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1、法律笔记这个只是辅助我上课的草稿,是对于课堂进展情况的一个预期。 供参考。喜欢这套教材的人可以对照这些备课材料自学。 Unit 3 Could you do me a favor? 1. SNAPSHOT There is a well-know proverb :a friend in need is a friend indeed. What does that mean in Chinese? That means a friend who helps you when you need it is a true friend. When it comes to doing a favo

2、r. Are you a “yes” person or “no” person. I mean Are you that kind of person who would always say “yes” to your friends when they ask for favors? Will you go to your friend for help when you are in trouble? Or you perfer to solve all problems on your own? Take a look at the white board. These are 8

3、favors people dislike being asked. Samuel, can you read them out loud. Ok. Great. Thank you. Yao, please explain to us their meanings in Chinese. Thank. You. Ok. Among these 8 favors, which one do you hate being asked the most? Why? What would you say to your friend to turn down their request withou

4、t hurting his/her feelings. Will you lie to them? Now please put down 3 favors you hate being asked the most on your paper? Now, please take turns to tell us your answers. (正) Now lets do a practice. (Group them into 3 teams, here is the task): one asks a favor from your teammate, another one think

5、of some excuses to decline your teammateS request : each team will have 2 minutes to prepare for the dialogue. During the preparation, raise your hand if you need my help. 讲解: Lend and borrow, SPDB Short-tem Loan Contract. Lender and Borrower You owe me a favor 你欠我个情人。 You owe me one. You owe me big

6、 (time)Stay at a hotel, not live in a hotel. You dont live in a hotel. What verb would you use when its an apart-hotel? Stay or live? He was moved to production department as the production manager. =transfer. My parents want you to stay for dinner. 2. CONVERSATION Would you mind? Cover the text and

7、 take a look at the picture. Explain: the girls name is Jana, and the guys names Rod. Make a guess: Ask:What are they doing? They are making phone calls. They are on the phone talking about the a digital camera. What does Jana want to borrow? Digital Camera. Digital video. Digital music player. Disp

8、osable camera, camera with built-in camcorder, point-and-shoot camera digital gadgets. Disposable toothbrush, chopsticks, plates, Does rod want to lend it? Yes. How do you know? Cuz Jana is smiling from ear to ear. Now lets listen to the dialogue and check if your answers are correct. Here are four

9、false summaries of the dialogue. 1. This weekend Jana is going to her cousins wedding. 2. She wants to take photos for her cousins album. ( a couple of, might be more than 2). Ive been there a couple of times. 3. Jana has used a digital camera many times before. 4. She would like to pick the camera

10、up tonight. During this listening, try to correct these summaries. 课文讲解: Rod: Hello. Jana: hi, Rod. his is Jana. Rod: Oh, hi. Jana. Whats up? (normal有什么事吗?) 一般时候相当于 normalhow are you? Whats new? How are things with you. How is everything. normalJana: Im going to my bests friends wedding this weekend

11、. Id love to take some pictures for his Web site. Would you mind if Inormal borrowed your new digital camera? My nephews wedding is coming up this Saturday. normalIm looking for something that will take a good shot and not be too complicated to operate, normalSnap a shot 抓拍normalWould you mind if I

12、used the bathroom? normalnormalWould you mind if I sat here? Rod: Um. No. Thats OK, I guess. I dont think Ill need it for anything. Jana: Thanks a million. normalThanks so much. Many thanks. Thanks a lot. Thanks! With a capital T. Im in trouble. With a capital T. normal Rod. Sure. Uh, have you used

13、a digital camera before? Its sort of complicated. Jana:uh-huh. Sure. A couple of times. Would it be ok if Inormal picked it up on Friday night? Rod: yeah, I guess so。 用过去式表示客气的语气。 I guess so应该没问题吧。 How to pick up a girl in nightclubs. Great. Now we will listen to another two calls Jana makes. When l

14、istening, please find out what else Jana wants to borrow? Do her friends agree?Why not? 3.GRAMMAR FOCUS 1) ask a few favors around the class Can I borrow your pen, please? Could you lend me your phone? Mine is out of service. The battery of mine is dead. There are many ways to ask favors. They vary

15、in degrees of formality. Since you are my students and friends, and my request is not very demanding, I can simply use can or could. But could is mot formal and polite than can. Ok. Now. turn back to page 16, cycle 2 conversation. Please underline two requests beginning with would. Would you mind if

16、 I borrowed your new digital camera? Would it be OK if I picked it up on Friday night? Do you think they are very close friends? Or they dont know each other well? Why? Ok. We use “would” when asking favors from people who are not very close with us, or when the favor you asks is really a big one. O

17、r the request is very demanding. for example, it will cause much trouble to your friends or make them feel worried about not getting things back. Request with if clause + present tense is less formal than if clause + past tense. Would you mind is answered with a no if you agree to do things as reque

18、sted, otherwise, say yes. ( I mind ) I wonder is the most formal way to ask a favor. Its not a question. When the subject in the clause is “I, use if, if its “you”, use “doing”. Now please complete the conversation on your own. You will have 3 minutes. Ask each one of them to read their answers out

19、loud and request other students to correct mistakes or make comments. Pls rewrite these informal requests to formal ones. 5 LISTENING FAVORS Ok. Lets continue with listening. You will listen to three telephone conversations. For the first listening, please write down what each callers requests. For

20、the second listening, find out whether the other person agrees to the request. Group them into a couple of teams. And each team works out a conversation about asking for favors. Please 6 WRITING Group them into several teams. Ok. In this cycle, you will learn to write an email to your partner asking

21、 for several favors. Please include the reasons for your requests. You will have 5 minutes to complete it. Then exchange your emails, write your replies accepting your declining the requests. You also need to explain the reasons for declining requests. Ok. Time is up. Please read your reply out loud

22、. And please tell me, can you accept his/her explanation for the rejection? Do you think he/she is a true friend? 7. INTERCHAGNE 3 1) let take a look at this proverb:Neither a borrower, nor a lender be Pls guess the meaning of this proverb. Well, it says that it is best to not lend money or stuff to

23、 other people and to not borrow from other people. When we lend something we risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with that other person. from Hamlet by William Shakespeare; Polonius speaking: Neither a borrower, nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend Example que

24、stion: Could you lend me twenty dollars? Answer: Sorry, neither a borrower nor a lender be. This says that you value the friendship and you dont want to risk hurting the friendship with a loan.2) a, April, would it be ok if I borrowed your laptop for two days. I need it to prepare for a presentation

25、.c, Yao, I was wondering if I could borrow 2,000 yuan from you. I want to take a girl to a fancy restaurant by the Westlake. But foods there are overpriced. d, Samuel, could I borrow your Jacket for a couple of days. My clothes were stolen by April. e, Annie, would you mind lending me your Party Wor

26、ld loyalty card. Me and April are going to throw our Birthday party there. e, april. May I borrow your boyfriend Samuel for a minute. I want to introduce a potential customer to him. 3) give away the print-outs. Ask questions: A, can I borrow you mountain bike for the weekend? Mine is broken. B, wou

27、ld it be ok if I borrowed you gold watch for a blind date? i think a fancy gold watch would leave her with a good impression. C, Can I borrow you Jack Johnson CDs? A friend of mine told me he is amazing songwriter. Ask Ss to model the conversation. normalApril: Beach house, normalnormalAnnie: gold w

28、atch normalnormalapril: cell phone normalYao: sleeping bag normalSamuel: Sports carnormal Suppose Aprils got a beach house. Everyone takes turns to borrow the beach house, see who can make it. You need to give really goods reason in order to borrow a beach house. The winner can get a lollipop or a k

29、iss from Vincent. April, you have to lend the beach house if you cant give good reasons to decline their request. I hope you girls dont give up easily. Here is a good example.Hi, April. I was wondering if I could borrow your beach house for 2 months. Im planning to write a book about English study.

30、But my place is very noisy, I cant either concentrate or get to sleep when xxxxs boyfriends visiting. I need to catch up on some sleep. Come on. Dont be so stingy. Weve been known each other for years. I wont do any damage to your house. And I promise I would give you 30% of the royalties after I ha

31、ve my book published. ( have it fixed, have it cooked, have it painted). it must be a bestseller. With that money you can even buy a new beach house. Ask the winner why he or she made it. Check most common problems. normal8. WORD POWER COLLOCATIONS normalnormalA: normal1) Apology Paparazzi of Entert

32、ainment Weekly took some picture of Zhang Ziyi and her boy friends sunbathing on the beach. Ms.Zhang was like in her birthday suit in the pictures. She wrote to the editor of Entertainment Weekly demanding an apology. 2 weekly passing by, Ms.Zhang still hadntnormal received any apology from them. She was outraged. She thought EW ow

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