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1、剑桥BEC真题中级第四辑口语解析Part3Discussion剑桥BEC真题中级第四辑口语解析(Part-3-Discussion)第四辑Test 1Selling old stockThe manufacturing company you work for needs to make space in its warehouse to stock its new products. The company would like to sell off end-of-range products at discounted prices.You have been asked to make

2、 recommendations.Discuss the situation together and decide: How much discount should be offered Whether to offer the same discount on all products How customers could be informed of the discounts.库存积压品处理你所在的制造公司要清理仓库以便储存新产品。公司想把已停产的尾货打折处理掉。公司要求你们对此提出建议。你们一起讨论当前的状况,并决定: 应该提供多大幅度的折扣 是否对所有的产品采取同样的折扣 如何

3、通知客户这次的打折活动【思路点拨】主题讨论要点讨论结果原因Selling old stockDiscount rate50% discountBig sale time of the year; stock and out of fashionSame/different discount on all productsSame discountEasy to catch attention;Easy to followWays of informing customers of the discountsDistribution of leaflets;Emailing customers;

4、Publishing news on-lineLow cost;Direct contact with customers【词汇&短语】整理,选出 sort out 区分,区别 differentiate仓库 warehouse 广告费用 advertising rate配饰 accessory 亏本 at a loss过时 out of fashion 替换物 alternative有吸引力 appeal 传单,散页印刷品 leaflet营造空间 make space 社区 community有道理,所言极是 have a point 几乎,实际地 practically【句型点击】 常用否

5、定句小结Little remains to be said. 简直没什么可说的了I dont wholly agree. 我并不完全同意It simply will not do. 那是绝对不行的I never thought of it, let alone did I do it. 我想都没想到它,更别说去做了【参考范例】A: Now, we have to work out a plan to deal with the old stock which has been just sorted out from our warehouse. We dont have much time

6、left; because the new products are suppose to arrive in early next month.B: So we have two weeks left and we must hurry up.C: Most our stocks are clothes and accessories, and they have gone out of fashion.B: Yes, fashions changes quickly. So, to appeal our customers, we must offer great discount for

7、 our stock. How much discount would be appropriate?A: What do you think to a 50% discount? Its Christmas season, a big sale time, discount is everywhere, so we must offer bigger discount than usual.B: Yes, I agree with you. The most important thing at this time is to sell off the stock and make spac

8、e for our new products.C: You two have a point here. Anyway, our products are end-of-range and need to be cleared out soon. But I am wondering whether we will offer the same discount on all products?A: I prefer the same discount because people nowadays dont like to bother themselves with calculating

9、 and differentiating. They are attracted by a 50% discount. And if they find our products are actually offered with different discounts, they would feel being cheated.B: Yes, I feel the same way. 50% discount is easy to catch attention and easy to handle. We dont want to get our sales staff confused

10、, do we?A: All right then, 50% discount for all our stock. Now lets move onto our last term. How can we inform our customers the clearance sale?C: There are many ways to inform our customers. For example, we can advertise our sale on TV, radio and newspapers.B: I dont think we have time for that, yo

11、u know, there are just two weeks left, and it takes at least a week to contact the concerned department s to have our advertisement finally put on media. Then just a week left. Im really not sure how much effect it will have on customers.A: Absolutely. And the advertising rates are high. I dont thin

12、k we can afford that. Our stock is already sold at a loss.C: Yeah, what you said is true.A: Theres an alternative, we can print leaflets and distribute them on the street and in the communities. In this way we can attract a lot of peoples attention at a low cost.C: Good idea, and we may also send em

13、ails to our customers or publish the news of our sale on line, and its particular free!B: Wonderful! It seems everything has been work out for selling our old stock.第四辑Test 2Promoting a new modelThe car manufacturer you work for plans to produce a new model and to target consumers between 18 and 25

14、years old.You have been asked to make suggestions for promoting the car.Discuss the situation together, and decide: Which features of a car might be important to the target group How an advertising campaign could present the car Where you could advertise the car推出新款车你所在的汽车生产厂计划推出一款新车, 并将目标人群定为18岁到25

15、岁的顾客群。请一起讨论, 为这款车的促销提出意见,内容包括: 这款车的那些特性对目标人群来说很重要 在广告宣传中应该以怎样的形式推出这款车 广告应该发布在哪里【思路点拨】主题讨论要点讨论结果原因Promoting a new modelFeatures of the modelIt relies on the feature of the target consumersTarget-based strategyThe form of the advertising campaignsInvite pop stars to present the modelIt has to appeal t

16、o the youngstersThe launching of the new modelInternet and text message; the most popular media among young adults【词汇&短语】主要使用者 prime user 手机短信 text message 小体积 compact size 配置,装置 outfit第一印象 at first sight 战略,策略 strategy【参考范例】A: That is the most recently developed model of the company. The target con

17、sumers are aged between 18 to 25 years old. Now, lets have a discussion about how to promote it. Please fell free to share with us whatever it is in your mind.B: At first sight, Im really positive that the prime user of this model will be youngster rather than the middle aged. Look! It is of compact

18、 size, yet with modernized outfits, really appealing to young and fashionable people. I think this is the real pluses of it.C: You are right. We are probably looking at the best seller of this season. But dont forget that our competitors also have launched new models recently. The point is how to do

19、 advertising campaign against them.A: I think the features of the model just speak for themselves. The only thing we need to do is try to get our potential buyers to take a look at the car.B: We can invite pop stars to present the model, and then the new model will appeal to the youngsters.C: Good i

20、dea! So we have to design everything on a target-based strategy. I believe the so called“star effect”will work. According to a recent survey, the consumers do care about who is presenting the product. We should take advantage of it.A: The launching of the new model needs perfect timing. I believe au

21、tumn is a good reason. Because it is a time when students left college and go forth into the word. Some of them will find themselves in great need of a vehicle to communicate to their working cities.B: Ok, I think we covered this point perfectly. Shall we move on to the next subject?C: Yeah. The lau

22、nching of the new model is also a vital factor. In your perspective, where should we advertise the car?A: The feedback from our retailers and the market research indicated that internet and text messages, instead of trade affairs, are ideal media for advertising the new the model.B: It makes senses.

23、 After all, our target consumers are young customers and these guys just can not live without computers and cell phones. Since they prefer stay at home surfing the internet and sending text messages, it is not difficult to find our best channels to launch the new car.C: You can hardly imagine how fa

24、st words can travel in the internet world in these days. If some buyers think highly of our car and say something in favor of it in the internet community, lots of internet users will know it overnight. It is a good choice. 第四辑Test 3Giving presentationsThe Managing Director of the company you work f

25、or is concerned about the quality of presentations given by staff at internal and external meetings.You have been asked to help organize some training for staff in giving presentations.Discuss the situation together and decide: Which types of staff would benefit most from this training Who would giv

26、e this training How to decide whether training has been successful做演示你所在的公司的董事总经理很关心在内部和外部会议上工作人员所做演示的质量。 你已被要求协助组织给予一些工作人员做演示的培训。你们一起讨论当前的状况,并决定: 哪些类型的员工在培训中受益最大 由谁来承担培训工作 如何确定培训是否取得了成功【思路点拨】主题讨论要点讨论结果原因Giving presentationsWhich staff would benefit most Staff from the marketing departmentThey do bu

27、siness presentation quite oftenWho would give this training Professional training organisationsThey have more working experience The evaluation of the training It is quite effective It is confirmed by the feedback of the staff【词汇&短语】畅销品 best seller 了不起的 stunning反馈 feedback 追求,坚持pursue有效计划 tentative

28、见解 insight修改,变动 alternation 声誉reputation确认 confirm 说服 convince【句型点击】 表示让步Though/although. 尽管.Even if/ even thoughIn spite ofAdmittedly【参考范例】A: The product of our company becomes the best seller in Europe. And the board is considering establishing trade relations with China and expanding into the Jap

29、anese market. Under this circumstance, we will need more marketing staff to give presentations. That is why we are going to have a discussion about how to plan for training for successful business presentations.B: We have to draw up a tentative plan for business presentation.C: Yeah, it is a wise ch

30、oice to consider every possibility and prepare for it. Later on, although minor alternations can be made, we can avoid lots of trouble.A: I recommend that we can inquire about possibilities of hiring some professional organization for the training. We can rely on interest reference to figure out how

31、 they proceed with the training and decide which one can be authorized to work for us. B, anything do you want to bring up for discussion?B: I agree with this method. As to whom we should invite to give the training, I think college professors are our best choice. They have both working experience and academic background.C: But I have some different views here. If I were you, I would not pursue that. Although the distinguished professors have stunning academic background and carry glorious titles, and their insights may receive great reputation, you have to admit that most of them lack of r

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