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1、中国中小企业发展状况英译文修改中国中小企业发展状况The Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in China一.中国中小企业发展历程. The development history of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises(SME) 二.中国中小企业数量及分布区域 . The quantity and regional distribution of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises三.中国中小企业面临的困境. The dif

2、ficulty position on Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises四.中国中小企业未来的发展. The future development of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises一、 中国中小企业发展历程.The development history of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises 中国中小企业的发展大致经历三个阶段:The development of Chinese SME had roughly gone throu

3、gh three stages:第一阶段(1952-1978):我国实行计划经济体制,实施以“单一公有制”为特征的中小企业政策,一直到1978年十一届三中全会。The first stage(1952-1978):China implemented planned economy system and the policy for SMES which characterized bythe unitary public ownership system, until the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Party Congress in 1978. 第

4、二阶段(1978-1983):注重发展多种经济形式,国家、集体、私营、个体以及外国投资者的不同产权所有。The second stage(1978-1983):China emphasized on developing a variety of economy forms: the state-owned economy, the collective economy, the private economy, the individual economy and the foreign capital economy. 第三阶段(1984至今):我国的企业政策以“重大轻小”为特点,对中小企

5、业实行变卖、承保、转制、与外商合资等政策。80年代的本土品牌,如彩电行业的金星、牡丹,化妆品行业的大宝、霞飞等占领国内市场,其中大宝在2003年的市场份额高达17.79%,随着欧莱雅、宝洁等的进入,2005年大宝的市场份额下降为1%。由于国内化妆品市场趋于饱和、进口国际品牌的强烈冲击等原因于2007年被美国强生收购。The third stage (1984-now): The enterprises policy in China was characterized by“preferring large to small” .China implemented the policies o

6、f selling, underwriting, restructuring and the foreign joint venture for SMES. In 1980s, local brands occupied the domestic market, such as Venus and Peony in color television industry, Dabao and Xiafei in the cosmetic industry.Then Dabao had as much as 17.79% in the market share in 2003. With the e

7、ntry of LOreal and P&G,the market share of Dabao had slumped to 1% in 2005. Dabao was taken over by Johnson & Johnson in 2007,for the saturation in domestic cosmetics market and the strong impact by imported international brands, 1980年国家充分肯定走组织经济联合体的做法,企业集团产生,并经历初创、试点发展、规范发展阶段,开展了较大规模的兼并、重组,从2001年开始

8、进入做大做强阶段。汇源集团成立于1992年,在全国各地建立了20多个分公司,链结了60多个优质果蔬等原料基地,有效地带动了地方经济的增长。但在开放经济的格局下,随着跨国公司如可口可乐等大举进入中国,其份额下降,经营面临严峻的考验。同时,中国的一些企业也走向了国际市场,如海尔集团 。2011年10月18日,海尔集团和日本三洋电机株式会社签订协议,收购了日本三洋的白色家电业务,这有助于实现国产品牌向国际化延伸。Since China fully confirming to build economic associations in 1980, business groups appeared a

9、nd experienced three stages as initial, developing and standardizing stage. Meanwhile, they conducted to a large-scale merger and reorganization stage in 2001. Founded in 1992, Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd had set up more than 20 branch offices in the whole country and linked to over 60 high quality raw

10、material bases for fruit and vegetable. This effectively drived the local economic growth. However, in the open pattern, accompanied by multinational corporation swarming into China(such as Coca Cola), Huiyuan faced the severe test such as market share dropping.At the same time, some Chinese enterpr

11、ises entered into the international market, such as Haier Group. October 18 in 2011, Haier Group signed an agreement with Japanese Sanyo Motors Corporation to acquire the home appliance business, which helped to make home brand internationalization.二.中国中小企业数量及主要分布区域. The quantity and regional distri

12、bution of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises1.中小企业数量1. The quantity of SME. 截至2010年,中国中小企业总数已占全国企业总数的99%以上;创造了60%的GDP,是大型企业的4到6倍;上缴税收约为国家税收总额的50%;提供了75%的城镇就业机会;主导了60%的出口;中国65%的专利、75%以上的企业技术创新、80%以上的新产品开发都是由中小企业完成的。中小企业在繁荣经济、推动创新、扩大出口、增加就业等方面发挥着重要作用。By 2010, the Chinese SME made up over 99% o

13、f the total.They created 60% of GDP, which is 4 to 6 times as many as the large enterprises; turned over the tax to State about 50% of the total; provided 75% of urban employment opportunities; leading 60% of exports. Furthermore, they also accomplished 65% of Chinas patents, more than 75% of the en

14、terprise technological innovation and more than 80% of the new product development. Hence, SME played an important role in the economic prosperity, promoting innovation, expanding export and increasing employment.中国中小企业在注册资本上的分布情况The registered capital distribution situation of Chinese small and med

15、ium-sized enterprises Registered capital(unit:million yuan)Quantity of enterprises1-107854611-306666831-5043779751-100279309101-15029362151-20076970201-30059542301-500132365501-1000919111001-2000239992.中小企业主要分布区域2. The mainly regional distribution of small and medium-sized enterprises我国的中小企业主要分布在东部、

16、西部、中部三个地区,且发达程度由东到西递减。相关数据如图所示,这表明,我国东部企业对工业产值贡献最大。 The SME in China are mainly distributed in the three regions- the east, west and central. And the development level decreases progressively from east to west. As related data shown in figure, it suggests that the eastern enterprises have the greate

17、st contribution to the industrial output.1.东部地区1. The eastern region东部地区的中小企业主要分布在长江中下游地区、珠江三角洲地区,在数量、产值、效益和规模上是三个地区发展最好、最快的。The SME in the eastern region are mainly distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Pearl River Delta Region. The eastern region is the best and

18、fastest growing in quality, production value, benefit and scale .东部沿海地区,对外开放早、对外经济依存度大,三资企业和民营企业所占比重较大。三资企业中,三来一补、对外加工贸易型的中小企业居多,主要是劳动密集型的行业,专业化强、技术水平低,没有研发能力、核心技术和自主知识产权,没有自主品牌,靠贴牌生产,其产品附加值较低、品种单一,缺乏民族特色和创新元素。比如,东莞玩具加工企业、珠三角鞋帽业、服装业及纺织业等。 The eastern coastal area opens up early and greatly depends o

19、n the overseas economy.So the foreign-invested enterprises and private enterprises take up a greater proportion. The SME which are chiefly engaged in compensation trade and foreign processing trade are in the majority among the foreign-invested enterprises. And these enterprises focus on labor-inten

20、sive industries which are characterized by high specialization and low technical level. Furthermore they have no development capabilities, key technologies and independent intellectual rights and depend on Original Equipment Manufacturer(OEM).So their products have low added value and are lack of re

21、gional features and innovative elements, such as the toys processing enterprises in Dongguan; the shoes, clothing and textile industries in the Pearl River Delta region.2. 西部地区2. The western region 西部地区地广人稀,与14个国家接壤,地形和气候条件较差,但矿产、土地、水资源十分丰富,有大批中国独有的工农业产品,例如,中草药、中成药、珍稀花卉、珍稀蔬菜、陶制品等。与东部地区相比,西部地区中小企业数量少

22、,服务业、教育业所占比重较低,但因西部地区得天独厚的区位特定优势,农业、军事、中医药产业发展较为突出。例如,从事中药及天然药物制剂的开发、生产的云南盘龙云海药业有限公司,主导产品为纯中药制成的“排毒胶囊”,从1994年成立以来,其产品销售每年以200%的幅度增长,短短6年就一个地方性的小厂发展成全国知名制药企业。The western region is scarcely populated and contiguous with 14 countries. The climate and terrain conditions are bad, but mineral, land and wa

23、ter resources are very rich and there is a large number of unique industrial and agriculture products, such as Chinese herbal medicines, patent drugs, rare flowers, vegetables and ceramics. Compared with the east, the number of SME is small and the proportion of service and education industries is l

24、ow. But because of the special regional advantages, the development of agriculture, military and Chinese medicine industry is prominent. For example, Yunnan Panlong Sea Pharmaceutical Co.LTD is engaged in the development and production of Chinese herbal medicine and natural drug, and its leading pro

25、duct is Detoxification Capsule made of pure Chinese herbal medicines. The sales of this product increase 200% each year since 1994 when it was founded. Now, it has developed into the well-known pharmaceutical enterprise for just six years.3.中部地区3. The central region中部地区属经济欠发达地区,中小企业是支撑该地区经济发展的重要支柱。发

26、展较好的产业有机械汽配、针纺织、医药化工及有地区禀赋特色的资源等。从2007年国家“中部崛起”计划实施开始,中部地区经济得到迅速发展,能源原材料工业发展加快,山西、河南、安徽等省大型煤炭基地积极推进,工程机械、电动机车、数控系统等装备制造企业快速发展。今后,中部地区的中小企业仍将继续受到国家的鼓励和支持,这也是中部地区加快发展的机遇。The Central Region is economically underdeveloped and the small and medium-sized enterprises are important pillars in economic devel

27、opment. The good developmental enterprises are mechanical auto parts, needle textile, medicine chemicals and regional characteristic resource endowment and so on. The central region has developed quickly since the national program “Rise of Central China implemented. Thus, the energy and raw material

28、s industries Large-scale coal bases in Shanxi, Henan, and Anhui province promote actively and equipment manufacturers industries such as engineering machinery, motor vehicles, CNC develop rapidly. SME in the central region will continue to be encouraged and supported by China in future and there wil

29、l be more opportunities of rapid development for the central region.三、中小企业面临的困境.The difficulty position on the small and medium-sized enterprises(一)严峻的外部环境制约()The severe external environment condition1.国际金融危机影响,产品市场需求下降1. Due to the international financial crisis, the demand of products is falling 中

30、小企业尤其是外向型中小企业国际订单减少、企业库存增多、资金周转困难、甚至存在资金链断流等问题。2008年前,我国中小企业的产品出口多以20%以上的幅度增长;从2008年11月开始,我国对外贸易进出口同比双双下降,出现了负增长;直到2010年,80%外向型中小企业的出口额与上年相比有所上升。For SME especially export-oriented enterprises, there are many problems: the falling quantity of international order, enterprise inventory increase, hard f

31、und turnover and the cutoff capital chain. Before 2008, the quantity of export products increased at the rate of 20%. From November 2008, China import and export trades have been both drop year-on-year and the negative growth emerged. Until 2010, for 80% of export-oriented SME, their exports just ro

32、se compared to that last year.2.人民币升值,出口产品的国际竞争力下降2. Due to appreciation of RMB, the international competitiveness of the export product declines由于近些年来中国经济保持着较高的增长速度,国际收支双顺差,且外币利差扩大和人民币升值预期不断加强等原因,人民币对美元汇率在五年之间由2006年10月的7.9到2011年10月的 6.3升值了近25%。In recent years, since economy of China grows rapidly, the balance of payments double surplus, foreign currency interest rate spreads expansion and the expectation of RMB appreciation strengthens, the exchange rate of RMB to the US dollar rose from 6.3 i

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