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1、英语语法大全句子的转换与合并K12教育文档英语语法大全-句子的转换与合并(word版可编辑修改) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(英语语法大全-句子的转换与合并(word版可编辑修改))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为英语语法大全-句子的转换与合并(word版可编辑修改)的全部内容。英语语法大

2、全-句子的转换与合并简单句之间的转换1781 句型的转换是指一个句子由一种语法结构变为另一种语法结构,而不改变其原来的意义。这是一种有用的练习,可以学会许多不同的说法,能从几个句子中挑选出最适当的句子形式。A主动语态与被动语态之间的转换一个句子可以由主动结构变为被动结构,也可从被动结构变为主动结构(参阅1207-1209):He has finished his university studiesHis university studies have been finishedThey put him to deathHe was put to deathAn Englishman teac

3、hes him English He is taught English by an Englishmen B肯定句与否定句之间的转换一个句子可以由肯定形式变为否定形式,也可由否定形式变为肯定形式:I am doubtful of his honestyI am not sure of his honestyFew understand itNot many understand itHe is sometimes sillyHe is not always cleverIt is tidyIt is not untidyHe always objectedHe never agreedHe

4、failed to comeHe did not comeShe told the story with tearsShe told the story not without tearsOnly he knows itNobody else knows itHe lacks courage He is without courage He is very tiredHe is not a little tiredHe will always remember your kindnessHe will never forget your kindnessC反问型问句与陈述句之间的转换反问型问句

5、(Rhetorical Questions)可以转变为陈述句:Is that the way to treat your wife?That is not the way to treat your wifeCan I say anything?I cannot say anythingWhere can you ever see a ghost?You can never see a ghost anywhereWho cares about you? Nobody cares about you Why should I apologize?I should not apologizeD不

6、同词类之间的转换几乎任何词类都可以转换为另一词类。可以是:1动词与名词间的转换:Our enemy is strengtheningOur enemy is gaining strengthThey agreed not to criticize each other They made an agreement not to criticize each other It smells goodIt has a good smellJohn disgraces our familyJohn is a disgrace to our family2动词与形容词之间的转换:He neglects

7、 my adviceHe is negligent of my advice He fears nothingHe is afraid of nothingThis letter expresses his gratitudeThis letter is expressive of his gratitudeThey widened and lengthened the streetThey made the street wide and long3动词与副词间的转换:He succeeded in advising MaryHe advised Mary successfullyThey

8、enjoyed celebrating the festivalThey celebrated the festival joyfullyThis story surpasses others in beauty This story is surpassingly beautiful 4名词与形容词间的转换:He is a man of wealthHe is a wealthy manHe is a husband with no heart,she is a wife with a long tongueHe is a heartless husband,she is a long-to

9、ngued wife“Here lies the only wile of John Lee”“Here lies John Lees only wife”This policy is of great importance This policy is very important There was once a monster with three headsThere was once a three-headed monster5名词与副词间的转换:Please handle it with carePlease handle it carefullyIn all probabili

10、ty,it will rain this eveningMost probably,it will rain this eveningOur troops entered the city in triumph Our troops entered the city triumphantly 6形容词与副词间的转换:After a careful analysis,the food proves poisonous Carefully analysed,the food proves poisonous He hates hard workHe hates to work hard7介词与连词

11、间的转换:I like him for his unselfishnessI like him because he is unselfishI will wait until his returnI will wait until he returns图解:简单句与复合句之间的转换1782 一个分词、动名词、不定式或介词短语可以转换为复合句,反过来也如此:Sitting down,he read the letter He sat down and he read the letter The guest leaving,I went to bed The guest left,and th

12、en I went to bed Being tired of life,he refuses to see any friends or relatives-He is tired of life,so he refuses to see any friends or relativesHe ran away to avoid punishment He ran away,or he would be punished He has to work hard to maintain his big familyHe has to work hard,otherwise he cannot m

13、aintain his big familyOut of a desire to please her mother,he sent her things from time to timeHe sent things to her mother from time to time,for he desires to please herBesides selling rice,he teaches arithmetic in the eveningHe sells rice,and besides he teaches arithmetic in the eveningWith all hi

14、s efforts,he failedHe made all efforts,but he failedBy his good manners,he wins her heartHe has good manners,therefore he wins her heartThe boy is rewarded for his braveryThe boy is brave,so he is rewarded图解:简单句与复杂句之间的转换1783 一个词或是短语可以转变为名词从句、定语从句或状语从句,反过来也如此:A名词从句I cannot tell the time of his arriva

15、lI cannot tell when he will arriveI believe your statementI believe what you stateI insisted on his studying artI insisted that he should study artI was informed of his behaviour I was informed of how he behaved I wish you to be always happyI wish that you will be always happyI think it fit for you

16、to take over the businessI think it fit that you take over the businessI learn of his success I learn that he has succeededHis arrival is a great eventThat he has arrived is a great eventHow to get rid of poverty is a big problem It is a big problem how we can get rid of poverty图解:B定语从句He is a selfm

17、ade man He is a man who has succeeded by his own effortsIt has become an independent countryIt has become a country that is no more controlled by anothorI want to live and die in my native villageI want to live and die in the village where I was bornShe wears a seablue skirtShe wears a skirt which i

18、s as blue as the seaWe need an atomsmashing machineWe need a machine that can smash atomsI have nothing to sayI have nothing that I wish to sayThe evil done lives after the doersThe evil that men do lives after them 图解:C状语从句The children quarrelled over the property on the death of their fatherThe ch

19、ildren quarrelled over the property as soon as their father diedAfter 20 years of service,he retiredWhen he had served 20 years,he retiredHe died in his native placeHe died where he was bornHe stayed at home because of illnessHe stayed at home because he was illIn spite of my advice,he persisted in

20、going out with her Although I advised him,he persisted in going out with herYou may drink to your hearts contentYou may drink as much as you likeWithout any water,this plant cannot liveUnless it gets some water,this plant cannot liveHe is too tired to work any more He is so tired that he cannot work

21、 any more I will inform the police to punish himI will inform the police so that he may be punished注:1782中大部分短语不仅可以变为并列的分句,也可以变为状语从句。图解:复杂句与复合句之间的转换1784 He gained a lot of money in gambling and he wished to gamble again After he gained a lot of money in gambling,he wished to gamble againHe may be in

22、terested in art and in that case he should go to some fine arts schoolIf he is interested in art,he should go to some fine arts schoolRecede one step and they will proceed three If you recede one step,they will proceed three He is poor,but he is proudAlthough he is poor,he is proud He has failed,yet

23、 he has done his best Although he has failed,he has done his best We must keep silent or father will get angryWe must keep silent lest father should get angryHe must live a regular life,otherwise he will fall illUnless he lives a regular life,he will fall ill He is a very good teacher,so the student

24、s like himThe students like him,because he is a good teacherThey have said all they wish to say,therefore they understand each other thoroughlyAs they have said all they wish to say,they understand each other thoroughly图解:直接引语和间接引语之间的转换1785 说话人讲的话可以用两种方式来引用.如果引用他的原话,就称作直接引语。因此He said,“I am very ill”

25、为直接引语。如果按引用人的观点来引用,则称为间接引语。因此He said that he was very ill为间接引语。Said这样的动词称为引话动词,它前面的主语,例如he,可称为第一主语。引语中的主语,如I及he,称为第二主语。引语中的谓语动词称为第二动词。当直接引语转换为间接引语,或间接引语转换为直接引语时,有几个问题需要注意。A大写与标点直接引语放在引号之内,第一个字母要大写,引号前加逗号(间或用冒号),引语末加句号、问号或感叹号,但在间接引语中却不加这些。间接引语必须由that,whether(if)或疑问词(who,why,when等)开头,末尾要加句号。此外,在直接引语中问

26、句可能有倒装语序(助动词放在主语前面),但在间接引语中,问句则需变为自然语序:I say,“He will come”I say that he will comeI say:“When will he come?”I ask when he will comeB引话动词与第二动词引话动词可以是say,remark,observe,claim,explain,con firm;ask,enquire,question;answer,reply;declare,announce;beg,urge,suggest,request,demand;order,command;object,deny,a

27、dmit,agree,argue;warn,threaten;think,reflect,consider;write,cable,phone,telex;shout,laugh, sneer等等。若引话动词是现在时或将来时,则当引语由直接变为间接时,第二动词照旧不变.但若引话动词是过去时,则间接引语中的第二动词,就要由现在时变为过去时,由过去时变为过去完成时等。I say(or will say)to him,“John arrives(or will arrive,arrived)on Sunday”I say(or will say)to him that John arrives(or

28、 will arrive,arrived)on SundayI said to him,“John arrives(or will arrive,arrived)on Sunday I said to him that John arrived(or would arrive,had arrived) on SundayC引话动词与连词1如果间接引语为陈述句,它前面通常都有:say that,know that,tell him that,state that,2如果它是问句,它前面通常有:ask(him)whether(or if),inquire(of him) whether,deman

29、d(of him)whether,wonder whether,want to know whether;或ask(him)W(即疑问词,如who,whom,when,why,which),inquire(of him)W,3如果它是感叹句,它前面通常有:exclaim that,cry out with joy that,4如果间接引语为祈使句,它前面通常有:demand that, ask that,request that,advise that,order that,且里面包含助动词should此外间接引语还可以转换为不定式短语,这时引话动词需要改为宾补动词:1I said,“You

30、are a nice boy”I said that he was a nice boyI thought,“You will fail again”I thought that he would fail again2I said,“Are you a nice boy?”I asked whether he was a nice boyI thought to myself,“Will he fail again?I asked myself whether he would fail againI enquired of him,“Who knows it?”I enquired of him who knew it3I said,“What a nice boy you are!”I exclaimed that he was indeed a nice boyI said,“Hurrah!We have won the battle”I cried with joy that we had won the battleHe said,“Curse it!You are a fool”He excla

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