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1、商务英语4阅读16篇Unit 1 International TradeTravelers ChecksMany of the banks and travel services in western countries provide a convenience for travelers by issuing travelers checks. Travelers, when buying the checks, have to sign the checks in thepresence of the bank or service clerks. During the trip, tr

2、avelers can cash the checks at the agencies of the bank or the travel service whenever they need after theircounter-signatures are recognized.A lot of travelers like to buy these checks as they dont have to take along much cash and worry aboutcounterfeit signatures. The agencies will get back the mo

3、ney they have paid by sending the checks to the issuing offices.Travelers checks are generally of small face value,such as ten or twenty dollars, or five or ten pounds, formiscellaneous payments. There is no time limit for theircirculation period. It is very profitable for the issuing offices to fin

4、ance the funds they collect by issuing travelers checks because they not only receive a service charge from the check buyers, but they also dont need to pay any interest no matter how long the checks remain in circulation before clearing.This is why banks and travel services are willing to provide t

5、his convenience.旅行支票在西方国家,很多银行和旅行社都发行旅行支票,为旅客提供便利。购买旅行支票时,旅客必须当着银行或旅行社职员的面,在支票上签名。在旅行途中,当旅客需要时,可以在复签得到确认后,向银行或旅行社的代理机构兑现旅行支票。很多旅客喜欢购买旅行支票,因为这样就无须携带大量现金,也不用担心伪造签名。代理机构寄送旅行支票给发行机构,就可以获得其已经支付的数额。旅行支票通常是小面额,例如10美元或20美元、5英镑或10英镑,用于小额支出。旅行支票的流通没有期限。对发行机构来说,通过发行旅行支票来提供融资便利是有利可图的,因为发行机构不但可以向支票购买者收取费用,而且,这些支

6、票无论在外流通多久,在清算之前,发行机构都可以无息占用(支票上的资金)。这正是银行和旅行社愿意提供便利的原因所在。Schengen Visa Application StepsIdentify the country or countries you will be traveling to.It is particularly important to know which countries you are traveling to because itdetermines where and how you are going to send your application. If y

7、ou are intending to visit just one Schengen country, you will need to apply for the Schengen visa directly with the embassy orconsulate of that particular country. If you are intending to visit two or more Schengen countries, your application must be sent to the embassy or consulate of the country t

8、hat shall be your main destination. If you are intending to visit several Schengen countries, but do not have a main destination, you should apply for the visa at the embassy or consulate of the first Schengen country on your travel itinerary.Fill out an application formbeforehand to obtain a Scheng

9、en visa.You candownload andprint off the form online.Prepare all the requirements for your Schengen visa application.Depending on the consulate or embassy, you are required to show the following documents: a validnational passport;evidence showing the purpose of your trip (e.g. international confere

10、nce); proof ofmedical insurance; a round-trip travel ticket;proof offunds.Check the processing time to ensure you get your Schengen visa on time.The processing time varies per embassy, so it is important to take the processing time into account when planning your trip.申根签证申请步骤确定你要去旅行的一个或几个国家。确定你要去旅行

11、的国家,这非常重要,因为这决定了你寄送申请的地点和方式。 如果你打算只去一个申根国家旅行,那么,你需要直接向这个国家的大使馆或领事馆申请申根签证。 如果你打算去两个或更多的申根国家旅行,那么,你的申请必须寄送到主要目的地国家的大使馆或领事馆。 如果你打算去多个申根国家旅行,但没有主要目的地,那么,你应该向旅行计划中的第一个申根国家申请签证。 在获得申根签证前,你要填写申请表格。你可以从网上下载并打印申请表格。准备申根签证申请所需要的所有资料。大使馆或领事馆一般要求提交以下资料: 有效的公民护照; 旅行目的证明材料(例如参加国家会议); 医疗保险证明; 往返机票; 资金证明。核实(签证)处理时间

12、,以确保你按时获得申根签证。各个使馆(对签证的)处理时间不同,因此,在计划出行时,要将(签证)处理时间考虑在内。Unit 2 Customer ServiceCustomer ServiceThe American idea of customer service is to make each customer the center of attention.And wherever you go, good customer service means making customers feel special.When customers get to a store, they are

13、 treated ashonored guests. Customers dont usually find store clerks sitting around watching TV or playing cards. Instead, the clerks greet them warmly and offer to help them find what they want. Customers usually dont have to ask how much items cost, since prices are clearly marked.When customers ar

14、e ready to check out, they can go to the nearest and shortestCheckout lane. Good stores open new checkout lanes when the lineups get too long. Some even offer express lanes for customers with 10 items or less.After they pay for their purchases, customers receive a smile and a warm thank you and have

15、 a nice day from the clerk.In America, customer service continues long after the sale. Many products come with a money-back guarantee.Expensive items like cars, computers orstereo often have awarranty that ensurestrouble-free use for a period of a year or more. Advertisements regularly include themo

16、tto, Your satisfaction is guaranteed. So if there is a problem with the product, customers can take it back. The customer service representative will often allow them to exchange the item or return it for a full refund.Customer service in America grows out of thebelief that the customer is always ri

17、ght. If a person receives poor service from a store, he probably will avoid shopping there in the future. On the other hand, customers often remainloyal to a business that has excellent service even if their prices are higher.客户服务美式客服理念认为每位客户都是关注的焦点。无论你到哪儿,良好的客户服务就是让客户感觉与众不同。当客户走进商店,他们会被当作贵宾对待。客户不会看


19、回去。客服代表往往会允许客户更换其所购商品或者全额退款。美式客户服务相信“客户永远是正确的”。如果商家的客户服务差强人意,客户可能不再在此购物。另一方面,如果商家的服务上乘,即使其价格高一些,客户也会对其很忠诚。The Feel Good Factor in Customer ServiceAchallenge in working in customer service is to ensure that you have focused your attention on the right key areas,measured by the right Key Performancein

20、dicator(KPI). One of the most importantaspects of a customer service KPI is what is often referred to as the Feel Goodfactor.Basicallythe goal is not only to help the customer have a good experience, but to offer an experience that exceeds expectations. Several key points are listed as follows:Know

21、what products / services you are offering from back to front.In other words, be an information expert. It is okay to say “I dont know”, but it should always be followed up by “but let me find out” or possibly “but this person will be able toassist you”. Whatever the situation may be, make sure that

22、you dont leave your customer with an unanswered question.Most of the communication that yourelay to others is done through body language. If you have negative body language when you communicate with others, it shows that you dont care. Two of the most important aspects of positive body language are

23、smiling and eye contact. Make sure to look your customers in the eye.It shows that you are listening to them and hearing what they are saying. And of course smiling is more inviting than a blank look or frown.Nothing surprises your customers more than an employee going the extra mile to help them.Al

24、ways look for ways to go above and beyond the expectations of your customers.In doing so, it helps them to know that you care and it will leave them with the Feel Good Factor that you are searching for.客户服务中的“利好因素”客户服务部门工作的一大挑战,是保证聚焦于正确的关键领域,这可以用关键绩效指标(KPI)来衡量。客户服务关键绩效指标中最重要的一方面,是我们通常所说的“利好因素”。从根本上说


26、么做有助于客户感受到你的关心,你一直追寻的“利好因素”也就传递给了客户。Unit 3 NegotiationNon-Verbal Communication in NegotiationCommunication plays an important role in a negotiation.Participants communicate information not onlyverbally butnon-verbally through body language and gestures. By understanding how non-verbal communication

27、works, a negotiator is able to understand the information the otherparticipants are giving out non-verbally.At the same time, the negotiator keeps things secret that wouldlimithis /her ability to negotiate.Take “non-verbal anchoring” as an example. In a negotiation, a person can gain the advantage b

28、y verbally expressing his / herposition first. He / she also can “anchor” andgain advantage with non-verbal cues like the following. First, personal space: the person at the head of the table is the obvioussymbol of power. Negotiators may be unhappy with this strategic advantage. Second, first impre

29、ssion: begin the negotiation with positive gestures and enthusiasm. Look the person in the eye withhonesty andrespect. If you cannot maintain eye contact, the other person might think you are hiding something or you aredishonest.Another example is reading non-verbal communication. Being able to read

30、 the non-verbal communication of another person can be a great asset in the communication process. By being aware of different signs and expressions that a person gives verbally and non-verbally, a negotiator canadjust his / her approach and the negotiation can go smoothly. If possible, it may be he

31、lpful for negotiation partners to spend time together in a comfortableatmosphere outside of the negotiation room. Being familiar with another person helps you to sense the differences between verbal and non-verbal communication within the negotiation atmosphere.谈判中的非言语交际沟通交流在商务谈判中起着非常重要的作用。谈判人员不仅通过言


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