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1、初中语法讲解名词及练名词习题含答案初中语法讲解名词及练名词习 题(含答案)一、 名词的分类:名词分为专有名词和普通名词。1、 专有名词:个人,地方,机构等专有名称,女口: China, Shanghai, Li lei等。专有名词的首字母通常要大写。具体说来,它包括 人名、地名、月份、星期、节日、书名、电影名以及某些抽象名词等。如口: Jim 吉姆 China中国 July七 Friday 星 期五 Christmas圣诞节 English英语2、 普通名词:指表示一类人或东西或抽象概念的名词。1) 个体名词:某类人或东西中的个体,如 fighter, gun, country, cup, d

2、esk, studen等。一般可数,有单复数形式。2) 集体名词:若干个体组成的集合体,女口 family, team, police, class等。一般可数,有单复数形式3) 物质名词:无法分为个体的实物,如 cotton, tea, air等。 一般不可数,没有单复数之分。4) 抽象名词:动作,状态,品质,感情等抽象概念.如health, happiness love, work, life等。一般不可数,没有单复数之分。二、 名词的数:可数名词都有单数和复数之分;不可数名词没有复数形式。【重点】1、规则的可数名词的复数变化规则:1) 一般情况力口 -s : books, mouths,

3、 houses girls 等。2) 以 s,sh, ch, x 结尾的力口 -es: classes boxes matches等o3) 辅音字母 + y 结尾的变 y为ies: cities, countries parties, factories 等。4) 以 o 结尾的词 +es: heroes Negroes tomatoes potatoes等。以 o 结尾 +s: radios , zoos bamboos pianos kilos, photos 等。5) 以 f , fe 结尾的多数 +es: leaves lives, wives, knives , halves wol

4、ves 等。直接 + s 的名词:roofs proofs, gulfs, beliefs 等。2、不规则的可数名词的变化规则:【难点】1) 改变单数名词中的元音字母或其他形式。女口: man men, woman women, tooth teeth, foot feet, mouse mice, child children 等。2) 单复数形式相同。如:sheep, deer, fist等,以及由汉语音译表示度量、币制等单位的名词。女如: yuan.另外以-ese 或-ss结尾的表示民族的名词也一样同形。如: Chinese,Japanese, Swis等。以-an结尾或其他形式结尾的表

5、示民族、国家的人的名词变复 数时在词尾力口 -s如: Americans, Asians, Russians, Australians, Italians, Germans 等。 注意:Englishman Englishmen, Frenchman Frenchme n.3) 单复数相同:sheep, fish, deer, means, Chinese, Japanese, works.说明A. fish如表示不同种类的鱼时复数是 fishes There are many kinds of fishes in that lake.B.以man, woman修饰名词构成合成词时,两个词都变

6、化.man servant men servants. (boy/girl students)woman doctowomen doctors.3 、 复合名词的复数形式:son-in-law-sons-in-law , looker-olookers-on,主体名词变 化4、 字母,阿拉伯数字的复数形式一般加 “ s 或“ s: ” There are two l s in the word “ all ”Your 7 s and 9 s look alike. It happened in the I960 s /1960s. I will not accept your if s and

7、 bu5、 物质名词一般没有复数,但如下情况除外:A.用复数形式表示不同种类: wheats,fruits, vegetables.B.表示比原文更广的词义: wooc woods,waterwaters, sane sands.6、 定冠词加姓氏的复数表示一家人:the Turners, the Smiths, the Wangs.7、 集体名词 people, police总是作复数: Several police were on dut y.8、 集体名词 class, public, family, population, team, crew等单复数都有,但意义不同:The clas

8、s is big.- The class are taking notes inEnglish.The population in China is larger.- 80% of the population in China are peasants.9、 hair表示总体时是不可数: His hair is grey如果表示若干根头发可以加复数词尾。 Hehad a few white hairs.10、 以s结尾的学科名词只作单数。 mathematics , physics, politics等; news也是如此。11、 glasses trousers 等常用复数;但如果这些词前

9、用 a pair of / this pair of that pa等修饰时谓语动词有 pair 来决定: Where are my glasses? My new pair of trousers is too long. Here are some new pairs of shoes.12、 不可数名词没有复数形式,如果表示 一个”的概 念,可用单位词:a piece of news / information / advice / bread / cake / paper / meat / coala bottle of ink, a grain of rice , a cake of

10、 soap 【重点】 13、中考常考不可数名词: information,weather, news, advice, fu等。说明:可数名词和不可数名词之间并没有截然的界 限;可数名词可以转变为不可 数名词,同样不可数名词也可以转变为可数名词,要看清整个上下文的具体内容。一、名词的各种分类单、复数的用法及单数名词变复数名词的方式,包括可 数名词的复数的变化规则,少数不规则名词的复数形式及部 分单复、数同形的名词。【考例】 There is good for you. Ive found your lostwatch.广东省A. news B. i deas C. messagesD.thou

11、ghts答案A。解析四个选项都是以s结尾的名词,其中A为不 可数名词,B、C、D为名词的复数形式,句中用了连系动词 is,所以只有A项正确。My uncle will come to my housefor dinner. I want to buy some to make a vegetable salad for him 济宁A . meat B. tomatoes C . apple juice答案B。解析下文说制作蔬菜沙拉,故选蔬菜类的 tomatoesThe teacher said we needed to choose three for the school concert.

12、重庆A. farmers B. doctors C. drivers D.singers答案D。解析可数名词的复数形式是在原形后加 “ s”根据 school concerts知,需要挑选的是 singersAt night the koala bear gets up and eats _广元A _ 1eaf B _ 1eaves C _ leafs答案B。解析考查名词leaf的复数形式。以f或fe结尾的名词在变复数时,一般将f或fe变v后,加esoThe PLA man saved three lives in the accident 济南A.children s B. children

13、 C. childD. childs答案A o 解析考查名词所有格的用法。 three后接复数children,变名词所有格时直接加“ s,故选A。Come on, children. Help yourselves to some if youlike.南通A. fish and chicken B. fishes and chicken C . fish and chickens D . fishes and chickens答案Ao懈析fish(鱼肉)和chicken鸡肉)都是不可数名词。All the teachers enjoyed themselveson March 8th ,b

14、ecause it was their own holiday 重庆A . man B. men C. womanD. women答案D。解析由时间on March 8th可知是妇女节,因此是 女教师。女教师单数形式用woman teacher,复数形式两 个词都要变为复数。故选D。二、不可数名词数量的表达法用 数词或冠词+量词+ of+不可数名词这样的结构来表示, 量词可以是单数也可以是复数,但of后面的名词只能用单数。Mr Smith always has to tell us 青岛A . some good pieces of news B. some pieces of good ne

15、wsD. some piece of goodC . some good piece of newes newes答案A。解析考查名词的数的掌握。 news意为“消息”, 是不可数名词,所以 C、D两项可排除。形容词修饰类似的 词组时,一般放在前面。 Would you like to have a look at some pants?They may fit you well.一 Well, Id like to try those blue .黄冈A . pairs B. one C. pantD. pair答案A。解析pants要用a pair of来修饰,由those blue确定其

16、后接pairs的复数形式,故选A。Would you like some drinks, boysS 河北 Yes ,please.A. some oranges B. two boxes of chocolates C. some cakes D. two bottles of orange答案D 解析orange是不可数名词。可用 数词或冠词+量 词+ of+不可数名词”这样的结构来表示它的数量。量词(piece, bottle, glass, pair, cur等)是可数名词,可根据情况 用单数或复数,但of后面的名词只能用单数。 exciting news! We will have

17、long holiday after the exam. 黄冈A. What an, a B. What, a C. How an, the D. How, the答案Bo 解析news为不可数名词,其前面不能用 a/an来 修饰。不可数名词的确切数量可借助单位词组来表示,如 apiece o,a cup of,two glasses of three bottles pfetc。三、名词的所有格:1、S所有格:1) 构成:A.一般词尾 + :sfhe teacher s offiCia。Li s sister s husband s mother.B.以s结尾的复数名词只+ : worker

18、s rest room.C.不以s结尾的复数名词加:s children stoys.D.复合名词只在最后一个词的后面加 :s my sister-in-law s brother.E.表示共同所有的几个名词,只在最后一个词的后面力口 :s This is Tom, James and Dick s room.F.表示各个所有关系的几个名词,在每个名词后 分别加:sJenny s, Jean s and Mary s rooms face tc south.G.名词短语只在最后一个词后加 :a quarterof an hour s talk.2) 用法:A.名词所有格主要用于表示有生命的名词

19、,表示所属关系: Lei Feng s dairy.B.用于表示时间的名词: today paper. anhour s drive .Friday s work.C.用于表示地理、国家、城市等名词: thecountry s planthe farm s fruiC hina s population.D.用于表示由人组成的集体名词: our party sstandE.用于表示度量、价值的名词: two dollars worth of books. a pound s weight.2、 of所有格:1) 凡不能用瞩格的情况可用 of属格表示所属关系:the City of New Yo

20、rk. a map of China.2) 下列情况通常要用of属格: A.当名词有较长的定语时:the name of the girl standing at the gate.Have you read the articles of the students who were with us yesterda y.【难点】3、 双重所有格:当of前面的名词有不定冠词、指示代词、疑问代词、不定代词或数词如 a, an, this, that, these, those,two,three, four, any, some, several, no, few ,anothe等 修饰时,用

21、双重 所有格,双重所有格只用于表示人的名词并且都是特指的:a poem of Lu Xun s .a friend of his/hers .Which novel of Dicken s are you reading some friends of my brothers 【难点】4、几种特殊情况:the key to the door.answers to the questionthe entrance to the station / cinema tickets for the film / movie a check for $1500.【考点诠释】三、名词所有格及其用法者或两者

22、以上共同所有,把“加在最后的名词上;表示各自 拥有某件东西时,每个名词都要用所有格形式。 fathers are both scientists 咸宁B.A . Jims and BobJims and Bobs C . Jim andBobs D. Jim and Bob答案B。解析当两个人分别拥有时,要在每个人后都加名 词所有格的标志“S”来表达。吉姆的父亲和鲍勃的父亲不 是一个人,所以在其后都加“ s,故选B。 room is big and bright They like it very much.河北 A . Tom and Sam B. Toms find Sam C . Tom

23、 and Sams D . Toms and Sams答案C。解析本题考查名词所有格的用法。表示两人共同 拥有某一事物时,只需要在第二个人的后面加“s”。故选C。How s Joy sskirt? Her skirt is more beautiful than .兰州A. her sister s and Kate B. her sister and KateC.her sister and Kate Dsher sister s and Kate s 答案D。解析当某物为几个人所共有时,只在最后一个名 词后用所有格形式;如表示两者或两者以上分别所有,应在 每个名词后用所有格形式。四、表示时

24、间、距离、国家、城市、团体、机构等无生命东 西的名词,也可以加“s来构成所有格。如:todays newspaper ten minutes walk, Chinas industryExcuse me, is the supermarket far from here?No, it s about (浙江宁波)A. 7 minutes walk B. 7 minute walk C. 7 minutes walk D. 7 minute s walk答案C。解析考查名词所有格用法。当名词的复数以 -s结尾时,则只需要加“即可,则“7分钟的距离”为“7 minutes walk ” Come

25、and see me in . With pleasure. That what Im expecting 哈尔滨 A. two or three daysB. two or three days timeC . two or three days time答案:C解析:in后接一段时间,此处表示“两三天的时间”, 要用名词所有格形式,因two or three days是复数,直接加“”故选C。Im going on holiday on the 12th. I have to be back at work on the 26th.So Ive got two holiday 临沂A. w

26、eeks B. weeks C. weeksD.week答案:C解析:本题考查名词所有格的用法。“两周”是复数, 用two weeks weeks变名词所有格时,只需在后面加“, 故选C。五、名词作主语时的主谓一致主语为单数形式,谓语动词也用单数形式,主语为复数, 则谓语动词也用复数;主语形式上是单数,但表达复数意义, 那么谓语动词要用复数形式;主语形式上是复数形式但表达 单数意义,则谓语动词也采用单数形式;谓语动词的人称和 数由最靠近它的主语决定。六、语境中名词的选择根据语境确定名词的词义,再根据句法进一步确定词形Studying in a foreign country is a diff

27、erent and you canlearn a lot.盐城A . event B. exercise C. experienceD. exhibition答案:C解析:由选项及句意“在外国学习是一次不同的并 且你能学到许多东西。可知用experience经历最合适。 故选C。-Would you like some ?-No, thank you. Im not hungry at all.陕西省A. tea B. water C. breadD. coffee答案C。解析后文中有hungry,说明上文询问的是关于 食品的问题,所以选bread。Its common that the Ja

28、panese eat Sushi 沈阳A. information B. knowledge C. directionD. instruction答案:B解析:由选项及句意“日本人吃寿司是常识” 。information意为“信息” ;knowledge意为知识,学识”; direction意为“方向” ;instruction意为“说明”,故选B。The thing that is not whether you fan or nqtbut whetheryou try or not.苏州A . minds B. cares C. mattersD. considers 答案:C解析:句意为

29、“问题不在于你失败与否,而在于你 是否尝试了。mind介意,care关心,matter有关系, 重要,consider*认为,考虑,故选C。 I dont know how to use this machine一 It doesnt matter. Here is the :江西A.instruction B. direction C . informationD. advertisement答案:A解析:句意:“我不知道怎样使用这台机器。” “没关 系。这儿有说明。”故选A。 What do you know about ? Line drawings that show how some

30、thing works 沈阳A. pictures B. diagrams C . programmesD. paintings答案:B解析:由答语中的“画的线表明事情是怎么工作的” 可知由“线”来表示,故应是图表。七、易混名词的区别主要是要求区别一些常见的容易混淆的名词的用法。-Look, the tall building looks very moder n.-Yes, and there is a garden on its . A garden inthe air!河南省A. top B. ground C. sideD. floor答案A。解析由A garden in the air可判断为“顶部”一 How can I tell one tree from another?一 You can mostly tell them by the of theirleaves 07 武汉市A . shape B size C . age D color答案A。懈析本题与生物知识。区别树的不同点时,大多 通过树叶的“形状”。-Oh! There isnt enough for us in the bus.-No

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