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Human resource management第46 章节.docx

1、Human resource management第46 章节第四课Job analysisJob analysis: the systematic process to collect data of each job/position.Put the right man to the right job.Job analysisHow job analysis create competitive advantage. Announce job openingJob descriptionDifferentiationCreativityEmployee satisfactionJob s

2、atisfactionSelect perfect employeePotential applicant to apply Another role of job analysis is to set the standard for employee performance.INF. That will be collected in job analysis process1. Job content: The actual activity performed by the position. Job analysis seeks to determine what the worke

3、r does. The purpose of the action and the tools needed to use in the process.2. Job context: The condition under which a person job is performed and the demand such job impose on the individual.3. Worker qualification: The qualification a worker needs to perform a particular job successfully.第五周INF.

4、 To collect for analyzing the job 3 types1. Job content2. Job context3. Worker-qualification/requirementMajor INF: That the company needApplicant: Persons who apply for a positionHow to collect 3 types of INF:1 Interview: the person who perform the position 1.1 Advantage: Get all details1.2 Disadvan

5、tage: The person who performs the position which is the interviewee may be exaggerating the important of the position. 2 Observation: Checking by looking, avoid the bias.2.1 Disadvantage: Some position you cant observe3 Questionnaire: Question that answer by checking. Not allow too much explanation.

6、 Job description工作说明:The document that collect all detail of each position. Its the guideline for application to learn easily what the company expect them to perform and what the authority they have to achieve their responsibility. There are 2 major parts of job description: 1. job description: Job

7、content工作范围, job context工作环境.背景2. job specification工作规范;工作要求;职务规格:Worker requirement.2.1) knowledge of applicants or experiences.2.2) Skill needed2.3) ability2.4) special condition : What exactly this position perform-Relationship-Authority- Responsibility1. Job descriptionJob content2. Job context3

8、. Job specificationWorker requirement - 例如:学历,会使用电脑Recruitment:定义Process of attracting potential employee to apply for the opening position. ( 老师的解释:process to find the person who qualified for opening position)Effective recruitment will result that all applicants who apply for opening position are

9、all qualified.Linking recruitment定义:The information about opening position is clear enough for potential applications so that only qualified applicant apply for the position.Find the best employee-fit in with companys policy/culture-high GPA-employee satisfaction-creativity-differentiationPitfall of

10、 recruitment: oversell the positionOversell:导致job satisfaction 下降导致turnover rate升高(cost leadership增加,recruitment增加)导致no. of experience (loyal employee)下降导致creativity下降导致differentiation不能实现Steps of recruitment planningStep1. Identify job opening-The position needs to be fulfill in a company.Step3. Id

11、entify target populationStep4. Notify target population: Choose the appropriate method-employee referrals = refer-helpwanted, advertisement-campus recruiting -on-line recruitingStep5. Meet with applicants第六课大纲:1. definition2. linking selection to competitive advantage3. Guideline of possible qualiti

12、es needed from applicants.4. Selection methods-application -background investigation -bios dated inventors-reference check -employment interviewKnowledge-employment testPut the right man to the right job.Skill-Qualified technical qualificationAbility -Qualified non-technical qualification-communicat

13、ion-interpersonal=ability to understand complicated issue and be able to separate personal feeling from truth.-ability to handle stress: stress includes time limit, co-ordination, and conflict of interest.-assertiveness: consistency maintains ability to keep going.-other qualification: Work habits.-

14、conscientiousness: Enjoy and love work.-motivation: Be motivated by something.-organizational citizenships: Participative, working, loyalty. 1-Initiative: Creativity, ability to accept change.-self-discipline: Rules and regulation.2absence of dysfunctional behavior-abusive behavior-theft-violent3Job

15、-person fit-application should know and accept companys culture by themselvesSelection: An HR practice in which company assess and choose from among job candidates.: Process to find the right man.Linking selection-completive advantage.Selecting the right personturnover rate降低-recruitment and selecti

16、on cost-导致cost leadership减少导致training cost减少 导致cost leadership减少 导致experienced employee升高导致creativity升高Selection methods:1. Application: The document from designed to collect need information. And also help primary screening process for organization. Company applications serve 3 primary purposes.1 T

17、o determine whether candidate meet the minimum qualification.2 Applications help employee judge the presence or absence of certain job-related attributes.3 Application can used to give “red flag” any potential problem.The question that should avoid in application.1 Question that allow employee to id

18、entify an applicants protected group membership: ex date of birth2 Not related to job: height and weight3 Traditionally has been used to screen out applicants: marital status number of children.2. Bio data inventories: Are similar to application blank in that they ask applicants to provide backgroun

19、d information about themselves. The answer would be scored and effect the selection.3. Background investigation: An in-depth probe of an applicants background usually conducted by an investigative agency: Most for eco position4. Reference check: collecting information from an applicants previous emp

20、loyer.5. Employment interview: The information collected from interview.1 Technical knowledge2 Self-evaluative information: question about likes and dislike strength and weakness.3 Situational information: question that examine how applicant would in certain job-related situation.6. Employment test:

21、1 Method ability test: test designed to measure and applicant aptitude2 Personality test: design to assess a variety of personality char.The Five personality characteristics most often measure are:extroversion: Checking the outgoing. Assertiveness and sociable.emotional stability: Checking the calmness, self-confidenceagreeableness: Checking the cooperative, warm and friendlyconscientiousness: Checking the hard-working organized dependable.openness to experience: Checking creativity curiosity and culture.

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