Beijing/China/Bangkok/Thailand/the Great Wal

9、lUsing adjectives to show positione.g. It is east of Beijing.Using adverbs to express frequency e.g.Tourists usually go shopping in Tokyo/They the simile present tense to express interestse.g. They love eating sushi./They like riding bicycles.Pre-task preparationLanguage learning activity (This sect

10、ion aims at providing students with opportunities to practise the language/uocabulary needed or become familiarwith the background for the task that follows.)1 Introduce the concept of international cities. You may provid students with a world map, showing the location of Beijing, Tokyo and Bangkok.

11、2 Bring some holiday brochures about Beijing, Tokyo and Bangkok to class. Circulate them around the class to let Bangkok to class, Circulate them around the class to let students have a rough ikea what these three cities look like.3 Review and introduce new vocabulary items ,e.g. exploring, capital,

12、 huge department stores, famous hotels, museums, palaces, sightseeing, temples.4 Review/Introduce: south-west. Draw a compass on the board. Label and review the four directions(east, south, west, north) with students first. Then label the other four directions as well, i.e north-east, south-east, so

13、uth-west, north-west.5 Give students some time to read the passage.6 Play the recording: look and read. Students listen and follow in their books.7 Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat.8 Ask students whether they have ever visited Beijing, Tokyo or Bangkok. Ask students what they kno

14、w about these places: What can you see in Beijing /Tokyo/Bangkok What can you find in Beijing/Tokyo/Bangkok What can you eat in Beijing/Tokyo/Bangkok Where can you go in Beijing /Tokyo/Bangkok Where can you visit in Beijing /Tokyo/Bangkok What do you love doing in Beijing /Tokyo/Bangkok What do you

15、like doing in Beijing /Tokyo/Bangkok What do you enjoy doing in Beijing /Tokyo/Bangkok To elicit: I can see/I can find /I can eat/I can go /I can visit/I love/I like/I enjoyConsolidationWorkbook page 1Grammar Practice Book 7A page 2Period 3Language focus:Asking Howquestions to find out distancee.g.

16、How far is it from Beijing to Asking How questions to find out the length of a period of timee.g. How long does it take to travel from Beijing to by sea/air Using noun phrases to indicate timee.g. It takes about (number)and a half hours/days.Pre-task preparation1 Give students some time to read the

17、information in Look and read2 Make sure students can differentiate between How far and How long. How far is used to find out distance. How long is used to find out the length of a period of time.3 Review/Introduce: by sea and by air.4 Students practise in pairs the target language in Ask and answer

18、by asking and answering each others questions with information from the table in Look and read. First, have one partner ask questions by using How far and the other provides answers. Then swap the roles and ask questions by using How long. They are required to help each other correct the answers if

19、necessary. While-task procedure1 Students work in groups of six. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 2 to each group. Students discuss and find out how many students in the group have traveled to Singapore, Bangkok and Tokyo by air. One representative in each group should ask questions, like thi

20、s: Have you been to Singapore by air Have you been to Bangkok by air Have you been to Tokyo by air The rest of the group members should answer the questions one by one, like this: Yes, I havent .Then the representative of each group is required to compare and write down the findings of the other gro

21、ups in order to complete the survey form.2 When the survey form is completed, each group has to read the information in the table and complete a report.3 Invite the group representatives to come out and share their answers/findings in class. Encourage the rest of the class to listen carefully and po

22、int out any answers which they think are incorrect.ConsolidationGrammar Practice Book 7A page 3Period 4Language focus:Asking wh- questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a persone.g. What do tourists usually do in Tokyo /What do you love eating Asking Wh- questions to find o

23、ut about a place e.g. Whwre do tourists always visit in Beijing Asking Wh- questions to find out about a specific object e.g. Which city do you like best Pre-task preparation1 Give students some time to read the passage in look and read on page 3 and the table in Look and read on page 4 of the stude

24、nts book again. Then ask them some questions to check their understanding and review the use of interrogatives in questions, like this: Which city is the capital of Japan How far is it from Beijing to Tokyo What do tourists enjoy doing in Beijing to Tokyo What do tourists enjoy doing in Bangkok Wher

25、e do tourists always visit in Beijing etc.2 Students in pairs practise the use of interrogatives in questions by asking and answering more questions about Tokyo, Beijing and BangkokWhile-task procedure1 Distribute a copy of photocopiable page 3 to each student Ask students to read page 3 of the stud

26、ents Book again and fill in the answers for the quiz cards.2 Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 4 to each pair of students. Students in pairs make three more quiz cards . Students are required to ask and write about Tokyo for Quiz Card 4.Then they ask and write about Bangkok for Quiz Card 5.Fin

27、ally, they ask and write about the number of people in Beijing, Tokyo and Bangkok for Quiz Card 6.NOTES:(单元教后记)1 通过反复操练,学生已经能运用How far?/ How long?来询问距离及做某事花费时间的长度,并学会用It is aboutkilometers./It takes aboutminutes.句式来回答。但这些问句及其答句,还有必要在课堂教学以及作业中加以一定的机械性训练2 能熟练掌握V+doing. 如love eating/enjoy swimming.3、运用

28、已学习过east, south, west, north四个方位,学习其他四个方向,如north-east, south-east, south-west, north-west. 结合旅行的方式提问。可以设计多个场景,穿插情态动词shall的用法和各种不同的事物让学生进行操练。 学习用英语正确表达方位,掌握基本常识。 Unit 2 At the airport(一)知识与技能1在本课中,出现了a lot of, plenty of, a few, a little, much, several, a small amount of以及not too many 和not too much 等模

29、糊数量的词及词组,建议帮助学生一起复习一下6AModule 3 Unit 2中出现的大量表示数量的词,如:a lot of, plenty of, some, a little, too much, too little, not enough等,并鼓励学生根据表达需要进行合理搭配,综合运用。2在本课中还出现了一些表示时间的时间状语,如:for six years/two weeks/until the end of the month等。建议教师以旧带新,复习never/already/just/ever等,并让学生能熟练并准确地使用这些副词及时间状语。3在本课中,出现了用许多机场内的标志,

30、如: Trolleys, Toilets, Escalators, Come in here, go out here等,教师可提供更多机场内不同的图片,供学生进行认知并进行操练,让学生能学会识别并熟练掌握。(二)过程与方法1运用一些名词来表示乘飞机时的必须物品及注意事项。如an air ticket , suitcases, passports, boarding cards, a name tag. 2运用介词短语表达时间,如:They have lived in Los Angeles for six years. They will not come back until the en

31、d of the month. 3使用现在完成时表达过去的动作对现在造成的结果。如:They have bought the air tickets already. They have lived in Los Angeles for six years.4使用一些名词或指示语句表示物品及方向。如,telephones, exit.5使用一些形容词来表示模糊的数量,如,a lot of, several, a small amount 等。 (三)情感、态度与价值观1教师通过展示一幅美国的地图,要求学生说出美国的一些著名的大城市,如,New York, Huston, Chicago, At

32、lanta, Detroit, Washington等,并让学生在地图上指出并口头用英语表达这些城市在美国的地理位置,然后对Los Angeles作一下简单的介绍,目的是拓展学生的词汇量和知识面。2教师提问学生“What do you need if you want to travel by air? 学生两人一组进行讨论,通过这种方式进行新词汇的教学。Period 1Language focus:Using nouns/noun phrases to identify objectse.g. an air ticket/suitcases/dried mushrooms Using prepositions to indicate a period of time e.g. for six years /for two weeks/until the end o

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