1、reform results, economy, and political system, and culture system, and social system, and discipline check system, and party of construction system reform solid advance, tax, and financial, and price, and administrative approval, and State-owned enterprises, and ecological civilization, important fi
2、eld and key link reform made major progress, market in resources configuration in the of decisive role significantly enhanced, Unprecedented burst of momentum and vitality of economic and social development. XI General Secretarys speech in this regard include the reform only when there is no complet
3、e, the notes on the 18 session of ideas into the partys spirit of the reforms more difficult to move forward, the increasing use of the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics such as the ability to run the country. 4. with regard to promoting sustained and healthy economic development. Face c
4、omplex changeable of international situation and difficult heavy of domestic reform development stable task, XI General Secretary made China economic development into new normal of science judge, proposed innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared five big development concept, imp
5、lementation macro policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing five big pillar sex policy, vigorously advance supply side structural reform, new concept, achieved has 2013 to 2015 during, Domestic production
6、total annual growth 7.3%, obviously fast Yu earlier world economic 2.3% of annual growth, on world economic growth of contribution over 25%, tertiary industry accounted for domestic production total share over 50%, eventually consumption on economic growth of contribution rate reached 66%, economic
7、structure adjustment made important progress, development of quality and benefits significantly upgrade, China economic show out huge of swing room and broad of development prospects. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including economic growth must is real and no water of growth impro
8、ve open type economic level see missing of hand and see have see of hand are to with good speed up from elements drive, and investment scale drive development mainly to to innovation drive development mainly of change active promoted China energy production and consumption revolution,. 5. with regar
9、d to building the rule of law in China. 18 big yilai, Central tightly around full advance law ruling, put party of led, and people masters, and law ruling organic unified up, insisted law ruling, and law ruling, and law administrative common advance, insisted rule of law national, and rule of law Go
10、vernment, and rule of law social one construction, full advance science legislation, and strictly law enforcement, and just judicial, and universal law-abiding, China features socialist legal system further sound perfect, leaders at all levels cadres using rule of law thinking and rule of law way de
11、epening reform, and导 论为什么学世界历史?v 全球化,参与国际事务,需要了解外国历史与文化v 美国历史学家杰里本特利:“学习世界历史是在不同民族之间建立理解、尊重和交流的最好的方式之一。” “在全球化的今天,对有责任感的地球公民来说,世界史是必不可少的知识基础。”v 培养正确观察认识人和人类社会的能力培根:“读史使人明智” v 学历史,不仅要看到历史事实。要透过现象看到历史的问题,探寻解决问题的办法,这是我们所要学习的能力。 v 开阔视野,培养敏锐的观察力,培养务实的精神。真正具有这些能力的人,可以胜任任何工作。v 加强大学生人文素质教育的重要途径 v 历史与文学、哲学、艺
12、术,都是综合素质的重要组成部分,也是最基本的人文修养v 我们中华民族历来有治史、学史、用史的传统,古人云:“以古为镜,可以知兴替。”我们党几代领导人都十分重视对历史经验的借鉴和运用 v 每一个大国、强国的领导者都很重视历史 学习内容 探讨世界历史发展的主要阶段及其特点, 总体把握世界各主要地区和国家历史发展的基本脉络 重点讲授牵动世界全局的局势和运动、影响人类历史发展进程的重大事件和重要人物 在关注政治发展、王朝更替的同时,还要关注那些历经岁月沧桑、遗存至今或影响至今的制度、宗教和文化世界史将对人类文明作长时段的考察,尽管人类文明发展的道路并不平坦,其中经历过不少困难、挫折和灾难,但总体趋势仍
13、然是不断前进的。 通过世界史的学习,可以帮助我们学会透过现象看本质,认清人类历史发展的总趋势,看清人类未来的光明前景,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴而奋斗。v 历史、现实、未来紧密联系在一起,是不可分割的统一体。只有科学地认识过去,才能正确地把握现实,清醒地展望未来。v 一个民族、一个国家如果把自己置身于世界历史之外,就不可能面向世界,清醒地了解世界的现实和未来。要正确认识世界的现实与未来,世界历史就是我们最好的老师。 第一章早期文明第一节古代东方文明概述v 古巴比伦、古埃及、古代中国、古印度v 古巴比伦发源于两河流域,古埃及发源于尼罗河,古代中国发源于黄河,古印度发源于是印度河和恒河v 相似之处:
14、都根植于大河冲积而成的平原,以农业活动为主,称为大河文明或者黄色文明v 古希腊、古罗马是西方文明的摇篮,发源在地中海东部,称为海洋文明或蓝色文明 早期文明的共同特点v 都是在相互孤立的状态发生的v 大河文明被西方学者称为水利社会或灌溉文明,出现中央集权的政府v 城市,非农业人口;v 灿烂悠久的文化:文字、神话、历法 第二节美索不达米亚文明一、地理环境Mesopotamia,意即“两河之间的地方”v 气候干旱,河流构成主要的水源;河谷,灌溉农业。v 底格里斯河/幼发拉底河的非规律性泛滥以及农业的非稳定性。v 天然屏障的缺乏与交往的非障碍性。v 农耕地区与游牧世界的并存与冲突。v 东西方贸易的交通
15、要道二、苏美尔人v 富于创造性,对于早期文明贡献很大:v 发明了陶轮,制陶器,战车v 最早发明了青铜器、玻璃v 公元前3500年发明了楔形文字,文明出现的标志三、古巴比伦王国(前1894前1595年)v 城邦city statesv 国王汉谟拉比(约公元前1792公元前1750年在位)v 古巴比伦王国国力强盛v 强大的中央集权的国家v 编制汉谟拉比法典世界历史上第一部较完备的成文法典,也是研究古巴比伦王国的珍贵史料;内容涉及经济法、婚姻法、民法和刑法等多个领域,几乎涉及了现代的法律体系所涉及的领域。严格保护私有财产,竭力维护奴隶主等剥削阶级的利益。四、新巴比伦王国v 尼布甲尼撒二世(公元前605前562年)v 对外奉行侵略扩张政策v “巴比伦之囚” (公元前586年前538年)v 扩建巴比伦城 ,空中花园 文化成就1.楔形文字cuneiform 与泥版文书2.自然科学v 几何学毕达哥拉斯定理(亦称勾股定理)的先声v 天文学:黄道十二宫 ;太阴历,一年分十二个月,8年3闰。数学: 10进位与60进位,圆周率为3。第
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