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He said the fashion show was wonderful Section B 教案.docx

1、He said the fashion show was wonderful Section B 教案Unit 8 Topic 3 He said the fashion show was wonderful.教学设计 Section B. Material analysis 本节课建议教师用1课时上完。主要活动为1a。本课的学习活动由Jane 与Sarah观看并继续谈论时装表演展开,呈现表示提醒和惊讶的功能用语,让学生了解各民族的服装和不同服装所展现的不同的民族文化。要求学生能用关于时装表演和民族服饰的词汇、短语和句型谈论时装表演;运用图片等非语言信息理解主题、复现对话;继续学习主句为一般过

2、去时的宾语从句的用法,并注意转述时主句表示转述的动词要读成升调。. Teaching aims Knowledge aims:1. 继续学习主句为一般过去时的宾语从句。2. 继续谈论时装表演。3. 了解各民族服装。4. 学会掌握短语中的重音,区分辅音音素/ tr/和/ dr/,/H/、/ E /和/。5. 转述时主句表示转述的动词要读成升调。6. 学习表示提醒和惊讶的功能用语。 Skill aims: 1. 能听懂接近正常语速、涉及时装表演与民族服饰的对话,并获取主要信息。2. 能引出时装表演的话题并进行简单的交谈。3. 能从简单的关于服装表演的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意。4. 能根据写作要

3、求和素材,整理出符合逻辑的短文。 Emotional aims:了解各民族服装,对中国的服装文化有更深刻的了解,热爱祖国。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:1. 继续学习主句为一般过去时的宾语从句。2. 继续谈论时装表演。3. 学习表示提醒和惊讶的功能用语。Difficult points: 1. 注意主句为一般过去时的宾语从句中,从句的时态问题。 2. 谈论各民族的服装。. Learning strategies 1. 在学习中善于利用图画等非语言信息帮助记忆。2. 在运用宾语从句转述他人的话时,主句表示转述的动词要读成升调。.

4、Teaching aidsComputer multimedia projector; the song Love My China; the pictures of minorities mentioned in this section (Teacher may prepare more pictures of minorities.). Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(8 minutes)1. The wholeclass work.2. The

5、wholeclass work.3. The wholeclass work.4. The wholeclass work.5. The wholeclass work.1. Focus their attentionon the teacher.2. Students plays thegame to review theusage of the objectclauses. 3. Students report apassage they havewritten before classaccording to the poster.4. Students describe the clo

6、thes in their pictures.5. Students enjoy thepictures and the song.Learn the new word.Know about theminorities in ourcountry.1. Get students ready for learning. 2. The teacher plays the game with the students to review the usage of the object clauses. The teacher tells one student a sentence in a low

7、 voice. Let all theother students ask thatstudents what the teacher told him or her. And then he or she retell the sentence. T: You are very cute.Ss: What did our teacher tell you?S1: She/he said I was very cute.3. The teacher lets the students report a passage they have written before class accordi

8、ng to the poster.4. The teacher lets students show the pictures they have collected before class. Let them describe the clothes in their pictures.5. The teacher shows some pictures of minority costumes on the screen. Play the song Love My China at the same time. Teach the new word minority by introd

9、ucing that there are 55 minorities in our country. Introduce some knowledge about our minorities and the minority costumes. Lead to the new lesson. Presentation(10minutes)1. Group work.2. The wholeclass work.3. Individualwork.4. The wholeclass work.5. Individualwork.6. Individualwork.1. Students dis

10、cuss the models in the picture of 1b and describe their clothes.2. Students report theresult of the discussion. Learn the new words. 3. Students watch theflash of 1a and answer the questions. 4. Students check theanswers.5. Students listen to the conversation and number the costumes.6. Students matc

11、h thecostumes with themodels.1. The teacher shows the picture of 1b to the students on the screen. Let them discuss the models and their clothes. 2. The teacher asks students to tell the information they can get from the picture. Then teach the new word catwalk by pointing at the catwalk in the pict

12、ure. Teach cheongsam and traditional by pointing at the cheongsam. Teach Tibetan and Korean by pointing at their clothes on the screen. 3. The teacher lets students watch the flash of 1a and answer the questions: (1) Whats the model in the center of the catwalk wearing?(2) Whats the second one weari

13、ng?(3) Whats the thirdmodel wearing? 4. The teacher asks three students to give the answers.5. The teacher plays the recording for the students. Let them listen to the conversation and number the costumes. Check the answer with the students.6. The teacher asks the students to match the costumes with

14、 the models. Check the answer with the students. Finish 1b. Consolidation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work.2. The whole class work.3. Individualwork. 4. Individualwork.5. The wholeclass work.6. Pair work. 1. Students read theconversation after the recording sentence bysentence.2. Students try to f

15、ollow the speed, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3. Students find out the object clauses anddifficult points.4. Students read theconversation and fillin the blanks in 1c.5. Students check theanswers with the help of the teacher.6. Students find out thekey words of 1a and act out

16、 the conversation.1. The teacher plays the recording sentence by sentence.2. The teacher plays the recording without stopping.3. The teacher lets students find out the object clauses and the difficult points. Solve the difficult points together with the students.(1) Here comes the models.(提醒)(2) ano

17、ther + 单数可名词 = one more +单数可数名词another + 数词 + 复数可数名词 = 数词 + more + 复数可数名词(3) Thats really cool! 4. The teacher lets students read the conversation and fill in the blanks.5. The teacher lets two students give the answers. Remind them to pay attention to the spelling of the newwords and the tense of t

18、he verbs. Finish 1c.6. The teacher lets students find out the key words of 1a.Then let them act out the conversation in pairs, according to the key words and the picture of 1b. Practice(10 minutes)1. Individualwork.2. Pair work.3. The wholeclass work.4. The wholeclass work.5. Individualwork. 6. Indi

19、vidualwork.1. Students read andunderstand theexample of 2. 2. Students ask and answer in pairs by following the example.3. Students check theanswers together with the teacher.4. Students read thephrases of 3a bythemselves.5. Students listen to therecording and checktheir reading.6. Students listen a

20、nd try to imitate.1. The teacher asks the students to read and understand the example of 2. Then let them review the usage of object clauses of which the main clauses are in the past simple tense. Teacher may give them a hand if necessary. 2. The teacher lets students askand answer in pairs byfollow

21、ing the example,while the other studentsshould listen to themcarefully and correct thewrong expressions. Letthem especially pay more attention to the tense.3. The teacher asks two students to write down the briefconversations on theblackboard. Check theanswers together with thestudents.4. The teache

22、r lets students read the phrases of 3a by themselves. Pay attention to the stress and sounds of the underlined letters. Ask two students to read them to the whole class.5. The teacher plays the recording of 3a. Let students just listen. Check their reading. Stress the stress and the sounds of the un

23、derlined letters.6. The teacher plays the recordingof 3a again and lets students listen and try to imitate.Production(7minutes)1. The wholeclass work.2. The wholeclass work.3. Individualwork. 4. Pair work.5. Group work.6. The wholeclass work.7. Individualwork.1. Students read the shortconversations

24、of 3b.2. Students listen to the recording of 3b and check their intonation.3. Students listen andimitate. 4. Students practice theconversations withtheir partner. 5. Students work ingroups of three todescribe the clothes of their friends. Reviewthe usage of objectclauses.6. Students summarizeSection

25、 B with theteacher.7. Students finish theHomework after class.1. The teacher asks two students to read the short conversations. Let the other students listen and check their intonation. 2. The teacher plays the recording of 3b. Let the students listen and check their intonation. Tell them that when

26、they retell others words, they should use the rising tone before the reporting verb, such as say.3. The teacher plays the recording of 3b again. Let students listen and imitate. 4. The teacher lets students practice the conversations with their partner. 5. The teacher asks students to work in groups

27、 of three to describe the clothes of their friends. Remind them to pay attention to the intonation. Example:A: Li Wei is wearing a white coat.B: What did A say?C: She / He said Li Wei was wearing a white coat.6. The teacher shows thesummary of this section to the students.7. teacher assigns homework

28、:(1) Review the summary after class.(2) Search some picturesabout the traditionalChinese costumes. (3) Preview Section C.Teaching ReflectionStudents know about different national costumes in this section. Teacher should introduce more knowledge about the minorities and their traditional costumes. Te

29、ll them that the 56 peoples are a big family. Let students know more about our great counties and love our motherland more than before. . Blackboard designUnit 8 Our Clothes Topic 3 He said the fashion show was wonderful.Section B1. Here comes the models.2. another + 单数可数名词 = one more +单数可数名词another + 数词 + 复数可数名词 = 数词 + more + 复数可数名词3. Thats really cool!

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