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1、英语词类句子成分和构词法词类、句子成分和构词法1、词类:(一)、英语中的词类根据其语法功能分为名词、冠词、代词、数词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词、动词十类。英语词类分十种:名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。1、名词(n.): 表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange.2、代词(pron.): 主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it .3、形容词(adj.):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange . 4、数词(num.): 表示数

2、目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth.5、动词(v.): 表示动作或状态。如:am, is,are,have,see .6、副词(adv.): 修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly.7、冠词(art.):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the.8、介词(prep.): 表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind.9、连词(conj.): 用来连接词、短语或

3、句子。如and, but, before .10、感叹词(interj.)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello.(二)、根据意义又可以分为实词和虚词。1、实词指具有实际意义并能单独作句子成分的词。这些词是名词、数词、代词、形容词、副词和动词六类。2、虚词指没有实际意义或实际意义不明显、不能在句子中单独作句子成分的词。这些词是冠词、介词、连词和感叹词四类。下面是词汇的分类、名称、作用及例词列表。分类词类英语名称句子成分例词全称简称实词名词nounn.主语、宾语、定语、表语、同位语、补足语Lily莉莉(女孩名),childhood童年,hair头发,visitor访


5、bv.谓语decide决定,like喜欢,borrow借,change改变虚词冠词articleart.a, an不定冠词,the定冠词介词prepositionprep.in在里,before在前面,beyond超过、在外面连词conjunctionconj.and同、和、与,when当时候,until直到为止,if如果,once一旦感叹词interjectionint.oh啊、噢,ah啊,aha啊哈,alas啊呀,hurrah好哇二、句子成分:英语句子成分分为七种:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语。1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物,回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通常用名词或代词担任

6、。如:Im Miss Green.(我是格林小姐)2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态,回答“做(什么)”。主要由动词担任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (杰克每天打扫房间)3、表语在系动词之后,说明主语的身份或特征,回答是“什么”或者“怎么样”。通常由名词、代词或形容词担任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍) 4、宾语表示及物动词的对象或结果,回答做的是“什么”。通常由名词或代词担任。如:He can spell the word.(他能拼这个词)有些及物动词带有两个宾语,一个指物,一个指人。指物的叫直接宾语,指人的叫间接宾语

7、。间接宾语一般放在直接宾语的前面。如:He wrote me a letter . (他给我写了一封信)有时可把介词to或for加在间接宾语前构成短语,放在直接宾语后面,来强调间接宾语。如:He wrote a letter to me . (他给我写了一封信)5、定语修饰名词或代词,通常由形容词、代词、数词等担任。如:Shanghai is a big city .(上海是个大城市)6、状语用来修饰动词、形容词、副词,通常由副词担任。如:He works hard .(他工作努力)7、宾语补足语用来说明宾语怎么样或干什么,通常由形容词或动词充当。如:They usually keep the

8、ir classroom clean.(他们通常让教室保持清洁) He often helps me do my lessons.(他常常帮我做功课) The teacher wanted me to learn French all by myself.(老师要我自学法语)同位语通常紧跟在名词、代词后面,进一步说明它的情况。如:Where is your classmate Tom ?(你的同学汤姆在哪里?)简单句五种基本句型:(1) 主谓句型:SVi.(2) 主系表句型:SVlinkP(3) 主谓宾句型:SVt.O(4) 主谓双宾句型:SVtO间宾O直宾(5) 主谓宾补句型:SVtOC1、

9、基本句型的词序: 2、各个句型:(1)主谓句型:SVi.The sun was shining. (名词)The moon rose. (名词)The universe remains. (名词)One third of these pens write smoothly (数词)They talked for half an hour. (代词)To swim in the river is a great pleasure. (不定式)Smoking does harm to the health. (动名词)What he said does not matter. (主语从句)His

10、grandpa died one year ago. He left quickly. 系动词:1.状态系动词:表示主语状态,be。2.持续系动词:表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,keep, remain, stay, lie, stand。 He kept silent in the library. She stayed still when a thief broke into her house. 3.表象系动词:表示“看起来像”这一概念,seem, appear, look。4.感官系动词:表示感觉,feel, smell, sound, taste。5.变化系动词:表示主语变成什

11、么样,become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come。 He became mad after that. 6.终止系动词:表示主语已终止动作,prove, turn out, “证实、变成”之意。 he rumor proved false. His plan turned out (to be) a success. It is said that three pupils died in the accident. (形式主语)(2)主系表句型:SVlinkPThis is an English-Chinese dictionary.The dinner

12、smells good. He fell in love. Everything looks different. He is growing tall and strong. The troubleis that they are short of money. Our well has gone dry. His face turned red.(3)主谓宾句型:SVt.OWho knows the answer? She smiled her thanks. He has refused to help them. He enjoys reading. They ate what was

13、 left over. He said Good morning. I want to have a cup of tea. He admits that he was mistaken.(4)主谓双宾句型:SVtO间宾O直宾She ordered herself a new dress. She cooked her husband a delicious meal. He brought you a dictionary. He denies her nothing. 有时可把介词to或for加在间接宾语前构成短语,放在直接宾语后面,来强调间接宾语。I showed him my pict

14、ures. I gave my car a wash. I told him that the bus was late. He showed me how to run the machine.(5)主谓宾补句型:SVtOCThey appointed him manager. They painted the door green. This set them thinking. They found the house deserted. What makes him think so? We saw him out. He asked me to come back soon. I s

15、aw them getting on the bus.3、例句: Jim is working very hard now.(他现在正非常努力地工作。) She is young. (她年轻。) It looks like rain. (天看上去要下雨。) The boy always kicked the dog with his feet. (这男孩老是用脚踢那只狗。) He has never bought me a toy since last year. (从去年起他没给我买过一个玩具。) He felt something (cold) .(他感到有个冰冷的东西顺着腿上爬。)三、构

16、词法:英语构词法主要有:合成法、派生法和转换法。1、合成法:如:spaceship, headache, basketball, playground等等。2、派生法:(1)派生名词:动词+er/or 动词+ing 动词+(t)ion 形容词+ness 其他,如:inventor, learner, swimming, congratulation, kindness, carelessness, knowledge(2)派生形容词:名词+y 名词+ful 动词+ing/ed friendly dangerous Chinese; Japanese English French German

17、国名+(i)an 如:snowy, sunny, hopeful, beautiful, interesting, follwing, daily(每日的),nervous, delicious (3)派生副词:形容词+ly 其它,如:slowly, angrily, fullfully, goodwell, possiblepossibly等等。3、转换法:(1)形容词动词,如:dry(干燥的)dry(弄干), clean(干净的)clean(打扫,弄干净),等等。(2)动词名词,如:look, walk, rest, work, study, swim, go, talk等等。(3)名词动

18、词,如:hand(手)(传递),face(脸)(面对)等等。(4)形容词副词,如:earlyearly, fastfast等等。(5)副词连词,如:when(什么时候)(当时候),等等。(6)介词副词,如:in(到里)(在里面;在家),on(在上)(进行,继续),等等。典例分析本部分在编写教案时,要注意结合中、高考的高频题,比较典型的中、高考例题例题1The _(swim) of our school got many prizes in the competition. We all feel _(pride) of them.解题技巧:此题主要考查词性的变化。首先译这两个句子,学校的游泳选

19、手在比赛中得了很多奖,我们都为他们感到“骄傲”。第一个空格,给了一个动词swim,而这个空格需要的是名词,根据动词加后缀-er变成名词的规则,把swim变成名词,swim是以重读闭音节结尾,而且词尾只有一个辅音字母,所以双写m加er,变成了swimmer。又因为是学校的选手,并且后面一句话中有一个“them”,说明选手不只一个,所以这里除了把swim变成名词之外,还要加上s。第二个空格pride是名词,而feel后要用形容词,以便构feel/ be proud of“以为荣”。所以把pride改为proud。答案:swimmers, proud例题2_(luck), modern machin

20、e can help people with eye problems in less developed countries.解题技巧:此题考查形容词和副词用法。这里luck要修饰句子的动词,说明整个动词的程度,出题人设置了二个陷阱,第一luck是名词要加后缀变成形容词lucky,再把lucky变成副词,辅音字母加y结尾的形容词变成副词时,改y为i,再加ly。此题的中文意思是“幸运的是现代化的机械帮助欠发达的国家的人治愈了眼病”。答案:Luckily例题Though it was raining _(hard), the policeman was still standing at the

21、 crossing.解题技巧:此题考查形容词和副词的用法。一般的说来形容词变成副词时要加ly,但并不是所有的形容词变成副词时都要加ly,hard这个词既是形容词又是副词。命题人的陷阱在于有一个单词“hardly”,hardly不是hard加ly的副词,而是另外一个副词“几乎不”。所以这里还是用hard。有的同学会问,可不可以改为heavily,heavily也可以形容雨、雪下得大,但这里最好用hard。因为出题人给了一个词,只得根据这个词来变,不能扔掉它。答案:hard堂上训练通过前面的学习,学生应该对本节课的重难点有所掌握,在本部分的试题,可以与前面有重复的题型,也可以是前面题型的变式训练【

22、练习1】指出下列句子中各个单词的词性。(1).I watch you play basketball almost every day during the summer holiday.(2).I hope your team will win. 【练习2】简单句基本句型辨别Mr. Green is a very handsome man.He has been working with the machine for several years. When I was young, I often went swimming in the summers.Please give me al

23、l of the chocolates. My father, a good teacher, is good at maths.Happily, she ran into the room. The rain becomes more heavy than two hours ago. I saw him sitting on the chair and doing nothing. 【练习3】词性转换play (v.) _(n.) dance (v.) _(n.)danger (n.)_(adj.) educate (v.) _(n.)health (_n._) _(adj.) relax

24、 (_v._) _(adj.)loud (adj.) _(adv.) quite (_adj._) _(adv.)care (_n._) _(adj.) serve (_v._) _(n.)invent (_v._) _(n.) dangerous (_) _(n.)encourage (_v._)_(n.) happy (_) _(n.)marry (_v._) _(n.) beauty (_) _(adj.)accept (_v._) _(adj.) person (_) _(adj.)angry (_adj._) _(n.) cloud (_) _(adj.)强化拓展这部分的试题编写要有

25、一定的层次,特别是要针对学生的层次来编写,强调个性化教学。可以发散式思维。1.That man was_enough not to tell the manager that he would not do the B.careful C.careless D.carelessness2.The soldier died for saving the child,so his_ is heavier than Mount Tai.A.die B.dead C.died D.death3.The child looked_at his brother who was bad

26、ly wounded.A.sadly B.sadness C.sad D.sat4.He is an expert at chemistry.We all call him a _.A.chemistry B.chemical C.chemist D.physician5.The three- _chair isnt suitable for a young child. He may fall off.A.legging B.legged C.legs D.leged6.Stephenson became the_railway engineer in the world.A.lead B.

27、leader C.leading D.leadership7.When the teacher praised him for working out the maths problem,Jack looked_about at his classmates. A.proud B.proudly C.pride D.pridely8.To everyones _,the girl finished the job quite well.A.satisfied B.satisfactory C.satisfying D.satisfaction9.What are you doing here?

28、Oh,my teacher asked me to write a passage about _in English.You can write_passage in English?A.600 words;a 600-words B.600-word;a 600-wordsC.600 words;a 600-word D.600 words;a 600-words10.No one should enter the spot without the_of the police.A.permit B.permission C.permitting D.permittence11.You mu

29、st come with us to the police _.Our head is waiting for you.A.headquarters(总部) B.headline C.headmaster D.headache12.Letting that animal escape was no accident;you did it _.A.intend B.intention C.intentionally D.intentional13.The shop owner welcomed all the guests with a_smile.A.practice B.practise C.practical D.practiced14.The_ordered him to pay a $100 fine.A.judger B.judgment C.judge D.judgement15.My TV is out of order.Can you tell me what is the_news about Iraq War? A.lately B.latest C.later D.latter16.Its

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