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四下第4单元drawing in the park教案.docx

1、四下第4单元drawing in the park教案课题Unit4rawing i herk第( 1 )课时上课时间一、教学目标1能听懂、会说、会读单词:dra, pictr,ark, floer,bat, ivr, e, diffilt 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:oo ida!Sur, iteay t iicult, but Iar.3. 能初步用以下句型Whatcan yu se? I cn s来对看到的事物进行交流;初步用句型an ou ?询问交流会做的事。. 能正确理解课文内容。. 能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试表演。二、制定依据本板块呈现的是MIKE和弟弟TI

2、M在公园里一边看风景,一边画画的情景。教师可以在教学中发动学生准备各种场景的图片,用于课堂的语言操练活动。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图及二次修改常规积累T: Tda, we ill gn Ui4. Int unt, we will go t sominrestinglace Look! Here teare. (出示Park, Thetr,Amusent par, o四个场景图) ih onewe ill g firt? Let iten toa ong S:oomoring, Miss Zhang.S:Im ie, ll,gd学生回答:Nic seeyu oo.开放式导入1.Ej

3、oy th ong: ts a bauiul d inthe park.2T: Which one ewil go first? each:arkT: Wat pars in Nangd you now? 1.I go tocholvedy.ts six oclc. ts tie for Eglisclas.S: Xuanuakeark, BaiuzhuPr,Bamark,核心过程推进一、新授内容1. Tl abot the things in th prkT: W know omanypars. ill da apictureo i. 边画边问:hatan yusee in the pak?

4、T:Y, ita tll tee. 依次教授词语:tree,floer,boa, river,注意每个词语教授时和学生拓展交流:Wt colour athe foers? I an ow bat,can yo? Can I draw wel? Yes, iseasy forme. aits dffcul fo me, b ca ry.2. T:Whatcn you do in te prk? I can row a boa. 3.oye stor:1. T: Good, keand Tim arein te parnw Wht dthe do? Ltshe lok!(出示图1):出图局部,让学

5、生猜测。Teah: raw, piture (揭题) atch adchoo3. Radand jdge. T: Buthe an drawth boa, o i ot e, t dfficut foim Tea: difficul: So im ys: Itsificult, ut In try.1: Ican e : Icaf kie/ pay footallre bke/ S:They ae drawing pictures te a. :They aveS:o ey! I esy fo m.二、练习巩固4T: i an drawh tree an fowers er well, s h

6、yr sy orT. Teach: easy So Tm says: Sure. Its s. 出示图2.T:引导学生有感情地朗读该句话。Canyouead it? Whatelse ca yusa?S:以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。开放式延伸总结延伸.Act thtor 2 Make a new dalogu. 你和朋友也来到了一个美丽的公园。你们看到些什么?试着模仿今天学的故事,编一段对话吧。 课件出示一幅公园图片,有秋千、滑梯、放风筝、骑自行车等。以及参考句型:hatcnou see?/ I c se nyou raw ride/fya ?/Yes, its esy.Its

7、 diffult, ut can try.:Mkne iloueS:Act th sy作业设计Howk:1.听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读课文并尝试背诵。试着将课文复述并写下来。和同桌编一段在公园里的对话板书设计Ui 4 Drawinithe par I draw, Gooddea!ictue, ur, its esy. prk, Isdifficul, but Ican try. floer, boat,rir, sy, difficult.课后反思课题Unit Drin the prk第( )课时上课时间一.教学目标1、能够熟练说出公园里的一些物品词汇tre,flower, bot, rvr,

8、ill, lake等。2. 能用句型Whtcan yu ee? I casee a谈论所见。3. 能用句型hat canyo do? I ca 进行调查会做的事情,能用句型He/Sh ca 对他人进行描述。4. 能编写完整小故事:Lt bfrind并试着表演。二、制定依据本板块是一个调查活动,旨在巩固情态动词an的用法。本活动需要学生分小组协作完成。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图及二次修改常规积累Step 1 Greign ee ak1.Greetig:oodoring,lass.S:God morng,M Zhang开放式导入T:Lif s nterting. ast lesson

9、, n othepark Toay, we willgo toanother interestin pla Drm Theatre. Lets go.核心过程推进一、新授内容1. Test 1- Go prorance bilit T:To bn aco, yu hld hav od peformance biiy : D you remmbr thsstory? rawing n te ark (课件出示课文图片) Ca you ct thissory? Fit, let dub fotDui groups. Tr o rtel e try accng Mike n Ti ae itheTh

10、ey case , a onte Tm cn drawvey wel, it easy. But cnt da , ts .2. T: What canou se in te pict? T:Hw mny can u see? What olurs t? Whre it? S:Ica ee heche nswer.(出现学生所说的东西:oat,f, tee, rive, hil, lake, 补充:ridge, nh, ountain等) .: Now, w kn whats n t pak? They e(指图学生齐说词) T: Buthow spell hem? Lok! ow ememb

11、er them?Lts isss ingroup.). : Can yorememr theewords? ets play am, Quick resn. 5. T: Good b. I thin yu hav goo meor. Lt gointthene est: I canse a二、练习巩固Fun ime -Do a srve1 T: Lok!Thrarefour chaacters in this play.You anchoose on, utyu soldhaveh sa spcilitywit hrcter.T: Canyou d? T: Wat cn yo o? T: ca

12、n play basketbal, so e anct oe en. Wrting nd AS1: No, can.1: n la baskeall.开放式延伸总结延伸1(出示故事图片4幅) T: the play i not mple.Letscte t fist2.请同学一次读一读,小组讨论将每幅图中的句子补充完整。3.T: ctingoup 四人一组上台表演时,其他同学一起说旁白。作业设计omewrk:1画一幅公园图,并给图中的物品配上单词,如有不会的词,可以查找资料。2 小组表演短剧Letsefrien.3. 试着写下这个故事。板书设计Unit 4ran ithe partree Wh

13、at can youee? Flowe Icansee a boariverhllae反思重建课题Unit4Dawing in the park第( )课时上课时间一教学目标1、复习上节课所学的关于公园物品的单词,能进一步熟练拼读。2. 复习上节课所学的句型,能进一步熟练运用。3.能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。4. 能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容续编故事。二.制定依据本部分呈现的是小猫Sam和小老鼠Boy在看西洋镜的场景。Bobby第一次看见的是停留在河面上的小船,第二次却看见了一只打老虎,差点吓破胆,而am在一旁偷笑。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图及二次修改常规积累S

14、tep retingad free talk1.reting:Good mrnin,class.S:God rnig,is Zag.开放式导入:Lie is neresting.a sson, e went to he park nd te theare. ody, we wl go anoe nteretig place Amuemet ak ets o. 课件出示图片核心过程推进一、新授内容.T: cangt stas when yue paing. Ls ee whch ea can morsars. (学生分成两组) Rady? o! 2 evew e voauy1:Lok!It aF

15、un huse We an plaamsi it. e pay Fnding Difereces irt. : ou hou fnd thetre differences i thse two pure大家来找茬游戏 课件出示规则:两图中有三处不同,十秒中之内必须找到并说出,才能获胜! 一共两组图片。复习词汇:hill, tre,rer,lake, ower, bot.T: Lta aothrgae Ridls: Tngs inthe ark每组选择一个序号,如果猜对并准确拼出则可以得到相应的星数。1. Trcolourfl. Bees and buterflies ike hm veruh.

16、 2. ou wt o go across the river(过河),bt there s no bide. hatdo eed?3. I is al aea(一大片)of ter,surouebylan.(被陆地包围) .4It i a lre tream(一股水流) of watr. Youcan cac ih n t. . T: 得星,评价。Sep. vew the sentes. 1. T: Lesgo to th muic bus. Lisen! T: Whichpiteisthe ong abou? (从四个图中来选一个:操场、公园、教室、厨房)2. in itherecordi

17、ng.: nyo me an sn ike his? Chosoe, isus andsing in group.4一组唱,其他组猜是哪个场景。猜对双方都加星。: indn Diffences.S:sig in groups.二、练习巩固Cartoon time1 :ook!hre a big o Sam, Bobby are ookin t it. n act,we call his ig box:ep sow. 简单介绍西洋镜的一些知识。 (出示图4) L, is Bobyapp? o, Bby is ihtne. Why?Ws inthsbox? Lets ges. 学生猜的同时,老师说

18、:Tryagain.Let watc t caroon an chek. : Wat in t? 3.(出示图) 指导阅读,Its a tger! T: I yu r a, atwilyou y? S: A boat,a tige.开放式延伸总结延伸1.Today, w areplaigi the amuseen pr. Hw o you ee nw? Frot learningof tis lesn,hat cano doo?引导学生用 a 总结今天的学习。2. Litand repea 3.ewrte a newstryT: Saminughty, bu bobby i nauty, to

19、. wan to make ok wih S too.Loo! 课件出图:Bobby告诉Sa他在盒子里看见了鱼。Sam最喜欢鱼了,一听口水都要下来了,结果一看,是一条鲨鱼,吓了一大跳!. 根据表演情况,评价给星。S: I can say/ red/ant 作业设计Homeork:1. 将你在音乐巴士上编的歌曲写下来,唱一唱。2 小组合作,将改编的新故事,配上图片和文字,并表演出来。板书设计Uit4 Drawing the arWhat cn yo do? I can God ide!反思重建课题UnitDrawing in the prk第( 4)课时上课时间一教学目标1.1能够熟练说出有关公

20、园类的物品词。.能熟练地运用本单元所学句型进行交际。3. 能够掌握元音字母在单词中的读音。4 能在教师的引导下客观地对自己的学习情况做出评价。5.完成补充练习,以及部分课时练习。二制定依据(教材、学情分析)本部分是一个总结反馈,检测的板块,以写作的形式对本单元的重点句型和目标词汇进行总结操练。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图及二次修改常规积累Step1Greetn an free talk.GreetiT:Goo mrnin,css.S:Good morig,ss hag.开放式导入Step1. Wmigup &alk.njyte sng: w you bat(课前就可以播放继续让学生

21、熟悉)2 T: Lfe is interstig. ast lson, ewent o hepa, thetheatr a t museet ark Tody, we wllgo other iteing lace . Leso.核心过程推进一、新授内容1. T:n thzo, whatc ouse? Lt pla ame. Non-takig. 要求:10秒内小组轮流说:两个关键词:Aimas i te zoo, hetherthsin te z2. T: Lets go and hve a lo.(手偶出示Ken) : Hi, an go wih yu? T: CanKn ith us?

22、T: OK. Letsoheckouttmea so tie.T: Look, is is a icture of a zoo. Howbautful! Wh ca o see in this pture? K: I caseT: Can yo ?owmany can yu e?K:Ys, ca. T: Look at: Howbiful! .2.结合所给句型,谈论图片。Prwok3. T:he pctuei baufu, bt there is n nias Lts daw soanmls ote grass, in te river,in the sky o 让学生拿出笔在图中添画一些动物

23、.4 Rea n matc组内读故事,将图片和文字匹配。 逐图呈现,校对答案。Soud tie. : Ken, do you l te zo? T: Oh,wtthe tme? (看表) O,Ken, its ten o en,go tbedefre ten.K: K.Se you.3 T: Looat the senence.The wrsal ave the lette e, whadoesepronounced s? S: /e :Loo t youth, open big or smal Tr t. (根据Ti: P5的要求) T: Rea the ntne.4. :Can you e

24、ad the slable? en, et, e, es el T:Can u rea tese ods? hn, wet, leg, ne, belt. (在读同时出图释意): Ic S: Sure.:Readoney oe二、练习巩固1.T:Lat, we hae lear anthepronunciation o e, what is i? /:/ T: Whatsthdiference teen thm? he i i prnuned a /e/, hen si rouced a /:/? 出示:m,h, she, these b, e,red, tn, T: 教师讲解:开音节中,发/i:/,重读闭音节中,发/e/。Eno a song.E的发音开放

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