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1、BEC课堂笔记整理大四上BEC课堂笔记整理Chapter one1. 经济三大部门 the three sectors of the economy 2. 经济基础设施 the economic infrastructure 3. 写字楼 office building 4. 住宅区 housing district 5. 现代化的工业国家modern industrialized country 6. 总经理 general manager/managing director 7. 制造业公司 manufacturing industry 8. 发电站的建造和维护the building a

2、nd maintenance of the power station 9. 石油的抽取和煤炭的开采mining of coal and pumping of oil 10. 制成品 finished products 11. 批发和零售商专卖店 wholesale and retail outlets 12. 附加值的分配 distribution of its added value 13. 第一产业部门 primary sector 14. 第二产业部门 secondary sector 15. 第三产业部门 tertiary sector 16. 发达的工业化国家an advanced

3、 industrial country 17. 依赖重工业提供就业机会depend on heavy industry for employment 18. 后工业化国家 a post-industrial country 19. 发展中国家 a developing country 20. 欠发达国家 a less-developed country 21. 服务业的增长和制造业的减少the growth of service industry and the decline of manufacturing industry22. 制造业 manufacturing industry 23

4、. 再造业 transforming industry 24. 创造业/加工业 processing industry 25. 实物消费品 physical objects of consumption 26. 人类消费模式 patterns of human consumption 27. 人力投入 labor input 28. 人力成本 labor cost 29. 制作品 manufactured product Terms:1. infrastructure: the basic structure foundations of a society or enterprise; di

5、vide into two parts, soft facilities, hard facilities and their utilities2. primary sector: agriculture and the extraction of raw materials from the earth 3. secondary sector: manufacturing industry, in which raw materials are turned into finished products4. tertiary sector: the commercial services

6、that help industry produce and distribute goods to the final consumers, as well as activities such as education, health ,care ,leisure ,tourism ,and so on5. wholesale批發,大量的買賣: buying and selling of goods, in large quantities ,from manufactures6. retail零售: the sale of goods to the general public, esp

7、ecially in shops7. added value附加值: the value attributed to products and services as the result of a particular process e.g.: production , process, storage, transportWriting:1) Is manufacturing industry important? Is its decline in the “advanced” countries inevitable? Will services adequately replace

8、 it?2) Do you agree with either of Galbraiths or MacShanes views?(先回答这两个人的观点,再阐述自己的理由)Chapter two1. 一套可以教会的技能和技术a set of skills and techniques that can be taught2. 公司董事长 companys chairman 3. 确定/制定目标 set objectives 4. 制定战略 develop a strategies 5. 分配资源 allocate resources 6. 对组织的业务活动进行分析分类analyze and c

9、lassify the activities of the organization7. 将工作分成易于管理的业务活动divide the work into manageable activities8. 负责执行单项工作的人们people who are responsible for performing individual job9. 激励和沟通 motivating and communication 10. 组织和监督下属的工作organization and supervising the work of subordinate 11. 绩效评估 performance app

10、raisal 12. 独家经销商 exclusive distributors 13. 董事会 board of directors 14. 传达目标 communicate an objective 15. 做有关薪水和晋升的决策make decisions about pay and promotion 16. 评估绩效 measure performance 17. 监督下属 supervise subordinate 18. 专有技术/技术专长 technique expertise 19. 设计商店布局 design the layout of a store 20. 陈列商品 di

11、splay merchandise 21. 雇佣销售员工 employ sales staff 22. 提高利润 increase profits 23. 日常物流 day-to-day logistics 24. 日常运营 day-to-day operation/running 25. 责任和授权 accountability and delegation 26. 公司统一外观 corporate appearance 27. 公司目标陈述 corporate statement 28. 行为规范和劳动纪律parameters and disciplines 29. 培训和发展 devel

12、opment and training 30. 集体小组座谈 focus group interview 31. 日常沟通 day-to-day communication 32. 带来销量的提高 lead to increase sales Terms:1. management: the process of coordinating goals of the organization2. subordinate: someone who has a less important position than someone else in a organization3. superior

13、(上级):someone in a higher position than someone else at work4. promotion:(the giving or receiving of) a higher position or a more important job5. supplier: a person or organization that provides necessary goods or service6. distributor: a person or organization that supplies goods for a producer or m

14、anufacture to shops7. exclusive distributor: the only distributor used by a particular company to sell its goods in a particular area or country8. board of directors: the top governing body of a corporation ,the members of which are selected by the stockholders to develop company policy9. expertise:

15、 expert knowledge or skill in a particular field10. logistics: the flow of material and information between consumers and suppliers, including interdependent process of customer service and order processing, inventory planning and management, supply, transportation, and distribution, and warehousing

16、Writing:1) What is management? What makes a good manager?2) Do you think you have the right skills to be a manager? Would you be able, for example, to set objectives, motivate and coordinate the staff, and manage a department store, or a computer manufacture?3) Give some example of famous managers.

17、Whose career would you most likely to emulate?Chapter three 1. 直线职权 line authority 2. 直线结构 line structure 3. 矩阵结构 matrix structure 4. 功能结构 functional structure 5. 幕僚职位 staff position 6. 纳入指挥链 integrate into the chain of command 7. 人事部 personnel or human resources department 8. 不征询财务部门的意见就做出财务方面的决策ta

18、ke financial decisions without consulting the finance department 9. 一家制造一系列产品的大型组织a large organization manufacturing a range of products 10. 营运部门 operating division 11. 模拟分权 simulate decentralization 12. 内部拟定转移价格 internally determined transfer price 13. 将责任传给老板 pass on responsibility to the boss 14.

19、 细分市场 market segment 15. 传统财务、销售和生产部门的功能the traditional functions of finance, sales and production 16. 让基层保留职权 keep authority at lower levels 17. (自下而上)在指挥链上将职权和自主权推向基层push authority and autonomy down the line 18. 临时建立的完全自主的小组或团体wholly authority, temporary groups or teams 19. 广告预算 advertising budget

20、 20. 市场份额 market share 21. 信贷措施/安排 credit facilities 22. 研发 research and development 23. 未分配收益/留存收益 retained profits 24. 组织结构图 organization chart 25. 公司氛围/企业精神 corporate ethos Terms:1. line authority: dividing an organization into decision making units that are not centrally controlled2. chain/line

21、of command: the line of authority that extends from the highest to the lowest levels of organization 3. line structure: hierarchical structure within an organization ,with one person or a group of people at the top, and an increasing number of people below them at each successive level4. matrix stru

22、cture: an organizational structure that combines vertical and horizontal lines of authority on a functionally departmentalized organizations in which people report to more than one superior5. functional structure: an organizational structure that groups ,positions, into departments on the basis of t

23、he specialized activities of business, i.e. production, finance, marketing, sales and personnel or human resources department6. staff position: a position created to provide support ,advice and expertise within an organization7. transfer price: the price for internal transfer of raw material between

24、 the trading units and the firm8. market segment: a group of potential buyers who have something in common9. corporate ethos: a companys ways of working and thinking10. market share: the share of the total sales of all brands or products competing in the same market that is captured by one particula

25、r brand or product, usually expressed as a percentage11. retained earnings: portion of business profits not distributed to stockholders12. research and development: a set of activities intended to identify new ideas that have the potential to result in new goods and services13. organization chart: a

26、 chart illustrating the structure of an organization14. budget: a financial statement that projects income and/or expenditures over a specified future period15. micromanagement: management style in which/where a manager closely observes or controls the work of their employeesWriting:1) Write a short

27、 summary of your opinions regarding big and small companies, explaining which you prefer, or would prefer to work for, why? What are the advantages for each?2) What do you know about the ways of organizing companies? Comment on the various company structures.Chapter four1. 劳资关系 labor relations 2. 额外

28、的福利待遇 fringe benefit 3. 促销 sales promotion 4. 工作保障 job security 5. 两种截然相反的工作和激励理论two opposing theories of work and motivation 6. 需要保护的免除责任的重担 need protection against the burden of responsibility 7. 带薪假期 paid holiday 8. 大量不需要动脑筋的乏味的重复和机械性的工作plenty of boring, mindless, repetitive and mechanical jobs 9

29、. 产品系列 product line 10. 企业文化 corporate culture 11. 财务指标 financial target 12. 从经营的角度看 from an operational point of view 13. 使个人的需要和能力与商店的经营需要相吻合tailor individuals needs and abilities to the operational needs of the store14. 员工折扣 staff discount 15. 制定一项利润分享的计划 establish a profit-sharing program 16. 效率

30、奖 productivity bonus 17. 生产线 production line 18. 计件制 piece work system/piece-rate-system 19. 需求层次论 Hierarchy of Needs 20. 激励维生理论 Motivation-hygiene theory 21. 激励因素 Motivation factors 22. 维生因素 Hygiene factors Terms:1) motivation: the stimulation of a consumers salespersons, employees or dealers innat

31、e desires and personal objectives2) fringe benefit: something extra that you get from your employer in addition to money3) job security: a situation where a job is likely to be permanent4) Theory X: a concept of employee motivation ,assuming that employees dislike work and will function only in a hi

32、ghly controlled work environment5) Theory Y: a concept of employee motivation, assuming that employees accept responsibility and work toward organizational goals if by so doing they also achieve personal rewards6) Motivation-hygiene theory: a theory of motivation described by Fredrick Hertzberg, which assets that two sets of factors

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