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1、五年级英语下册第五单元教案分析2017五年级英语下册第五单元教案分析 2017五年级英语下册第五单元教案分析Unit hse dg is it? 第一时(A Lets learn A L,sa and plet)学习目标1 掌握名词性物主代词:ine,urs,his,hers,theirs,urs。2 能用句子:“Its ine/urs/hers/his”标明物品的所属情况。学习重难点1 重点:掌握名词性物主代词的拼读与用法2 难点:(1)正确区分形容词性无助代词和名词性物主代词的不同。(2)能在语境、合作、交流中体会并理解物主代词的用法。评价任务 1、小组竞赛,快速拼读单词和简单的句子(检测

2、目标1的达成情况)。 2、通过师生问答、同桌对话表达物品的所属情况(检测目标2的达成情况)学习过程一热身(ar-up)1学生欣赏Unit的歌曲Anials,Anials are everthere2教师出示歌曲中的动物图片,然后进行抢答活动。3活动让四名同学带上自己的钢笔到讲台上并举起钢笔介绍Its pen然后让几名同学背对大家互相交换手中的钢笔并交换所占位置然后请其中一个同学凭自己的记忆猜猜钢笔的所属。This is his penThis is her penThis is pen等。二新呈现(Presentatin)1 教学Lets learn(1)教师介绍犬展天下-Dg Sh 犬展开始

3、了,让我们去看看各类高端大气上档次的狗狗们是谁家的?(2)学习单词his和hers 出示Lets learn 部分的画面,教师指着第一只狗说:L!This is his dgIts hisThats her dgIts hers然后出示单词卡片his 和hers并请全班跟读。板书his dg=his her dg=hers(3)学习单词urs 和theirs(4)教师指着本第二幅图,用上面的方法学习urs 和theirs,然后指着某张桌对全班说This is their desIts theirs 出示校长照片说:Shes/Hes ur headasterHe;s urs然后出示单词urs和t

4、heirs全班学生跟读并拼写。()学习单词ine和urs教师指着自己的书包说:This is bagIts ine指着某个人的书包对他、她说:This is ur bagIts urs然后出示单词进行操练。(6)教师总结找出两种物主代词的区别。 pen=ine-This pen is ineHer bag=hers-This bag is hers(7)活动 教师拿起自己的一本书说:This b is ine让学生拿起自己或者别人的物品说:Its ine/hers/his/urs/theirs/urs帮助学生熟悉和理解物主代词的含义及其用法。2教学L,sa and plete出示49页表格学生

5、阅读并填写模仿例句完成一问一答。如:hse b is that?Its As bThe b is hers三巩固与拓展 活动:物归原主 教室把“失物招领”中的物品展示给学生看,请学生帮助寻找这些物品的主人,完成“物归原主”的任务。 如:Is this ur? es,its ine或N,it isnt四 家庭作业(Her ) 1熟记本所学的四会句子。 2 完成本学习与巩固练习。五 板书设计 Unit hse dg is it ? his dg-his her dg-hers their dg-theirs ur dg-urs dg-ine ur dg-urs六教学反思第二时 (A Lets tr

6、 A Lets tal) 学习目标:1 听录音完成Lets tr的练习题2 熟练掌握对话及重点句型:The ell piture is ine Are these all urs ? There is piture f Shanghai hse is it ?学习重难点:1 能听录音完成相应的练习题。能熟读对话和灵活的进行句型替换练习。评价任务: 1、通过师生问答、同桌对话进行对话练习。(P49 As and find ut)(检测目标1的达成情况) 2、同桌合作对话,在班级展示(检测目标2的达成情况)。学习过程一热身(ar-up)1 教师出示一些物体,和学生进行问答练习。 T: Is thi

7、s his at ? S: es, it is T: Is this her bag ? S: N, it isnt ( 板书)T: hse b / pen /ruler is that ? S1: Its ine/ urs/his 2 复习句子 : T: Its his dg S: The dg is his (用上节的图片) T: Its her b S: The b is hers T: Its their dg S: The dg is theirs ()二新呈现(Presentatin)1 听录音,完成Lets tr部分的联系。 (老师讲解录音中的重点句子)2 学习关键的词语和句子:

8、 ell piture, piture f , beautiful, There is (板书在黑板上)3 T: Is this a ell piture ? S: es, it is T: That is a piture f Beiing S: Read it 4 听tal部分录音,并跟读。T: L here There are s an pitures S; es T: The ell piture is henies The ell piture is hers 学生读tal,小组操练。1 )活动: 失物招领,灵活掌握本节的句型 S1: hse strbs are these ? S2

9、: The are ine S1: hse b is this ? S2: Its ies / Its his 2) 分角色朗读tal部分三巩固与拓展1、根据内容判断正确的用T错误的用F。( ) 1 The ell piture is ies ( ) 2 That piture f Beiing is beautiful( ) 3 That piture f Shanghai is Zhang Pengs2、同义句对对碰。1 Is this ur b ? A This is red bag 2 The red bag is ine B Is the b urs ?3、根据短内容选词填空。(也可

10、做听力,老师念) A get up B live n breafast D fae E pla sprts nae is Rbinsn I 1_ an island I alas 2_ earl ever da I ash 3_ ,and then I eat 4_ Seties I lean ave, t In the afternn ,I _ ith friend4、单项选择。( ) 1 The ell piture is _ A ine B I( ) 2 Are these all _ ? A ur B urs( ) 3 That piture _ Beiing is beautiful

11、 A n B at f四家庭作业(Her )1、熟读Lets tal部分。2、抄写Lets tal部分并写出汉语意思。板书设计Unit hse dg is it ? The ell piture is ine hse is that piture f Beiing? hse is that piture f Shanghai? Are these all urs ? es , the are教学反思第三时(B Lets learn B Lets pla)学习目标1掌握新单词: libing, eating, plaing, uping, drining, sleeping2掌握句型: Fid

12、is sleeping运用hat are these rabbits ding?询问正在做什么并回答 The are plaing ith eah ther教学重难点1 能掌握新单词,并知道如何在单词的后面加上ing。2 能用英语表达谁正在做什么。评价任务 1、小组竞赛,快速拼读单词和简单的句子(检测目标1的达成情况)。 3、同桌合作对话,在班级展示(检测目标2的达成情况)。教学过程一热身(ar-up)1 复习上一的句型2 T: hse bag is this ? S1: Its ine T: hse English bs are these ? S: The are ine T: hse a

13、t is that ? S: Its Sarahs / Its hers (板书句型)二新呈现(Presentatin)T: hat d u d ? S: I eat banana/ I lib untains T: 复习单词: sleep, drin ater, lib untains2T: 我做你猜,看我。我在睡觉。L at e ,hat a I ding ?(老师做睡觉状) S1:睡觉(sleep) T: Sleeping I a sleeping 用同样的方法学习其他的单词: libing, eating, plaing, uping, drining并板书在黑板上同时将每个单词的原形

14、也板书在黑板。3 让学生看Lets lean 的图片 T: L at the piture L at the Fid Fid is sleeping T: L at these rabbits Are these rabbits eating? S: N, There plaing ith eah ther4 齐读单词:sleeping libing, eating, plaing, uping, drining 操练1 h is faster? (灵活运用本节大句型)三巩固与拓展1选出正确的选项,再读一读。( ) 1(正在)吃 A eating B eat it( ) 2 (正在)跳 A r

15、unning B uping siing( ) 3 (正在)玩耍 A drining B pla plaing四家庭作业(Her )1、抄写单词:libing, eating, plaing, uping, drining, sleeping2、记住新单词并五个进行时的句子。板书设计 sleep- sleeping eat- eating ie is pla- plain up - uping The are drin - drining (ie and hn) are lib - libing教学反思第四时 (B Lets tr Lets tal)学习目标1 能听懂Lets tr部分描述动物

16、正在做某事的句子,完成Lets tr的练习题2 熟练掌握对话及重点句型:here is Fid n ? Is he drining ater ? an I pla ith hi n ? f urse e here教学重难点1 能用一般现在是询问别人正在做什么并做肯定和否定回答。2 能熟读对话和灵活的进行句型替换练习。Is he drining ater? es, he is / N, he isnt评价任务 1、通过师生问答、同桌对话进行对话练习。(检测目标1的达成情况) 2、同桌合作对话,在班级展示(检测目标2的达成情况)。教学过程一热身(ar-up)1 复习单词: libing, upin

17、g, eating, sleeping, drining, plaing2 T: hse hinese bs are these ? S: The are ine T: hse eraser is that ? S: Its livers /Its his T: hn is running S: liver is reading ()二新呈现(Presentatin)1听Lets tr part录音并完成练习 here is the dg ? (老师讲解录音中的重点句子)2 (出示图片)T: here is the b ? S: Its n the des T: here is the pen

18、? S: Its in the bag 3教读Lets tal 部分 es phrase and sentenes: Hes in the ithen an u tae hi t the par? f urse e here (教读和操练这些句子和短语)4 T: Listen t the tape f Lets tal and anser these questins Is Fid drining ater ? Is he eating ?再次听录音并跟读Lets tal6 操练: 分角色朗读。7 灵活运用句型。 S1: Is Sarah singing ? S2: es She is S1:

19、 Is the at eating ? S2: N, he isnt()三巩固与拓展一)根据内容判断正确的用T错误的用F。( ) 1 Fid is in the bedr( ) 2 hen ie ant tae Fid t the par( ) 3 Fid is eating二)根据句意及首字母提示选单词补全句子并读一读。 drining , here , tae, plaing, e 1 Is the dg _ (喝)ater ?2 an I _ (玩耍)ith hi n ?3 _(哪里) is Fid n ?4 an u _ (带)hi t the par ? Fid ,_ ()here

20、三)、给下列次加ing。1lib_ 2 eat_ 3sleep_ 4drin_ up_ 6 si_ 7dane_ 8pla_四家庭作业(Her ) 1熟记本所学的词组。 2 完成本学习与巩固练习。 3调查你的好友周末活动安排。板书设计 Unit hse dg is it ? Lets tal here is Fid n ? Is he drining ater ? es, he is / N, he isnt an I pla ith hi n ? an u tae hi t the par ?教学反思第五时 ( A Lets spell B Read and rite)学习目标1 能拼读含有

21、字母组合ing和n的单词。2 能理解Read and rite的主要内容,并完成相关的练习题。教学重难点1 能拼读包含字母组合ng 和n 。2 能理解Read and rite 部并熟读。评价任务 1、小组竞赛,快速拼读含有字母组合ing和n的单词(检测目标1的达成情况)。 3、同桌合作对话,在班级展示(询问动物正在做什么并回答)(检测目标2的达成情况)。教学过程一 复习1 复习A B两部分的单词和tal部分2 师生对话 T: hse pen is that ? S: Its ies pen /Its his T: hse penil is this ? S: Its penil / Its

22、ine T: Are these dgs running ? S: es, the are / N, the arent T: Is he eating ? S: es, he is / N, he isnt(强调划线部分)二新呈现(Presentatin)1学习字母组合 ng 和 n 的发音 / N / / N/2 拼这些单词: lng sing ring ung thin in trun pin 3 给下列单词加ing。(老师板书在黑板上) l _ dane _ run _ al _ fl _4 练习 1) 学生读这些单词: lie , bear, rabbit, tiger, eleph

23、ant, ne , bird , ant t be 2)听录音,完成 Read , rite and listen的练习三巩固与拓展四家庭作业(Her )1、熟读Read and rite 部分。2 完成本学习与巩固练习。板书设计 Unit hse dg is it ? ng / N / lng sing ring ung n / N/ thin in trun pin l _ dane _ run _ al _ fl _ ant t be教学反思 第六时 ( B Lets he , Lets rap it up Str tie)学习目标1 完成P4相应的练习。2 能理解Str tie 部分讲

24、述的是什么。教学重难点1 能完成p4的练习题,复习这个单元的重点句。2 能理解Str tie 部分讲述的是什么。评价任务 1、小组竞赛,快速回答Lets he部分的答案(检测目标1的达成情况)。 2、同桌合作对话,在班级展示Str tie(检测目标2的达成情况)。教学过程一热身(ar-up)1 听第五单元的磁带跟读单词(单词表) ain sene1Turn t page46and page47Tr t read and translate these sentenes2Guess the eaning f the str3T sh the eaning f these sentenes4Rea

25、d after the tape tie 二新呈现(Presentatin)1) 听Lets he 部分的录音,并完成相应的练习2) Learn str tie 1学生画出关键的词和短语: here e Be quite! tail , fast, Thats ute p 2学习上面的词和短语 3读这些词和短语3)操练str tie1 听录音跟读 str tie2 学生分角色读 Str tie四家庭作业 (Her )板书设计 Unit hse dg is it ? Here es a tiger hse tail is that ? There taing pitures hat are the ding?教学反思

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