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1、高考完形填空全国卷IEvery year about 40,000 people atte mpt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. They冰川)41 with them lots of waste. The 42 might damage the beauty of the place. The glaciers (are disa pp eari ng, cha nging the 43 of Kilimanjaro.Hearing these stories,m 44 about the place other

2、destinations are describeda ”as purern atural exp erie nces.However, I soon 45thatmuch has changed since the days of disturbingrep orts of 46 amongtons of rubbish. I find a 47mou ntain,with toilets at campsand along thep aths. The environmentalchalle nges are 48 but the efforts made by the Tanzania

3、Natio nal Park Authority seem to be49 .The best of a Kilimanjaro 50,in my opinion, isn t reaching the top.Mountains are 51 assp iritual p laces by many cultures. This 52 is especially evide nt on Kilimanjaro as 53 gothrough five ecosystems ( 生态系统)in the space of a few kilometers. At the base is a ra

4、in forest. Itends abruptly at 3, 000 meters, 54 landsof low growing plants. Further up, the weather 55 low clouds envelope the mountain sides, which are covered with thick grass. I 56 twelve shades of砾石),stones and rocks.gree n from where I sta nd. Above 4, 000 meters is the highla nd 57 : gravel丄 5

5、8 you climb into an arctic-like zone with 59 snow an d the glaciers that may soon disa pp ear.Does Kilimanjaro 60 its reputati on as a crowded mou ntai n with lines of tourists rui ning theatmos phere of p eace? I found the oppo site to be true.41. A. keepB. mixC. connectD. bring42. A. storiesB. bui

6、ld ingsC. crowdsD. rep orters43. A. positionB. ageC. faceD. n ame44. A. sile ntB. ske pticalC. seriousD. crazy45. A. discoverB. argueC. decideD. advocate46. A. equipmentB. grassC. campsD. stones47. A. remoteB. quietC. tallD. clea n48. A. newB. sp ecialC. sig ni fica ntD. necessary49. A. p ayi ng off

7、B. sp read ing outC. blow ing upD. fadi ng away50. A. atmos phereB. exp erie neeC. exp erime ntD. sight51. A. studiedB. observedC. exploredD. regarded52. A. viewB. qualityC. reas onD. purpose53. A. scie ntistsB. climbersC. localsD. officials54. A. holdi ng on toB. going back toC. livi ng up toD. giv

8、i ng way to55. A. cha ngesB. clearsC. imp rovesD. p ermits56. A. matchB. imagi neC.countD. add57. A. villageB. desertC. roadD. lake58. A. ObviouslyB. EasilyC. Con seque ntlyD. Fi nally59. A. p erma nentB. littleC. freshD. artificial60. A. enjoyB. deserveC. saveD. acquire全国卷IIIt s about 250 miles fro

9、m the hills of west-ce ntral Iowa to Ehlers home in Minn esota. During thelong trip home, follow ing a weeke nd of hun ti ng, Ehlers41 about the small dog he had seen 42alon gside the road. He had 43 to coax (哄)the dog to him but, frighte ned, it had 44Back home, Ehlers was troubled by that45dog. So

10、, four days later, he calledhis friend Greg,and the two drove 46 . After a long and careful47 , Greg saw, across a field, the dog moving48_ away. Ehlers eventually succeededin coax ing the ani mal to him. Nervous ness and fear were rep lacedwith 49 . It just started licki ng (舔)Ehlers face.A local f

11、armer told them the dog sounded like one 50 as lost in the local paper. The ad hada 51 number for a tow n in souther n Michiga n. Ehlers 52 the number of Jeff and Lisa to tellthem he had53 their dog.Jeff had 54 in Iowa before Than ksgivi ng with his dog, Rosie, but the gun shots had scared the dog o

12、ff. Jeff searched 55 for Rosie in the next four days.Ehlers returned to Minn esota, and the n drove 100 miles to Minneap olis to put Rosie on a flight to56 enough to go to that kindMichiga n. “ It s good to know there s still some one out there whoof 57,” says Lisa of Ehlersrescue58 .“I figured whoe

13、ver lost the dog was probably just as 59toit as I amto my dogs, ”says Ehlers.If it had bee n my dog, Id hope that somebody would be60to go that extra mile.41. A. readB. forgotC. thoughtD. heard42. A. fight ingB. trembli ngC. eat ingD. slee ping43. A. triedB. agreedC. pro misedD. regretted44. A. calm

14、ed dow nB. stood upC. rolled overD. run off45. A. injuredB. stole nC. lostD. rescued46. A. homeB. pastC. backD. on47. A. prep arati onB. explan ati onC. testD.search48. A. cautiouslyB. casuallyC. skillfullyD. an grily49. A. surp riseB. joyC. hesitati onD. an xiety50. A. p redictedB. advertisedC. bel

15、ievedD. recorded51. A. houseB. phoneC. streetD. car52. A. calledB. copiedC. coun tedD. remembered53. A. fedB. adop tedC. fou ndD. cured54. A. hu ntedB. skiedC. livedD. worked55. A. on purposeB. on timeC. i n turnD. i n vain56. A. caresB.seesC. suffersD. lear ns57. A. p laceB. troubleC. wasteD. extre

16、me58. A. serviceB. p la nC. effortD. team59. A. equalB. allergicC. gratefulD. close60. A. suitableB. proudC. wiseD. wili ng全国卷IIIsun light from late Sep tember to mid-MarchThe small tow n of Rjuka n in Norway is situated betwee n several mountains and does not get direct 41 six mon ths out of the ye

17、ar.“Of course, we 42office. “ Wesee the sky is 43it when the,butsun is shining, ” says Karin Ro, who works for the town s tourism downin the valley it s darker - it s like on a 44 day. ”But that 45 when a system of high-tech46 was in troduced to reflect sun light fromneighboring peaks ( 山峰)into the

18、valley below. Wednesday, residents ( 居民)of Rjukan 47 theirvery first ray of wi nter sunshine: A row of reflective boards on a n earby mountain side were put to 48 . The mirrors are con trolled by a compu ter that 49 them to turn along with the sun throughout the50 and to close during windy weather.

19、They reflect a concentrated beam (束)of light onto the town scen tral 51Rjukancreat ing an area of sun light roughly 600 square meters. When the light 52 ,reside nts gathered together.“ People have bee n“The town square was totallyreside nts cannot all 5653 there and standing there and taking 54 of e

20、ach other, ” Ro says.55 . I think almost all the people in the town were there. ” The 3,500s 58 reside nts.the sunshine at the same time. 57 , the new light feels like more“ It s not very59 , ” she says,“ but it is eno ugh whe n we are60 . ”41. A. onlyB. obviouslyC. n earlyD. p recisely42. A. fearB.

21、 believeC. hearD. no tice43. A. emptyB. blueC. highD. wide44. A. cloudyB. no rmalC. differe ntD. warm45. A. hel pedB.changedC.happenedD. mattered46. A. compu tersB. telesc opesC. mirrorsD. cameras47. A. rememberedB. forecastedC. receivedD. imagi ned48. A. rep airB. riskC. restD. use49. A. forbidsB.

22、directsC. p redictsD. follows50. A. dayB. nightC. mon thD. year51. A. libraryB. hallC. squareD. street52. A. app earedB. returnedC. fadedD. stopped53. A. drivingB. hidi ngC. campingD. sitti ng54. A. pi cturesB. no tesC. careD. hold55. A. newB. fullC. flatD. sile nt56. A. blockB. avoidC. enjoyD. stor

23、e57. A. I nsteadB. HoweverC. GraduallyD. Similarly58. A. n ature-lovi ngB. en ergy-savi ngC. weather-beate nD. sun-starved59. A. bigB. clearC. coldD. easy60. A. tryingB. wait ingC. watch ingD. shari ngtha n eno ugh for the tow n北京卷Regardless of the weather or the dista nee, P aul Wils on will make s

24、ure low-i ncome stude nts in his n eighbourhood arrive at their college classes on rides to college students for theA retired engin eer, 76-year-old Wils on has bee n (11)past eight years. Since he first started(12) his car to the young peop le, Wils on has(13)an ast onishing 64,000 miles,

25、 and has had coun tless p leasa nt and ofte n humorous (14) with the o he sTi na Stern(17) rides from Wils on for all her four years in college, and the trips meant“It s not just a ride; you re not just sitting there(19) sile nee or with your head phones on. ” Stern said. “ He asks you questio ns an

26、d actually (_ 21) those things. ”much more to her tha n just free(18),in(20) the an swers, so the n ext time you ride with him, he llWils on first worked as a driver through a stude nt-s upport p rogramme of the non-p rofit orga ni sati on,On P oi nt for College. Although the(22) asks the members on

27、ly to drive stude nts to and fromtheir classes, Wils on ofte n goes (23) have p roblems with registrati on, Wils on is there toto ensure the welfare and safety of the students. If they_ (24) them. If they runn ecessities, Wils on will drive to the n earest store and pu rchase what (25) to buy themou

28、t of certa in dailyIf a stude nt gets hungry on the long drives to and from school, Wils on n evers needed.a meal.For many stude nts, Wils on s help is not only app reciated, its also en tirel(26) forthem to be able to compi ete their college educati on. Some stude nts dont have a reliable car, whil

29、eothers have to(27) vehicles with parents who work sixdays a week. For them, ridi ng with Wils onhas(28) themfrom the(29)to comp lete their educati on but accord ing to Wils on, he ben efits just as much“ I just love driv ing , and I love these kids, ” Wils on said. “ It s such a(n)students he trans

30、ports to and from school. The students wh o he s (15) have gone on to becomephysicians, teachers and engineers, but what they ve also got out of their time in school is findinga role model and a friend in Wils on. Some stude nts16) call him “ Grandpalives, even just for a few hours, gett ing to know them and heari ng(30) to be a part of these kids their stories. ”11. A. linkingB. sendingC. of

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