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1、高级英语第三版第一册课后答案高英课内考点:第一课:Paraprase1、wereelevatd 2 fet.ur hs is23 feetbo se levl.2、Thplace as been e sne 1915,and n hurrcane aseve bothee ithe husews bilin 915,and sictno hurrian has done anydamage toit.3、 c bttndown andrid t outean ma he neessary preparaionand surviveth uicane wiout much damag4、Th g

2、enrato was doused,an the lighs went out.Water otint the gnerator,it stppdwrking.s aresult alllghts wre putout5、verybody outth bac o to the s!vero o ot though th back dond gtinto thecars!6、The electricl stems ad been killed bywt.Th ecicsysems thecar haeen destryed y watr.7、Jhnwathe e ate lap at t ste

3、ps,and feta crshgguilt.As hn wathed the water inchis upte es,he fela trn sene guilt ecause he aed himself for endangerin thamilyby makng the wrongdeo not toleinland.8、tsthh thismess,wi ou?Oh,God,please hep uso t trogh ths dangeosstuaio9、Se ie on lon for a fbars;then hr vctriled away.Se san afew ds a

4、lne ad ten r voe raualygrwimmer ad stpped.10、ansa justonedelayed ectio.anididt show anyear n e sot duing thestrm,u se revealed her feeligs cseby hestoa nights ate the urrcane b gettig up n the mdleof the nigh and ryig sft.英译汉:1、Bu,lketousads of thersn te coasta commuties,Johns recta o abandnhis ome

5、uess theamiy- ie,Ji,a teir seven hild,aged 3 to 11-w cerly endaned.但是,和住在沿岸的其他成千上万的居民一样,约翰不愿舍弃家园,除非他的亲人-妻子珍妮丝和他们的七个孩子,大的十一岁,小的才三岁-明显处于危险之中。2、The Frnh doorin n upstars oomew in whan exlsv sund,and t grouphrd gunike rertas ter ptairs windows dstegratd.随着一声巨响,楼上的一个房间里的法式双开门砰的一声被风吹倒了。大家听到楼上其他玻璃窗破碎时发出的像开

6、枪一样的啪啪的响声。3、Fighned,bratld wet,teoup settle te stais,ichre proecte y two ineri lls大家都吓坏了,喘不过气来了,全身都湿透了。他们坐在楼梯上,楼梯的两侧有内墙保护。4、Evryoneknewthere as o escape;they ul v orde in the hse谁都清楚已经无路可逃,是死是活他们只能留在房子里了。5、A ome laer,t uicane,in one ihty swip,lfted the enireroof of the oean kimed it feet trgh the ir

7、.过了一会儿,一阵强风把整个屋顶掀到了空中,将其抛到了英尺之外。6、In is ontrate beh of sme 7 milsi sot ou wnds nery200 mh an aise ties s gh as 3 feet.在飓风中心约70英里宽的范围内,风速接近每小时00英里,掀起的海浪高达0英尺。7、Srs f cltinfstooned thestandngtres,n londo powr nes coil lke laspaghti ove therads.未被飓风刮倒的树上像结彩似的挂满被风撕成布条的衣服,吹断的的电线像黑色的意大利面条一样一圈一圈地散落在路面上。8、t

8、 o hve ben depressg,utit wasnt:ech salvge itemrepresented ittle viory over thewah o th torm在废墟里寻找残留物品本应会令人沮丧,可事实上并非如此,因为每一件未被毁的东西都代表他们战胜狂风的一个小小的胜利。第三课:Paapras1、Te wrdsptfrth with uesvagery,alprnse bannessgoneOlve aidthee wrds w geat cotemptandsudden runss asif he s siting.He rew aay hispretenddliten

9、ess.2、When heyfndwho donetha lst ght,wo kilthat kid anits mothr,thhig-aild it,tell thow the book,and neer mind o inhits,or whe thy gotfaytlesher.When h find ho le th othr andtheid nd en ra ay,tll del out thmum pnihment,nd te wi not cre o il be punised in ts case o whattheir ocia psin i.3、Th Duches o

10、Cryo-thre aa haf f nbredarrgncebh her-di ot l alTh hss was upported b herarogane oingfom her nobl miwo hd elongetth nblit or mote than the unedeas.o sdidot give neasily.4、ve the slf-asurance ofOgile flikdfr an nsant.Theucheswas a goodctressan seppeard so frm abot thei innoceceat,for abrefmmn,Ogilvie

11、 felt nsureif s assuptio bu hem was rigt.But the moe a ry hortad ased quicly.5、The hou etectiveook his te,leisr pufin clou o lu garsmke,his ey sadoicall on he cess sf chalening her objecton.The hose deectvw in no hurr.H enyed hs cgr ad uffed a lod ofblue ciar smo n a reaxed manner. th sme tim,hseye

12、wefixe isdainuly on theDuchess a if ewasopnly daring er to objeto is smoin a ciga,as e ad dn erier.6、There in muc,out of th a,which people who stay n this oteldo, don get t her abot.If ayboy wh ys in this hol does nytingwo,ipropror nusal,I aysgt to k o hereit muc thatcanescapeme.7、h Duhess of Croydo

13、 kt r,tih en on her racingmid.TeDucesskept fman tgt cotro of h mind wch s woring qiky.TeDuches isthnkinguikly,ut at the sm imkei hr thoughtunercotrol.8、And whn tey toped o prol,a te wd have t,hir spech and maer would eathm,making the cnspicuousFuhrmoe,wen hey tpped fr petro,a t wuld beneesar,heiseec

14、hannner would reveal ther denity.Bt Enshwould be partiuarnoticele n te South.9、Te mus e nmstae,o vaillaton or dallingbcaue fhr own allnes mid.he mustnt make any istaksin hr pla,r wver n mind and sowindecison or dea wth th ituationcrlesy ue to smll-mneess.In otherwords shao take a ig hnce,to dosmethi

15、ng ver darng,so she mus eol,rsoute,ecisve and se to the cason.英译汉:1、er own tnsin a ot lessened b t kwdge htbohmih retrnat anymt她自己的紧张程度并没有减轻,因为她知道他们两人随时都可能回来。2、Awave f iar smoke aompaniegilviein.随着一股雪茄烟雾,奥吉勒维进了门。3、Taknghs time,gilveemovede ofedi car,knoced ff the ah and flipphe utt twrd n rnmentl fi

16、replace on hi ight.奥吉勒维不紧不慢地拿掉呛人的雪茄,弹掉烟灰,把烟蒂朝右手边的装饰壁炉甩去。4、“Now know wat I know,andfI o whtby ritsI shoud,therel be a squ of cops i here so full harly seem”听着,该知道的我都知道。我如果按照正当的程序做我应该做的事,那么一帮警察会闪电般地到来。5、Spingingtohr e,he ace rathful,ray-gren e bzng,shefadthe rossnesofth house tctiveuarely她立刻站了起来,和粗鲁的饭

17、店侦探当面对峙。她满脸怒气,灰绿色的眼睛闪着光。6、“It easily onein Ne Orleans,i the street widing as they d.”新奥尔良的街道弯弯曲曲,很容易弄错方向。7、“ou trtha,yo ghtas ell wak vetoeadqatrsrihnow a give up.”如果你那样做,就等于去警察局自首。8、ncemore,swas awar,he rol of leadrsip hadflto her,he usand no tense but pasive setaorofte xchange been he i tman andes

18、elf她再次意识到,领导的责任又落到了她的肩上。此刻,她的丈夫紧张而激动,面对她与这个坏胖子之间的交锋,他只能袖手旁观。9、Hyes wee iveed onhs ae,her hadsom,hh-hkboned featurs se in thir st imperius ml他目不转睛地盯着他的脸,那张漂亮的高颧骨脸庞摆出一副咄咄逼人的样子。10、“We wouldcie nothing y paying ou,xeptosby a few ays espie.”付给你前后,我们什么好处也得不到,除了可能有几天临时的喘息时间。第四课:Paaphrase1、“Dotorry,so,ell o

19、wthem aew rics”“Dnt wory,yng an,well doa things o outwithe posecutio.”2、Thecsehdrupte rundmyhed.I was sudenly enlfed ythewhole ffai.3、No one,las o ,atici tha ycase wold snwal itooneofhe most famostriasin the lat on t expct that my cse ul develpint n f the mt famous trils in erian story.4、

20、“Taon hll of a juy!”“Ths s omtely inpprprate jry,o inorat and artal”5、“Tday t the tcher,”h continud,”and tomorothe magaznes,t books,thenewspaes.”Todate chr ae pt ontl becaus theteh sciectheory;soon the ewspapes agazine wil n be allowed t xps eideas,to srad knowld of sience.6、“Theri somdout abut that

21、,”Darro snrtd.“Itis doutful whthr mn ha reasnn owr,”said arrow sarcatcally,scorly7、.accued yan of cling or a del tothe deth beteen sciene nd rlgin.accused Bryan of demanding thaalife or deah strggle be foutbetween ience and religion8、Spctatsaid t ge at tand poer ether eymigt b reated.eoplpid in rder

22、 t havea ook at th and to consider caeuly whther apes and hmns could he a comonanestr9、o Darow spang his tm crdby calling Bry as witnes fo the defensearow surpreeveryn y sking Bran witnss or coewhchws a biiant ide10、Myh wnt ot to th o warirsspcatorsushd bhim to sa Darros han.Darow ha gotteh best of

23、ran,wo lkedhpesly lost adpitible as everoneignored hm and rus past i to conatulate Darow.When I swtis,I fet sorry for Bya.英译汉:1、heuamntalists adhed oa ieral inerpeion f te Old Tamet.hmodeits,on th ead,acept tetheoryavaned y CaresDawi-at al animalife,inuding okys nd e,hadeove from a cmmo ancetr.原教旨主义

24、者坚持对旧约作字面解释;而另一方面,现代主义者接受达尔文提出的理论,即所有动物的生命,包括猿与人,均从同一祖先演化而来。2、uig one suarm,pplyeasad tatn culd teacbolowtho teachn volution.在一次这样的争论中,拉普利耶说任何人只要教生物学,就一定会教进化论。3、Peole m hesurouning hls,moslyundamenalists,arried to cher Byan agast the “infdl utsiers.”从周围山区来了不少人,大部分是原教旨主义者。他们是来为支持布莱恩与“外面来的异教徒”对阵而助威的。4

25、、“He s hre bcaus ignorancean bigotr are ampat,and it is a mhty stong combntn.”他被送上法庭是因为无知与偏执猖獗,而这两者结合在一起,势力不小。5、“Te Bile,”e tude n hs soorus organ tn,”i notgog to be drive otothis cortepersho comehndres miles ttstiy thatth cnrenci evolton,wit it ancs i t junge,wth man made b Go inHs mgad ut her forH purposeasartof adiie pan.”“圣经,”他嗓音洪亮的吼道,“是不会被那些不远千里前来作证的

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