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Unit 9 What does he Iook like教案1 六课时.docx

1、Unit 9 What does he Iook like教案1 六课时主备教师小组教师上课教师科 目英语班级上课时间累计课时1总第 47 课时课题Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A 1a - 2c 课时1教学目标:1. Key words: curly; straight; tall; medium; height; thin; heavy; build; 2. Key phrases: look like; (be) of medium height/build; curly/straight hair; long hair;3. Main s

2、entences: -What does your friend look like? -Shes of medium height, and she has long straight hair.二、Aims of abilities: To train students abilities of describing peoples looks.教学重点:掌握单词,熟练掌握描述人的形象的句型。教学难点:掌握描述人的形象的句型。教学方法及措施: 指导预习,合作探究,点拨总结 直观教学法、教学过程修订、增减【自主探究】一、Free talk: Show some pictures to lea

3、d out the new words. Then ask students to describe these peoples looks.二、Translation.1、描述身高: (高的), (矮的), (中等高度);2、描述体型: (瘦的), (胖的), (重的), (中等身材);3描述头发: (短的头发), (长的头发) (直的头发), (弯曲的头发);4、描述颜色: (金黄色的), (棕色的), (黑色的三、Match the words with the people in the picture. Then check the answers.Look at the pictu

4、re in 1a and learn the drills: -What does he look like? Is he short or tall?-Well, hes really. And he has.四、Listening tasks.1. Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture above. Can you find Amys friend?2. Listen and answer the questions. Then check the answers.3. Listen again and fill in the chart

5、. Then check the answers.五、Pair work: Practice the conversation in 1c. Then make your own conversations.A: B: A: B: 【合作交流】1. What + is/are + 主语+ like? 意为“是什么样的人?”。用来询问人的性格,着重于人的内在性格、气质等。 2. 询问某人的相貌时,常用“ ”【自主检测】一、 单选题( ) 1. What does the boy ? -He is tall and has curly hair. A. look B. like C. look l

6、ike D. be like( ) 2. What the girl look like? A. do B. does C. is D. are( ) 3. What your brother like? -He is outgoing(外向的). A. is B. are C. do D. does( ) 4. The girl like her mother. A. be B. are C. look D. looks( ) 5. What does your Chinese teacher look like? -She of medium height. And she short h

7、air. A. is; have B. is; has C. have; is D. is; is( ) 6. - does Lucy ? -Her mother. A. What; look like B. Who; look like C. What; looks like D. Who; looks like二、句型转换: 1、Hes tall and thin. (改为否定句) He _ tall thin.2、She is not too thin or too heavy. (改为同义句) She is _ _ _.3、Cathy is very tall with long ha

8、ir. (对划线部分提问) _ does Cathy _ _?4、She wears a blue sweater today.(改为一般疑问句) _ she _ a blue sweater today?5、He is outgoing. (对划线部分提问) he like?1.身体各部位名称hand,ear.eye,mouth,leg hand, foot,arm,head,nose,face,hair2.have+长短+直卷+颜色+hair法制教育:让学生了解肖像权教学反思:本节课我运用了多媒体教学。通过大量的图片信息让学生很直观地理解人的外貌特征,并学会用英语表达。主备教师小组教师上课

9、教师科 目英语班级上课时间累计课时2总第 48 课时课题Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A 2d 3d课时2教学目标:1) 单词:handsome, actor, actress, person, nose2)能掌握以下句型: Hes of medium/build. What does he look like? Hes really tall. What does he look like? She has long straight hair. Is he tall or short教学重点:学习单词、句型教学难点:让学生学会友好、客观地描述

10、人的形象教学方法及措施: 指导预习,合作探究,点拨总结 直观教学法、教学过程修订、增减【自主探究】1. Read the conversation and circle the new words. 2. Read it again and translate these sentences.3. 你今晚去看电影吗?Are you tonight? 是的,但是我可能晚一点儿。Yeah, I late. 4. 他留着棕色的头发,戴着眼镜。He hair and 5. 那么回头见。 6. Role-play the conversation with your partners. Then mak

11、e your own conversations.7. Grammar Focus-Rand and remember these main sentences.8. Do some exercises: from 3a to 3c.9. Describe someone in the class. Ask your classmates to guess who you are describing.10. This person is/has . Who is he/she?【合作交流】11. 单选题:12. ( ) 1. I go back next week. A. maybe B.

12、may be C. may13. ( ) 2. He Jack. A. may B. may be C. maybe14. ( ) 3. She may go to school. A. want to B. wants to C. to want 15. 根据汉语意思完成句子。16. 1.今天有点儿热。Its hot today.17. 2.我的瓶子里几乎没有水了。你能给我一点儿吗?18. There is water in my bottle. Can you give me ? 19. 3.There is some (玻璃) on the floor.20. 4. There are

13、two (玻璃杯)of water on the table.21. 5.Do you know the person with (眼镜)? 【自主检测】二、最佳选择:用be & have的适当形式填空。22. My father _ of medium build and _ a beard (胡子).23. David _ short. But his sister _ tall.24. I _ of medium height and _ short straight black hair.25. Toms hair _ short. But his eyes _ big.26. My

14、new friend _ thin and tall.27. Linda _ curly hair.三、对号入座:A: What does your friend look like?B: 1. _. And she is of medium height.A: How about her hair? B: 2. _.A. Whats her name?B. She is beautiful.C. She has short curly brown hair.D. Does she wear glasses?E. She is of medium build.A: Is she a littl

15、e bit heavy? B: No, she isnt. 3. _A: 4. _.B: Yes, she does.A: 5._.B: Her name is Alice.法制教育:让学生了解肖像权教学: 本节课我采用了小组内学习交流形式。让各组组长组织本组成员讨论学习。效果还不错。后进生也动起来了。主备教师小组教师上课教师科 目英语班级上课时间累计课时3总第 49 课时课题Unit 9 What does he look like? Section B 1a 1e 课时3教学目标:一、Aims of basic knowledge:1. Key words: nose; mouth; bl

16、onde; round; face; eye; singer;4. Main sentences: My favorite is . Shes / Hes short curly brown hair . .二、Aims of abilities: To train students abilities of listening. 教学重点:帮助学生正确表述人物的相貌,并设计自己的样子。教学难点:正确、熟练地描述人物相貌。教学方法及措施: 指导预习,合作探究,点拨总结 直观教学法、教学过程修订、增减【自主探究】I、新课呈现Step1Revision Review the Grammar Foc

17、us in Section A . Step2 Presentation 1. Look at the pictures in 1a.2. Learnand rememberthewordsof peoples looks in 1a. Finish1a.3. Talk about the famous peoples looks you know. Finish1b.Step3 Listening1. Look at the picture in 1c.2. Listen to the tape. Finish 1c&1d.Then check the answers.Step4 Pair

18、workDescribe a famous people you know. Finish1e. Show your description to your partner.- My favorite is . II、合作交流Group work: 总结归纳本课学的知识重点。描述人外貌的短语: _ _ 【自主检测】:I、图文配对( ) 1. He is my favorite singer. He comes from Taiwan, China. He has small eyes and short black hair.( ) 2. She is a pretty girl. She h

19、as big eyes and long straight black hair. She is very popular in China now.( ) 3. She is heavy and has short hair. She always wears glasses. She sings well. Many people like her and her songs. D. not joke法制教育:让学生了解人格尊严,教育学生尊重他人的人格尊严。教学反思: 本节课我主要训练学生的口语表达,通过名人图片和班上学生让学生进行口头描述。学生十分活跃,积极性高。主备教师小组教师上课教师

20、科 目英语班级上课时间累计课时4总第50 课时课题Unit 9 What does he look like? Section B 2a 3a 课时4教学目标:1. Key words: artist; crime; criminal; put; each; way; describe; differently; another; 2.Key phrases: police artist; a picture of the criminal; in newspaper; on television; 3.Aims of abilities: To train students abilitie

21、s of reading and comprehension.教学重点掌握本课单词、短语,描述人物外貌特征。教学难点:准确、熟练地描述人物外貌特征教学方法及措施: 指导预习,合作探究,点拨总结 直观教学法、教学过程修订、增减【自主探究】一、 Complete the chart with the words of the opposite meanings.(2a)二、 Read the newspaper article and fin out these key words.1. crime _ 2. criminal _3. 艺术家 _ 4. 不同地 _5. 另一的 _ 6. 真正的 _

22、7. 每个 _ 8. 描述 _ 9.方式_ 10. 最后 _三、Read the newspaper article again and then translate these phrases.1.警察艺术家 2.一张罪犯的图片 3.和谈话 4.把它放在报纸上 5.每个罪犯 6.同样的方式 7.另一个女人 8. 到最后 9.真正的罪犯 四、Read the article quickly and write what the words in the bold refer to. (2c)五、Do the exercises in 3a. Then check the answers. 【合

23、作交流】一、单选:( ) 1. We had a party last month, and it was so fun. Why dont we have one this month? A. more B. another C. the other D. other( ) 2. I have two brothers. One is a worker, and is a doctor. A. other B. another C. the other D. others( ) 3. You can see a bank the street. A. in the end B. at the

24、 end C. at the end of D. in the end of( ) 4. , he became(成为) a famous basketball player. A. At the end B. In the end C. In the end of ( ) 5. The criminal is very tall and wears glasses. A. real B. true C. really D. truly( ) 6. Can you tell me ?A. how can I get to school B. how do I get to schoolC. t

25、he way to school【快乐写作】 在一次英语角活动中,大家谈论的话题是家庭成员。请根据下表中的提示,向大家介绍一下你的妹妹。姓名Mary年龄9岁外貌瘦, 中等身材, 黑色的卷发性格友善但害羞爱好看电视和看书要求:1.60词左右。 2.内容包含表中所有信息。 3.语句通顺、语意连贯。 4.参考词汇: thin, of medium build , curly black hair, friendly, shy, watch TV, read books. 教学反思: 本节课是在上一节课的基础上再次训练学生的写作,给学生15分钟现场写一篇作文,80%的学生能完成,剩下的不会写,由各小组

26、组长进行辅导。主备教师小组教师上课教师科 目英语班级上课时间累计课时5总第 51 课时课题Unit 9 What does he look like? Section B 3a-Self -Check教学目标:1) 能熟练的用英语进行对人外表特点的描述,并根据描述画出人像。2) 能掌握本单元出现的表示人外观的词组及句型,并能结合实际生活进行灵活运用这些词组及句型描述别人的外表, 提高写作水平。教学重点:1. 教学重点:掌握本单元单词、短语,描述人物外貌特征。教学难点:动词enjoy, spend, watch,look like,walk,love后面接什么内容,是什么词性。教学方法及措施:

27、准确、熟练地描述人物外貌特征教学过程修订、增减. Warming- up and revisionShow the picture of your new look and tell it to the class to find who does best. Presentation1. Who remembers best?(检测本单元单词)2. Write more words in each box. (Self Check 1). To find who writes most right words.3. Read and write these words about 3 min

28、utes. . Fill the blanks with the words in the box. (3a)1. Look at the picture of 3a to say what Jack looks like.2. Fill in the blanks quickly. 3. Check the answers. 4. Read the passage and translate into Chinese.5. Language points1) first of all2) be good at. Writing (3b)1. Read the questions in the

29、 form of 3b.2. 写作指导:(见课件)3. Write a passage about your best friend.4. Check the passages each other to correct them in the group.4. Read the best passage for the class. Self Check 21. What do you parents look like? Describe them like this: My dad is tall. He has He wears He likes My mum is She has She wears She likes 2. Check the passages ea

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