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本文(驻操营学区初中七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Whats your favourite animal教学设计 人教新目标版.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

驻操营学区初中七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Whats your favourite animal教学设计 人教新目标版.docx

1、驻操营学区初中七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Whats your favourite animal教学设计 人教新目标版河北省秦皇岛市抚宁县驻操营学区初中七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Whats your favourite animal教学设计 人教新目标版Section A(一)教材分析教学内容Smtionr1中的la,lb,lc,2a,26,2c和Grammar focus U及Selfcheck中的1,2教学目标知识与能力1. Master the vocabulary: koala,tiger,elephant,dolphin,panda,lion, penguin,giraffe,

2、 zoo, map, first, cute, fun, smart, animal, kind2. Master and use: Lets see the lions.Why do you want to see the lions?Because they are cute.过程与方法学生学习有关动物的知识,已具备了相当的情感基础,且学生已有了一定的英语知识,有能力学习本课内容。通过Whats your favourite animal? 引入教学充分利用教学图片和多媒体,创设情景让学生由参与学习的欲望,引导他们主动学习。情感态度价值观熟知动物相关词汇,热爱动物。教学重、难点及教学突破重

3、点1. The vocabulary.2. Express preferences and give reasons.难点Use the language to express preferences and give reasons教学突破l、充分利用单词卡片和教学图片,分词性进行单词教学。2、借助多媒体手段和大量的练习进行语言项目的教学。教学准备教师准备录音机,磁带,教学图片学生准备单词卡片教学步骤教学步骤、时间教师活动学生活动媒体应用Step 1Free talk 3GreetingsGreetings.舒缓节奏歌曲Step 2 Test 1Give the students some

4、word cards to Read and spellRead the words and spell them one by oneword cardsStep 3Free talk 4get some pairs to cut out the dialogues they have preparedPractice the dialogue in pairsStep 4Revision61. Wordsshow pictures with come animals in them2. Fill in the blanks to revise the expressionsTry to n

5、ame the animals then write the words down to the exercises writtenorallyslidesStep 5New teaching51. Point to and say the names of the three countries on the maps.2. Point to the three animas correct the answersRepeat the content name the animals one by oneDraw a line between each animal and the coun

6、try it comes frommap,slides本课小结本节课共学习了18个单词,其中包括动物名称,描述性单词、国家名称等。并掌握了提出要求及给出原因的句式。教学探讨与反思本节课通过反复训练,学生熟练地掌握了所学单词,这和灵活的教学方式密不可分。对所学知识兴致很高。板书设计Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?1. Why do you like pandas?Because theyre very cute.2. Why does he like koalas?Because theyre kind of interesting.Section A (二)教学内容

7、Section A中的3a, 3b, 4教学目标知识与能力1. Revise the knowledge of the last class.2. Learn the following words:Africa South Africa bingo.3. Do some exercises to practice the target language.过程与方法在上一节课的学习中学生们已有了相当的基础,因此能轻松完成本课的学习任务,通过测试引入教学,利用多种练习方式从听、说、读、写四个方面入手进行教学活动。情感态度价值观明确动物种类及产地,有探索欲望。教学重、难点及教学突破重点1. the

8、 vocabulary.2. the revision难点use the language freely教学突破借助于多媒体及单词卡片来进行练习。教学准备教师准备Recorder, slides, exercises学生准备课前预习本课内容。教学步骤教学步骤、时间教师活动学生活动媒体应用Step 1Newteaching5WordreachingPracticePresentationun1. Ask students to point to and name any animals they can.2. Point to the animals one by one and say the

9、 name of each, point out the sample answer.Play the recorder for 3 times.Correct the answers.Consolidation presentation1. Call attention to the example conversation in the picture. Give some questions.2. Let the Ss make conversations about animals according to the example.Have the Ss take turns sayi

10、ng both the animals.repeat the words match each words with one of the pictures.Point to and name the animals in la and write the answers down read it to the class (pairwork).Answer the questions make same conversations in pain then cut them outStep 2consolidation6ListeningWritingOralPract

11、iceCall attention to the two blank lines on the left. Play the recorder for 3 timesLet the Ss write the words that they heard.Ask a student to read the words in the boxDemonstrate a conversation with a studentListen carefully.Listen and write say the answers out.Read the wordsOffer the student make

12、up a dialogue in pairs本课小结本节课学习了与动物相关的几个国家,通过游戏巩固了所学,学生兴趣很高。结合本节课所学的内容,学生课下搜集其它与动物有关的国家。教学探讨与反思1、游戏激趣可以推广2、要经常反复检查学生的知识掌握情况,以便巩固、提高。板书设计Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?animals countriesSection B (一)教学内容Section B中的1 2a 2b, 2c和Selfcheck 中的3,4。教学目标知识与能力1. Master vocabulary: ugly, clever, friendly shy, do

13、g2. Master ail use: What (other) animals do you like? I like elephants. Because they are friendly.过程与方法通过身体语言和图片等学习描述性形容词,既直观形象,又能提高学生的学习兴趣。再加以深化联系,学生自然会掌握这些词汇,对话练习可以先用图片引导学生整体操练,再进行分组练习。情盛态度价值观拓展关系动物的词汇和相关句型。教学重、难点及教学突破重点The new description words难点Use the language to describe the animals freely教学突破

14、l、充分利用单词卡片和教学图片,以猜游戏的方式进行单词教学。2、以从整体练习到分组练习的方式进行语言项目的教学。教学准备教师准备录音机,磁带,教学图片学生准备单词卡片教学步骤教学步骤、时间教师活动学生活动媒体应用Step 1Free talk 2Greeting the studentsTalk about the animals learnt before.Greetings. Talk about the animals learnt beforeStep 2Revision 5Revise the words by ask: Whats this?Where is it far? Do

15、you like ? Why do you like ? ect.answer the teachers questions.PicturesStep 3Presentation161. Teach the new words by pictures. Write the new words on the black boardDo SB P10, Part 1 in pairs,Check the answers2. Guessing game,Guess the words with the whole class.3. Listen to the tape and circle the

16、description words in part 1Listen again check the answersRead and Write thenew wordsGuessing.listen and circle.PicturesRecorderStep 4Listening 5Listen to the tape twice and fill in the chartListen again, check the answers.Listen to the tape twice and fill in the chart.RecorderStep 5Pair work 7SB,P10

17、, Part3First, get the students to read the dialogue, then in pairs.Finally, talk about some other animals the student, knowPractise the dialogueStep 6Summary 2Summarize the important words and language points with the class.PicturesStep 7Test 3See exercise design.Step 8Homework1Learn the new words b

18、y heart2. Make up a dialogue with the word learnt is this lesson.本课小结:本节学习了4个形容词和两个句型,学生通过本节课的学习基本能用所学知识描述和表达个人喜欢的动物。练习设计选择适当的词填空:why, other, friendly, animals, clever, shyWhat do_ you like?I like pandas._ do you like them?Because they are _ and cute.What animals do you like?I like dolphins, too. Be

19、cause they are_ and _ to people.教学探讨与反思通过教学图片和多媒体课件的使用,增大了课堂练习的密度,便学生很好地掌握了所学生词和句式。由整体到分组进行练习,降低了练习的难度,使学生敢于参与,敢于开口,有利于学生信心的提高。板书设计Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?ugly dog What (other)animals do you like?clever I like dolphins.friendly Why do you like them?shy Because theyre cute.Section B(二)教学内容Secti

20、on B中的3a,3b,3c,4。教学目标知识与能力1. Master the vocabulary: grass, sleep, during, at night, leaf, him, give, guess, meat, relax, lazy2. Master and use: Where are _ from? They are from_.教学重、难点及教学突破重点The new description words难点Describe the animals freely教学突破充分利用教学图片,以整体练习到分组练习的方式进行快速问答练习。然后再进行书面练习。教学准备教师准备课件,

21、教学图片学生准备预习生词和课文教学步骤教学步骤、时间教师活动学生活动媒体应用step 1Organization31Organize greeting each other.2. Check HW.Step 2Revision 4Revise the names of the animals and the phrases learnt beforeAnswer the teachers questions.picturesStep 3Presentation51. Ask several students:whereare you from?What do you like to do?Ge

22、t the Ss to answer. Then get the Ss to ask ad answer in pairs. Ask where are pandas from? What do pandas like to do?2. look at Part2a P11 Read and match the descriptions and animals in pairs quickly.Ask and answer in pairs多媒体放映世界地图,动物图片。Step 4Practice51. See P11, 3b, Get the Ss to fill in the blanks

23、 in pairs. Then check the answers. 2. SB P11,3c, Write a description of another animal like cat, dog, etc. Get several students to read their descriptions for the classStep 5Group work3Get the Ss to exchange their descriptions.Guess the animalsthey write aboutStep 6Summary41. Words and phrases2. Whe

24、re arefrom?They are from多媒体放映teat5See the exercise design.多媒体放映Step 8HomeworkPractise describing animals本课小结:本课学习了11个生词和Where are .from? They are from .句式。通过学习,学生能运用所学词汇较好的描述各种动物。练习设计随堂练习设计1_ are pandas from? They are from _.2._ koala bears from Africa? _, they are from_.个性练习设计用所给词完成句子。leaves, inter

25、esting, duringKoala bears are from Australia, They are very _ and cute. They sleep _ the day, but at night they come out and eat _. Do you like them?教学探讨与反思本课较好地练习了学生的口语,激发了学生的学习兴趣,但笔头练习应加强,提高学生的书面表达能力。板书设计Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?Where are _ from?Theyre from_.Period SevenTesting of Unit1. Nanan English test paper2. Exercise Entering Famous School.

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