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高考英语人教版通用课时作业三 必修1 Unit 3 Computers含答案.docx

1、高考英语人教版通用课时作业三 必修1 Unit 3 Computers含答案889A11温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。课时提升作业(三)必修1 Unit 3. 单项填空1. (2013泉州模拟)What about the person? Seldom in all my lifesuch aperson. A. I met; determiningB. I have met; determiningC. did I meet; determinedD. have I met; determined2

2、. (2013南昌模拟)The mid-term exam, and everyone is trying hard to study. A. was coming B. cameC. has come D. is coming3. (2013安庆模拟)Which do you like better, swimming or skating? Iswimming to skating. A. enjoy B. like C. prefer D. love4. He trusts you; only you canhim to give up the foolish idea. A. sugg

3、est B. commandC. advise D. persuade5. (2013海口模拟)As neither of us would, the bargain came to nothing. A. give in B. give outC. give away D. give off6. A teacher who is just interested in his teaching but doesntstudents is not a good teacher. A. argue about B. discuss aboutC. dream about D. care about

4、7. (2013西安模拟)Though they met with much difficulty, the teamto go on with the experiment. A. changed their minds B. made up their mindsC. took their minds D. gave their minds8. (2013莆田模拟)Im afraid well have to work extra hours, for some problems are hard. A. to settle B. settledC. to be settled D. se

5、ttle9. (2013哈尔滨模拟)The old man insisted that Ihis wallet and that I_ to the police station with him. A. had taken; go B. take; should goC. would take; had gone D. should take; go10. Two lawyers have donated $ 50, 000 toour schools campaign “Help the Needy” , which was started by our former headmaster

6、 three years ago. A. sponsor B. launchC. organize D. plan11. I think hes determined that he wont give inyou may try your luck and see if you can persuade that oldfellow. A. stubborn B. uneducatedC. friendly D. responsible12. the weather, the basketball match will be held indoors. A. In view of B. In

7、 favour ofC. In case of D. In spite of13. (2013合肥模拟)Please call the station to make sure when the earliest train. A. leave B. leftC. leaves D. is leaving14. (2013邯郸模拟)The situation put us at a serious, which made us very worried. A. advantage B. disadvantageC. condition D. situation15. (2013南宁模拟)Wit

8、h the help of the whole world, the people of the earthquake-hit areasovercame the difficulty they met with. A. happily B. finallyC. nearly D. hardly. 阅读理解(A)(原创)GAOMI, Shandong, October 11(Xinhua)Chinese writer Mo Yan said on Thursday that he was “very surprised” at winning the Nobel Prize in Litera

9、ture. Speaking to reporters at a hotel in his hometown Gaomi City in east Chinas Shandong Province, Mo said “(I was)very surprised upon winning the prize because I felt I was not very senior in terms of qualification(among Chinese writers). There are many good writers and my ranking was not so high.

10、 ” “I am very happy, ” he said, “I was having dinner when I received the news. I was surprised. ” “Thank you for coming all the way to Gaomi. This should be a season of red sorghum, but no such crop is planted any more. I believe none of you have seen the crop, ” he said. “The Nobel Prize in Literat

11、ure is a very important literature prize, but not the top award. It represents the opinions of the jury(评审团). I am satisfied with my major works and I still keep writing by hand. ” “My works are Chinese literature, which is part of world literature. They show the life of Chinese people as well as th

12、e countrys unique culture and folk customs. Meanwhile, my novels described human beings in the broad sense. I wrote in the perspective of a human being. These works stand beyond regions and ethnic groups, ” he said. “The folk arts and folk culture accompanied my growth and I was influenced by the cu

13、ltural elements I witnessed through my childhood. When I picked up the pen for literature creation, the folk cultural elements inevitably entered my novels and affected and even determined the artistic styles of my works, ” he added. Mos win brought joy to other writers and readers throughout the co

14、untry as he is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in its century-long history. Born into a farmers family in a village in Gaomi, Mo has been known since the late 1980s for his novels such as Red Sorghum, which was later adapted into a film by director Zhang Yimou. (347W)

15、1. Mo Yan was surprised at winning the Nobel Prize in Literature because he felt. A. he was not as famous as other writersB. he was not the best writer in ChinaC. he was born in a farmers familyD. he didnt have good education2. According to Mo Yan, . A. red sorghum should be planted in his hometownB

16、. the Nobel Prize represents the opinions of the publicC. he still keeps the habit of writing by handD. his novels described human beings of all regions3. By reading Mo Yans works, we can. A. learn a lot about the Chinese folk cultureB. increase our sense of national prideC. form a vivid picture of

17、his childhoodD. learn more about the history of the Nobel Prize4. Which of the following words can best describe Mo Yan? A. Romantic. B. Self-confident. C. Humorous. D. Modest. 5. Where might you find the article? A. In a novel. B. In a travel book. C. In a newspaper. D. In a student book. (B)(原创)(N

18、ov. 16, 2012)Children who learn how to swim at a young age are reaching many developmental milestones earlier than the norm. Researchers from the Griffith Institute for Educational Research surveyed parents of 7, 000 under-fives from Australia, New Zealand and the US over three years. A further 180

19、children aged 3, 4 and 5 have been involved in intensive testing, making it the worlds most comprehensive study into early-years swimming. Lead researcher Professor Robyn Jorgensen says the study shows young children who participate in early-years swimming achieve a wide range of skills earlier than

20、 the normal population. “Many of these skills are those that help young children into the transition(过渡, 转变)into formal learning surroundings such as pre-school or school. ” The research also found significant differences between the swimming groups and non-swimmers regardless of socio-economic back

21、ground. While the two higher socio-economic groups performed better than the lower two in testing, the four SES(工程科学协会(美)groups all performed better than the normal population. The researchers also found there were no gender differences between the research groups and the normal population. As well

22、as achieving physical milestones faster, children also scored significantly better in visual-motor skills such as cutting paper, colouring in and drawing lines and shapes, and many mathematically-related tasks. Their oral expression was also better as well as in the general areas of literacy and num

23、eracy. “Many of these skills are highly valuable in other learning environments and will be of considerable benefit for young children as they are in transition into pre-schools and schools. ” The study is a joint project between Griffith University, Kids Alive Swim Program and Swim Australia. (284W

24、)6. The purpose of the passage is. A. to advertise for swimmingB. to call on children to learn how to swimC. to illustrate a study related to swimmingD. to survey those children who swam at an early age7. Which of the following is the result of the study? A. More than 7, 000 children participated in

25、 the testing. B. The younger children learn to swim, the wiser they are. C. Boys are cleverer than girls. D. The scores of the two higher socio-economic groups are higher than the lower two in testing. 8. How many skills that children achieved in their early years swimming are mentioned in the passa

26、ge? A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6. 9. Where can you probably find the text? A. In a popular magazine. B. In a Science Daily. C. In a physics textbook. D. In an official report. 答案解析. 1.【解析】选D。seldom是否定副词, 位于句首时句子用部分倒装, 因此排除A、B两项; 根据句意可知第一个空表示到现在为止的动作, 因此用现在完成时; determined是形容词, 意为 “意志坚定的” 。2.【解析】选D。句意: 期中考试

27、就要到了, 每个人都在努力学习。be coming就要到来。进行时表示将来。3.【解析】选C。考查动词词义辨析。prefer A to B意为 “喜欢A胜过B” , 为固定用法。【变式备选】The young lady prefers dressing up for a party toby others. A. be noticed B. being noticedC. having been noticed D. have been noticed【解析】选A。考查非谓语动词的用法。句意: 这位年轻女士喜欢为晚会化装是为了能被别人注意到。to be noticed是作目的状语; 而不能因为

28、固定的prefer doing. . . to doing. . . 的结构而误选B项。 4.【解析】选D。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 他信任你, 只有你能说服他放弃这个愚蠢的主意。persuade “说服; 劝说” , 符合句意。suggest “建议; 暗示” ; command “命令; 掌握” ; advise “建议” , 但不一定说服。5.【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 由于我们双方都不让步, 协商最终没有结果。give in投降; 屈服; 让步; give out分发; 公布; 用尽; give away捐赠; 丧失; 泄露; give off发出(气味、热、光等)。6.【

29、解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 只对教学感兴趣而不关心学生的老师不是好老师。care about关心, 符合语境。argue about争论; discuss about讨论; dream about梦想。7.【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 尽管他们遇到很大困难, 这个队下定决心继续做实验。make up ones mind下定决心, 符合句意。change ones mind改变主意; C、D两项搭配不正确。8.【解析】选A。考查动词不定式。某些形容词(pleasant, nice, comfortable, difficult, hard, easy等)后接动词不定式时, 常

30、用主动形式表示被动意义。9.【解析】选A。考查insist的用法。句意: 那位老人坚持认为我拿了他的钱包, 他坚持让我跟他一起去警察局。insist作 “坚持; 主张” 讲时, 后面宾语从句用虚拟语气, 即 “(should+)do” ; 作 “坚持认为” , 即坚持事实时, 后面宾语从句不用虚拟语气。10.【解析】选A。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 两位律师捐款五万美元赞助我校 “帮助贫困学生” 的活动, 这一活动是我们的前任校长在三年前创办的。sponsor “赞助” , 符合句意。11.【解析】选A。考查形容词辨析。语境中说这个老人不会让步的, 因此用stubborn表示 “固执的; 倔强的

31、; 顽固的” 。12.【解析】选A。考查介词短语辨析。句意: 考虑到天气, 篮球赛将会在室内举行。in view of表示 “考虑到” 。后三项分别表示 “赞成” “如果” “尽管” , 都与句意不符。13.【解析】选C。考查一般现在时表将来的用法。句意: 请给车站打电话确定一下最早班车几点发。表示按时刻表将要发生某事时, 用一般现在时表示将来。14.【解析】选B。考查名词词义辨析。句意: 形势使我们处于非常不利的地位, 这让我们感到非常担心。advantage “优势; 有利条件” , 与空格前面的serious和后面的very worried矛盾; situation “形势” , 和句子的主语重复; disadvantage “不利条件” , put/keep sb. at a disadvantage为固定搭配, 意思是 “使某人处于不利地位” 。【知识拓展】劣势PK优势(1)disadvantage

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