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1、宾语从句讲义宾语从句讲义【知识梳理】中考常考从句一、什么是宾语从句?在句子中起宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句。宾语从句分为三类:动词的宾语从句,介词的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句。如: I think (that) you are right. He was surprised at what she said to him. I am sorry that I have troubled you so long.二、宾语从句三要素 1连词 连词用法备注that引导陈述句不做任何成份,无意义( 一般可省略)if/whether引导一般疑问句不做任何成份,表“是否”wh/h-类特殊疑问词引导特殊疑问句

2、做成份,表“ 特殊疑问词本身的意思”以下情况只能用 whether 前有介词狼 Im not interested in whether she w ill come.后有 to do 虎 I havent decided whether to go to Shanghai.为避歧义 (T)Let me know whether you love me. 告诉我是否你爱我。 (F)Let me know if you love me. 此句中的 if 既可翻译成“是否”,也可翻译成“如果”。 discuss 后 We are discussing whether we will have a

3、sports meeting next week.直接加是否(or not) I want to know whether or not you will help me.通常情况下使用 whetheror not 如:I want to know whether you will help me or not.2语序 宾语从句的连词后要用陈述句语序。即:主句+谓语。如: I dont know where are they from. (x)I dont know where they are from. () Whats the matter?和 Whats wrong? 以及Which

4、is the way to? 语序不变。如: The teacher asked the students what was the matter. I dont know what was wrong with her bike. 3时态 主句从句例句一般现在时任何时态She says that she w ill fly to Japan in a week.一般过去时过去的相应时态She said that she was a student. 时态照应,口诀如下: 主现从不限 主过从必过 真理规律永一现 The teacher said (that) the earth moves a

5、round the sun. 三、宾语从句和简单句的转换 当宾语从句是以连接代词或连接副词如 when, where, who, why, which, what, whose 等引导时,如果主语一致,可以转化成“连接代词或副词+动词不定式”形式,从而由一个主从复合句变为一个以动词不定式做宾语的简单句。如: She doesnt know what she should do next. = She doesnt know what to do next. 四、各种类型的宾语从句 1. 动词的宾语从句 大多数动词都可以带宾语从句。如: We all expect that they will

6、win.部分“动词+副词”结构可以带宾语从句。如: Ive found out that all the tickets for the concert have been sold out.Can you work out how much we will spend during the trip?动词短语也可以带宾语从句。如: make sure 确保 make up ones mind 下决心 keep in mind 牢记 Make sure that there are no mistakes in your papers before you tur n them in. 2.

7、介词的宾语从句 用 wh/h-类的介词宾语从句The new book is about how Shenzhou 6 manned spaceship was sent up into space.用 that/if 引导的介词宾语从句 有时候 except, but, besides 三个介词后可见到 that 引导的宾语从句。 I know nothing about my new neighbor except that he used to work for a company. 3. 形容词的宾语从句 常用来引导宾语从句的形容词有: sure, certain, glad, ple

8、ased, happy, sorry, afraid, satisfied, surprised 等。如: I am sure that I will pass the exam. I am sorry that I have troubled you so long.判断下列从句的类别1.Where there is a will,there is a way .2.She didnt come to school because she was ill . 3.The teacher asked the students what was the matter.4.We were abou

9、t to leave when he came in.5.Ive found out that all the tickets for the concert have been sold out.6.She doesnt know what to do next. 7.It was raining hard when I got there.8.He asked whose handwriting was the best.9.Please tell me when well have the meeting.10.Can you tell me how I can get to the r

10、ailway station?11.Do you know who (whom) they are waiting for?12.He left the classroom after he had finished his homework .13.He asked if you had written to Peter.14.Its such a heavy box that nobody can move it.15.Please write it down before you forget it.16.Please tell us where he is.17.Ill go on w

11、ith the work when I come back tomorrow.18.Scientists have proved that the earth turns around the sun.19.It is five years since we met last time20.I want to know whether you will help me or not.21.Could you tell me why the train is late?22.Ill go where work is hard.23.I dont think this dress fits you

12、 well. 24.Though it snowed heavily, they kept on working.25.You should do it as I told you.1. May I come in? Im sorry I am late. Come in, please. But could you please tell me _? A. why you are late again B. why are you late again C. why you were late again D. why were you late again 2. Peter promise

13、d that he _ his sister an electronic dictionary. A. has bought B. had bought C. would buy D. will buy 3. Do you know whom _ ? A. does this jacket belong to B. is this jacket belong to C. this jacket belongs to D. this jacket is belonging to4. Id like to know _. A. when will you ask for leave B. when

14、 would you ask for leave C. when you will ask for leave D. when you would ask for leave 5. Did you know _ at 9 oclock yesterday evening? A. whom was Jane waiting for B. whom is Jane waiting for C. whom Jane was waiting for D. whom Jane is waiting for6. During his lecture, the fireman explained to th

15、e students _ from a burning building. A. how could they escape B. how they could escape C. what could they escape D. what they could escape7. The old lady couldnt remember _. A. where she had put her glasses B. where had she put her glasses C. where she puts her glasses D. where did she put her glas

16、ses8.Christina said that she _ another trip to Sweden the next day. A. will take B. would take C. is taking D. had taken9. The police asked _ we saw anybody break into the house to steal things. A. who B. if C. what D. where 10. Could you tell me_ ? A. when will the next bullet train leave for Nanji

17、ng B. when the next bullet train will leave for Nanjing C. when would the next bullet train leave for Nanjing D. when the next bullet train would leave for Nanjing 1. Could you tell me _? A. whats Arthur doing now B. what was Arthur doing now C. what Arthur was doing now D. what Arthur is doing now

18、2. - Do you know _? He is wanted by the headmaster. - I dont know. He was here a moment ago. A. why hasnt Tim come back B. why Tim hasnt come back C. why did Tim come back D. why Tim didnt come back 3. Do you know _ at that time? A. who the first computer invented B. who the first computer invents C

19、. who invented the first computer D. who invents the first computer4. Could you please tell me _ tomorrow afternoon? A. when will the new film begin B. when the new film will begin C. when the new film would begin D. when would the new film begin 5. Could you please tell me_? A. when the opening cer

20、emony will start B. when the opening ceremony had started C. when will the opening ceremony start D. when did the opening ceremony start 6. Id like to see you off at the airport. Could you tell me _? A. when your plane took off B. when did your plane take off C. when your plane takes off D. when doe

21、s your plane take off 7. My cousin said that he _ an iPhone 5 the next week. A. buy B. will buy C. would buy D. buys 8. - Could you please tell me _ in Guangzhou? - In December. A. when did the 16th Asian Games end B. when the 16th Asian Games ended C. when did the l6th end Asian Games D. when the 1

22、6th ended Asian Games 9. Chilly asked me _. A. if Tim would go sightseeing C. when would Tim go sightseeing B. how would Tim go sightseeing D. where would Tim go sightseeing 10. Tom asked_. A. if he could join us B. that he would join us C. when could he join us D. when he can join us 按要求改写句子,每空限填一词

23、。1.When doesthetrainarrive?Pleasetellme.改为宾语从句 Pleasetellme_ _ _ _.2.Whatdoeshedo ? Doyouknow ?改为宾语从句 Doyouknow_he_?3. Dotheywantfriedchicken ? Heaskedtheboys.改为宾语从句 Heaskedtheboys _they_friedchicken4.WasthewatchmadeinShanghai?Idontknow.改为宾语从句 Idontknow_thewatch_made inShanghai.5.”Doyouwanttotrysome

24、thingnew?”Tomsmotheraskedhim.同义句 Tomsmotheraskedhim_totrysomethingnew.6.Ithinkthisisagoodidea.改为否定句 I_ _this_agoodidea.7.Lucyhasntdecided whichtrouserstobuy.改为复合句 Lucyhasntdecided_ _ _ buy.8.IdontknowhowIcangettothehospital.改为简单句 Idontknow_ _ _tothehospital9.Wereyoubornintheyearofthedog?改为宾语从句 Sheas

25、ksmeif_ _bornintheyearofthedog.10.Weareinterestedtoknowwheretogrowtheorganicvegetables.保持原意 Weareinterestedtoknow_we_ growtheorganicvegetables.答案:1. May I come in? Im sorry I am late.Come in, please. But could you please tell me _? A. why you are late again B. why are you late againC. why you were l

26、ate again D. why were you late again 【答案】C 【解析】考点:宾语从句语序和 could 的用法。宾语从句除个别情况以外,都使用陈述句语序,所以 BD 错了;另,此处 could 不表时态,只是委婉预期,对后面从句部分的时态不构成影响。从句“迟到”是发生在过去的事情,故用一般过去时,选 C. why you were late again。 2. Peter promised that he _ his sister an electronic dictionary.A. has bought B. had bought C. would buy D. w

27、ill buy 【答案】C 【解析】考点:宾语从句时态。主句 promised 为一般过去时,所以从句时态得进行相对应的改变。句意是“她承诺会给妹妹买电子词典”,原句是一般将来时,所以转变为过去将来时,故选 C. would buy。 3. Do you know whom _ ?A. does this jacket belong to B. is this jacket belong to C. this jacket belongs to D. this jacket is belonging to【答案】C 【解析】考点:宾语从句语序和时态。宾语从句除个别情况以外,都使用陈述句语序,所

28、以 AB 错了;而 belong to 表示“属于”不用进行时,故选 C. this jacket belongs to。 4. Id like to know _. A. when will you ask for leave B. when would you ask for leaveC. when you will ask for leave D. when you would ask for leave 【答案】C 【解析】考点:宾语从句语序和时态。宾语从句除个别情况以外,都使用陈述句语序,所以 AB 错了;此处,主句中没有使用一般过去时,所以从句没有必要时态变化,故选 C. whe

29、n you will ask for leave。5. Did you know _ at 9 oclock yesterday evening?A. whom was Jane waiting for B. whom is Jane waiting forC. whom Jane was waiting for D. whom Jane is waiting for 【答案】C 【解析】考点:考点:宾语从句语序和时态。宾语从句除个别情况以外,都使用陈述句语序,所以 AB 错了;此处“at 9 oclock yesterday evening”是过去的具体时间,为过去进去时的时间状语,故选 C

30、. when you will ask for leave。 6. During his lecture, the fireman explained to the students _ from a burning building.A. how could they escape B. how they could escapeC. what could they escape D. what they could escape 【答案】B 【解析】考点:宾语从句引导词和语序。宾语从句除个别情况以外,都使用陈述句语序,所以 AC 错了;引导词的选择与从句的句意和句型都有关系,从句后半部分 from

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