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1、广东版高三英语完形填空专项训练经典例题及答案范文Part 1 Basic words review Part 2总述:完形填空题对考生们来讲一直是难度较大的语言能力测试题,但同时也被认为是当今比较可行的、能较好体现区分度的英语测试题。它要求考生能够去领悟一篇有残缺的文章语篇大意,根据已学知识,整体理解,通篇考虑,推导“未知”内容。它具有主观性测试和客观性测试的双重优点。它既可以在篇目中考查学生的英语基础知识即语法,词汇知识;又可以考查学生的运用所学语言知识的能力,如词义辨析,词语搭配;习惯用法,语言交际、文化背景和社会风俗等等,同时还要求学生必须具备良好的把握上下文的行文逻辑和整个篇章结构的能

2、力。考生必须在一定的时间内读懂全文,把握作者意图,推断文章内涵,然后根据上下文语境,从整体上把握文章的内在逻辑关系,结合所学的语言知识和各种常识选出适合语境和文义的词语。Part 3Exercise -Do you have enough patience?Carmens mother Maria had just survived a serious heart attack. But without a heart transplant(移植)her life was in constant 36 . Both the mother and daughter knew that the c

3、hances were very 37 : finding a donor heart that 38 Marias blood type could take years. 39 , Carmen was determined to save her mother. She kept 40 hospitals all over the country. Days stretched out. By Christmas, Maria had trouble 41 from one end of the room to the other. Carmen lost all hope. She f

4、ell into a 42 of the hospital, crying. “Are you okay?” a man asked. Carmen sobbed as she told the stranger her 43 . This middle-aged man was named Frank, whose wife, Cheryl, a tender and devoted mother of four lovely children, had been in hospital with a brain disease and wouldnt 44 it through the n

5、ight. Suddenly, an idea came to Franks mind. He knew Cheryl had always wanted to 45 something from herself. Could her 46 go to Carmens mother?After reviewing the data, doctors 47 Frank that his wifes heart was by some miracle a perfect 48 for Carmens mother. They were able to 49 the transplant.That

6、cold night, when Cheryl was 50 dead, Frank came to knock at Marias door. She was 51 for Franks family as she had been doing every day recently. Though Maria had never met Frank before, they both felt a strange 52 as they hugged and cried.On New Years Eve, Carmen attended Cheryls 53 with Franks famil

7、y, who were singing their favorite song “My heart will go on.” One day later, on New Years Day, Maria 54 with Cheryls heart. Yes, Cheryls loving heart would go on, for it was 55 in another loving mothers chest.36. A. change B. danger C. disorder D. pain37. A. small B. distant C. hard D. precious 38.

8、 A. matched B. replaced C. controlled D. cooperated39. A. Certainly B. Otherwise C. However D. So40. A. finding B. phoning C. touring D. interrupting41. A. rolling B. running C. walking D. jumping42. A. corner B. bed C. man D. nurse 43. A. mother B. story C. error D. dream 44. A. put B. support C. p

9、ass D. make 45. A. save B. recycle C. donate D. separate 46. A. heart B. brain C. husband D. spirit47. A. informed B. warned C. congratulated D. reminded48. A. copy B. fit C. variation D. baby49. A. give up B. carry out C. search after D. put off50. A. noticed B. predicted C. found D. declared51. A.

10、 praying B. begging C. decorating D. singing52. A. belief B. love C. bond D. relief53. A. funeral B. operation C. performance D. anniversary54. A. passed away B. woke up C. left behind D. dressed up 55. A. active B. alive C. necessary D. changeable Conclusion Correct ones :Wrong ones :Correct rate:Y

11、our difficulty in doing cloze :Part 4 know something about cloze 一、命题特点1 选用文章特点:(1) 所选文章难度与高中教材难度大致相同(2) 文章内容贴近生活,易于理解;有一个主题,内容多为夹叙夹议的感悟性文章。(3) 短文的选材更加灵活,题材更加广泛,而且时代信息越来越强;更加贴近现实生活。 例如2005年浙江卷的完形填空就描述作者对网络时代的困惑:在一家小小的咖啡吧里,人人把自己圈锁在网络世界里,面对一台台无生命的机器谈兴甚浓,却拒绝与身边真实的人交流。文中描述了作者所见、所闻、所思、所想。2 设置空白特点(1) 第一句话

12、通常不设空,给学生提供一个阅读入门的基本信息。短文中设空的平均间距在1015词之间。(2) 每小题所给出的个选项一般都属于相同的词类,同一范畴;干扰项也多半可以和空前或空后的文字形成搭配,从而起到一定的干扰和迷惑作用。3 立意特点:(1)题目把上下文语境理解放在第一位,词汇运用和语法知识放在第二位。(2)词汇的考查面越来越宽,但完形填空的选项设置以实词为主,既名词、动词、形容词和副词等,以虚词为辅,即连词、介词等。如2005的完形填空近260个单词的一篇文章,20个布空中,测试动词和动词短语5个、形容词个、副词和副词短语5个、连词个、名词个。(3)所设选项更具有干扰性和迷惑性,直接根据语法和固

13、定搭配就能选出答案的试题越来越少,设空与语境的联系更加密切。如2005年的完形填空20个选题无一题是语法题,均为语篇的整体理解、上下文判断、逻辑推理。如:It was raining. I went into a cafe and asked for a coffee._ I was waiting for my drink, I realized there were other people in the place. 此题答案是While。但在选项设置上避开了传统的纯语法的干扰项when和as。此题的被选项是Before, Since, Although, While.只要考生理解上下文

14、,是很容易选择出正确答案的。又如:I touched his shoulder, but no reaction. I was unhappy. I put my hand in front of the monitor, and he started to shout, “ _!”此题的被选项是Shut up, Enjoy yourself, Leave me alone, Help me out.考生只要具有适当的逻辑推理能力,选择Leave me alone不成问题。二、应试策略要充分了解完形填空题的考查侧重点及命题趋势,在学习过程中做到有的放矢,并进行有针对性的练习。1广闻博记,练好扎

15、实基本功。2扩大阅读量,培养良好的词感和语感。3.拓宽视野,扩大文化背景知识三、解题技巧: 近几年的完形填空题更注重突出语篇的完整性,强调句与句,段与段之间的逻辑性,语法知识不再是考查重点。那种把单纯的语法知识简单地对号入座式的解题方法已经应付不了现在的试题要求。所以必须了解并掌握这种题形的特点及正确的解题方法,绝不能提笔就做,见空就填。1快速阅读全文,注意首尾,把握文章大意2抓住关键信息,注意逻辑贯通,合理搭配谴词每道题在文章中都能找到信息依据,文章都是前后连贯,符合逻辑地向前发展延伸的,因此在解题是必须把握文章的走势,揣摩文章字里行间的意义,选择与作者思路相吻合的选项。同时把握文章中的关键

16、词,连词或副词,它们往往是选择正确答案的关键。如:While I was waiting for my drink, I realized there were other people in the place, but I sensed _. A. pain B. loneliness C. sadness D. fear在人多的地方应该是热热闹闹的,但有了关键词but意义就相反了,当然无须过多考虑pain, sadness和fear,选loneliness万无一失。3先易后难,善于返回定论四、 近期对策1精选练习,屏弃糟粕 2适量训练,增添信心3佳篇必读,提高效率4控制速度,讲究科学总之

17、,要提高完形填空的解题能力,除了掌握以上基本步骤和方法外,还必须增强实践,不断总结经验,培养语感,掌握技巧,提高解题的准确性,才能在考试中胸有成竹,得心应手。Part 5 More exercise :一、(省实验)完形填空 “Happy New Year!”“The same to you!”The 21 greeting heard throughout the US on January 1 had a counterpart in every land. The words may be different and the dates may 22, but the New Year

18、greetings everywhere 23 the hope for renewed life and happiness.Down through history, primitive and civilized people 24 have celebrated the coming of a New Year. For ancient people dependent upon the land, time revolved around(围绕)the seasons. To this day, some countries begin their year with vernal

19、equinox (春分).As civilization advanced, a calendar based on the seasons was 25 practical, and in 45 BC, the Roman Emperor ordered that a new calendar 26 which would correlate the civil and the astronomical years. The Romans chose January 1 as the first day of the year and so it remains in all parts o

20、f the Western world. January symbolizes the theme of leaving the old 27 the new. When we see the old year out and noisily welcome the new one, we are following the ancient 28 of burying the past and frightening the evil that might threaten the future. The modern revelers (狂欢者) who blow the toy horn

21、and turn on the factory siren is erasing past 29 or failures with a noisy final gesture. Grown-ups and children alike vow to break 30 their bad habits and resolve(决心)to lead better lives.21. A. strange B. ordinary C. familiar D. interesting22. A. change B. vary C. move D. transform23. A. express B.

22、explain C. tell D. mean24. A. like B. likely C. alike D. also25. A. still B. always C. not only D. no longer26. A. was adopted B. be adopted C. was adapted D. be adapted27. A. to B. towards C. with D. for28. A. tradition B. trend C. behavior D. activity29. A. success B. sorrow C. mistakes D. memorie

23、s30. A. down B. up C. off D. away from二、(执信A)完形填空 In the United States, students need more than good grades to impress teachers and employers. They also need to 21 social and practical experience. Many students do this by 22 clubs. These clubs can be related to academics or recreation, everything fr

24、om math to chess and music. Students 23 seek internships(实习) and jobs. Internships usually do not pay, but they help students learn more about a 24 that interests them. For example, students who are interested in politics 25 to work on a local politicians campaign. Students are often taking stress.

25、They are 26 running from class to club, to community service, to internship, to Starbucks and 27 to class again and again and again. These experiences also give students 28 contacts inside a particular industry. They often get letters of recommendation and win more employment 29 . However, extracurr

26、icular responsibilities can affect students 30 in the classroom. If they are not very organized, they can easily become lost in their schoolwork and overwhelmed with pressure.21. A. learn B. gain C. win D. serve22. A. attending B. opening C. contacting D. joining23. A. also B. either C. never D. eve

27、r24. A. subject B. society C. lesson D. field25. A. pretend B. volunteer C. continue D. expect26. A. fast B. busy C. active D. right27. A. thus B. forever C. often D. then28. A. valuable B. formal C. remote D. regular29. A. relationship B. friendship C. opportunities D. campaign30. A. homework B. as

28、signment C. performance D. understanding三、(执信B)完形填空Most Londoners reacted with joy when the International Olympic Committee awarded the 2012 summer _21_ to their city in July 2005. That most Olympics lose money, often on vast amounts, was _22_ at that moment. But now there is an increasing acrimonio

29、us quarrel over how much the games will cost and who will _23_ paying for the overrun.It was revealed that the organizers faced an unknown bill for VAT (a sales tax), something that had _24_ been left out of the original budget. That budget specified 2.4 billion for building the venues(比赛场地)and runn

30、ing the games. Another 1 billion was set _25_, though not included in the headline figure, for redeveloping the Lower Lea Valley, a run-down wasteland in east London close to where the games will be _26_ , whose regeneration formed an important part of Britains bid.On the basis of these _27_ , the O

31、lympics will cost as much as 4.7 billion. But there are other, unknown costs that should be added too. There will be a big cost for extra _28_ as a result of the July 7th bombings, which happened the day after London won the games.The government puts a brave face on the row, _29_ that London is doing better previous organizers: “Sydney didnt have a _30_ until two years befo

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