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1、上海初三一模英语语法易错题考前复习建议 2016初三一模英语语法易错题&考前复习建议1语法易错题冠词1. He had _ unusual voice and he wanted to work in Disneys cartoon films for children.A) an B) a C) / D) the 【考点】冠词用法;“u”字母在单词中的发音。【答案】A2. Lindas mother used to be _ university teacher. She taught maths.A) the B) a C) an D) /【考点】冠词用法;“u”字母在单词中的发音。【答案

2、】B3. A comic strip is usually about _ interesting story with an unforgettable end.A) / B)an C) the D) a【考点】冠词用法。【答案】B4. I have just watched a good film about _ elderly fisherman in Guilin.A) a B) an C) the D) /【考点】冠词用法。【答案】B5. My mother doesnt go to _ church very often these days.A) a B) an C) the D

3、) /【考点】零冠词【答案】D名词1.She turned on the radio and listened to a man giving people some _ about their problems.A) reason B) advice C) way D) answer【考点】可数名词/不可数名词【答案】B2.Two _ were having lunch in the office at that time.A) woman secretariesB) woman secretaryC)women secretaries D)womensecretary【考点】可数名词的复数

4、【答案】C3. We shall have a _ holiday after the final exam.A) three weeks B) three-week C) three weeks D) three-weeks【考点】复合形容词【答案】B4. Every year Alice spends _ money on new clothes.A) many B) a large number ofC) quite a few D) huge amounts of【考点】名词的数量表达【答案】D代词1. For the difficulties ahead, Mr Black talk

5、ed to _ patiently one by one.A) they B) them C) their D) themselves【考点】人称代词的宾格【答案】B2. Arthurs memory starts to go wrong because of his age. So does_.A) I B) mine C) me D) myself【考点】名词性物主代词【答案】B3. Some people in modern cities have no choice but to keep _ dogs in small spaces.A) they B) them C) their

6、D) theirs【考点】形容词性物主代词【答案】C4. If kids have some pocket money, its more convenient for them to buy _.A) necessary somethingB) something necessaryC) necessary anythingD) nothing necessary【考点】复合不定代词用法【答案】B5. I need _ apples and bananas to make fruit salad. Could you buy some for me?A) little B) a little

7、 C) a few D) few【考点】不定代词(a) few/(a) little【答案】C6. I was so busy with my school work that I had _ time to play with my friends in those days.A) little B) a little C) few D) a few【考点】不定代词(a) few/(a) little【答案】A7. I dont like this kind of watch. Will you show me _ one, sir?A) other B) anotherC) the oth

8、er D) the others【考点】不定代词(the) other/another【答案】B8. Some people think keeping pets is good, but _ dont.A) another B) otherC) the other D) others【考点】不定代词(the) other/another【答案】D9. There are a lot of trees on _ sides of Century Avenue in PudongA) either B) all C) both D) neither【考点】不定代词all/both/either/

9、neither【答案】C10. - Would you like to have some tea or coffee?- _. Thank you. Ive just had enough tea.A) Either B) NeitherC) Some D) Both【考点】不定代词all/both/either/neither【答案】B11. Im afraid all of you have to work out the problem by _.A) you B) yours C) yourself D) yourselves【考点】反身代词【答案】D形容词副词1. Shanghai

10、 is one of _ cities in the world, I think.A) beautiful B) more beautifulC) most beautiful D) the most beautiful【考点】形容词最高级【答案】D2. Who drives _, your father or your mother?A) the most careful B) more carefulC) the most carefully D) more carefully【考点】副词修饰动词用法,副词比较级【答案】D3. The little girl is wearing a n

11、ew skirt now. She looks _.A) lovely B) wonderfullyC) happily D) beautifully【考点】系动词+adj.【答案】A4. Whenever I receive a letter or photos from my best friend, I always feel _.A) excitedly B) exciting C) excited D) excite【考点】形容词(-ed/-ing)【答案】C5. After the conversation with the teacher, Jennys mother looke

12、d a little _.A) happiness B) happier C) happy D) happily【考点】a little修饰比较级【答案】B6. The Bund looks much _at night when the lights are on.A) pretty B) prettier C) prettiest D) the prettiest【考点】much修饰比较级【答案】B7. Generally speaking, a computer works _ a human brain.A) more accurately thanB) more accurate t

13、hanC) as accurate asD) so accurately as【考点】副词修饰动词用法【答案】A8. - _ will you go to New York for a study trip?- In a month.A) How long B) How oftenC) How soon D) How far【考点】How soon提问“还要多久”【答案】C介词1.The World Trade Centre in New York was destroyed by terrorist (恐怖分子) attacks _ September 11, 2001.A) in B) b

14、y C) at D) on【考点】具体某一天前用介词on【答案】D2. It was reported that a powerful typhoon hit the Philippines _ November, 2013.A) in B) at C) on D) of【考点】月份前用介词“in”【答案】A3. Im looking after Tom today. Hes been in my house _ 9:00 this morning.A) at B) for C) since D) till【考点】since+时间点(现在完成时)【答案】C4. _ New Years Eve,

15、 we can watch fireworks and enjoy performances.A) On B) In C) At D) With【考点】节日前用介词on【答案】A5. His interest _ law led him eventually to become a lawyer.A) in B) on C) to D) with【考点】sbs interest in sth. (be interested in)【答案】A6. We enjoyed the wonderful firework display _ the night of National Day.A) in

16、 B) on C) for D) at【考点】具体某一天的晚上,on the night of.【答案】B7. If you are able to get the tickets tomorrow, please tell me _ phone.A) at B) by C) on D) through【考点】by+方式(by bus/car/bike/phone)【答案】B8. Sally always talks about her homework with her friend _ the phone.A) of B) in C) at D) on【考点】on the telephon

17、e在电话中【答案】D9. When Kate came back home, her mother was busy _ the housework.A) with B) for C) by D) about【考点】介词短语be busy with sth.【答案】A10. Its essential for citizens to know that the haze(雾霾)can do harm _ peoples health.A) with B) for C) on D) to【考点】介词短语do harm to【答案】D数词1. The High Speed Rail Trains

18、between Shanghai and Beijing can run over _ kilometers an hour.A) three hundred B) hundred ofC) three hundreds D) three hundreds of【考点】基数词用法/准确的数字表达【答案】A2. _ people had to stay at the station because the train services were stopped suddenly.A) Hundred B) HundredsC) Hundred of D) Hundreds of【考点】“数百”的

19、表达【答案】D3. It is said that _ of the students like to help their parents with the housework.A) three-fifths B) third-fifthsC) thirds-fifth D) three-fifth【考点】分数的表达【答案】A情态动词1. Im afraid the work _ be finished this week if there isnt much of their help.A) can B) cant C) must D) mustnt【考点】可能性几乎为0,用cant【答案

20、】B2. It is a rule that visitors _ touch the paintings at the exhibition.A) neednt B) mustnt C) may not D) wouldnt【考点】mustnt表“禁止”【答案】B3. My teacher said to me with a smile, “Well, you _ to worry about your lessons.”A) neednt B) dont need C) not need D) need【考点】neednt/dont need to+V.表“不必”【答案】B4.Sam _

21、be in the classroom. I saw him in the library just now.A) mustnt B) cantC) shouldnt D) neednt【考点】情态动词表猜测。可能性几乎为0,用cant【答案】B5.You _ lose your way if you walk alone in the mountains at night.A) may B) need C) should D) have to【考点】may表“也许/可能”【答案】A动词时态与语态1. Both his parents look sad. Maybe they _ whats

22、happened to him.A) will know B) knowC) have known D) are knowing【考点】现在完成时用法,过去的动作对现在的影响。【答案】C2. We _ several meetings to discuss the plan of volunteers in the communitysince last week.A) are having B) have had C) had D) have【考点】现在完成时用法,过去的动作持续到现在。【答案】B3. -Where is your sales manager, Jessica?-Shes n

23、ot here. She _ to Beijing to attend a meeting. She left this morning.A) had gone B) had beenC) has gone D) have been【考点】have(has) gone to 去了某地还未回【答案】A4. David knows much about the city because he _ there three times.A) will go B) went C) has gone D) has been【考点】have(has) been to 去过某地已回【答案】D5. In rec

24、ent years, Chinese traditional culture _ more and more fashionable.A) has become B) becameC) have become D) had become【考点】现在完成时用法,过去的动作持续到现在。时间状语“in recent years”表示的是从过去到现在的一段时间。6. Kitty _ to Beijing and she wont come back until next Monday.A) has been B) had goneC) went D) has gone【考点】have(has) gon

25、e to 去了某地还未回7. Before the bridge _, the local people had to reach the other side by ferry.A) is built B) will be builtC) was built D) has been built【考点】一般过去时被动语态【答案】C8. John _ off his bike and hurt himself while he _.A) fell, were riding B) had fallen, was ridingC) fell, was riding D) had fallen, ro

26、de【考点】while+时间状语从句【答案】C9. Our next school sports meeting _ in two months time.A) will hold B) has heldC) is held D) will be held【考点】“in+一段时间”表将来;被动语态【答案】D非谓语动词1. Youd better _ your shoes before you come into a friends home.A) to take off B) take offC) taking off D) took off【考点】had better do sth. 最好做

27、某事【答案】B2. The farmers stop _ in the fields and have a rest when the sun sets every day.A) to work B) workedC) working D) work【考点】stop doing 停止正在做的事【答案】C3.Id rather _ half an hour to work than drive a car. Driving less can reduce air pollution.A) ride B) riding C) to ride D) to riding【考点】would rather

28、 do th. 宁愿做某事【答案】A4. The most important thing for a good detective to do is _ the innocent.A) to protect B) protectsC) protected D) protect【考点】动词不定式做表语【答案】A5. The serious haze (雾霾) makes a lot of people _ a sore throat.A) have B) having C) to have D) had【考点】make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事【答案】A6. The modern

29、fashion in education is to let the child _ everything!A) decide B) decides C) to decide D) deciding【考点】let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事【答案】A7. My mother didnt expect _ such a lovely present from me!A) receive B) receivedC) to receive D) receiving【考点】expect to do sth. 期待做某事【答案】C8. The bank clerk admitted _ eve

30、rything about the plan of the robbery at last.A) know B) knowing C) to know D) Knew【考点】admit doing sth.承认做某事【答案】B9. The organization is considering _ some money to victims of the natural disaster.A) donate B) donatingC) to donate D) to donating【考点】consider doing sth.考虑做某事【答案】B10. If you dont mind _ for several more minutes, Ill tell you the whole story.A) stay B) staying C) will stay D) to stay【考点】mind doing sth. 介意做某事【答案】B11. When the detective interviewed the man, he denied _

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