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1、教案高级英语写作课程 Advanced English Writing Introductory to the Course 课程介绍 This course is intended to make students understand the required methods in the advanced writings. After the course, students should be able to freely express their ideas and thoughts with idiomatic English expressions in the writin

2、gs, not Chinese-English. The course will be divided into two major parts: Basic Requirement of Advanced English Writing and Practical Writing (应用文)【 说明 】 Differences between written language and spoken language. They are both the way of communications. Spoken: understand each other immediately, poss

3、ible language errors, mispronunciations, etc. Written: grammar/ spelling mistakes not allowed, etc. 在第一次课后,征询学生意见:“你希望在写作课程中学到什么”或“你希望老师讲些什么”Section I Basic requirement of advanced English writing 该部分的前提是,已经具有一定的写作基础,能写出正确的、合乎英语语法的句子。因此,不再讲语法和“正确的句子”,而重点在“写出更好的句子”。I. Sentence Level 1Diction (措词) Usi

4、ng exact words (用词的准确性) 例1: 他走进了教室。 The usual way may be: He walked(moved ) into the classroom. 【 说明 】1. 一般的动作“走”,仅区别于 “跑”、“飞”,或者 “by bus”、“on bike” 等。2. 更有不同姿势、不同心情的情况下的 走,用词就不一样了。如: 悠闲地走:stroke 快步地走:rush, etc. 蹦蹦跳跳地走: spring 步伐大而有力地走:bound 腾空跳着走:leap 跛脚走:limp Step: 步入、踏上; Stagger: walk or move uns

5、teadily; 蹒跚;(pan shan)Stride: walk with long steps; 大步行走;March: walk with regular and measured steps; 行进、行军;Tramp: walk with heavy steps; 重步走;步行、穿行;【 说明 】 (可做不同的动作来演示下例词的不同表达) The better way may be; He rushed into the classroom. Other possible words: dashed; stole; stalked(昂首阔步地走;悄悄地追踪); etc. 【 说明 】

6、 可用小短片显示 (布什拉登;备用影像No. 1); 【 说明 】 使用不同的词,使语句表达得更生动、形象。比walk 好。【 说明 】用词的准确性,值得“推敲”。学习古人们的认真和严谨。 引用贾岛典故“推敲”: “鸟宿池边树,僧推(敲)月下门。” 又: “吟罢一个字,捻断数根须。” 例2: (郎文联想词典中的例句)(图 加 文)1 Example 1 (熨衣服) She burned the shirt. She scorched the shirt. Scorch: to burn the surface of something and leave a dark mark on it.

7、(烧坏了某物的表面)2 Example 2 (乱涂写) She is drawing things while she is on the telephone. Shes not really thinking about what shes doing. Shes doodling on the paper. Doodle: to draw shapes, lines, or patterns without really thinking about what you are doing, for example when you are thinking about something

8、else or when you feel bored. (胡乱涂画、写) e.g. I always doodle while Im talking on the phone. 3 Example 3 (偷听) The couple on the left are having a private conversation. the man on the right is secretly listening to their conversation. He is eavesdropping on their conversation. Eavesdrop: to secretly lis

9、ten to someone elses conversation by standing near them, hiding behind a door etc. (偷听别人的谈话) e.g. How did you know I was going? Youve been eavesdropping, havent you !4 Example 4 (手指戳 ) The man is pushing her with his finger in order to wake her up. The man is poking her to wake her up. The man is pr

10、odding her. Poke: to push someone or something with your finger or with something sharp. (用手指或尖物戳) Prod: to gently push someone or something, using your finger or something such as a stick. (轻轻地用手指或尖物戳) e.g. I gave dad a poke to wake him up. The boy poked the fish with a stick to see if it was still

11、 alive. The officer raised his stick and prodded the soldier in the chest. 5 Example 5 ( 偷视) The woman is looking through the gap. She seems to be secretly having a quick look at something. She is peeking through the gap. She is taking a peek through the gap. She is peeping through the gap. Peek/ pe

12、ep : to look at something quickly and secretly, especially from a place where you cannot be seen. (偷窥)6 Example 6 ( 抱小孩 ) The woman is holding the little boy, and the little boy is holding a teddy bear. The woman is cuddling the little boy, and the little boy is cuddling the teddy bear. Cuddle: to h

13、old someone in your arms for a long time, especially a child, a small animal, or someone you love. (怀抱、拥抱) also: hug e.g. the girl had fallen asleep in her chair, cuddling a little teddy bear. 7 Example 7 ( 小孩哭) The little boy is crying. Hes very upset. The little boy is crying his eyes out. Cry one

14、s eyes out: to cry a lot because you are very upset. Similar expressions: To sob: to cry noisily and your body shakes, because you are very sad or because someone has upset you. To bawl: to cry loudly, especially about young children or people you do not have any sympathy for. e.g. The child covered

15、 her face with her hands and started to sob uncontrollably. “Stop bawling,” Dad said crossly, “and come over here.” The baby was sitting in his high chair, red in the face and bawling. 8 Example 8 ( 不想吃饭) 不想吃饭 She is not eating very much of her meal because she is thinking about something else. She

16、doesnt look very happy. She is picking at her dinner. Pick at: to eat only a small part of a meal, especially because you feel ill or unhappy. e.g. I sat picking at my dinner, wishing I were somewhere else. 【 说明 】 可显示几幅动画或视频,学生写成句子。1) Use more specific words General and Specific Words General words

17、denote large classes or broad areas, actions or qualities; specific words denote individual objects, actions or qualities that compose classed or areas. For instance, “clothing” is the general word which names a group of more specific articles such as coat, jacket, skirts, hat; “literature” is the g

18、eneral word which names a class of more specific writing such as drama, fiction, poetry, biography. The following three points may guide you in the choice of these words: First, general and specific words should not be confused with abstract and concrete words. A general word is not necessarily an a

19、bstract word; a concrete word is not necessarily a specific word. For instance, the word “vehicle” is a general word because it denotes a class of things such as bus, car, carriage, cart, bicycle, but it is by no means abstract. “Flower” is a concrete word, because we can see, touch, and smell it, b

20、ut it is not a specific word, because it denotes a class of plants such as rose, tulip, cherry, orchid, chrysanthemum. Second, the terms “general” and “specific” are only relative. A word may be specific by contrasts with one word, yet general by contrasts with another. For instance, the noun “chair

21、” is specific compared with furniture, because it is a kind of furniture, but it is general when compared with “armchair”, because armchair is a kind of chair; the verb “walk” is specific in comparison with “move”, because walking is a kind of moving, but it is general in comparison with “stride”, w

22、hich is kind of walking. Third, concrete and specific words are clear and precise. They call forth clear mental images, and are generally more effective than abstract and general words. Abstract words are not easy to use properly; they often cause confusion and controversy. For instance, the word “d

23、emocracy” means different things to different people. So do “freedom”, “patriotism”, and many other words. General words are often weak and vague. For instance, in the sentence: I turned up a lump of soil with my tool, and placed it into the basket. The noun “tool” and the “place” are rather weak an

24、d vague. If we substitute “spade” for “tool” and “fling” for “place”: I turned up a lump of soil with my spade and flung it into the basket. The sentence becomes more forceful and vivid. More examples: We moved from the log house to the town. We walked from the log house to the town. (clear, definit

25、e) We limped (stumbled) from the log house to the town. (more clear and definite) There is wind today. (It gives no specific sense. ) There is a cold ( cool ) wind today. (different adjectives may make different feelings. ) writer- ( both concrete and general ) Novelist, playwright, newspaper column

26、ist ( more clear and definite )Statements, too, can be relatively general or specific, depending on how broadly or narrowly they can be applied. Compare the following sentences for their relative generality: Colleges are respected in the world. ( Very broad; applies to all colleges everywhere. ) The

27、 University of Utah is a good college. ( Less broad because it applies to only one college, but there are many ways to be “good”. ) The University of Utah has a fine medical school. ( More specific; this establishes one way in which the colleges excels.) Because its physician-teachers have pioneered

28、 in heart transplant technology, the University of Utah has a reputation for leadership in medical research. ( More specific; this points out one special way in which the college excels. It also supports the idea that it is a good college. ) Conciseness Avoid using more words than are necessary for

29、the adequate expression of your thought. Wordiness (redundancy ) It simply means the use of more words than you need in a particular situation. To achieve conciseness, you must ask whether every word you write is doing its work, carrying its proper load of meaning, and helping its neighbors with the

30、ir loads. Study the following sets of sentences. Do you see what is meant by conciseness? A) Whenever anyone called for someone to help him do some certain thing, Jim was always the first to volunteer and lend his help. B) Whenever anyone called for help, Jim was always the first to volunteer. A) Th

31、is spirit of cooperation is essential and necessary for anyone to have in order to get along with other people, and this is a quality that Jim had. B) Jim had the spirit of cooperation which is necessary if one wishes to get along with people. A) Jim was one of those people of whom there are few in this world like him. B) There are few people like Jim. A) Lumbering is placed in the upper ten industries in the United States from the standpoint of importance. B) Lumbering is one of the ten most important industries in the United States. Practice: Rewrite the following sentences, subs

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