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1、读写译教师用书unitfivelifescienceUnit Five Life ScienceThe Text Introduction Aging is a natural phenomenon. Some people can successfully stay healthy into old age, but some people suffer a lot from age-related diseases as they are aging. What is a healthy life extension? Scientists are planning to sequence

2、 genes to have better understanding of the genetic variations that help people escape the aging-related diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Scientists plan to focus on the genes that are linked to health and longevity and started searching the genome for clues to healthy aging and a

3、 lengthy life span. Their study reveals that old healthy people are genetically susceptible to many serious diseases including cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes, they dont get any of these diseases. Why do some people live a long life without suffering from age-related diseases? Researcher

4、s have sequenced genes in old healthy people and compared them with DNA samples of people who died from age-related diseases. They have found that these older healthy people are more likely to carry protective genes that play an important role in peoples successful aging. Language Points1. sequence

5、v. (Par.1): arrange in a particular ordere.g. to sequence the books in the librarysequence n.: a number of things (actions, events, etc) that happen or come one after another e.g. the sequence of events leading to war2. shed light on (Par.1): make sth clear and easy to understande.g. Were hoping tha

6、t this letter will shed some light on the mystery.3. ailment n. (Par.1) : an illness (that is not very serious)e.g. a physical/minor ailment He doesnt have even the slightest ailment. 4. insulate n. (Par. 1): protect or cover sth with a material that prevents electricity, heat or sound from passing

7、throughe.g. You can save a lot of money on heating if your house is well insulated.5. blemish n. (Par. 2): a mark that spoils the way sth lookse.g. Make up to hide spots and other blemishes.6. These people have genetic susceptibility markers for many serious diseases, including cardiovascular diseas

8、e, stroke, and diabetes, but they dont get any of these diseases. (Par. 2): these people are likely to suffer from many serious diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes, but they dont get any of them.cardiovascular a.: relating to the heart and blood vessels. 7. account for (Par

9、.2): to explain or give a reason for sthe.g. I was asked by my boss to account for all the money I had spent8. involve sb/sth in (doing )sth (Par. 3): to cause sb/sth to take part in or be concerned with sthe.g . More than 100 people were involved in this project.9. accumulate v. (Par.3): to collect

10、 a number or quantity of sth over a period of time.e.g. Over the years, Ive accumulated hundreds of records.10. affect v. (Par. 3): to influence or cause sb/sth to change in a particular waye.g. Her personal problems seem to be affecting her work. Loud music can affect your hearing.11. defect n. (Pa

11、r. 3): something that is wrong with or missing from sb/sthe.g. All the cars are tested for defects before they leave the factory.12. trigger v (Par. 3): to cause sth to start or happene.g. The smoke from his cigarette triggered off the fire-alarm13. detect v (Par. 4): to notice or discover sth that

12、is difficult to see, feel, etce.g. I detected slight change in his attitude.14. accumulate v. (Par. 3): e.g By buying ten books every month, he soon accumulated a good library . Dust quickly accumulates if we dont sweep our room.15. The scientists have already found that the healthy people had only

13、a slightly lower probability of carrying disease-linked variations (Par. 5): the scientists have already found that the healthy people were less likely to carry the genetic variations which are related to diseases.probability n : the state of probable or likelye.g. At that time , there seemed little

14、 probability of success.16. identify v. (Par. 6) : to recognize or distinguishe.g. Can you identify your umbrella among this lot? 17. target v (Par. 6) : to aim sth e.g. They targeted the product at n.: a person or a thing that you aim at when shooting or attacking e.g. The politici

15、an was a likely target for terrorist attacks.18. confirm v. (Par. 8): to say or show that sth is truee.g. He looked around to confirm that he was alone. Can you confirm that you will be able to attend?Chinese Translation抗衰老基因的秘决艾米莉辛格(1)一项雄心勃勃的计划将对1000名健康老人的100个基因进行测序, 这一计划有可能为找到使某些人免患因衰老带来的包括心脏病、癌症和

16、糖尿病等疾病,使他们能够健康地生活到80岁甚至更久的基因变异提供线索。 与其研究增加疾病危险的基因变异, 科学家们计划将重点放在之前已经证明与健康和长寿相关的基因上。(2)近年来, 基因筛选技术的发展使科学家开始在基因组中寻找健康衰老和长寿的线索。这项研究表明健康老年人的基因组并不是没有缺陷的。“这些人对许多严重疾病在遗传基因上都存在患病的风险,其中包括心血管疾病、中风和糖尿病,但他们却并没患有这些疾病, ”,心脏病学家Eric Topol说。他是位于加利福利亚州La Jolla的Scripps Translational科学研究中心的基因药物项目组的主任和项目负责人。“怎样解释这一现象?是什


18、有影响。(4)大多数之前的研究只对少量的基因进行测序或者使用基因芯片,这样能够快速检测整个基因组中常见的基因变异. 但是最近的研究表明一些在不同基因中发生的罕见的变异在健康和疾病中发挥作用。基因测序使研究人员能够确定健康的老年人是否更有可能携带能使防护性因素功能更加有效的运作或者能阻碍有害因素活动的基因变异。(5)Topol和他的合作者将对健康志愿者的基因序列与在80岁以前就死于与衰老相关疾病的人身上收集的DNA样本进行比较。科学家们发现健康人群携带与疾病相关的基因变异的几率只是稍微低一点。这一发现证实了防御性基因在人们成功(健康)衰老中扮演着重要角色的论点。(6)科学家们希望找到这种具有保护

19、效果的分子成分,从而进行药物仿制。“我们相信长寿基因在保护着几种而不是一种与衰老相关的疾病”,纽约爱因斯坦医学院长寿基因项目负责人Nir Barzilai说。他没有参与Scripps项目的研究。他还说 “从制药的角度来看,针对上述途径会更符合成本效益,因为它会效仿长寿而不只是治疗疾病本身。”(7)Barzilai已经确定了两组长寿基因的候选人。在一项正在进行的关于95岁或以上德裔犹太人后裔的研究中,Barzilai和他的同事发现老年组更有可能携带改变人体处理胆固醇方式的基因变异。最近科学家对IGF1基因及其受体进行了排序,并且找到了女性百岁老人所特有的变异。(8)在以不同的途径 ,即通过基因芯

20、片,进行基因搜寻时,Barzila指出:各个研究小组都期待了解别人的研究发现。有两项同时进行的关于健康衰老基因的大型研究将使每个研究组能证实对另一人群的研究结果-这是一项对大型基因研究有效性的关键测试。Key to the ExercisesPart One: ReadingPre-reading Activities:I. Topic PreviewAnswers will vary.II. Vocabulary previewA.1. a, c, b 2. c, b, a 3. b, a, c 4. c, a, bB. 1. medication 2. genes 3. detected

21、4. accumulate5. identify 6. defects 7.involved 8 sequence9. ailment 10.trigger 11. centenarians 12. probabilityPost-reading activities:I. Discussion:1. They hope to have better understanding of genetic variations that protect people from diseases of aging.2. These people are susceptible to many seri

22、ous diseases, but they dont get any of these diseases.3. They plan to sequence 100 genes , known from animal research and other studies to influence health and aging.4. It allows researchers to determine if healthy people are more likely to carry variations that either make protective factors functi

23、on more efficiently or hinder the activity of harmful factors.5. Protective genes. 6. Answers will vary.II. Vocabulary Review and ExpansionA. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. BB. PrefixVerbAdjectiveNounanti-anti-magneticanti-nationalanti-effectiveanti-constitutionalanti-noiseanti-kno


25、ludepost-warpostfacepostdocIII. ClozeA. (1) genes (2) diseases (3) genome (4) to (5) from (6) samples (7) medication (8) variations (9) sequences (10) age-related (11) protecting (12) processB. (1) boosts (2) eating (3) more (4) reduce (5) aging-related(6) extends (7) exercise (8) diseases (9) longe

26、r (10) age(11) diet (12) normal (13) acquired (14) lean (15) publishedPart Two: WritingExercisesA. Mr. Chris WoodsRequest the pleasure of the company ofMr. and Mrs. Green SmithFor a reception to celebrate the 80th birthdayof Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth IITuesday, 22nd Jan, at 6-8 pmat the internatio

27、nal convention hallGarden HotelB. Answers will vary.C. Dong Nan University request the pleasure of the company ofMiss BlackAt theCentenary Celebration of the SchoolOnSaturday , 29th November, 2008Commencing 2:00 pmPart Three: Translation TipsExercisesA.1. 这个句子没有什么不对的地方。2. 她昨天尽管头痛,仍去上班了。3. 人工智能这门科学正在

28、迅速地发展。4. 你如果肯及早告诉我,我将感激不尽。5. 他的成功部分源于他销售产品的能力。6. 去年夏天,吉姆因车祸受伤。7. 这件事将会尽快处理。8. 她尽了一切力量之后,当选了,对此我不感到奇怪。9. 因为节日交通阻塞,所以我们被耽误了。10. 如果发现得早,许多种癌症都是可以治愈的。B. 以往大多数研究仅仅进行了少数的基因排序,或者是利用了基因微排列,这些基因微排列可以迅速地探测到常见的基因变异。但是最近的研究表明一些罕见的基因变异在健康和疾病中扮演着重要的角色。通过排序研究者可以判定健康的老年人是否更有可能带有能让人体的自我保护既能更加有效或者抑制有害因素的变异。Part Four:

29、 Supplementary ReadingExercisesA. 1. B 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. AB. Answers will vary. QuizA. Match each italicized word in Column A with its synonym or definition in Column B.Column AColumn B_ 1. genetic variationsa. happening or done too soon, especially before the natural or desired time:_2. insulate pe

30、ople from diseasesb. easily influenced or harmed by something:_ 3. trigger headachesc. protect _ 4. susceptible childrend. cause something bad to start_ 5.premature aging e. good value for the amount of money paid:_ 6.cost-effectivef. extremely important or necessary:_ 7. a crucial decision or quest

31、iong. change or slight difference in a level, amount ,or quantity_ 8. easily identifiableh. able to be recognizedB. Translate the following paragraph into English. 近年来,科学家们借助于基因检测技术对健康老人的基因进行了排列。结果表明这些老人患心血管病、糖尿病、中风的可能性很大,但他们却没得过这些病。为找到问题的答案,研究者们从80岁以上的健康老人中抽取血样本,对100种影响人的健康寿命的基因进行排列,结果发现健康老人携带与疾病相关的基因可能性相对较低。 Key to the QuizA. 1g 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. e 7. f 8. hB. In recent years, scientists have sequenced gen

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