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1、山东威海中考英语解析2018年山东省威海市初中学业考试英语解析人:顾广良 审校人:赵昌铁注意事项:1. 本试卷共8页,共80分。考试时间90分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。2. 答题前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、座号填写在答题卡和试卷规定的位置上。3. 需要涂卡的小题,选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应的题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答案选在试卷上无效。4. 非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须填写在答题卡指定区域内相应的位置,写在试卷上的答案无效;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂

2、改液、胶带纸、修正带,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。一、阅读理解(共五篇短文,共25小题,计30分。其中1-20每小题1分;21-25每小题2分) 阅读A、B篇,从文后每小题A、B、C选项中选择最佳答案。请将答案编号涂卡。 (2018山东威海)AOne day Vimala and her new friend, Mary, were playing at school. Mary was a very quiet and shy girl but Vimala liked her. While jumping, Marys glasses fell off and broke. Just th

3、en the bell rang and they had to hurry to their science class. “Oh dear, Im going to be as blind as a bat. But wed better hurry. Its Miss Lees class,” said Mary. At the start of the lesson, Miss Lee explained how to do the experiment to produce large crystals. Then she started to question the class.

4、 Nobody dared to give a wrong answer because Miss Lee was a very strict teacher. Miss Lee held up a clamp (夹具) and said, “What do we use this for? What do we call it?”All the girls looked down, while she looked at their heads for one to pick on. “Mary?” she finally asked. Mary was sitting at the bac

5、k of the class. She stood up and peered at Miss Lee, but she could not see clearly what the teacher was holding. She was nervous a bit and did not answer. Miss Lee repeated her question. This time she spoke more slowly and there was anger in her voice. “What is this used for?” she asked. Vimala saw

6、storm clouds climbing up to Miss Lees face. She knew that the storm was about to burst on Mary, so she put up her hand. Miss Lee paid no attention to her and stared through narrowed eyes at Mary, waiting for an answer. Mary did not know what to say. She looked to her left and right for help. Too sca

7、red to say out that he couldnt see clearly, Mary hoped that if she kept quiet, Miss Lee would ask somebody else. Vimala guessed what was wrong, so she decided to take a risk, She jumped to her feet and said, “Excuse me, Miss Lee, Mary broke her glasses just before the lesson started. I dont think sh

8、e can see the clamp clearly,” Then she sat down, praying (祈祷) that the ceiling would not fall on her.“Oh!” Miss Lee said, a little surprised. She had thought that Mary was refusing to answer. Now that she understood, her anger faded away. “Thank you, Vimala.” she said. Then she turned to Mary and sa

9、id, “Come and look at this.” Mary left her chair and went to the front of the class. “Its a clamp.” she said. “We can put it on a metal stand (支架) and use it to hold the things in place.”“Well, you got it right at last,” Miss Lee said with a brief smile “But youd better not do any experiments until

10、your glasses have been repaired. You can watch Vimala while she does the experiment.”The storm clouds disappeared. The smile disappeared from Miss Lees face and she continued with the lesson. Vimala winked at Mary who peered at her and smiled weakly. 1. Whats the matter with Marys glasses?A. They we

11、re lost. B. They were broken. C. They were left at home.2. Miss Lee was teacher.A. an English B. a science C. a math3. Why couldnt Mary answer Miss Lees question?A. Because she didnt know the answer. B. Because she couldnt hear what Miss Lee was saying. C. Because she couldnt see what the teacher wa

12、s holding.4. The sentence “Vimala saw storm clouds climbing up to Miss Lees face.” means Vimala found .A. the sky was cloudy B. a heavy storm was coming C. Miss Lee was becoming angry5. Which of the following is NOT right? A. Mary was quiet and shy and also as blind as a bat. B. Miss Lee was a stric

13、t and serious teacher.C. Mary knew what a clamp was used for. 体裁记叙文话题日常活动之学校生活词数547【主旨大意】这是一篇记叙文。讲述的是玛丽在课下不小心把自己的眼镜摔碎了,上课时Lee老师让她回答自己手里的“夹具”是用来干什么的。玛丽由于高度近视,根本看不清楚是什么东西,但是惧怕严厉的Lee老师,不敢说明原因。她的朋友Vimala大胆帮她解释了其中的缘由。Lee老师平和了自己的怒火,让玛丽到近前仔细观察,之后玛丽回答得很正确。1. B【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的“While jumping, Marys glasses f

14、ell off and broke”可知,玛丽的眼镜掉在地上,摔坏了。故选B。2. B【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段的第一句“At the start of the lesson, Miss Lee explained how to do the experiment to produce large crystals”可知,Lee老师在这节课的开始的时候,解释了如何做实验,来制作晶体,故推断她是一位科学老师。故选B。3. C【解析】细节理解题。根据第九段中的“Mary broke her glasses just before the lesson started. I dont think

15、 She can see the clamp clearly”可知,玛丽不能回答老师的问题,是因为她课前把自己戴的眼镜摔坏了,看不清楚老师手里拿的东西是什么。故选C。4. C【解析】推理判断题。根据该句的上文“This time she spoke more slowly and there was anger in her voice”可知:老师反复问玛丽那个问题,可是玛丽不回答,也不解释原因,老师的说话声音有点恼怒。故推断该句意为:Vimala发现老师正变得生气、恼火。故选C。5. A【解析】推理判断题。通读原文可知:Miss Lee是一位严厉、严肃的老师,玛丽知道夹具是用来干什么的。故选

16、项B和C说法正确。玛丽只是眼睛近视,离开了配镜,不能完全看清楚东西,但是她并不是眼睛瞎得像蝙蝠一样。故选项A说法“玛丽很文静、害羞,并且她眼睛瞎得像蝙蝠一样”错误。故选A。(2018山东威海)B Amanda Kilts is one of “tomorrows people” people who have artificial (人工的) body parts. She has a bionic (电子操控) arm. Now Kitts runs a day-care center. Children run up to her happily as she comes into the

17、 classroom. She bends over to talk with a small girl. As she bends, Kitts puts her hands on her knees. For most people, this would be easy. However, just a few years ago, this was impossible for Kitts. In 2006, Kitts was in a car accident, A truck crushed (挤坏) her left arm and the doctor had to cut

18、it off. “ I was angry, sad, depressed. I just couldnt accept it,” she says. But then she heard about a new technique that could use the remaining nerves (神经) in her shoulder to control an artificial arm. In a difficult operation, a doctor moved Kittss nerves to different areas of her upper-arm muscl

19、es. For months, the nerves grew. Millimeter by millimeter, they moved deeper into their new homes. “At three months I started feeling little tingles and twitches (刺痛和抽搐),”she said. A month later, she got her first bionic arm. A research engineer worked with Kitts to make the computer programs match

20、her real movements more and more closely.Today, Kittss arm is great, but its not yet perfect. She wants feeling in her hands. For example, she needs to feel whether something is rough or smooth. She also needs feeling to do one of her favorite things-drink coffee. “The problem with a paper coffee cu

21、p is that my hand will close until it gets a solid grip,” she says. One time at a coffee shop, her hand kept closing until it crushed the cup. But Kitts says positively, “One day Ill be able to feel things with it. and clap my handsto the songs my kids are singing.”6. What is the difference between

22、Kitts and normal people?A. She has a bionic arm. B. She can bend. C. She can put her hands on her knees.7. Kitts got her first bionic arm _ after the difficult operation.A. almost three months B. over one month C. more than four months8. Kitts is able to _ with her bionic hand.A. clap her hands B. h

23、old things . C. feel rough or smooth things9. Kittss attitude toward her new arm is _ . A. positive B. angry C. perfect10. Choose the Right order of the events. Kitts heard about a new technique Kitts crushed a paper coffee cup. Kitts had two human arms.A truck hit Kittss car. Kitts got her first bi

24、onic arm. Doctors moved some of the nerves in Kittss armA. B. C. 体裁记叙文话题科普知识与现代技术词数350【主旨大意】这是一篇记叙文。讲述的是在一次交通事故中,Amanda Kilts的左臂被卡车挤坏,医生给她换了一条可以电子操控的人工胳膊。不过目前这条“胳膊”运用起来并不完美。但是Kilts深信总有一天,这条假臂会和真的胳膊一样,去用来触摸东西。6. A 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的“She has a bionic arm”可知:Kitts和正常人的不同之处在于她有一条电子操控的胳膊。故选A。7.C【解析】细节理解题。

25、根据第四段中的“At three months I started feeling little tingles and twitches. A month later, she got her first bionic arm”可知:在那次手术之后过了三个月,她开始稍微感觉到刺痛和抽搐。一个月后,她安装上了她的电子操控的胳膊。故推断安装这条电子胳膊的时间是在做完手术四个多月之后。故选C。8.B【解析】细节理解题。根据原文最后一段中的“she needs to feel whether something is rough or smooth.”以及“One day Ill be able t

26、o feel things with it. And clap my hands”可知:现阶段Kitts还不能够触摸粗糙或平滑的东西,也不能拍手。故结合三选项可推断,她只能用胳膊握着东西。故选B。9. A【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段中的But Kitts says positively, “One day Ill be able to feel things with it. and clap my handsto the songs my kids are singing.”可知:Kitts对待她的新胳膊的态度是积极乐观的。故选A。10.C【解析】推理判断题。通读原文可知:故事情节顺序应

27、该是:首先Kitts有两条正常的普通人的胳膊;然后一辆卡车撞在了Kitts的汽车上,接着Kitts损坏的胳膊被切除后,她听说了一项能新技术;接下来医生传输了Kitts胳膊上的部分神经;接着Kitts有了她的电子胳膊,最后Kitts的胳膊压碎了一个纸做的咖啡杯。故选C。(2018山东威海)C阅读C篇,判断正(A)误(B).请将答案编号涂卡.A表示正确,B表示错误。 Bangladesh (孟加拉)is an agricultural country between India and Burma. Storms from the Indian Ocean sweep across the cou

28、ntry every year, and large areas of farming land are flooded (冲毁). The people are very poor. Fewer than half of the countrys children complete their primary education. When they are six or seven years old, many children to work in the fields or at home. The rest of their “education” con

29、sists of looking after cattle, collecting firewood or doing household jobs.Not long ago, an experimental school was opened near the capital, Dacca, to help poor children. There are only 120 children in the school, which has three classrooms. In each class, forty pupils are divided into four groups o

30、f ten. Each pupil is free to decide which group he or she wants to join. The most able pupils do a great deal of the teaching. They act as group monitors. Their duty is to ensure that all pupils in their group understand and practice what the teacher has taught. There are a number of unusual feature

31、s the Bangladesh school. Children do not move up a class automatically when they grow older. Each group is promoted (升级) only when EVERY pupil in it has succeeded in getting to the right standard. As a result, all members of a group work hard to help the less able pupils. Nobody is left behind. Less

32、ons are extremely practical and include work on farming, carpentry, health and running a home as well as lessons on the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic. At school, pupils prepare for adult一life by learning to carry out almost all the tasks which they will face when they grow older. If pupils have to look after cattle or young children, they are allowed to bring th

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