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初中英语Seasons教案 译林牛津版3.docx

1、初中英语Seasons教案 译林牛津版3Period : Study skills&Task& self-assessment(第四课时)第一部分 教案设计教学内容study skills&Task& self-assessment(第8991页),study skills学习一些构词法的常识,了解并掌握一些通过加后缀“-y”构成的单词。Task板块学习一篇描写冬天的文为写作做好准备。Self-assessment板块要求学生对照单元各个学习项进行我评价,对单元学习进行自我反省,制订计划以提高自己的学习水平。教材分析 Study skills部分主要介绍了一些构同法的常识,让学生了解并掌握一些

2、通过加后缀“-y”构成的单词。Task要求学生能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,发扬团队褚神,共同完成学习任务。教学目标基础知识掌握词汇:sleepy, shine, sudden, cause, snowball, fight, deep,throw, everywhere 词组:coverwith, make them look funny, make people sleepy, the sudden heavy rain, snowball fights, be covered in deep white snow, throw snowballs at each other,

3、during this season, use carrots for their noses句型:How are you doing? 基本技能 1学习一些名词加上-y后缀来转换成形容词的方法。 2学习在写作前先列提纲。3学习如何写作自己喜欢的季节。综合素质能运用适当的形容词来描述天气或事物的特性, 学习如何写作自己喜欢的季节。教学重难点及突破重点:掌握基本的四会单词、词组及句型。难点:学习在写作前先列提纲,学习如何写作自己喜欢的季节。教学突破 先利用活动进行口头操练,列出写作提纲,再进行写作。教学准备教师准备:多媒体课件 学生准备:1有关澳大利亚四季的图片。2有关哈尔滨冬天的图片。3稿纸。

4、教学设计Step I Presentation(新授)1 Free talk:(1)Which season is it in the pictures? (Winter.)(2)What is the weather like? (It is cold and snowy.)(3)What do people wear? (They wear thick warm clothes.)(4)What are people doing?(They are making snowmen and having big snowball fights.)(5)What are the rivers a

5、nd lakes like? (They are frozen.)2呈现哈尔滨冬天的图片来介绍生词:deep、land, exciting,throw、ice、everywhere、frozen、snowman、scream,朗读生词。Step II Reading(阅读)1 Harbin is a city of ice and snow. Winter in Harbin is amazing. Simon is reading an article about it on the Internet. Read the article quickly and find the answer

6、s to the questions. 2 Now please listen to the tape and repeat after it.3朗读短文,每个学生朗读一段,然后集体朗读。Step III Activity(活动)1 Ill divide you into four groups. Each group will discuss one paragraph and tell us what information it includes.2总结如下:Paragraph 1: . is my favourite season.Paragraph 2: The temperatur

7、e is usually .It is often sunny/windy/rainy .During this season, you can/cannot.Paragraph 3: My friends and I often .Moreover, I enjoy .Paragraph 4: . is great!3 Can you think of questions to match the information in the article?列出有关描写喜爱的季节的问题:(1)What is your favourite season?(2)What is the weather

8、like then?(3)What does your city look like?(4)Why do you like this season?(5)Are there any holidays or festivals during this season?(6)What activities do people enjoy doing in this season?4先认真阅读上述问题,随后小组间相互调查,最后独立写出自己的答案。5呈现几位学生的答案,并让几位学生进行简单口头陈述。Step IV Writing(写作)1按照自己的信息来进行写作。2独立完成写作后,Work in gro

9、ups of four. Please read your group members articles. 3展示学生相互修改过的短文,朗读范文。Study Skills (学习Study skills)Step I Presentation(新授)1 Look at the picture. Its cloudy. Can you describe the other pictures? Cloudcloudy windwindy rainrainy snowsnowy同桌讨论这些名词变形容词的规律。归纳规律:描述天气状况的名词末尾加上字母y就变成形容词。 2呈现晴天和雾天的图片,描述这两张

10、图片:Its sunny./Its foggy. 教师板书 sunsunny 和 fogfoggy.继续讨论并找出规律。归纳:sun和fog需要双写末尾字母再加上y变成形容词。Step II Practice(操练)1呈现不同天气状况的图片,快速说出相应的名词和形容词。2用“头脑风暴法”巩固词汇学习。Work in pairs. One student will say a noun about weather and the other will say its adjective.Step III Presentation(新授)1 Having luck means lucky.教师继续

11、呈现词汇 health、sleep, shine、noise、fun,让学生两人一组讨论如何把它们变成相应的形容词。2:Having health means healthy, Having sleep means sleepy, Having shine means shiny、Having noise means noisy、 Having fun means funny. 3讨论这些名词变成形容词的规律。归纳:在这些名词末尾加 上字母y变成形容词,其中fun需要末尾双写n再加上字母y,shine, noise需要去掉e再加上y。Step IV Practice(操练)1完成课本第89页的

12、练习, Complete Millies article with the help of the pictures and the correct forms of the words in the box.2 Read the article together, please.Step V Activity(活动)1把Millie的文章编成对话,让学生通过对话形式进一步巩固所学的形容词。3 Now Im going to ask some groups to act out the conversation in front of the class.教材习题教材第89页 1.windy

13、2.funny 3.sleepy 4.rainy 5.lucky 6.sunny 7.noisy 8.snowy 9.foggy 10.healthy随堂小练习根据所提供的首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子1.The story made me _(激动的).2.There is _(冰) on the ground, be careful.3. The s_ heavy rain made us sad.4. The old river is three meters d_ and ten meters wide.5. He told something _(令人激动的)to his mother

14、。6. Theyve finished most work, and the _(其余部分) can be finished in two hours.7.I _(打电话 ) him but he was out.8. The _(阳光) shines brightly in through the window in the morning.9. We all like to enjoy the _(日照) days.10. The girls doesnt like snowball _(打仗).【keys】1.excited 3.sudden 4.deep 5.excitin

15、g 7. rang 8.sun 9.shiny 10.fightsStep Homework(家庭作业)1 记忆本课时所学的名词和形容词。2记忆本课时所学的词汇和词组。3完成写作任务。教材习题教材第89页 1.windy 2.funny 3.sleepy 4.rainy 5.lucky 6.sunny 7.noisy 8.snowy 9.foggy 10.healthy板书设计 Unit 7 Seasons Study skills&Task&Self-assessment Words:sleepy, shine, sudden, cause, snowball, fight,

16、deep,throw, everywhere Phrases:coverwith, make them look funny, make people sleepy, the sudden heavy rain, snowball fights, be covered in deep white snow, throw snowballs at each other, during this season, use carrots for their nosesSentences:How are you doing? 教学探讨与反思:本课时的学习是本单元的核心任务,在教学过程中,要坚持“听、说

17、、读、写”面面俱到,即在先让学生在活动任务中进行大量的相关词汇、句型的复习,最后进行写作,基础较弱的同学在写作过程中有困难时,可先寻求小组成员帮助,放慢节奏,润物细无声。而对于基础较好的同学,可灵活而创造性的使用教材,源于教材但超于教材,真正地让每个学生都学有所获。第二部分 讲解分析一、 新词的导学与解读1. funny【应用】adj.有趣的;滑稽的【举例】Mr. Bean looked so funny. 憨豆先生看上去那么滑稽。We often look at any joke or funny story. 我们经常看一些笑话或有趣的故事。They need someone funny

18、to do this work. 他们需要一个滑稽的人来做这个工作。【辨析】fun, funny两者都可以作为形容词,但两者有区别。 funny表示“有趣的;滑稽的”,它指的是一种滑稽可笑的“有 趣”,侧重点是让人觉得好玩或发笑。fun主要指“有趣;好玩”,不像funny那样强调“滑稽”。此外,fun还可以作为名词,意思为“娱乐;玩笑,有趣的人或事物”。 【举例】It is more fun to go with someone than to go alone. 偕伴同去比自己独自去好玩。Its so funny to see a man walk with his hands and he

19、ad. 看见一个人倒立走路很滑稽。 【实践】单项选择( )Swimming in the river in summar is really_?A. healthy B. pleased C. fun D. funny【点译】C2. healthy【应用】adj.健康的n. health健康 【举例】The boy is lively as well as healthy. 这个男孩既健康又活泼。The man understands better than anyone how to stay healthy. 他比任何人都懂得如何保持健康。You should often go to ha

20、ve the doctor check on your health. 你应当经常去找医生检查一下身体的健康状况。【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子我们必须吃健康的食品。We must eat_food.【点译】healthy3. shiny【应用】adj.有光泽的;闪耀的 n. shine光泽,晴天【举例】We dont like the shiny look. 我们不喜欢看上去有光泽的材料。Rain or shine, theyll have to go tomorrow. 不论晴天下雨,他们明天非去不可。【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子她们的脸在夜色中发亮。Their faces were wit

21、h_ night cream.【点译】shiny4. noisy【应用】adj.嘈杂的;喧闹的n. noise噪音 【举例】Turn the TV down. Its too noisy. 把电视的声音开小一些,太吵了。Well have to put up with the noise for a long time.我们得忍受这种噪音很长时间。 【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子它是一种非常美丽的鸟,不过它很吵的。It is a big beautiful bird, but it is very _.【点译】noisy 5. sleepy【应用】adj.欲睡的;困乏的 n./v. sleep睡

22、觉【举例】The boy insisted that he wasnt sleepy. 这个男孩硬说他不困。My sister is tired and sleepy. 我妹妹感到疲劳和困倦。【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子他们经常在课堂上瞌睡。Theyre often _ during lessons.【点译】sleepy 6. freeze【应用】v. 冻结;冷冻;僵硬【举例】It would freeze,solid and you would have no fish. 河流会被冻起来,变成冰,所以就不会有鱼。When we freeze water,it turns into ice.

23、我们冷冻水的时候,水变成冰。【警示】freeze的过去式和过去分词分别是froze和frozen 【举例】The low temperature froze the flowers. 低温把花冻死了。Sometimes we use frozen food for dinner. 有时我们把冷冻食品用于晚餐。【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子河流会被冻成固体,这就是生命的终结。It would_ solid and that would be the end of life.【点译】freeze7. throw【应用】v.投;抛;掷,过去式threw;过去分词thrown。 【举例】Throw me

24、 that magazine. 把那本杂志扔给我。Please throw your dirty clothes in the washing machine. 请把你的脏衣服扔进洗衣机。【拓展】throw at投向;掷向;向投去free throw【体】(篮球)罚球; throw away扔掉;抛弃;浪费(金钱、时间等)throw back丢回;掷回;冋溯; throw off脱去;摆脱;抛弃;扔掉【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子我该把这篮球扔多远呢?How far should I_ the basketball?【点译】throw8. everywhere【应用】adv. 到处 n.每个地方

25、 【举例】Everywhere seemed to be quiet. 到处似乎都很安静。There are people like this everywhere .无论何处,都有像这样的人。【拓展】anywhere任何地方; somewhere某些地方;everywhere每个地方;nowhere任何地方都没有其中anywhere和everywhere是近义词,很多地方这俩同都可以混着用。而nowhere和anywhere是反义词,意思正相反。 【举例】He can not find his girlfriend anywhere/everywhere. 他在任何地方都找不到他的女朋友。I

26、 think he can find his girlfriend somewhere. 我想他在某些地方会发现他的女朋友的。【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子欢声和笑语,到处!Joy and laughter_!【点译】everywhere 二、课文对译My favourite season我最喜欢的季节I love winter我喜爱冬天Winter is my favourite season. It is very cold and everyone has to wear thick warm clothes, but I always enjoy the winter here in H

27、arbin.冬天是我最喜欢的季节。冬天 非常寒冷,每个人不得不穿上又厚又 暖的衣服,但我总是享受着哈尔滨这儿的冬天。The temperature is usually below zero and it is often snowy, 气温通常在零度以下,并且经常有雪。Everything is covered in deep white snow and the lakes and rivers are frozen. 一切都被厚厚的白雪覆盖,湖 水和河水都结冰了。During this season, you cannot see beautiful flowers or green t

28、rees, but the land is quiet and beautiful.在这个季节里, 你看不到漂亮的花儿或绿色的树木, 但大地很清静也很漂亮。My friends and I love playing outside in winter. It is exciting to have big snowball fights. We throw snowballs at each other, screaming and laughing. 在冬天,我和我的朋友们喜欢在户外玩耍。打大雪仗是令人兴奋的。 我们相互扔雪球,又叫又笑。We also make snowmen and us

29、e carrots for their noses. They look funny. 我们也堆雪人,并用胡萝卜做它们的鼻子。 它们看上去很滑稽。Moreover, I enjoy the Ice Festival each year. There are beautiful ice lanterns everywhere. It is really wonderful. 而且,我很喜欢 每年的冰雪节,到处是美丽的冰灯, 真的很精彩。Winter is great !冬天很棒!三、课文要点及语法详解1. It is exciting to have big snowball fights. 打

30、一次大的雪仗是一件令人兴奋的事。【解析】此句中it为形式主语,不定式“to have big snowball fights”是真正的主语,因为主语太长,我们常用it来充当形式主语,把真正的主语放到句子后面,以避免头重脚轻。【举例】Its been lucky to meet you. 能遇到你们是一种幸运。【拓展】不定式的其他句法功能-1.作表语.如:The important thing is to save lives. 救人要紧。2.作宾语,或在形式宾语结构中作真正的宾语。如:He thought it wrong to do this thing. 他认为做这件事是错的。3.作定语,

31、通常置于其所修饰的名词或代词之后,与其所修饰的名词或代词可能是主谓关系,也可能是动宾关系。如: We have a lot of work to do. 我们有许多工作要做。4.作同位语。如:They had received instructions to watch us. 他们收到了监视我们的命令。5.作状语,其逻辑主语通常是全句的主语。如: We must do everything to help the poor. 我们要尽一切力帮助穷人。6.作宾语补足语,宾语与用作补足语的不定式构成复合宾语,二者在逻辑上是主谓关系。如:We believe him to be innocent. 我们相信她无罪。7.作独立成分。如:It wasted

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