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The population problem.docx

1、The population problem第1段2.1The paper mainly introduced the population problem, which makes many problems conflicting to economy, society,resources, environment, especially challenging to Chinas social security system as a result of increasing the retirement age.修改 标点警示 英文标点符号之后通常须加空格。 搭配警示many prob

2、lems conflicting在本族语中很少使用。 学习提示 易混词汇:problem, question, issue, matter 均含“问题”之意。第2段3.1Research Motivation修改 学习提示 易混词汇: inquiry, investigation,research, survey 均有“调查”之意。第3段4.1The purpose of this paper referring to the population brings many problems, such as environmental, are due to the population in

3、 terms of quantity, structure and distribution of rapid change, resulting in the conflict between population and economy, resources, environment.修改 学习提示 易混词汇:bring, carry, take, fetch, get, convey, transport 均有“带,拿,取”之意。4.2Mainly in social,such as economic impact,cost of population, birth and death,

4、 the quality of the population and aging of the population.修改 标点警示 该句句首与上一句句尾标点符号之间空格缺失。 学习提示 易混词汇:quality, property, feature, characteristic, peculiarity, trait, attribute, character 均有“特性,特点,品质”之意。第4段5.1Population aging problem in China is severe,we should take care and find the solution.修改 标点警示 英

5、文标点符号之后通常须加空格。 学习提示 易混词汇: earnest, serious, grave,severe, solemn, sober 均有“严肃的”之意。5.2It is said that the population growth to 1 billion and 295 million population by the year of 2000 in China National Bureau of Statistics in 2003-2012.修改 标点警示 该句句首与上一句句尾标点符号之间空格缺失。第5段6.1From China National Bureau of

6、Statistics in 2007-2012 we can know that the population is expected to continue to increase, and the speed is so fast .修改 句子警示 英文标点符号之前无须空格。 学习提示 易混词汇: haste,speed, hurry, dispatch 均含“迅速,急速”之意。6.2The data displays the population will increase to 2 billion and 400 million in 2050,and it shows the lar

7、ge number of Chinas population are the people whose age is 15 to 64 in recent years .修改 句子警示 英文标点符号之前无须空格。 学习提示 易混词汇: exhibition, exhibit, show, exposition, fair,display都可表示“展览,展览会”之意。6.3As time goes by,the number of people whose age is older than 65 years is increasing.修改 标点警示 该句句首与上一句句尾标点符号之间空格缺失。

8、 拓展辨析people表示“人,民族”。查看与person的区别。6.4According to the relevant literature,more than ten years later,the total population of China will be less than the existing level.修改 标点警示 该句句首与上一句句尾标点符号之间空格缺失。 学习提示 易混词汇: afterwards,later均有“后来,以后”之意。第6段7.1Statements and Problems修改第7段8.1This paper has discussed the

9、 Chinas population aging and it related to social security problems and economic problems.修改 学习提示 易混词汇: join, combine, unite, connect, link, attach, couple, associate,relate均有“连接,结合,联合”之意。8.2Many years of birth control policy have resulted in a severe population aging problem in China.修改8.3China has

10、 established a social security system of a combined social pooling account and personal accounts.修改 拓展辨析 动名搭配pool.account在语料库中出现过6次8.4For years,funds from personal accounts were diverted to fill the gap in the social pooling account,resulting in growing social security debt.修改 标点警示 英文标点符号之后通常须加空格。 拓

11、展辨析 动名搭配grow.debt在语料库中出现过10次8.5What we are facing is not the competitive pressure from the large amount of people, but the shortage of labor.修改 学习提示 易混词汇: lack, want, absence,shortage, scarcity 均含“缺乏,不足”之意。8.6While the social security system is controlled by the government, and Chinas social securit

12、y system is largely a pay-as-you-go system,then the social pressure heavier and heavier owing to the problem ,we must revise the security system that delayed retirement for example now.修改 句子警示 英文标点符号之前无须空格。 学习提示 易混词汇:heavy, weighty 都可表示“重的,沉重的”之意。8.7The following, considering that the pension replac

13、ement rate of manpower account is hard to obtain, so it will coordinate the manpower account funds and personal account fund as a unified pension funds to measure.修改 拓展辨析 注意consider和believe区别。8.8Specific parameters settings and projections are high contribution rates,high replacement rates,and high

14、debt in the social security account.修改 标点警示 英文标点符号之后通常须加空格。 学习提示 易混词汇:account, report 的有“报道,叙述”之意。第8段9.1Literature Review and References in current research status修改 学习提示 易混词汇: magazine, journal, periodical, publication, newspaper,review, press 均有“出版物,定期刊物”之意。第9段10.1Firstly, Chinas population is mor

15、e severe.修改10.2(China National Bureau of Statistics (2003-2012)It appeared the population growth peak three times last century ,and the birth rates are above 20 per thousand after entering 90s, the birth rates decreased year by year.修改 名词错误 请检查Statistics,确认大小写正确。 句子警示 英文标点符号之前无须空格。 学习提示 易混词汇: hill,

16、mount, mountain, range,peak, volcano 均含有“山”之意。10.3In 2005 dropped to 12.40 per thousand.修改 学习提示 易混词汇: descend,drop, fall, sink 都表示“落下,下降”之意。10.4Many years of birth control policy have resulted in a severe population aging problem in China .修改 句子警示 英文标点符号之前无须空格。10.5According to the paper, although Ch

17、inas population is more than India, but only 60% of the population of children in India, which is the birth rate of Chinas population is far lower than the result of India.修改 标点警示 该句句首与上一句句尾标点符号之间空格缺失。 学习提示 易混词汇: distant,far, remote 都含有“远的”之意。 其他 语法错误,连接词although和but在同一个句子中不可同时使用。10.6According to fi

18、gure in the research, in 2014 Chinas 14 year old population accounted for only 16.5% of the total population, compared to 16.6% in 2010 and down 0.1%, has been in a serious minority, significantly lower than the worlds average of 27%.修改 学习提示 易混词汇: earth,world, globe 均可表示“地球”之意。10.7According to the c

19、urrent birth rate of the population projections, more than ten years later, the total population of China will be lower than the existing level.修改 搭配警示lower than the existing level在本族语中很少使用。 学习提示 易混词汇: modern, contemporary,current, recent, present, up-to-date 均有“现代的,当代的”之意。10.8Due to the aging inten

20、sifies, children under the age of 14 drop to below 15%, over the age of 60 non labor aging population will reach about 33%, 20 years old of the following non labor population about is about 18%, non labor population accounted for 50%, then the total labor force population will drop to below 5 billio

21、n, rather than within 30 years will remain at between 700 million to 800 million.修改 学习提示 易混词汇: fairly, pretty, quite,rather都有“相当,颇”之意。10.9National Bureau of statistics data shows that in 2012 and 2013, Chinas working age population respectively over the previous year decreased by 345 million, 244 mi

22、llion, 2014, over the age of 16 to 60 years of age (not including 60 years of age) of the working age population 91583 people, over the previous year decreased 371 million people, accounting for the total population accounted for 67 %, compared with the previous year decreased 6 in a thousand.修改 学习提

23、示 易混词汇: appear, emerge,show, loom 均有“出现”之意。10.10What we are facing is not the pressure of labor shortage and the structural unemployment caused by the shortage of labor.修改 学习提示 易混词汇: appearance, look,face, aspect 均含事物或人的“外表,容貌”之意。第10段11.1Secondly ,the one-child policy contributes to the problem.修改 句

24、子警示 英文标点符号之前无须空格。11.2(China Ministry of Labor and Social Security (2001)Chinas population aging problem is more severe than other countries because of the one-child policy adopted in the early 1980s, increasing the retirement age and the current social security system is not sustainable.修改 拓展辨析 动名搭配

25、age.problem在语料库中出现过6次11.3It challenges to Chinas social security system.修改11.4Maintaining the current replacement and contribution rates, social security debt will be explosive.修改 学习提示 易混词汇: assert, affirm, allege,maintain, testify, claim 均含有“断言,声称”之意。11.5Then increase the retirement age.修改第11段12.1L

26、astly, the current social security system is not sustainable.修改 学习提示 易混词汇: at last, at length, eventually, finally, in the end,lastly均含有“最后,终于”之意。12.2(Diamond, P.修改 句子错误 请检查句中谓语动词。12.3A., & Barr, N.修改 句子错误 请检查句中谓语动词。12.4(2006) Funds from personal accounts have been used to finance the deficits in th

27、e social pooling account.修改 拓展辨析 动名搭配finance.deficit在语料库中出现过263次12.5People older than 60 years can receive a pension .修改 句子警示 英文标点符号之前无须空格。 学习提示 易混词汇: accept,receive, admit, take 均有“接受,接纳”之意。12.6Social problems in different times reflect the content of the different,population problem in modern are

28、one of the most important social problems in the world, is the core of many social problems.修改 句子错误 请检查is,确认主谓一致。 标点警示 英文标点符号之后通常须加空格。 学习提示 易混词汇:different, various, diverse 均含“不同的”之意。详情点击12.7Although it is different in different countries,its essence is mainly manifested in the population reproducti

29、on and the material reproduction of the disorder, population growth over economic growth and the emergence of population surplus.修改 标点警示 英文标点符号之后通常须加空格。 学习提示 易混词汇: copy, duplicate, model,reproduction, facsimile 均有“复制品”之意。12.8Take China as an example, all kinds of problems encountered in the current

30、social life and development are directly or indirectly related to the enormous pressure of population.修改 搭配错误 请检查the enormous pressure of population,本族语中很少使用。 搭配错误 请检查the current social life,本族语中很少使用。 学习提示 易混词汇: direct,directly都有“直接地”之意。12.9First of all, the population pressure to provide the existing population living conditions and improve the living standards of the people, has encountered insurmountable difficulties.修改 冠词警示the population pressure疑似冠词多余。 学习

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