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1、完整版同行货币交换中英对照合同KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:所有人都知道这些代表事项:This Agreement to Exchange Foreign Currency United States Dollar (USD) against the agreed equivalent Currencies (Hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”) is entered into and executed on this day the xxx xxxx , 2013, by and between the followi

2、ng parties: 此协议对交换外币现行使用的美元(USD)对同意的等值货币(以后指协议)在2013年 x 月xx日下列两方签订及执行:USED USD Provider (美元供应方)Name姓名Passport Number护照号码Nationality国籍Address地址Telephone Number电话号码Email Address邮箱地址Hereinafter referred to as the “Party A”. 在下文中, 称为 ”甲方” 0Hereinafter referred to as the “Party A”Hereinafter referred to

3、as the “Party B”WHEREAS, “Party B” confirms with full corporate authority and legal responsibility, that he is ready, willing and able to arrange good, clean and clear, and of non criminal origin EURO/RMB/HKD in exchange for the United States Dollar Used Notes and provides his Banking details from H

4、SBC, Hong Kong, xxxxxxx Branch, which are attached hereto as Appendix A, as the Proof of Funds, in the amount of USD One Billion (USD 1,000,000,000.00) with the Letter of Authorization to “Party A” for the Verification of the said funds, under this Agreement as per Transaction Code: xxxxx.鉴于, “乙方” 确

5、认在公司权力范围充分的授权及法律责任下,已做好准备,愿意和能够提供真实的,干净的和洁净的,没有犯罪来源的歐元、人民币、港币来兑换已使用过的美元钞票并提供银行确认信(BCL) 及银行坐标如同附录A, 作为资金证明, 总金额为10亿美元(USD 1,000,000,000.00), 从“乙方的” 银行, 汇丰银行,香港xxxxxx分行出具, 同时提供授权查询函给予“甲方”以核实所述之金额, 根据交易代码:xxxxxxxxxx。NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual interests and covenants, the parties here

6、by confirm with full personal and corporate and legal responsibility, under penalty of perjury, and unconditionally agree to the following terms and conditions stipulated hereunder: 因此现在,考虑到双方的共同利益及契约,双方特此确认充分的个人和公司的权利,以及法律责任,根据伪证处罚法律,无条件的同意下列的条款及条文规定如下:1. SPECIFICATION规格“Party A” Currency : United

7、States Dollar (USD) Used Notes.“甲方”货币 美国美元 已使用过的现鈔“Party B” Currency : EURO/RMB/HKD“乙方”货币 歐元、人民币、港币0“Party B” CurrencyYear of issue USD : 1997 2008发行年份 1997 - 2008 Denomination : Used US$100 Bank Notes.票面额 已使用过的100美元现鈔Quantity : USD Three Billion (3 Billion) with Rollovers and Extensions.数量 30亿美元可循环

8、并延展的First Tranche : USD xxxxx Million (USD xxx00,000,000.00).第一笔交易 xxxxxxx美元Subsequent Tranche : Each Tranche USD xxxx Million (USD xxx00,000,000.00).随后的交运 每次和每一笔交易, xxxxx美元Price : FOB Hong Kong: The Rate of Banking Exchange on the day.价格 离岸价,香港, 当日交易的银行兑换率Discount Rate : Gross 15 % Net to EURO/RMB/

9、HKD Provider 10%.折扣率 總折扣率為15 %,淨折扣率為10% 給歐元、人民币、港币供应方Commission : 2.5 % for “Party As” Intermediaries to be paid from 佣金 “Party As” Account. 2.5%为“甲方的”中介人费用由“甲方的”账户支付, 2.5 % for “Party Bs” Intermediaries to be paid from “Party Bs” Account. 2.5%为“乙方的”中介人费用由“乙方的”账户支付。Delivery Location : FOB, Hong Kong

10、交付位置 FOB香港Payment : Bank to Bank basis付款方式 银行对银行为基础2. LANGUAGE语言“Party A” and “Party B” agreed to use English as the official Language for this Agreement.根据本协议“甲方” 和“乙方”同意以英语作为官方语言。3. PAYMENT付款Based on the discount Rate: Gross 15% and Net to ”Party B” 10%. “Party B” pays for “Party A” 87.50% and pay

11、s commission for “Party Bs” Intermediaries 2.50%. “Party A” further pays commission for “Party As” Intermediaries 2.50%.基于折扣率: 总折扣率为,净折扣率为给“乙方”,“乙方”只需付款87.50 到“甲方”账户, 乙方须付佣金2.5%给乙方中间人,甲方须付佣金2.5%给甲方中间人。4. PROCEDURE程序1“Party A” and “Party B” sign this Agreement by face to face. 0“Party A” and “Party B

12、” sign this Agreement in Bangkok, Thailand or electronically , the electronic signatures are deemed acceptable to both parties 甲方和乙方双方会面签署合同2“Party A” and “Party B” lodge the signed agreement to their respective bank. “甲方”和“乙方” 将所签署的协议交到他们各自的银行3“Party B” provides the Proof of Funds (POF) by submitti

13、ng the “Party Bs” Bank Deposit Account with Banking details attached hereto as Appendix A, in the amount of USD One Billion (USD 1,000,000,000.00), from HSBC, xxxxxx, Hong Kong, with the Letter of Authorization (attached hereto as Appendix B) to the “Party A” for the verification on a bank to bank b

14、asis, under the Transaction Code: xxxxxx. “Party Bs” Bank shall confirm the said POF by writing (with the agreed Verbiage which is attached hereto as Appendix C) and send this to “Party As” Bank, which is HSBC, Main Office, Hong Kong. Thereafter “Party B” shall send by Email a copy of the said Bank

15、Confirmation Letter to “Party A” immediately. “ 乙方 ”提供的资金确认 (POF) 提交自己银行存款账户并提供附录A 所附的完整银行座標资料。 金额為10亿美元(1,000,000,000.00美元)在香港汇丰银行、xxxxx, 以及 授权查询函(如附件附 录B)給“甲方”以银行对银行的基础上对该資金来验证核实, 按此交易代码: xxxxx。乙方的”银行必须用书面确认他的资金证明POF用书面答覆方式(约定内容见附录C)发送到 “甲方的”银行在汇丰银行,总办事处,香港。此后乙方立即用电子邮件发送银行确认函的副本給甲方。4Within One (1)

16、 Banking Day after positively verification and acceptance of “Party Bs” Bank sent Fax, “Party As” Bank Officer shall provide the documents, which declare the source of funds, as Proof of Product, to “Party Bs” Bank Officer. Then within one (1) banking day, “Party A” invites “Party B” to “Party As” L

17、ocation in Hong Kong for physical inspection of the Commodity and present Banknotes in the quantity of USD Three (3) Million as for Sample, to “Party B” for verifying and authenticating by his inspectors. “Party B” then shall sign for acknowledgement of verification and authentication the said Bankn

18、otes. 在1个银行工作日内, 一旦明确的证实并接受“乙方”的银行发送的传真, “ 甲方 ” 的银行官员必需 提供该申报资金的来源证明文件给“乙方” 的银行官员。 在1个银行工作日内.“甲方”邀请 “乙方”到“甲方的” 地点在香港,并对目前 所提供3 佰万美元数量的钞票进行实地的检查并作 为样本, 让“乙方”通过他的检查员进行验证和鉴定。然后“乙方” 应签署确认核查和认证上述纸币。 5On the next banking day, after positive verification of the Bank notes, “Party Bs” Bank Officer shall iss

19、ue the blocked funds letter (as agreed verbiage attached hereto as Appendix D) in flavor of “Party A”, for guarantee the payment in the amount of USD One Billion (USD 1,000,000,000.00) under this Agreement as per Transaction Code: xxxxx. 在下1个银行工作日, 证实核实现钞后,“乙方” 的银行将出具锁住资金的信(作 为同意用语如附件附录D)作为方便給“ 甲方 ”

20、付款保证,总金额为10亿美 元(USD 1,000,000,000.00)根据此合同交易代码:xxxxxxxx. 6On the next banking day “Party A” and “Party B” shall set up the amount to be delivered in the schedule of delivery. “Party B” handover the Map of the delivered location, which is HSBC, Hong Kong, xxxxxx Branch, to “Party A”. “Party A” shall

21、deliver the commodity to “Party Bs” Bank, as agreed in the schedule of delivery. As for the first Tranche, “Party A” shall deliver USD xxxxx Million (USD xxxx00,000,000.00) to “Party Bs” bank, which is HSBC, Hong Kong, xxxxxx Branch. 下一个银行工作日在 “ 甲方 ” 和 “ 乙方 ” 设定了在交付日程表将交付的数额. “ 乙方 ”将提供交付地点,这是汇丰银行,香港

22、xxx分行, 位置地图给“ 甲方 ” 。“甲方” 应交付商品给 “乙方” 的银行,如商定的交货时间表。第一笔交易甲方运送美元xxxx到 “乙方的” 银行. 这是汇丰银行,香港xxxx分行。7“Party B” and his inspectors shall start for counting and verifying at 9:00 am (Hong Kong Time) until 3:30 pm. Thereafter within the same day, “Party Bs” Bank shall release the full payment, equivalent to

23、the delivered amount into “Party As” account immediately. “乙方”和他的检验员在(香港时间)從上午9:00開始进行计算和检验直到下午3:30。此后,在同一天,“乙方的”银行将马上放行全额應付资金相當於當日所送金額到“甲方的”账户。 8For further deliveries of size and frequency of tranches to be followed according to the agree schedule of delivery (attached hereto as Appendix E) and pu

24、rsuant to the procedure as set forth herein by “Party A” and “Party B” until the commodity is exhausted. 以后交易的数量及交运次数是依据所同意的交货时间表(如附件附录E)并按照“甲方”和“乙 方”所设定的流程,直到全部的数量送完为止。9On the same day, “Party A” and “Party B” shall instruct their Bank to immediately transfer commission to designated accounts of co

25、nsultants and intermediaries as per FPA under this Agreement as per the Transaction Code: xxxxxx. 在同一天,“甲方”和“乙方”应指示其各自银行立即把佣金转进他们的各自中介和顾问选的帐 户, 按佣金保护协议条款依照交易代码:xxxxxx.10The complete contract quantity shall be completed within one (1) month from the date of the first tranche. 合同的全部数量将从第一笔交易的那天起的1个月内完

26、成。5. BANKING COORDINATES银行联络讯息00 “Party As” Banking Detail and “Party Bs” Banking Detail, Attached “Appendix A”“甲方的”银行详细资料和“乙方的”银行详细资料, 附在“附录A”.6. TIME LIMITATION时间限制It is understood that within 10 Banking days after signing of this Agreement to Exchange Foreign Currency, “Party B” is obliged to pro

27、vide the POF to the “Party A”. Should “Party B” be unable to perform the POF, within these 10 days, this Agreement to Exchange Foreign Currency shall be automatically rendered null and void, without any written notification. 据了解在外币兑换合同签署后的10个银行工作日内, “乙方” 有义务提供资金证明给“甲方”, 如果“乙方”在10个工作日内无法履行提供资金证明, 那此外

28、币兑换合同将自动失效,无须任何书面通知。7. WARRANTY保证0Each party represents and warrants under risk and penalty of perjury that the respective parties are ready, willing and able (RWA) to perform the respective obligations of each party to this agreement and that the mutual considerations, which include the currencies

29、to be exchange are good, clean are of non-criminal origin and are free and clear of all liens and encumbrances.双方声明并保证根据风险和伪证处罚法的有关条例,双方都准备好了,愿意和能够履行各自的义务,在此的每一方对本协议的条款都已认真研读和仔细考虑,其中包括货币交易的完好,洁净的、无犯罪来源的,并且对所有优先权和抵押权是自由和干净的8. CONFIDENTIALITY / NON-CIRCUMVENTION保密性和非掲露条款 All parties, including the “Pa

30、rty A” / “Party As” Mandate, “Party B” / “Party Bs” Mandate and any and all representatives, consultants and intermediaries involved in this transaction shall agree to act in complete confidentiality and shall not disclose the Agreement to any other party except on a need to know basis and shall strictly observe st

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