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1、BBC自然界大事件中英双语字幕第一集太阳的能量NDAVID ATTENBOROUGH: The power of the sun推动着四季的变化 影响着地球的变迁Ndrives the seasons, transforming our planet.浩瀚洋流和气流的运动NVast movements of ocean and air currents带来令人叹止的巨变 终年不息Nbring dramatic change throughout the year.在地球上某些特殊的地区NAnd in a few special places, these seasonal changes季节变

2、化造就了壮丽无比的自然奇景Ncreate some of the greatest wildlife spectacles on Earth.北极的夏天 阳光开始融化冬季的冰雪NHere in the Arctic each summer, the sun begins to melt the winter ice.近三百万平方英里的冰层随之消融NNearly three million square miles of ice will disappear,数百万的动物迎来了一线生存良机Nopening up a narrow window of opportunity for million

3、s of animals.对大多数动物来说 这是生息和繁衍的最佳时期NFor many, its their best chance to feed and breed.但对北极熊来说 却是一年中最难熬的日子NBut for polar bears, its the hardest time of the year.它们不得不在季节变换中艰难求生NThey have to survive the greatest seasonal change on the planet.世纪大消融N旁白: David AttenboroughN北极的冬天NWinter in the Arctic.摇曳的北极

4、光横跨在天际NThe northern lights flicker across the sky.这里成了极夜的世界NIts a land of continuous night气温骤降到零下度Nwhere temperatures plummet to minus .北极熊处在最佳生存环境中NPolar bears are in their element,它在结冰的海面上捕食海豹Nhunting for seals on the frozen sea.但长夜终将过去NBut the long night is coming to an end.二月露出的第一缕曙光NIn February

5、 the sun rises结束了长达四个月的黑暗Nfor the first time in four months.在未来几周内 太阳的力量NIn the coming weeks the strength of the sun将使一切变得面目全非Nwill power an enormous change.可现在这一刻的阳光却是温暖的NBut for now its rays offer only a little warmth.尽管阳光重现 地球最北端六百万平方英里的面积NDespite the suns return, six million square miles of the

6、planets far north仍是一片冰天雪地Nis still cloaked in ice.厚厚的积雪覆盖着山川NDeep snow covers the mountains.海面上也结着几米厚的坚冰NEven the sea is frozen solid, many metres deep.成群的环斑海豹从冰洞中爬出来NGroups of ringed seals haul out through holes in the ice享受着淡淡的阳光Nto bask in the weak sunlight.N(YELPING)但它们很脆弱 随时保持着警惕NBut they are v

7、ulnerable and have to keep a lookout.冰层还很结实 肉食动物很容易靠近NWith the sea still frozen, its easier for predators to get close,海豹最大的天敌就是北极熊Nand the seals greatest enemy is the polar bear.一只母熊和它四个月大的小熊正在觅食NA mother bear and her four-month-old cub are hunting.海豹是它们主要的食物NSeals make up most of the bears diet,母熊

8、必须带着孩子到冰上寻找食物Nand to find them she must lead her youngster out onto the ice这是小熊初次外出Nfor the first time.为了观察气候变化对北极熊的影响NScientists, looking at how a changing climate is affecting bears,科学家给母熊装上了无线电项圈Nhave fitted the female with a radio collar.这块冰层有些薄NThe ice here is thinner,母熊必须伸展身体 分散体重压力 避免冰层破裂Nand

9、 she must spread her weight to avoid breaking through.而小熊却乐在其中NFor her cub, its all just a game.紧跟着妈妈 它将学习生存最重要的一课NBy sticking close to Mum, hell learn how she hunts for seals,如何捕捉海豹Na critical lesson for his future survival.此时严寒的北极 鲜有生命存在NAt this time of year the frozen Arctic is empty of life仅有少数耐

10、寒的居住者能够生存Nand only a few hardy residents can survive.对这只雌性北极狐来说 冬天是饥饿的时节NFor a female arctic fox, the winter has been a time of hunger.食物太少了 她只得到更远的地方去寻找NFood is scarce and shes had to wander far and wide,北极熊吃剩下的残骸Nscavenging from the remains of bear kills.N(YELPING)它终于时来运转NBut her fortunes are chan

11、ging.找到一只驯鹿的残骸NA dead reindeer is a lucky find.如果没有别的食腐动物出现NIf no other scavengers come along,这顿饭会支撑着它过完这个冬天Nthis could sustain her for the rest of the winter.趁海面还结着冰 北极熊忙于捕食NWith the sea frozen, polar bears are busy hunting.这只北极熊抓住了一只海豹NThis bear has caught a seal.它等着海豹从冰洞中钻出来NHe waited for it to s

12、urface through a hole in the ice它的耐心有了回报Nand his patience has been rewarded.它必须每周捕捉一只海豹 现在是捕猎的大好时机NHe must catch a seal about once a week, and this is the best hunting season.只要海面还有冰 北极熊就不会挨饿NAs long as there is sea ice the bears wont go hungry,因为在冰面上行走是接近海豹最简单的方法Nas walking on the ice is the easies

13、t way for a bear to get close to a seal.但冰层很快便会破裂 捕食将变得困难NBut the ice will soon start to break up and hunting will get harder.现在吃下去的食物的热量NThe calories the bear takes in now必须支撑它渡过即将到来的艰难日子Nwill have to see him through hard times ahead.对北极熊而言是最肥者生存NFor polar bears its the survival of the fattest.这段时间

14、每天仅有五小时日照NAt this time of year there are still only five hours of daylight.但随着太阳高度角的增大 每天日照时间会增加分钟NBut as the sun rises higher, each day lasts minutes longer.三月 阳光逐渐增多NIts March, and with increasing sunlight首先是一大批候鸟回归了Nthe first in a huge wave of migrants are arriving.数百万只海鸟飞向北方冰冻的海岸NMillions of sea

15、birds are travelling north to reach the frozen coast.成群结队的海雀和海鸠NHuge flocks of little auks and guillemots飞过数百里漂着浮冰的海域Nfly across many miles of ice from the nearest open water.它们的目的地 是仍被冰雪覆盖的海崖NTheir destination is the still-frozen sea cliffs.现在这里并不适宜居住NIts an inhospitable place,但几周后这一切都会改变Nbut in a

16、few weeks everything here will change.早起的鸟儿有虫吃 尽管积雪尚未融化NIt pays to be early, even though the snow has yet to melt.但先到的鸟儿能优先占领好的窝点 率先动工NThe first arrivals get the best nesting ledges and a head start.N(SQUAWKING)它们只有天的时间来产卵并孵养小鸟NThey have just days from laying their eggs to raise their chicks.N(SQUAW

17、KING)寂静的北极旷野又恢复了生机NThe Arctics silent wilderness is coming to life.太阳重现已有三个月 它的能量与日俱增NIts three months since the suns return and its power is growing daily.气温慢慢升高NThe air temperature rises slowly终于达到零度以上 大融化开始了Nand once above zero, at long last, the melt begins.融化的积雪汇成溪水 奔流着离开陆地NMelting snow feeds f

18、reshwater streams which pour off the land.几天后会呈现出一派崭新的风景NIn just a few short days, the melt unveils a whole new landscape.现在的海崖上挤满了筑巢的海鸟NThe coastal cliffs now teem with nesting seabirds,随即也招来了一些不速之客Nand its not long before they attract unwelcome attention.狐狸的白色冬衣和积雪一起褪去NThe foxs white winter coat h

19、as disappeared with the snow.新皮毛的掩盖使它从食腐者变成了狩猎者NHer new camouflage will allow her to change from scavenger to hunter.短暂的夏天是它养家糊口的好时机NThe short summer will be her best chance to raise a family.陆地上的冰雪是消失了NThe snow may be disappearing from the land,但海冰还未融化Nbut the sea ice has yet to melt.海岸线仍被冰雪覆盖NThe

20、coastline is still locked in ice.北极的岛屿NThe islands of the Arctic被数千英里冰封的白色海洋所包围Nare surrounded by thousands of miles of white frozen ocean.因为冰层很厚NBecause the sea ice is so thick, it wont begin to break up气温要数日持续零度以上 才能使之融化Nuntil the temperature stays above zero for a number of days.在这之前 没有多少生物能穿破冰层的

21、阻碍NUntil then, few creatures can penetrate this icy barrier.白色冰面反射阳光NThe sun reflects from the white frozen sea,形成冰上海市蜃楼Ncreating a desert of icy mirage.北极熊还能在冰面行走捕捉海豹NThe bear can still walk on the ice to hunt for seals,但好景不长Nbut not for much longer.天气一天比一天热NIts getting warmer by the day.北极熊的天地即将消融

22、NThe bears world is about to melt away.六月 太阳一天小时炙烤大地NIts now June and the sun beats down hours a day.气温一直维持在零度以上NThe temperature remains constant above zero degrees.冰封的海面开始融化NThe frozen sea begins to melt.布满冰面的小水洼 吸收了更多太阳能量NPools form across the surface, absorbing more of the suns heat,加快了消融速度Nspeed

23、ing the thaw.阳光穿透冰层NSunlight penetrates the frozen surface,照亮了奇异的冰下世界Nilluminating a strange world beneath the ice.冰层开始破裂NThe frozen barrier has split.各种神秘的声音此起彼伏 回响在冰层之下NMysterious voices echo against the icy ceiling.巨大的裂缝或者通道 从冰层较薄处断开NGiant cracks, or leads, form at weak points,为新的访客敞开道路Ncreating

24、a pathway for new arrivals.角鲸NNarwhal.由于它那奇特的螺旋型长牙 它被誉为北极的独角兽NKnown as the arctic unicorn because of their strange spiral tusks,角鲸是海洋中最为神秘莫测Nnarwhal are some of the most secretive and elusive animals的动物之一Nin the worlds oceans.成千上万神秘的角鲸经由这些通道前往北极NThe leads provide passage for thousands of these myste

25、rious whales.每个夏季 它们向北穿越英里NEach summer they travel miles north,越过冰雪抵达这富饶的渔场Nnavigating through the ice to reach rich fishing grounds.更多的鲸顺着沿海的冰块边缘长途跋涉NMore whales travel along the edge of the ice where it meets the open sea,来寻找新道路的开口Nto search for the openings of leads.这是个冒险的旅程 它们是哺乳动物 需要呼吸空气NIts a

26、hazardous journey. As mammals, they need air to breath它们头顶的冰块闭合 它们就有可能窒息而死Nand if the ice closes above them they could suffocate.它们在寻找能让它们浮出水面的冰窟NTheyre looking for holes in the ice where they can surface.一次呼吸能让它们坚持分钟NA single breath will last them for minutes.游的越远 就越难找到冰窟NThe further they travel, t

27、he harder it becomes to find holes in the ice.它们抓紧深吸几口气 然后继续前行NThey snatch a breath and then travel on.但在前方 冰块结成了无法穿越的屏障NBut ahead, the ice forms an impenetrable barrier.角鲸用头部和长牙NThe narwhal use their heads and their long tusks击破冰块 扩大让它们呼吸的冰窟Nto break the ice and enlarge the breathing holes.现在 它们没了出

28、路 只能等待NFor now theyve reached a dead end and must wait.冰块要继续融化 才能前进NThe ice will need to melt further if they are to continue.整个北极圈内 海冰都开始消融NAll across the Arctic the sea ice is beginning to retreat.通道变宽了 形成一大片开阔水面NThe leads widen, forming tracts of open water.松动的冰块随海风和洋流而漂移 破裂NWind and ocean curren

29、ts shift the loosening ice, breaking it up.随着冰块消融 广阔的海洋变得畅通无阻NAs the ice melts, thousands of miles of open ocean become accessible,给数百万海鸟带来了福音Nproviding a bonanza for millions of seabirds.仅仅周里 一处聚居地的海鸠就能够NIn just four weeks a colony of guillemots吞食万吨北极鱼类Ncan devour one and a half million tonnes of a

30、rctic fish.随着海冰消融 它们去开阔海域捕食的距离NAs the ice melts, their journey to their feeding grounds in the open sea也会日渐缩短Nshortens by the day.它们聚集在消退的海冰边缘NThey gather at the edge of the retreating ice潜入水中寻找北极鳕鱼和小海鱼Nand dive to hunt for arctic cod and capelin.这些鱼群生活在洋面以下米的黑暗深处NThe shoals are found metres down in

31、 the murky depths,海鸠必须屏住呼吸大约分钟Nand the guillemots must hold their breath for nearly two minutes.嗉囊里填满鱼后 它们返回聚居地NWith their crops stuffed with fish, they return to the colony去喂养饥饿的幼鸟Nto feed their hungry youngsters.N(YELPING)在长达小时的白昼里 它们一刻也不停歇的捕鱼NWith hours of daylight, they go on fishing around the clock.在阳光照射下 伴着海风和洋流侵蚀NWarmed by the sun and driven by winds and currents,海冰现在已经支离破碎了Nthe sea ice is now fragmenting.这对依靠海冰来捕食的动物来说 是一个大问题NThat is a big problem if you need the ice to hunt from.北极熊

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