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1、新视野听说4教学大纲大学英语IV听说课程教学大纲课程编码: 课程性质:公共基础课课程中文名称:大学英语IV 课程英文名称: College Listening and Speaking English学时:52 学分:2.5适用专业:非英语专业本科 课程类别:公共必修课 一、课程性质、目的和要求大学英语听说课程是是我校非英语专业的本科生基础阶段两个学年的公共必修课。教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应社会发展和国际交流的需要。大学英语IV听说的教学主要是在学生对

2、第三学期的语言和语篇知识学习的基础上,进一步提高学生英语听说的交际能力。本课程结合了听力、口语课程的一些基本功能,通过对学生进行听力、口语等英语视听说技能的训练,提高学生的听力理解水平、口语表达能力和对语言运用的分析理解能力。具体要求如下:一般要求:1、听力理解能力:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材讲座,能基本听懂英语国家慢速英语节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。能运用基本的听力技巧帮助理解。 2、口语表达能力:能在学习过程中用英语交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论。能就日常话题和来自讲英语国家的人士进行交谈。能就所熟悉的话题经准备后作简短发言,表达比较清楚,

3、语音、语调基本正确。能在交谈中使用基本的会话策略。 较高要求: 1、听力理解能力:能够基本听懂来自英语国家人士的谈话和讲座,能听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内英语广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟150词左右。能基本听懂外国专家用英语讲授的专业课程。能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。 2、 口语表达能力:能够和来自英语国家的人士进行比较流利的会话,较好地掌握会话策略,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,表达思想清楚,语音、语调基本正确。 二、教学内容、要点和课时安排Unit One(4学时)本章的主要话题是 Topic: The Fame Game该章的教学目的:是使学生能听懂英语

4、讲课及简短会话和谈话,抓住中心大意和要点,掌握该章核心词汇和口语表达。本章重点:词汇: Learn the meanings and usage of these words and their antonyms:audience celebrity fame status ignore rarely literature integrity innocence bridesmaid frequency suburbs attitude 短语: pay attention to come to be famous for be satisfied with be inclined to Rat

5、her than work for as soon as according to go around本章的难点是元音发音和口语表达frequency 和 sequence的方法。发音: 1. The vowel sounds in “ soon”, “use” and “good”2. Unstressed words (a, an, the, and, but): but what will you do when you have caught your tail, your fame? 口语表达:frequency : 1.everyday 2. once/4times a week3

6、. very often/very much4. not very often5. yes,sometimes6. seldom. Sequence: 1.then 2. the first3. as soon as4.nextUnit Two(4学时)本章的主要话题是 Topic: One of a Kind该章的教学目的:是能进行简单的日常会话,能就教材内容作简短回答和复述,能就熟悉的话题做简短发言,表达思想基本清楚。 本章重点 :词汇: Learn the meanings and usage of these words and their antonyms:Original orig

7、inality position direction issue achieve tough criticize tramp comedy communism executive blue-collar stargazer 短语: base on make a film locate in situate in save money go straight go right on Go along turn right 本章的难点是降调语调和口语表达position, direction 和 movement的方法。语调:1. Falling intonation for statements

8、 and wh-questions: I need to see you. Whats going on?2. Unstressed words (is, was): This is amazing. Nick was tricked.口语表达:position: 1.there is a food store just round the corner. 2. its between the two trees3. its at the back of a house.4. its in front of the office building5. its in the garage6. I

9、t is near the highway7. I think its opposite the post office Direction : 1.go along the street, turn right at the crossroad. 2. its a five-minute walk.3. turn left there, and a short way along the left, youll see it.4. take the first turning o the right and then ask again5. walk two blocks down the

10、street and turn left. Movement: 1. Im from Mexico city. 2. we are heading for Boston Unit Three(4学时)本章的主要话题是 Topic: Crushed by Misfortune该章的教学目的:是能进行日常会话,能就教材内容展开讨论和复述,能就熟悉的话题展开谈话。表达思想基本清楚。本章重点 :词汇: Learn the meanings and usage of these words and their antonyms:Misfortune blindness monster disabled

11、monolog welfare depressed divorce financial minimal length newly-built decorate短语: on average at best break down in depth 本章的难点是升调语调和口语表达length, width,height 和 depth的方法。语调: 1. Rising intonation for some questions: Do you know if hes teaching this semester?2. Stress in noun compounds: homework, dram

12、student 口语表达:length: 1.Its fifty meters long. 2. Its fifty meters in length.3. its about ten meters long.4. More than ten meters.5. For about tern years width : 1. Its about 2.8km in width. 2. Its about 2.8km wide.3. Its 100 meters wide on average.4. Its 100 meters in width on average.5. Its as wide

13、 as 100 meters. height: 1. Its about 8,8844 meters high. 2. Its about 8,8844 meters in height.3. The tower is 324 meters high.4. The tower is 324 meters in height.5. He is only 165cm tall.6. It can fly as high as 50 meters.Depth: 1. Its about 15 meters deep. 2. Its about 15 meters in depth. 3. It wi

14、ll be buried three feet deep in rural areas.Unit Four(4学时)本章的主要话题是 Topic: Zooming up the Information Superhighway该章的教学目的:是能够基本听懂篇幅较长的长对话;能掌握其中心大意、抓住要点和有关细节并能进行基本分析和推理,掌握百分比,数量增减的英文表达方式。本章重点:词汇: Learn the meanings and usage of these words and their antonyms: Communication definiteness privacy categor

15、y diagnosis information highway concrete innovate percentage absolutely短语: Zooming up be sure of on the increase go down run out get in 本章的难点是句子重音和口语表达definiteness, percentage, increase 和 decrease的方法。语调:1. Stress in sentences: Its great to see you. 2. Unstressed words( have): No, it couldnt have bee

16、n in class. 口语表达:definiteness: 1.Im a hundred percent sure. 2. Definitely.3. Im absolutely sure.4. Im quite sure.5. Yes, its can be otherwise.6. No doubt7. Doubtless.8. Sure. / Certainly. / Of course.9. Not yet. percentage : 1. Our annual gross profit margin is about 20 percent. 2. It constitutes a

17、large percentage of the energy resources in our country.3. It accounts for 10 percent of the total energy resources in Arabia.4. About 30 percent.5. Less than 5 percent.increase: 1.It has increase to 500 million. 2. It has increase by 10 percent.3. It has jumped considerably / dramatically / signifi

18、cantly.4. It surged in three years.5. It just ascended gradually.6. Yes, it is still on the increase.7. Yes, it is on the rise.8. Yes, it will have a great/ dramatic/ slight rise.9. Sure, there was a threefold increase in the number of migrant workers.decrease: 1. It has decreased by 150. 2. It has

19、decreased to 1000. 3. It decreased the temperature greatly/ dramatically/ sharply/ significantly/ considerably/ gradually/ slowly 4. It has gone down greatly.Unit Five(4学时)本章的主要话题是 Topic: My Roommate, My Friend?该章的教学目的:是能够基本听懂篇幅较长的长对话和短文;能掌握其中心大意、抓住要点和有关细节并能进行基本分析和推理,掌握定义、解释某事的英文表达方式。本章重点 :词汇: Learn

20、 the meanings and usage of these words and their antonyms: Roommate relation forsake distressing embarrassed punch heal define negative consequence 短语: break up shout out by oneself enjoy oneself turn sb down be popular with本章的难点是元音连读和英文defining, explaining 和interpreting的方法。发音:1. Linked words ( vowe

21、l to vowel): I asked the maitre d. Its all so incredible. 2. Stress on pronouns in responses: Im not really hungry. Neither am I.口语表达:defining: 1.A robot is defined as a machine that can move and do some of the work people do. 2. Geology is the science of the earth.3. By rocket I mean a sort of craf

22、t that can travel in space. explaining: 1.It is because I dont like fixed working hours. 2. What I mean is we should leave this place at once.3. It is like this: First you beat the eggs, and then mix in the flour gradually.interpreting: 1.Yes, he gave us much help. 2. Yes, I will go to Nanjing to vi

23、sit my parents.3. What I mean is he interprets Shakespeare as no one has ever done before.Unit Six (4学时)本章的主要话题是 Topic: Criminal Acts该章的教学目的:是能够基本听懂关于犯罪行为的对话;能掌握其中心大意、抓住要点和有关细节并能进行基本分析和推理,练习如何用英文表达 describing, clarifying 和arguing。本章的重点:词汇: Learn the meanings and usage of these words and their antony

24、ms: Corruption immorality injustice sin criminal clarify wrongdoing bribe hypocrisy mug 短语: in prison commit crimes go free whit-collar crimes base upon be different from regardless of 本章的难点是语调和口语表达definiteness, percentage, increase 和 decrease的方法。语调:1. Stress on pronouns for emphasis or contrast: Wh

25、at if she knows what we did? I know that, and you know that.2. No-final intonation: When Amy introduced us, her friend said I looked familiar. 口语表达:describing: 1.He is about forty years old. 2. He is over / below / past forty.3. He is tall / short / of average height.4. He has got dark hair / long h

26、air / blonde hair.5. Hes wearing a green T-shirt and jeans.6. The bag is black, and it has a shoulder strap.7. Weve got windy springs, hot summers, golden autumns and snowy winters.8. It is rectangular. clarifying: 1. What I mean is money can make a man blind to dangers. 2. This Sunday.3. No, thats

27、not what I meant. I meant it should be handed in the day after tomorrow.4. Ok, let me put it another way: 35% of the Brazilians are poor people.arguing: 1.Many young people would lose the opportunity of receiving a high education. 2. I would! It is a great sport.Unit Seven(4学时)本章的主要话题是 Topic: The Tr

28、uth About Your Genes该章的教学目的:是能够基本听懂篇幅较长的长对话和短文;能掌握其中心大意、抓住要点和有关细节并能进行基本分析和推理,学会如何用英文进行归纳和演绎。本章重点:词汇: Learn the meanings and usage of these words and their antonyms: Genetic fantastic similarity responsible religious superiority trait outstanding evidence biotechnology summarize ancestry短语: superior

29、to at war do with base on be suited to be limited in 本章的难点是重音和用英文进行generalization 和conclusion的表达。重音和语调: 1. Stress in words with any-, every-, some-, no-: Im not seeing anyone now. Theres nothing we can do. 2. Rising intonation to ask for clarification: Us? As in, you and me? 口语表达:generalization: 1.I

30、 do think, in general, the stock market is down. Generally speaking, I think the stock market will perform well in the future. 2. On the whole, the government has done well.3. By and large, the government has performed a vital role to solve the crisis.4. To some extent, what he said is true.5. To a

31、great extent, I doubt his words.6. I somewhat doubt his words. conclusion : 1.Id like to conclude my speech with a couple of lines from a poem. 2. In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to all of you.3. We have come to the conclusion that the problem itself is no big deal.4. All our discussion leads to the conclusion that it is impossible to solve the problem.5. In a word, it is science and technology that decide the development of a nation.Unit Eight(4学时)本章的主要话题是 Topic: Inequality in Society该章的教学目的:是能

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