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Module 3 Music 第二课时导学案外研必修2精品.docx

1、Module 3 Music 第二课时导学案外研必修2精品Module 3 Music 第二课时导学案学习目标1、了解时间状语和状语从句的概念和常用的连词when/while/as/by。2、 把握过去完成时的概念,句子结构和常见用法。 重点:1、归纳连词when/while/as的相同和不同处。2、从句和主句的概念及判断时态时的技巧。预习案使用说明&学法指导:借助词汇精粹与语法导学,理解例句并尝试总结知识结构,然后再根据预习自测进行自我检测。 .词汇预习导学1He only lived 35 years and he composed more than 600 pieces of musi

2、c.他仅活了35岁,却谱写了600多首乐曲。2Wolfgang had musical talent from a very early age.沃尔夫冈很小的时候就有音乐天赋。3While he was still a teenager,Mozart was already a big tar and toured Europe giving concerts.当年仅十几岁时,莫扎特已经是明星了,并在欧洲巡回演出。4Having worked there for 30 years,Haydn moved to London,where he was very successful.在那里工作

3、了三十年后,海顿迁到了伦敦,并在那里取得了巨大成功。5By the time he was 14,Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord,piano and violin,as well as for orchestras.莫扎特到14岁的时候,不仅已经谱写了很多管弦乐曲,还谱写了很多拨弦键琴曲、钢琴曲和小提琴曲。 6Haydn met Mozart in 1781 and was very impressed with him.海顿于1781年与莫扎特相遇,并对他留下了深刻的印象。7However,it was Haydn wh

4、o encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.然而,是海顿鼓励贝多芬去维也纳的。.语法预习导学一、时间状语从句1when,while,as引导的时间状语从句(1)当从句谓语动作进行时间较长时用while,而不用as和when。They slept while we kept watching over them.我们监视他们的时候,他们睡着了。(2)while不能与表示瞬间性的动词连用。I was quite happy as/when I found my lost watch.当找到丢失的手表时,我真的很高兴。(3)as和while都可以与持续性动词连用

5、,表示两个动作同时发生,但前者强调的是持续的全过程,后者强调的是动作的同时性。因此把as译成“正当”或“与同时”;而把while译成“在过程中”或“在期间”。It often changes in speed and direction while it is moving.它在运动过程中经常改变速度和方向。It changes in speed and direction as it moves.它在运动时,改变了速度和方向。(4)when和as都可以表示两个动作的先后顺序,而while却不能。When/As the clock struck six,Tom got up.当六点的钟声敲响的

6、时候,汤姆起床了。(5)when可以作并列连词表示“这时(突然)”。He was working on a design when his friend arrived.他正在搞设计,这时他的朋友到了。2as soon as,immediately,directly,once,no sooner.than,hardly.when引导的时间状语从句,表示“一就”。I came directly I got your message.我一得到你的消息,就来了。注意当no sooner.than,hardly.when中的no sooner,hardly置于句首时,主句部分倒装。No sooner

7、had Jack seen me than he left the classroom.Hardly had Jack seen me when he left the classroom.杰克一看见我就离开了教室。3the moment,the day,next time,last time,every time,each time等词引导时间状语从句。He came to the spot the moment he heard of the accident.他一听说这起事故就赶到了现场。Every time I travelled by boat,I got seasick.每次我乘船

8、旅行都会晕船。 4till,until引导的时间状语从句We will stay here till/until it stops raining.我们将一直呆在这里直到雨停。主句有否定意义时,till/until含有before的意思,通常译为“直到才”。John did not announce the news till he was sure of it.约翰直到对这个消息确信无误时才宣布。not until放在句首时,主句的主语和谓语要倒置,表示加强语气。Not until the rain stopped did we leave there.直到雨停了我们才离开那儿。5since

9、引导的时间状语从句I have been in Beijing since you left.自从你离开以来,我一直在北京。注意since引导的从句的谓语动词可以是延续性动词,也可以是瞬间动词。一般情况下,从句谓语动词用一般过去时,而主句的谓语动词用现在完成时。但在“It is时间since从句”的句型中,主句多用一般现在时。二、过去完成时过去完成时表示的是“过去的过去”发生、进行或完成了的动作。使用过去完成时,一般要有可以与之比较的“过去时间点”。过去完成时主要用在以下场合: 1过去完成时常与by,by the end of,by the time引导的状语连用。In Germany,ove

10、r 50% of the trees had been damaged by (the year) 1896.在德国,到1896年止,全国已经有过半数的树木被毁坏。2表示从过去某一时刻开始,一直延续到过去另一时刻的动作或状态。She said she had worked in that factory.她说她在那家工厂工作过。3当一个由before,after,as soon as等连词引导的从句所表示的动作和主句的动作先后、紧接着发生时,由于这些连词本身已经说明两个动作发生的先后关系,因此从句和主句的谓语动词均可用一般过去时。He left the room after he (had)

11、turned off the light.他把灯关上之后离开了房间。4过去完成时也用于hardly.when.;no sooner.than.等一些固定句型中。He had hardly arrived when it began to snow.他刚到,天就开始下雪。5有些动词,如think,hope,expect,intend,mean,suppose,want等,在用过去完成时时,可以表示过去未实现的愿望和打算。They had wanted to come,but they were too busy.他们本来是要来的,但他们太忙了。6在it was the first time th

12、at句型中,that分句的动词常用过去完成时。 It was the first time that he had ever spoken to me in such a tune.这是他第一次用这样的语调跟我讲话。探究案.质疑探究探究点一、探究总结词汇用法1He only lived 35 years and he composed more than 600 pieces of music.他仅活了35岁,却谱写了600多首乐曲。归纳拓展compose vt.作曲;创作;组成 由组成语境助记(1)She began to compose songs at an early age.她年轻时

13、就已经创作歌曲了。(2)Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.水由氢和氧组成。题组训练(1)The medical team (由组成) ten doctors and five nurses.(2)His daughter was admitted by that university five colleges and one graduate school,which made him proud.Aconsists of Bcomposed of Cis made up of Dcomposing2Wolfgang had musical t

14、alent from a very early age.沃尔夫冈很小的时候就有音乐天赋。归纳拓展talent n才能,才干;天才,天资 have a talent for有才能talented adj.有天赋的,有才能的 be gifted in/at有天才的,有天赋的have a gift for有才能语境助记(1)He had a talent gift for music.他有音乐天赋。(2)She is a new diving talent.她是一个新的跳水天才。题组训练(1)He is a very actor.他是一个很有天赋的演员。(2)He learning a foreig

15、n language.他有学习外语的天分。3While he was still a teenager,Mozart was already a big star and toured Europe giving concerts.当年仅十几岁时,莫扎特已经是明星了,并在欧洲巡回演出。归纳拓展tour n& v旅行,旅游;参观访问;巡回演出,比赛tourism n旅游业 tourist n旅行者,旅游者,观光客a tourist attraction一处旅游景点题组训练(1)We decided to have round Europe.我们决定到欧洲进行观光旅行。(2)The famous

16、violinist started his concert .Atravel Bjourney Cvoyage Dtour4Having worked there for 30 years,Haydn moved to London,where he was very successful.在那里工作了三十年后,海顿迁到了伦敦,并在那里取得了巨大成功。归纳拓展Having worked是现在分词的完成式,作状语,在句中表示动作发生在主句谓语动词之前或动作已经持续了一段时间,相当于一个状语从句,可替换为:After he had worked there for 30 years,Haydn m

17、oved to London,where he was very successful.。题组训练(1)句型转换After they had put up the tent,they started to cook the supper. ,they started to cook the supper.(2)Dina, for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a local advertising agency.Astruggling Bstruggled Chaving struggled Dto

18、struggle 5By the time he was 14,Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord,piano and violin,as well as for orchestras.莫扎特到14岁的时候,不仅已经谱写了很多管弦乐曲,还谱写了很多拨弦键琴曲、钢琴曲和小提琴曲。归纳拓展(1)句中“By the time”用作连词词组,引导一个时间状语从句,意为“在的时候”,并且主句常用完成时态。(2)by后接表示过去的时间状语时,多与过去完成时连用;接表示现在的时间状语时,多与现在完成时连用;接表示将来的时间状语时,多与一般将

19、来时或将来完成时连用。 题组训练(1)They their work by the end of last week.到上周末他们已经完成了工作。(2)Maybe she by now.或许现在她已经回来了。(3)By the time Jack returned home from England,his son from college.Agraduated Bhas graduated Chad been graduating Dhad graduated6Haydn met Mozart in 1781 and was very impressed with him.海顿于1781年与

20、莫扎特相遇,并对他留下了深刻的印象。归纳拓展be impressed with/by留下深刻印象 impress sb.with sth.给某人留下深刻的印象impress sth.on sb./impress on sb. sth.使某人铭记某事leave/makes a (an).impression on sb.给某人留下印象(1)句型转换Our teacher impressed us with the importance of industry and economy.Our teacher the importance of industry and economy us.(2)

21、The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 was strongly impressed my memory.Ato Bover Cby Don7However,it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.然而,是海顿鼓励贝多芬去维也纳的。归纳拓展It was.who.”是强调句,本句强调主语。正常的语序为“Haydn encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.”。强调句型的基本结构是:I

22、t is/was被强调部分that/who/whom句子的其余部分。被强调部分可为原句的主语、宾语或状语等。强调句的否定结构形式:It is/was not被强调部分that/who/whom其他。强调特殊疑问句时,用下列结构:特殊疑问词(What,Where.)is/was it that .?强调not.until句型的时间状语时,要把not与until放在一起。题组训练(1) in this town he was brought up.他是在这个镇上被养大的。(2)It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the vi

23、llage the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.Awhere Bthat Cwhen Dwhich(3)Johns success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work has made him what he is today.A. why B. when C. which D. that探究二、探究总结语法用法语法一:Adverbial clause of timeStep1:分析句子结构,归纳状语和状语从句的概念. (由例子导入抽象概念)1:Uncle Wang die

24、d in the year 1960.黑体字部分是 词短语表 2: I was watching TV when my mother came back.分析:我们把句2分为2个句子:1)I was watching TV.2)My mother came back.这2句中间加入一个表示 的连词when,就组合为含有when引导的时间状语从句。归纳:在英语里,状语是用于说明地点、时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、方向、程度、方式和伴随状况等的一种句法成份。状语一般由副词、介词短语、分词和分词短语、不定式或相当于副词的词或短语来担当。其位置一般放在句末,但也可放在句首或句中。 Step2: whe

25、n, while, as 的相同点和不同点。(以填空形式来简化抽象概念)1. when, while, as都有“当的时候”的意思,但用法却有所不同(1)when 当的时候,这时,那时a. when既可引导_性动词(时间点),又可引导_性动词(时间段)when用得最多,从句的动作可与主句的动作同时发生,也可先于主句的动作。When we reached home, it was getting dark.(reach_性动词)When I lived there, I used to go to the seashore on Sundays.(live_性动词b. when 还有“这时”,“

26、那时”的意思,常用于下列句型:Somebody was doing something when 某人正在做 突然 我正在读英语,这时老师进来了。译: Somebody was about to do something when 某人正要做 突然 I was about to talk in the classroom when the teacher came in.我刚要在教室里讲话老师就进来了。(2)while当的时候,在过程中,而,然而a. while只能引导_性动词或状态,用while时,从句的动作或者与主句的动作同时发生,或者主句的动作是在从句的动作的进展过程中发生的。例:Whi

27、le she was making a phone call, I was writing a letter.当她在打电话时,我 正在写信。(make为延续性动词)(从句的动作与主句的动作同时发生)While we were dancing, a stranger came in. 译: (dance为延续性动词)(主句的动作是在从句的动作的进展过程中发生的)b. while还可表示强烈的对比关系,可译成“然而,而”(并列连词)She is tall while I am short.译: While I was studying English, he was playing compute

28、r games. 译: (3)as当时候,一边一边,一面一面;随着a. as引导_性动词,多用于主句和从句动作同时发生,强调伴随 We took notes as we listened to the lecture. 译: As he grew older, Beethoven became deaf. 译: 语法二:The past perfect tenseStep1:结合例子复习过去完成时基本的概念. (简要复习其概念,练习巩固)1. By the end of last year, we (learn) 700 English words. 用法:表示过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或

29、完成的动作(过去的过去)2. Mary (live) in London for ten years when I met her. 用法:表示过去某一时间之前已经开始并一直持续到那个那时的动作或动作3. 过去完成时:肯定结构:助动词 +done(动词过去分词) 否定结构:助动词 not +doneStep2:结合例子归纳下面的过去完成时基本句型. (研究例句,归纳句子结构) 1. After Li Ping had finished doing his homework, he turned on the radio.归纳: after引导的时间状语从句( 时 )+ 主句( 时 )2. Be

30、fore he came to our school, he had taught English for three years.归纳: before引导的时间状语从句( 时 )+ 主句( 时 )3. By the time he was 11, he had learned 3000 words.归纳:by the time引导的时间状语从句( 时 )+ 主句( 时 )4. By the late 1960s, their music had changed completely.归纳:by引导的表示过去的时间状语+ 句子谓语部分( 时 )Step3:结合例子归纳过去完成时和一般过去时. (对比归纳)By the late 1960s, their music had changed completely.译: In the late 1960s their music changed completely.译: 时态句子结构用法一般过去时主语+动词 表示动作发生在 过去完成时主语+ +动词 表示动作发生在 强化学习内容: 写出下列词的过去式和过去分词:become begin leave make be break 考试练习1.He smiled polite

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