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合同 英文完整版.docx

1、合同 英文完整版合同 英文合同 英文this ontrat is made in to originals that should be held b eah part.此合同一式二份,由双方各持一正本。hat is left unmentioned in ontrat ma be added there as an appendix.本合同未尽事宜,可由双方增补作为合同附件。the ontrat is ritten in quadrupliate hih shall bee valid on the date of signature.本合同一式四份(正副本各两份)自签署后生效this on

2、trat is exeuted in to ounterparts eah in hinese and english, eah of hih shall be deemed equallauthenti. this ontrat is in 2 opies effetive sine being signedsealed b both parties.本合同为中英文两种文本,两种文本具有同等效力。本合同一式两份。自双方签字(盖章)之日起生效。this ontrat is made b and beteen the buers and sellers, hereb the buers agre

3、e to bu and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned. modities aording to the terms and onditions stipulated belo.本合同由买卖双方签订,根据本合同条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售以下产品。买方 buer卖方 seller项目名称 projet name地址 address电话 phone传真 fax联系人 ontat person1. 详细货物清单 detail suppl list合同价格 ontrat value序号 item 型号 model 尺寸 size, di

4、mension 数量 amount, unit 单价 unit prie 总价 total prie 备注 remark 货物,运费 freight, transportation 合同总额(含安装费与税金) ontrat amount inl. vat installation3. 付款条件 pament onditions, pament terms4. 交货地点 deliver plae5. 发货期 deliver time6. 安装条款 installation lause7. 验收条款 inspetion lause8. 保证条款 guarantee lause9. 不可抗拒条款 f

5、ore majeure lause10. 违约条款 breah lause11. 其他条款 misellaneous lause1买卖双方信息 buer and seller informationa long-term ontrat 长期合同a short-term ontrat 短期合同pletion of ontrat 完成合同ontrat for future deliver 期货合同ontrat for goods 订货合同ontrat for purhase 采购合同ontrat for servie 劳务合同labor ontrat劳动合同ontrat note 买卖合同(证书)

6、ontrat of arbitration 仲裁合同ontrat of arriage arriage ontrat运输合同passenger arriage ontrat 客运合同argo arriage ontrat货运合同tehnolog ontrat技术合同tehnolog development ontrat技术开发合同tehnolog transfer ontrat技术转让合同tehnial onsulting ontrat技术咨询合同tehnial servie ontrat技术服务合同safekeeping ontrat 保管合同arehousing ontrat仓储合同age

7、n appointment ontrat 委托合同trading-trust ontrat 行纪合同brokerage ontrat 居间合同multi-modal arriage ontrat多式联运合同ontrat of emploment 雇佣合同ontrat of insurane 保险合同ontrat of sale 销售合同sales ontrat 买卖合同ontrat for suppl of poer, ater, gas , or heat 供电、水、气、热合同gift ontrat 赠与合同ontrat for loan of mone 借款合同leasing ontrat

8、租赁合同finanial leasing ontrat 融资租赁合同ontrats of hired ork 承揽合同ontrats for onstrution projet 建设工程合同ontrat life 合同有效期a nie fat ontrat 一个很有利的合同a ritten ontrat 书面合同an exeutor ontrat 尚待执行的合同breah of ontrat 违反合同anellation of ontrat 撤消合同ontrat parties 合同当事人ontrat period 合同期限ontrat prie 合约价格ontrat provisionsst

9、ipulations 合同规定ontrat sales 订约销售ontrat terms 合同条款ontrat ages 合同工资ontrat 合同,订立合同ontrator 订约人,承包人ontratual laim 根据合同的债权ontratual damage 合同引起的损害ontratual dispute 合同上的争议ontratual guarantee 合同规定的担保ontratual ine 合同收入ontratual liabilitobligation 合同规定的义务ontratual pratieusage 合同惯例ontratual speifiations 合同规定o

10、ntratual terms onditions 合同条款和条件ontratual 合同的,契约的ontratual-joint-venture 合作经营,契约式联合经营opies of the ontrat 合同副本originals of the ontrat 合同正本exeution of ontratperformane of ontrat履行合同expiration of ontrat 合同期满interpretation of ontrat 解释合同reneal of ontrat 合同的续订第二篇:补偿贸易合同英文补偿贸易合同英文pensation trade ontratont

11、rat no.: _date of signing: _plae of signing: _the to parties:part a: _address: _tel:_fax: _e-mail: _part b: _address: _ _tel:_fax: _e-mail:_itnessethhereas part b has mahines and equipment, hih are no used in part bs manufaturing of _, and is illing to sell to part a the mahines and equipment; andhe

12、reas part b agrees to bu the produts, _, made b parta using the mahines and equipment part b supplies, in pensation for the prie of the mahines and equipment, andhereas part a agrees to purhase from part b the mahines and equipment, andhereas part a agrees to sell to part b the produts, _, in pensat

13、ion of the prie of part bs mahines and equipment; no therefore, in onsideration of the premises and ovenants desribed hereinafter, part a and part b agree a follos:artile 1 transationsa) part b agrees to provide part a ith _ mahines to be used in prodution, their auxiliar mahiner, aessories and spar

14、e parts and a variet of measuring and testing instruments required in the proess of prodution. the details of the models, names, speifiations, quantit, pries, paking, deliver , et. thereof shall be speified in an additional equipment-import agreement to be onluded b and beteen both parties hih shall

15、 serve as an ponent part hereof.b) the total value of the mahines, auxiliar equipment, et. supplied b part b shall be paid off b part a ith part of the manufatures made thereith andor other goods, or ithand _monthsafter the first deliver of the mahines and, in priniple, the mone to be reimbursed per

16、 month shall be _perent of the total amount due for the mahines. ith a _monthnotie to part b, part a ma reimburse part b in advane.ithin the reimbursement period, part b shall, under the provisions of the additional sales agreement aforesaid, open, sight, irrevoable, divisible and assignable letters

17、 of redit, overing the full amount, in favor of part a.artile 4 standard mone and prie standardthe standard mone for this transation is of the same goods exported b parta at the time hen this agreement is entered into, and the total prie shall be hanged into that of in aordane ith the exhange rate t

18、hen.artile 5 intrerestpart a shall pa the interest on its long-term letters of redit and the interest on the ash in advane rendered b part b. the annual interest rate is agreed upon at_%.artile 6 tehnial serviethe mahiner, after arrival at its destination, shall be installed b part a, part b shall d

19、ispath its tehniians to render spot instrutions and other neessar tehnial assistane during theinstallation of the main mahines, as ma be requested b part a in ase of neessit, part b shall be liable for the losses resulted in suh a ourse of installation from tehnial default on its part.artile 7 addit

20、ional equipmentduring the enforement of this agreement, if it is found neessar that, in addition to the mahiner and equipment listed herein, some ne aessories or measuring and testing instruments are needed forpletion of the projet, additional orderma be made through negotiation b the parties. the n

21、e items thus added shall be inorporated in agreement.artile 8 insuranethe mahiner and auxiliar equipment, after shipment, shall be insured b part b. the title thereof shall be transferred into part b after full pament therefore is made b part b, thereafter, theunforeseeable losses onerning the mahin

22、er and auxiliar equipment shall be indemnified for first b the insurane pan to part b, then part b shall remit for part a, in proportion, the sum alread paid b part a for the mahiner or equipment involved in the ontingen.artile 9 liabilit for breah of agreementpart b shall , if it fails to pl ith th

23、is agreement to make purhase of the goods delivered b part a as reimbursement, or part a shall, if it fails to pl ith this agreement to deliver the goods itis due to provide, be deemed liable for a breah of agreement and shall pensate the non-breahing part for the loss aused thereupon and shall pa t

24、he non-breahing part a fine aounting for % of the total value of the goods in question.artile 10 performane guaranteeto guarantee the implementation of this agreement, eah part shall submit to the other part a letter of guarantee issued b its bank respetivel. the guaranteeing bank of part a is _ ban

25、k, _, hile the guaranteeing bank of part b is _bank, _.artile 11 amendmnetthe modifiation of this agreement in partiular ases shall be agreed upon b both parties through negotiations.artile 12 fore majeurein ase that one or both parties are impossible to perform the duties provided herein on aount o

26、f fore majeure, the part in ontingen shall inform the other part of the ase immediatel and ma, provided the ase is dul verified b the petent authorities, dela in performane of or not perform the relevant duties hereunder the be partiall or entirel exempted from the liabilit for breah of this agreeme

27、nt.artile 13 arbitrationan dispute arising from or in onnetion ith this ontrat shall be submitted to hina international eonomi and trade arbitration mission,shenzhen mission for arbitration hih shall be onduted in aordane ith the missions arbitration rules in effet at the time of appling for arbitra

28、tion. the arbitral XXrd is final and binding upon both parties and the appliable la is the material la of p.r.notithstanding an referene to arbitration, both parties shall ontinue to perform their respetive obligations under the ontrat unless otherise agreed.artile 14 language and effetive datethere

29、 are to originals hereof made respetivel in hinese and _, both of hih are of the same effet.this agreement shall e into effet on the date hen both parties set their hands hereunto and remain effetive for_ ears. upon its expiration, the parties ma, if the hoose, extend the term hereof for _ears or ex

30、eute a ne ooperation agreement, provided the appl to and approved b the authorit agenies onerned.part apart brepresentative of_representative of_from ear monthda to ear month da, the rental harges are k rmb per month, seond part should pa for rmb to first part eah month. from to , seond part should

31、pa for mb to first part eah month . first part are provide 2 months for renovation, in this 2 months there ill be no rental harges during the renovation period, and the rental harges ill onl begins on methods for pament1. deposit for the fator : after signing the ontrat , seond part should pa rmb as deposit ithin das. seond part ill also n

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