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1、环保标语语言特征艺术 XX大学毕业论文题 目:论有关环保性标语的语言特征及其语言艺 术 On the Linguistic Features and Artistic Styles of Environment-Related Slogans 指导老师: XX 学生姓名:XX 所属院系:外国语学院 专 业:英语 班 级:英语XX班 完成日期:2015年5月20日 声 明郑重声明,此论文是本人在教师的指导和同学的帮助下独立完成,本人拥有自主知识产权,没有抄袭、剽窃他人成果,由此造成的知识产权纠纷由本人负责。 签名: 日期: DeclarationI hereby declare that thi

2、s submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person or material which has to a substantial extent been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at any university or other institution of h

3、igher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.Signature:Date:毕业论文(设计)任务书班 级: 英语XX班 姓 名: XXX 论文(设计)题目:论有关环保性标语的语言特征及其语言艺术 专 题: 语言 论文(设计)来源: 学生自拟 要求完成的内容: 1. 阅读相关文献资料 2. 提交论文大纲 3. 指导教师的建议下定论文大纲 4. 进行论文写作 5. 指导教师对学生论文进行至少三稿的修改 6. 在提交论文前定稿,完成毕业论文写作 发题日期:2014年12月10日 完成日期:2015年

4、5月20 日实习实训单位: XXX 地点:XXX 论文页数: 17 页; 图纸张数: 17 指导教师: 教研室主任: 院 长: 摘要 伴随着时代、科技和社会的不断跨越式的发展,“环保”这一重要主题在我们生活中扮演着一个越来越重要的角色。不管是中国还是外国,环保性标语都以其独特的特色展现着一种美,给人带来宁静、洁净与祥和,甚至给动物们也能带来同样的感受。那些标语,既有它们专属的语言特征,又通过那独特的语言特征折射出语言艺术的魅力,引人遐思,令人叹服。标语或多或少都能够激发人们进行思考、内省、继续保持好的环保作风和不断改进。本论文研究对象为生态环保性标语,主要运用语言学理论知识,对生态环保性标语的

5、语言设置进行了简单的分析与探索。同时,其吸引人的设计风格又展现着一种文化艺术。就艺术风格方面,本论文便对其交际特征、修辞手法和润饰手法等进行了探索分析。通过这种方式,力图尽可能完整地呈现出生态环保性标语的概况。 关键词:环保标语;语言特征;艺术风格 ABSTRACT Along with the constantly rapid development of era, technology and society, environmental protection is playing a more and more significant role in our life. No matte

6、r it is in China or foreign countries, environment-related slogans all present a kind of beauty that brings peace, purity and harmony to humans heart. Those slogans not only have their own specific characteristics but also their unique charm of art due to the specific features. The slogans can more

7、or less make people think, introspect, keep what is originally good and improve their morality when there is something wrong. This thesis aims at analyzing ecological environment-related slogans, especially the linguistic arrangement and style of slogans from the view of theoratical linguistics. At

8、the same time, the attractive designing styles of the slogans embody a kind of cultural art. And as for the artistic style, this thesis focuses on the analysis about the communicative feature, the rhetorical devices and the decoration art. In this way, we can show as complete as impossible the gener

9、al situation about the ecological environment-related slogans.Key words: Environment-related slogan; Linguistic features; Artistic styles CONTENTSChapter 1 Introduction.1 1.1. What is Slogan? .1 1.2. Environment-Related Slogans .1 Chapter 2 The Linguistic Features of Environment-Related Slogans.5 2.

10、1. The Special Features of Language of Eco-Environment Slogans .5 2.2. The Characteristics of Words and Sentences.5 2.3. The Application of Meanings.8 Chapter 3 The Artistic Styles of Environment-Related Slogans.9 3.1. The Types of Narration.9 3.1.1. Serious Type of Speech Tone.9. 3.1.2. Emotive Typ

11、e of Speech Tone.9 3.1.3. Humorous Type of Speech Tone.9 3.2. Rhetorical Devices.10 3.2.1. Alliteration.10 3.2.2. Palindrome.10 3.2.3. Parallel.10 3.2.4. Repetition.11 3.2.5. Rhetorical Question.11 3.2.6. Metaphor.11 3.2.7. Personification.11 3.2.8. Antithesis .,.12 3.2.9. Pun.12 3.3. The Decoration

12、 Art.12 3.4. The Use of Different Languages .14Chapter 4 Conclusion.15Works Cited.16Acknowledgement.17 Chapter 1.Introduction 1.1.What is Slogan?A slogan, also called a tagline, motto, strapline, signature, claim, payoff or baseline, is a short phrase or sentence meant to gain attention and get a sp

13、ecific message across quickly. People use it primarily in advertising and politics, and in either instance, they generally are trying to make the public more familiar with someone or something. Occasionally, the purpose is to bring individuals together under a common purpose, often with the objectiv

14、e of social change. Traits such as rhyming are relatively standard, but some of the most effective versions have completely broken the traditions. It is common for a group or business to change one based on shifting culture and objectives.Slogans are meant to be catchy, so creators often write them

15、to have a distinct rhythm. Many of them purposely are set in a rhyme scheme. These techniques make the line fall into a natural pattern of speech that sounds good to the ear, or as marketers say, has a memorable “ring” to it. Slogans can move away from traditional marketing standards and still be su

16、ccessful, provided they latch on or appeal to a philosophy or feeling held by a large number of people.1.2.Environment-Related Slogans Setting slogans about environmental protection has become a kind of fashionable trend. Those slogans seem to be a new cultural phenomenon. Friendly remindings can be

17、 seen everywhere, in parks and gardens, in schools and scenery sites, beside rivers and lakes, on roads and walls, in public places and the surface of wraps. There are various warm warnings. As the environmental problems are worldwide, slogans about pollution, exploitation, waste and so on are desig

18、ned by every country respectively. There is a seriously destructive phenomenon, that is, people cut down a lot of trees to build houses, buildings, factories, make matches, or to produce papers and disposable chopsticks and plastics. It is known that when too many trees are cut down, our earth will

19、easily be threatened by disasters like typhoon, flood , hurricane and so on. The large scale of disappearance of trees will also indirectly make the condition of pollution worse. Then many warnings about preserving trees are posted. There are slogans like these:(1).Dont be a tree cutter, be a tree h

20、ugger.(2).Lets go green to get our globe clean.(3).Hug a tree, they have less issues than people.(4).Cut a Tree, Cut a Tree, and there will be no more left to see.(5).Trees dont grow on money either.(6).Get into the Green Scene.(7).Want to hug a tree with me?(8).Go Green, Help Clean.(9).Trees on, ca

21、rbon dioxide gone!(10).One tree can make a million matches. One match can destroy a million trees.All people know that water is the source of all lives. The lack of water and water pollution can definitely lead to not only the difficulties for people to live, but also earths dry-up and dirt. Seeing

22、this, people set up slogans about saving water and reducing water pollution to attract all humans attention. There come the examples below:(11) Water-Two Billion People are Dying for It!(12) A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man.(13) We arent the only species on Earth.(1

23、4) Water for the future generations.Priceless!(15) Save water, it will save you later!(16) Put a stop to the drop.The biggest problem for our environment is pollution. Air pollution, water pollution, field pollution, and noise pollution all have been spreading around the world just like a devil that is swallowing our sole habitat as well as ourselves. The most obvious result generated by these pollution is what is shocking us called Global Warming.(Gao Yongchen,2009) A series of consequences constantly occur such as the decrease of species, more frequent disasters, more unnatural d

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