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高职高专实用英语教程教案Unit 5.docx

1、高职高专实用英语教程教案Unit 5Unit 5 InvitationsLecturer: Cai JieTeaching Objectives:Students (Ss) will be able to: Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the texts. Learn some information about Marco Polos travel and Tomas Jeffersons life. Master expressions and patterns for making and de

2、clining invitations Get translating skill:Translation of tense Grasp the skills to write invitation letters Teaching Focus: Vocabulary: decline; extra; celebrated; merchant; in search of; set out; journey; be skilled at/in; set sail for; end in; disaster; author; declaration; descent; quarrel; crisi

3、s, etc. Expressions and patterns for making and declining invitations Key language points and grammatical structure of the two reading texts. Translation of tense Useful sentences and patterns to write invitation lettersTime Allotment:1st period2nd period3rd-4th periods5th-6th periods7th-8th periods

4、Warming-up Activities; Listening and SpeakingPre-reading, While-reading, Text structure analysis; further understandingStudy for language points;group discussion, exercise checkingSummary of reading; Stylistic comments; check exercise; Further readingFurther reading/translation exercise/writing Prac

5、ticeTeaching Methods: Explanation Group discussion Blank filling Questions and answers Multi-media PerformanceTeaching Procedure:1st Period1. Brainstorming: Ask students to discuss “What weekend activities do you know?” and make a list.Ss: Study for a test/ go to a movie /travel /surf the internet/v

6、isit my grandfather /play basketball /have a party and so on.How to give PROPER responses to the invitations? Id like to very much. Thats great. Oh, Id love to. That sounds a good idea. Thank you.How to DECLINE invitations? Oh, Im really sorry. Ive done too much of it. I really dont feel like it ton

7、ight. Im really not in the mood. Thanks for asking, but I have to stay home with my mom. She is sick. Happy birthday to you. Not now. Maybe another time. A friend of mine is coming to visit me. Thanks for asking, but I am very tired today. Id rather stay home and watch TV.2. Speaking Learn how to in

8、vite your friends to attend your party or a dance in oral English. You will be practicing different dialogues with different sentence patterns which can all be used in similar situations. Practice makes perfect so make sure you repeat this exercise a few times so that you can express yourself in Eng

9、lish fluently. Task 1:Give and accept or decline invitations in pairs as the conversions on Page 99-80.Then asks several pairs to act out their conversations. Task:Invite your friend to go hiking with you.Task 2: Watch a short video, students will learn how foreign people deal with invitations, when

10、 one wants to accept or does not accept. This part is very useful both for future jobs and in daily life. And students are required to create short dialogues in pairs, and share the Task:Work in pairs and practice declining an invitation to the movie “King Kong”.Task 3: Invite your partner to do one

11、 of the following things. Your partner may decline the invitation.Background: The customs of inviting friends vary from country to country. Generally speaking, on formal occasions, the invitation is usually made well in advance. But as for some informal cases, the invitation is usually made orally.

12、To either of these two invitations, the person being invited should give a clear reply whether the invitation is accepted or not.3. Focus on Listening1) Word tips: Decline: v formal to refuse 拒绝 (正式)e.g.: She declined to say more about the issue. Extra: adj. added to what is normal 额外的,外加的。e.g.: It

13、gives you extra information. e.g.: He is a man who is able to work under pressure and extra hours. Formal: official or serious situation. 正式的,礼仪上的e.g.: The party required the guests to wear something formal. Informal-casual Pick sb up: meet sb. pick out 挑出,辨认出 pick up 拾起,捡起,(用车)接,恢复(健康),中途搭载 pick of

14、f 摘下来 pick at 少量地吃,老是挑剔(某人) pick & choose 挑三拣四 pick over 挑选2) Listening tasks: Short conversations and finish Part B and C on pages 102-103 2nd Period1. Lead-in questions: Group discussion. (World map exploration)1. Who was the first person that mapped the Indian coast? 2. Who was the first person t

15、hat discovered the “New World”? 3. Why did Abel Tasman sail along the coast of Australia and many islands in the Pacific Ocean? 4. What was James Cooks purpose of his voyage? Key: Zheng He Columbus Tasman was to answer questions about the nature of the geography of Pacific Ocean regions during his e

16、xploration. Cook was chosen by the Royal Society of London to undertake a scientific journey to Tahiti to observe and document the event as the planet Venus passed between the earth and the sun. His secret task was to find new landmasses in the south.2. Pre-reading:Background information: Marco Polo

17、 and his adventures in ChinaKublai Khan and China in the Yuan Dynasty.3. While-reading (Text A)1) Scanning: read the text as quickly as possible, and find the answers to fill in the blanks.Marco Polo and His TravelsThe place he traveled_The time he arrived_The reason for his arrival_The things he di

18、dTo _ the EmperorThe feelings he had while in ChinaBe _ by the beauty and power of ChinaBe _ by BeijingBe _and _ by the inventions and developments such paper money and coalThe attitude towards his storiesWhile others doubted his experience, he _ his stories2) Further reading:Answer the following qu

19、estions: 1. What are Marco Polos father and uncle?2. How many years did Marco Polos father and uncle spend on their first travel to China and back to Venice?3. What are the difficulties Marco Polo met during his travel to China?4. Where did Marco Polo travel when he worked for Khan?5. How old was Ma

20、rco Polo when he first set out for China?6. How many years did Marco Polo stay in China according to the passage?Finish tasks on page 106-107, exercise 1-2. 4. AssignmentReview the text Oral writing: The most unforgettable journey for me3rd 4th Periods1. Warming-up Activities: Ask some students to s

21、hare their oral passage with the whole class. 1) Text OrganizationAfter scanning the whole text, students are required to get the main idea of each paragraph. And try to divide the text into 3 parts and summarize the main idea of each part.Part 1 (Para 1): Marco Polo is a 13th century merchant and a

22、lso one of the most celebrated travelers in history. Part 2 (Para 2-5): The major expedition took Marco to all over the Empire.Part 3 (Para 6): Marco adventure in the late years. 3). Language pointsExplain the difficult words and sentences, including language and grammatical points. Focus: celebrate

23、d: adj. famous for some special quality or ability e.g. He has become a celebrated artist. celebrated for e.g. Suzhou is celebrated for her beautiful gardens. Merchant n. 商人,批发商。(正式) The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人 set out出发去 to start an activity with a particular aim, to start a journey启程 set out for打

24、算,着手, 开始做 set out on a journeyset out to do in search of 寻找;搜寻 e.g. The family left their hometown in search of better jobs. Expedition n. 远征, 探险队, e.g. Facing many difficulties, the expedition finished the job well. at times: sometimes e.g. The thief stopped to look around at times. e.g. Hes a real

25、 gentleman, if a little arrogant at times. attack v. to try to hurt or defeat using violence e.g. The truth has such power, you want to attack it, while your attack is to enrich and prove it. be skilled at / in对很熟练,很擅长 mountainous: adj. having a lot of mountains adj. very big adj. 多山的,有山的2) Explain

26、some difficult sentences, encourage students paraphrase some sentences. 3. Post-reading ExercisesReading comprehension exercises (see textbook P107-109)4. AssignmentReview the phrases and expressions Try to retell the Reading Text A5th 6th Periods1. Warming-upAsk several students to retell the Readi

27、ng Text A. 2. Extensive Reading Text B1) Lead-inBackground informationThomas Jefferson (1743-1826) Life: He was the 3rd president of the U.S. (1801-1809).During his two terms, he authorized the Louisiana Purchase.After he left the presidency he was primarily interested in the University of Virginia.

28、 His designs for his home, Monticello, and for the Virginia state capitol and part of Washington, D. C. stimulated the classical revival in U.S. architecture. His papers are being published in a projected 60-volume edition (1950- ).“Declaration of Independence”:Jeffersons great monument in literatur

29、e and political theory.Formal proclamation of the 13 colonies, announcing their separation from Great Britain, was adopted July 4; 1776.The actual writing was done by Jefferson, although corrections were made by Franklin, Adams, and the Congress at large. The document is based on the natural-rights

30、theory of government, derived from Locke and 18th-century French philosophers, and proclaims that the function of government is to guarantee the inalienable rights with which men are endowed. These include “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” The declaration contended that, since George III

31、 had willfully violated these rights, revolution was justifiable and necessary. The document was signed on Aug. 2 by 56 colonial representatives.2) Pre-reading:discussion1. Who is Thomas Jefferson?2. Name other great men that make great contribution to the foundation of U.S.A.3. Do you agree that the society is pushed forward by those great men?Share the result of discussion with the whole class. 3)

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