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牛津译林版英语七年级下Unit3 全单元教案.docx

1、牛津译林版英语七年级下Unit3 全单元教案Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town!Comic strip & Welcome to the unitI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. learn about some tips on being a good host;2. talk about things to do in their hometowns.II. Teaching contents1. New

2、words and phrases: mine, nothing, yuan, tin, pizza, exchange students, an old friend of mine, wait a minute2. New structures: Theres nothing in the fridge. Is it enough for a tin of dog food? Maybe we can order a pizza. Id like to take the boys to our schools football field.Shall we invite them to h

3、ave dinner with us?III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyTo talk about what people can do in students hometowns.IV. Teaching proceduresComic stripStep 1 Lead-in Watch and answer.T: Hello, everyone, today we are going to learn Comic strip &Welcome to the unit of Unit 3. At the begi

4、nning of todays class, Id like you to enjoy an MV. After watching, please tell me what it is about. 【设计意图:通过播放歌曲迅速把学生的注意力引入到课堂里,为新单元授课做准备。】Step 2 Presentation1. Listen and answer.T: Listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo and answer the questions below.(1) Is there anything left in the fri

5、dge? (2) How much money do they have? (3) What does Eddie want to do with the money?【设计意图:通过听对话回答问题,训练学生从对话内容大意到细节的把握。】2. Act the dialogue out.【设计意图:通过表演有趣的漫画,让学生在表演中运用英语,不仅提升了课堂的乐趣,并且训练了学生的语言运用能力。】3. Complete the passage.【设计意图:让学生完成由对话改编成的小短文,不仅可以检测学生对对话内容的掌握情况,也可以检测他们的信息转换能力。】4. How to be a good h

6、ost.T: Do you think Eddie is a good host? Why or why not? Do you know how to treat a friend? Lets take inviting friends to a party as an example and watch a short video on being a good host. Tips: (1) Decide who to _. (2) Issue _. (3) _ early. (4) Get guests _ and introduction to others. (5) _ for d

7、isharmony (不协调) or awkward silence. (6) Just _. 【设计意图:将话题引至招待朋友,对学生的实际生活进行引领,并为接下来的学习内容做好铺垫和过渡。】Welcome to the unitStep1 Lead-in T: OK, keep these tips in mind, which are quite helpful when you treat your friends next time. But I think to treat friends well, the most important thing is to know what

8、they like and dislike and to make them feel at home.Step 2 Presentation 1. Exchange students from the UK.T: A group of exchange students from the UK are coming to visit Sunshine Town. They are telling the Class1, Grade 7 students what they like doing. Lets ask and answer in pairs.A: What does she/he

9、 like/enjoy/love doing?B: He/she likes/enjoys/loves 【设计意图:将书中简单的句子以让学生一问一答的形式变成简短的对话,提高了课堂发言参与度,也练习了like、enjoy、love 等词的用法。】2. Suggested activities.T: The exchange students like doing different things. The Class 1, Grade 7 students are suggesting activities for them. Listen to the tape and find out t

10、heir suggestions.(1) take her to the cinema(2) take her to the shopping mall(3) take the boys to our schools football field(4) invite him to have dinner with us3. Use these phrases to fill in the blanks.(1) Lets take her to the cinema.(2) Why dont we take her to the shopping mall?(3) What about taki

11、ng the boys to our schools football field?(4) Shall we invite him to have dinner with us?【设计意图:将此处答案的呈现方式与不同的建议方式表达相结合,为接下来建议方式的总结做铺垫。】4. Ways to give advice.T: Discuss with your partners to find other ways of giving suggestions.Step 3 Practice1. My hometown.Sunshine Town is really a good place. Wha

12、t about our hometown? How much do you know about our hometownYangzhou. Watch a short video about our hometownYangzhou.2. Fill in the blanks.3. Things to do in Yangzhou.T: We can visit Geyuan Park in Yangzhou. What else can we do in Yangzhou? Lets enjoy another short video.4. Welcome to Yangzhou.T: S

13、uppose you have a friend called Linda. Write an email to invite her to Yangzhou. Please introduce your hometown in the following four aspects to her. (1) a modern town(2) shopping in Yangzhou(3) eating in Yangzhou(4) fun places in Yangzhou5. Complete the passage.【设计意图:从虚拟的阳光镇过渡到学生们自己的家乡,联系生活实际,拉近了与学

14、生的距离,使英语学习生活化,使学生切身体会到学有所用。】V. Homework1. Read and recite Comic strip and Welcome to the unit Part B.2. Collect more information about Yangzhou.3. Preview Reading.Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town! Reading (I)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

15、1. read the passage about Sunshine Town fluently;2. get some detail information about Sunshine Town;3. learn to introduce a place to others.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: quiet, air, fresh, local, jogging, underground, famous, Western, opera, theatre, miss, forward, soon, a local the

16、atre, Beijing opera, Western restaurants, look forward to2. New structures: There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town. Would you like to stay in a quiet town? Sunshine Town is not far from the centre of Beijing. It takes only 40 minutes by underground. Why not visit our local theatre and enjoy

17、 Beijing opera? We are looking forward to meeting you soon.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. To read the passage in different ways.2. To sum up how to introduce ones hometown.3. To introduce a place to others using the passage as a model.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-i

18、nMake up a dialogue.T: Hello, everyone, today we are going to learn Reading of Unit 3. We know that the topic of this unit is hometown. Suppose your friends come to visit you, where will you take them? Make up a dialogue with your partner.【设计意图:复习上节课内容,由旧知引入新知。】Step 2 Presentation 1. Enjoy Beijing o

19、pera.T: Have a guess what I will do with my friends if they come to see me? Listen! T: Correct! I will take them to enjoy Beijing opera at the local theatre. If we want to enjoy Beijing opera, I think Sunshine Town is a good choice. 【设计意图:播放一段京剧,引入新词的学习。】2. Describe Sunshine Town.T: Here is a pictur

20、e of Sunshine Town. Please describe it.T: Read and use new words and phrases to replace the underlined ones.(1)Sunshine Town is well-known for its beautiful scenery.(2)With many trees, the town is not noisy and the air is clean and cool.(3) I am 期待 visiting this lovely town. 【设计意图:创设情境,将抽象的单词与图片相结合,

21、利用英文解释加强学生对单词的理解,有助于英文思维的养成。】3. Scan the passage.T: I cant wait to visit Sunshine Town. Now, the Class 1, Grade 7 students are preparing a video presentation for the exchange students. Please scan their script and think about how many parts it can be divided into. Part 1 (Paragraph 1): Introduction.

22、Part 2 (Paragraphs 2-5): Main bodyThings to do in Sunshine Town.Part 3 (Paragraph 6): Conclusion.【设计意图:引导学生运用快速阅读法,把握文章大意和篇章结构,为之后的写作做好铺垫。】4. Watch and answer.T: Lets enjoy the video about Sunshine Town and then answer some questions.(1) Whats in Sunshine Town?(2) What do local people like doing in

23、the morning?(3) Where is Sunshine Town?【设计意图:通过观看视频,训练学生从文章大意到细节的把握。】5. Things to do in Sunshine Town. (1) Go shopping? Therere lots of good shops in Sunshine town. _ things are not expensive. = Most of the things are not _.= They are _.= The price of them is _. (2) Eat Chinese food? Listen and tell

24、 if the sentences are True or False. (3) Enjoy Beijing opera? Listen and retell this part according to the key words.【设计意图:通过完成不同的教学任务,帮助学生更好地理解文章,在熟悉课文的同时,也为接下来的采访做好文本的输入。】Step 3 Practice1. Read the article. Divide the students into four groups and read the article.2. Have an interview.T: Ted, Mary

25、 and Tom are exchange students from the UK. They want to know more about Sunshine Town. Now, they are asking Daniel some questions about it. Work in groups of four and talk about Sunshine Town. 3. Show time.【设计意图:通过采访这一环节,让学生在表演中运用英语,不仅提升了课堂的乐趣,还训练了学生的语言运用能力,有助于学生将已学知识内化为己用,在展示中获得成就感,做到活学活用。】4. Summ

26、ary.【设计意图:通过总结,再次呈现本节课中关键词,起到了巩固的作用。】Step 4 Production1. Learn to introduce a city/town.T: After reading the passage, can you tell me how to introduce a city/town? Yes, maybe we can introduce it in four aspects: location, environment, interesting places and interesting activities. T: We can use the

27、useful expressions given tointroduce a city/town.2. Pair work.T: Work in pairs and introduce a place to your partner.【设计意图:让学生从课本学习过渡至谈论身边的人和物,发挥语言的语用功能。小组合作学习的方式,可以帮助学生解决难点,并培养他们与人合作的能力。】V. Homework1. Write a passage to introduce a place.2. Recite Welcome to Sunshine Town.Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine

28、 Town! Reading (II)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. further understand the article and retell it by using their own words;2. master the usages of some important words and structures;3. know how to behave properly when visiting a place.II

29、. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: quiet, air, fresh, local, jogging, underground, famous, Western, opera, theatre, miss, forward, soon, a local theatre, Beijing opera, Western restaurants, look forward to2. New structures: There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town. Would you like to

30、 stay in a quiet town? Sunshine Town is not far from the centre of Beijing. It takes only 40 minutes by underground. Why not visit our local theatre and enjoy Beijing opera? We are looking forward to meeting you soon.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyTo understand and grasp th

31、e usages of some important words and phrases.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Revision1. Word scramble. T: What kind of place is Sunshine Town? (呈现quiet) I will show you more words in this way. Please put the letters in a correct order by spelling the word out. qiuet quietferhs freshjgognigjoggingundregruondundergroundfaoumsfamouslcoallocalsmismissatrartfrowradforward【设计意图:以Word scramble的形式复习单词,提高学生积极性,增加英语学习的趣味性。】2. Make up phrases.T: Boys and girls, can you use these wordsto make up phrases?【设计意图

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