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1、高职高专英语第八单元教案Unit8 Help yourself,pleaseThe First Period Teaching aims:Get the Ss be able to read the new words in Dialogue A and Dialogue B.Important points:Get the Ss master the some important words and phrases in Dialogue A and Dialogue B.Difficult points: Make sure that the Ss can use the useful e

2、xpressions in Dialogue A and Dialogue B.Teaching aids: Tape recorderTeaching methods: Explaining; Practicing and actingTeaching procedures:Step 1 Greeting Greet students as usual.Step 2 Lead inAsk the Ss some words about having dinner.Step 3 Listening Play the tape of the new words in dialogue A and

3、 Dialogue B for the Ss .Step 4 Reading aloudPlay the tape again and ask the Ss to pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Then divide them into two parts and get them read the new words together. After reading, explain some important words and useful expressions to the Ss.Step 5 Explanati

4、onExplain the important words and expressions to the Ss.appetizing以causing desire, esp. for food开胃的,引起食欲的;美味的 e.g. The Sweet and Sour Fish is very appetizing 牿醋鱼很爽口。 The Braised Beef smells appetizing 红烧牛肉闻起来令人垂涎。cheer n lightness of spirits or mood; gaiety orjoy高兴或欢乐;a shout of approval, encouragem

5、ent, or congratulation喝彩(表示赞赏、鼓励或祝贺) v to make happier or more cheerful为加油,欢呼 uztr. (cheers)敬酒语 e.g. He needed a cup of tea to cheer himself up 他需要一杯茶为自己加油。 The fans cheered the runners on. 热烈的观众们用欢呼声为赛跑选手打气。Hes always full ofcheer even in a difficult situation 他甚至在困境中也总是必致勃勃。 Lets give three cheers

6、 for the visitors 让我们向来宾三次欢呼。 A good meal brought cheer to our hearts. 一顿美餐使我们心中愉快。 Cheers! 干杯!crispy= crisphard; dry; easily broken; firm and fresh, as lf recently made or grown脆的;易碎的;干而硬的;鲜嫩而爽口的 e.g. The boy likes crispy biscuits 这个孩子喜欢吃脆饼干。 This kind of apple tastes crispy. 这种苹果吃起来脆生生的。dean,2 an

7、administrative officer in charge of a college university大学的学院院长;系主任;部门主任 e.g. He has been promoted to be dean of personnel 他已经被提拔成人事处主任。 The dean of educational affairs in our college is a learned person. 我校的教务主任是个有学识的人。fork n an instrument for holding food or carrying it to the mouth, having a hand

8、le at one end with two or more points at the other饕叉,叉子 e.g. A small fork is usedto lift food 小叉了是用来叉食品。 When you eat Westem meal, you should use a knife and fork. 吃西餐时,你应该用刀叉。juicyhaving alot ofjuice多汁的 e.g. Do you like juicy peaches? 你喜欢吃水蜜桃吗? These are fresh and juicy oranges. 这些是新鲜多汁的桔子。meal n a

9、n amount of food eaten at one time餐,饭 e.g. She cooks a hot mealin the evening 晚上她烧一顿热饭。 Breakfast is the first meal of the day 早餐是一天内的第一顿饭。roast v to cook or be cooked by dry heat, either over a fire orin a hot box烤,烘 e.g. The meat is roasting nicely 内烤得正香。 Coffee beans are roasted before they are u

10、sed to make coffee咖啡豆在做成咖啡之前首先要烘干。sour以having a sharp taste like the taste of an apple that is not ripe yet酸的,酸 味的 e.g. The grapes were too sour to eat 这葡萄(酸了,几乎不能吃。 This milk has turned sour 这砦牛奶已经酸了。spirit n(usu.肼)(常用复数)a strong alcoholic drink, such as whisky or brandy, produced by distilling烈酒(如

11、威士忌,白兰地等) .g. I prefer spirits to beer 与啤酒比较,我更喜欢烈酒。 Do you drink spirits? 你喝白酒吗?splendidvery fine; excellent极好的,上等的,杰出的 e.g. Youve passed the examination. Splendid! 你已经通过了考试。太好了! Having a house party is a splendid idea 举办一个家庭聚会是个非常好的主意。tender盯easy to bite through; soft嫩的,松软的 e.g. This steak is very

12、 tender 这块年排非常嫩。 The leaves in spring are green and tender 春天的树叶翠绿而柔嫩。 Antonym: toughd difficult to cut or eat切(咬)不动的 e g This meatis tough. 这肉咬不动。 We dont like tough steak 我们不喜欢咬不动的牛排。Step 6 ConsolidationRecall the important words, phrases and useful expressions learned in this period with the Ss t

13、ogether to give them a deep impression.HomeworkRecite the the new words in Dialogue A and Dialogue B.The Second Period Teaching aims:Get the Ss be able to read the Dialogue A fluently and to recite the useful expressions, as well to make simple dialogues by using these expressions.Important points:H

14、elp the Ss grasp the some important useful expressions about having dinner and make sure that they are able to use them in their communication.Difficult points: Make sure that the Ss can use the useful expressions in their communication and can make their own dialogues.Teaching aids: Tape recorderTe

15、aching methods: Explaining; Practicing and actingTeaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionRevise some useful expressions of having dinner with the Ss together by making a small talk. Step 2 Lead inAsk the Ss how they would say if they want to have dinner. Give them two minutes to talk about it and then as

16、k some of them to give their opinions. After this activity, lead in the topic of this unit: Help yourself,please. Step 3 Listening Play the tape of the dialogue A for the Ss and then ask them to try to check their understanding by doing the first four exercises in Exercise 1 . After they finish doin

17、g it, ask one of them to give her answers and then check the answers with them together.Step 4 Reading aloudPlay the tape again and ask the Ss to pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Then divide them into two parts and get them read the dialogue together. After reading, explain some im

18、portant words and useful expressions to the Ss.Step 5 ExplanationExplain the important words and expressions to the Ss.1Cheers! 干杯! Cheers!(敬酒辞)干杯;祝你健康,属于非正式用语。类似的句子还有: Bottoms up!干杯,属于非正式且幽默的说法。 To your health!盛者Heres to your health!干杯,祝你健康! T0 2001 1为2001年干杯! T() Mary and John!为玛丽和约翰干杯。 这些都是敬酒辞,意思

19、是“为干杯”或“敬一杯”或“祝愿”,其前还 可以加Heres。其他还有: I propose a toast to我提议为干杯。 Lets drink a toast to 让我们举杯祝贺。 Lets drink(a toast) to our great country 让我们为伟大的祖国干杯。 I propose a toast to all our friends gathered here tonight 我提议为今晚到场聚会的所有的朋友干杯! Ladies and gentlemen,ld like to propose a toast to the friendship betwe

20、en our two countries 女士们,先生们,我提议为我们两国的友谊干杯12 Zhou Hong, Dean of the Department of Foreign Languages 周宏是外语系主任, dear.可以指“教务处长,学院院长,系主任”等。 e.g. Peter iS the dean of school of Further Education 彼得是继续教育学院的院长。 Prof. Zhao, our Dean, is also in charge of the Department of Foreign Languages 我们的赵主任也负责外语系。3 Wo

21、uld you like to use chopsticks or a knife and fork? 您想用筷子还是刀叉? a knife and fork -套刀叉 不定冠a/an常用在表示成对名词的第个鼎词之前。 e.g.a cup and saucer 一套杯碟 a hat and coat 一套衣帽 a lock and key 一套锁和钥匙 如果与两个不是“自然成对”的词连用,则各个名词前面都要用不定冠词: e.g. When you go on holiday, take a raincoat and a camera. 你去度假时,要带上雨衣和照相机。 What he need

22、siS 8pen and a piece of paper 他需要的是一枝笔和一张纸。4 I think IIl try chopsticks and see ifl can manage them. 我想还是试试用筷子吧,看我会不会用。 比较:try与manage try努力,尝试。指多次试图去做某事。多含有虽然失败,但仍想方设法继续 争取戍功之意。 manage做成。指努力去做某事,并且取得成功。 e.g. He tried to do the experiment many times, but failed 他多次做实验,但均末成功。 Although he was very busy

23、, he managed to attend the meeting. 他虽然很忙,但还是设法参加r会议。Step 6 PracticeGive the Ss several minutes to prepare for a dialogue imitating the dialogue learned in this period and try to use the useful expressions, then ask one or two pair to perform their own dialogues.Step 8 ConsolidationRecall the import

24、ant words, phrases and useful expressions learned in this period with the Ss together to give them a deep impression.HomeworkRecite the dialogue after class and preview the next one.The Third Period Teaching aims:Get the Ss be able to read the Dialogue B fluently and to recite the useful expressions

25、, as well to make simple dialogues by using these expressions.Important points:Help the Ss grasp the some important useful expressions about having dinner and make sure that they are able to use them in their communication.Difficult points: Make sure that the Ss can use the useful expressions in the

26、ir communication and can make their own dialogues.Teaching aids: Tape recorderTeaching methods: Explaining; Practicing and actingTeaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionRevise some useful expressions of having dinner with the Ss together by making a small talk. Step 2 Lead inAsk the Ss how they would say

27、 if they want to have dinner. Give them two minutes to talk about it and then ask some of them to give their opinions. After this activity, lead in the topic of this unit: Help yourself,please.Step 3 Listening Play the tape of the dialogue B for the Ss and then ask them to try to check their underst

28、anding by doing the last four exercises in Exercise 1 . After they finish doing it, ask one of them to give her answers and then check the answers with them together.Step 4 Reading aloudPlay the tape again and ask the Ss to pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Then divide them into two

29、 parts and get them read the dialogue together. After reading, explain some important words and useful expressions to the Ss.Step 5 ExplanationExplain the important words and expressions to the Ss.5 Have some of the sweet and sour fish, please 请吃点糖醋鱼。 这是-种较为直接的让菜的说法,常见的说法还有: Help yourself toplease 请

30、吃 Have some more fish, please. 再吃点儿鱼吧。 e.g. Help yourself to some ice cream, please. 请吃点冰洪淋吧。 Have some more fried chicken, please 请再吃点儿炸鸡。6. Will you have another cup of spirits? 再来一杯白酒怎么样? 比较:another, other, the other, others, the others another由an+ other构成,“另一个”,表示泛指另外一个,只修饰单数可数 名词;other+复数名词表示不定

31、的“其他的”人或物;the other指两者中的 另外一个;others是泛指另一砦别的人或物;the others特指除已说明的人或 物之外的其余所有的人或物。 e.g. I dont like the colour of this shirt. Please show me another one. 我不喜欢这件衬衣的颜色,请再给我看一件。 Tom is at home. The other students are at school 汤姆在家,其余的学生在学校。 Old Wang has two sons. One is in Beijing, the other is in Shanghai 老王有两个儿子, 个在北京,另个在上海。 Some like this, others like that 有的喜欢这个,有的喜欢那个。 The dictionary is better than the others 这本字典比别的都好。7 lm afraid its a bit too strong for me 恐怕这酒对我来说度数太高了。 be afraid (that

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