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1、六级英语考试真题解析1作文For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on how to balance work and leisure。 You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words。第一段:描述工作和业余很难平衡的一个社会现象。第二段:进行观点的阐述。第三段:得出结论。Along with the development of society, more and more problems are brought to our att

2、ention; one of the most serious problems is how to reach the balance between work and leisure。 People have different attitudes towards the problem。It is generally agreed that work has been playing an increasingly important role in our life, because we need to work to earn money for life。 But if peop

3、le put too much time on work, their health conditions will be damaged and suffer from kinds of diseases。 The sub health among workers has attracted extensive attention of the society, which can be found in TV programs, newspapers, university classes and many aspect of our everyday life。 Thus, when p

4、eople has a completed the work responsibility, they should spend some time on personal leisure。 Then, they could get some rest both physically and mentally, and have better conditions for tomorrows work。 However, if people invest too much time on leisure, their career developments may be affected an

5、d lost opportunities for a better life。From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusions that people should ensure their leisure time after work。2听力Conversation one.M:(1)Do you mind taking my photo with the statue over there? I think it will make a great shot.W:Sure. No worries.

6、 Youre always taking photos. What do you do with all the photos you take?M:Well, dont laugh. My dream is to become an online celebrity of sorts.W:Youre not serious, are you?M:I am completely I just got the idea a few months ago after posting some holiday photos on my social media accounts, a lot of

7、people like my photos and started asking me for travel tips. So I figured id give it a go. I post a lot on social media anyway. So ive got nothing to .W: I guess thats true. So what you have to do to become internet famous .M:Surprisingly, a lot more than I did as a hobby recently. Ive been spending

8、 a lot more time editing photos, posting online and clearing storage on my phone. Its always full. Now that doesnt sound like too much work.W:Well, theres more to it.M:I spent all last weekend researching what topics are popular, what words to use in captions and similar accounts to follow really wa

9、s a lot to take. And I was up well past midnight. Id say its paying off, though I increased the number of people following my accounts by fifteen percent already.W:That is impressive. I guess I never thought much about all the effort behind the scene. Now that I think about it, theres always somethi

10、ng wrong with my photos. As it is, half smiles, closed eyes, messy hair. I hope you have better luck than I do. Then. Again, I think the only person interested in my photos is my mum.Question 1. What does the man asked the woman to do?解析:根据问题,问男人让女人做什么,可定位到,对话开篇Do you mind taking my photo with the s

11、tatue over there?Question 2. What does the man dream of?解析:根据问题,问男人梦想什么,可定位到,对话中上篇可得,My dream is to become an online celebrity of sorts.Question 3. What has the man been busy doing recently?解析:根据问题,问男人近期忙于做些什么,可定位中间对话可得,Surprisingly, a lot more than I did as a hobby recently. Ive been spending a lot

12、 more time editing photos, posting online and clearing storage on my phone.Question 4, what does the woman say about her photos?解析:根据问题,问女人关于她的照片说了什么,可定位至对话结尾处,Now that I think about it, theres always something wrong with my photos. As it is, half smiles, closed eyes, messy hair.Conversation twoM:(5

13、)Good evening and welcome to physics today. Here we interview some of the greatest minds in physics as they help us to understand some of the most complicated theories. Today. Im very pleased to welcome doctor melissa phillips, professor of theoretical physics. Shes here to tell us a little about wh

14、at it is.(6) She studies doctor phillips. You seem to study everything.W:(6)I guess that would be fair to say I spend most of my time studying the big bang theory and where our universe came from.M:Can you tell us a little about that?W:Well,(7) im very interested in why the universe exists at all. T

15、hat may sound odd, but the fact is at the moment of the big bang, both matter and antimatter were created for a short time, and I mean just a fraction of a second. The whole universe was a super hot soup of radiation filled with these particles. So what baffled scientists for so long is why is there

16、 a universe at all?M:Thats because matter and anti matter are basically opposites of each other. They are exactly alike, except that they have opposite electrical charges. So when they collide, they destroy each other.W: Exactly. So during the first few moments of the big bang, the universe was extr

17、emely hot and very small matter. And the now more exotic anti matter would have had little space to avoid each other. This means that they should have totally wiped each other out, leaving the universe complete. De baron.M:(8)But a recent study seems to point to the fact that would matter. And anti

18、matter were first created. There were slightly more particles of matter which allowed the universe we all live in to formW:exactly because there was slightly more matter. The collisions quickly depleted all the anti matter and left just enough matter to create stars, planets, and eventually us.Quest

19、ion 5. What does the man say is physics today?根据问题,问男人说“今日物理学”是怎样的,可定位至对话开篇Good evening and welcome to physics today. Here we interview some of the greatest minds in physics as they help us to understand some of the most complicated theoriesQuestion 6. What is the woman physicists? Main research are

20、a?根据问题,问女人主要研究的领域是什么,可定位至文章开篇对话处,She studies doctor phillips. You seem to study everything. I guess that would be fair to say I spend most of my time studying the big bang theory and where our universe came from.Questions 7. What is the woman interested in?根据问题,问女人的兴趣所在,可得im very interested in why t

21、he universe exists at all.Question 8. What seems to be the finding of the recent study?根据问题,问近期研究的发现,可定位至对话结尾处But后,But a recent study seems to point to the fact that would matter. And anti matter were first created. There were slightly more particles of matter which allowed the universe we all live

22、in to form .Passage 1In this weeks edition of special series on bizarre medical conditions. Theres a report of the case of Michelle Myers. Myers is an American woman who woke up one day speaking with a British accent, even though shes lived in the united states all her life in two thousand fifteen,

23、Myers went to bed with9 a terrible headache. She woke up sounding like someone from England. Her British accent has remained for the past two years previously, 9Meyers had woken up speaking in Irish and Australian accents.However, on both of those occasions, the accents lasted for only a week. Myers

24、 has been diagnosed with foreign accent syndrome. 10Its a disorder in which a person experiences a setting change to their speech so that they sound like they are speaking in a foreign accent. The condition is most often 10caused by a stroke or traumatic brain injury. Although people with the syndro

25、me have intelligible speech, their manner of speaking is altered in terms of timing and tongue placement, which may distort their pronunciation. The result is that they may sound foreign when speaking their native language.Its not clear whether Myers has experienced a stroke or other brain damage, b

26、ut she also has a separate medical condition which can result and loose joints easily bruised skin and other problems. Foreign accent syndrome is rare, with only about sixty cases reported within the past century. 11However, a different American woman reportedly spoke with the Russian accent in two

27、thousand ten after she fell down the stairs and hit her head.Question 9. What happened to Michelle Myers One day?解析:根据故事线索定位答案,Michelle Myers一天晚上头疼,醒来后发现自己说澳大利亚口音和爱尔兰口音的英语。Question 10. What does the passage say about foreign accent syndrome?解析:通过however和cause定位答案位置,外国语音的症状主要由于中风和头痛引起的语音失调的症状。Questio

28、n 11. What accent did another American woman speak with after a head injury?解析:通过however和文章结尾一个美国女人视听一致定位答案位置,这个美国女人从楼梯上摔下来后说俄语口音的英语。Passage 2There is something about water that makes it a good metaphor for life. That may be one reason why so many people find relief in swimming when life seized get

29、rough. And 12it goes some way towards explaining why books about swimming, in which people tackle icy legs, race and rivers, and overcome oceans while reflecting on their lives have recently become so popular.These books reflect a trend particularly strong in Britain, where swimming in pools is decl

30、ining, but more and more folks are opting for open water. While swimming seems to be especially popular among women. 13Jenny landreth recently published a guide to the best swimming spots in London. Her new book swell into weaves her own story with a history of female pioneers who accomplished remar

31、kable feats paved the way for future generations. 14Notions of modesty restricted women in the Victorian era, but they still swam. A bathing machine was rolled down to the sea shore, so women would not be seen in swim wear in 1892,14 the gentle womans book of sport described a woman swimming in a he

32、avy dress, boots, hat, gloves and carrying an umbrella.Eventually swimming became freer. Mixed bathing was permitted on British beaches. In 1901, women won the right to swim in public pools, learn to swim properly, created appropriate swimwear, and in time even competed against men. 15The first woman to cross the English channel was Gertrude Elderly. In 1926, she beat the record by almost two hours and her father reward

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