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Module 1 My first day at Senior School学案.docx

1、Module 1 My first day at Senior School学案Module 1 My first day at Senior School、重难点单词与短语1attitude n. 态度;看法课文原句:Describe your attitude to studying English. 描述你学英语的看法。 惯用法:attitude to/towards sb./sth.对的看法/态度e.g.What is your attitude towards/to this question?你对这个问题的态度如何?Whats the authorities attitude to

2、wards this discord?当局对这次争端有什么看法?She shows a very positive attitude to her work. 她工作态度非常积极。2impress vt. 铭记;给极深的印象;感动;使(人)印象深刻;使(人)充满崇敬课文原句:Li Kang is very impressed with the teachers and the technology in his new school.e.g.I was very impressed by /at /with his performance.他的表演令人难忘。(sb. be impressed

3、by /at /with sth.)My father impressed on me the value of hard work.我父亲使我铭记勤勉的重要。(impress on sb. sth.)What impressed me most is his honesty.约我印象最深的是他的真诚。The country impressed me with the high speed of its development.这个城市给我留下高速度发展的深刻印象。(impress sb. with sth.)派生词:impression n. 3cover v. & n. 包含,包括 课文原

4、句:Secondary school in the US usually covers seven years, grades six to twelve.美国的中学通常是7年时间,从六年级到十二年级。课文中cover用作动词,意思是“包含,包括”。e.g.This new school covers an area of nearly 500 mu. 新学校占地近500亩。另外,cover 作为动词,意义很多:(1)覆盖,铺盖e.g. The land was covered with snow.(2)掩饰,掩盖e.g. Lies cannot cover up facts. 谎言掩盖不住事

5、实。(3)行过路程e.g. They covered 100 miles yesterday. 他们昨天走了100英里。(4)对进行采访,报道e.g.Qingdao Daily has sent a reporter to cover the event.青岛日报已派了一名记者去报导(采访)此事。另外,cover 还可以作名词,意思是“盖子;封面”。e.g. The book had a blue cover. 这本书有一个蓝色的封面。4have fun 玩得开心/愉快课文原句:And we have fun 我们过地很快乐。have fun相当于enjoy oneselfhave a goo

6、d time,意为“玩得开心/愉快”。此短语中fun用作不可数名词(enjoyment; amusement)。e.g.Youll be sure to have fun at the party tonight. 你在今晚的晚会上一定会玩得很开心。have fun at the beach 在海滩玩得很开心5by oneself 单独地,独自地;靠自己,无他人帮助课文原句:we worked by ourselves 我们自己活动。by oneself相当于alone; without help,强调“在无他人或他物的情况下”或“无帮助的情况下”。e.g.His father lives b

7、y himself in the village. 他的父亲独自一个人住在村里。All his friends have deserted him and he is all by himself now.他所有的朋友都离弃他,现在他孤独一人。Can you cook by yourself now?你现在能单独做饭了吗?6in other words 换句话说(expressed in a different way; that is to say)课文原句:In other words, therere three times as many girls as boys. 换句话说,女孩是

8、男孩的三倍。in other words意为“换句话说,换言之”,是对前文做进一步的解释说明。e.g. He got “D”in the latest exam. In other word, he failed again. 他在最近的考试中得了个“D”也就是说他又不及格。I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else. In other words, I was wasting my time.我很快发现我正在做的事情别人已经做了换句话说我是在浪费时间。I dont want to l

9、eave you here. In other words, I want you to run away with us too.我不想让你留在这儿。换句话说,我想让你和我们一起逃走。7at the end of在结束时;在的尽头课文原句:At the end of twelfth grade, American students receive the high school the end of意为“在结束时、在的尽头”,可用以指时间或处所,强调一段时间的结束点或某段路程的终止处。e.g.Our school held a sports meeting at the

10、 end of last year.去年年终我校举行了一次运动会。(at the end of + 时间)At the end of this street youll find a bookshop.在这条街的尽头你可看见一家书店。(at the end of + 地点)辨析:by the end of, in the end by the end of意为“到末为止”,后可跟过去时间与过去完成时连用,也可跟将来时间,而与将来时连用。e.g.By the end of last term we had learned five English songs.到上学期末我们已学会五首英语歌曲。T

11、he world population will pass six billion by the end of the twentieth century.到二十世纪末,世界人口将超过六十亿。in the end意为“最终、最后”与at last 或者finally同义。e.g. In the end they caught the thief. 最后他们抓住了小偷。8be divided into 被分成课文原句:The school year is divided into two semesters. 一个学年分成两个学期。e.g.divide the class into two gr

12、oups 把这个班分成两组His lecture is divided into three parts.他的演讲分成三部分。9look forward to 盼望,期待课文原句:Im looking forward to doing it! 我正盼着做家庭作业呢!look forward to 意为“盼望,期待”,to是介词,后面接名词或动词的-ing形式。e.g.All the children are looking forward to the Spring Festival.所有的孩子都盼着春节。I dont know what result they are looking for

13、ward to seeing.我不知道他们期待看到什么结果。10take part in 参加课文原句:I take part in all kinds of after-school activities. 我参加各种各样的课后活动。take part in表示“参加、加入”,指参加某一活动并在其中起积极作用。I took part in the game. 我参加了这场比赛。Do you take an active part in the sports meeting?你积极参加运动会吗?辨析:join表示“参加、加入”时,着重从旁观者或外人的地位成了某党派、团体、人群、游戏等中的一个成

14、员,相当于become a member of,常见的搭配有:(1)“join 党派、团体名词”表示“加入某一党派或团体”。e.g.He joined the tennis club. 他加入了网球俱乐部。His father joined the Party last year.他父亲去年入党了。(2)join sb. in表示“和某人一起做某事”。e.g.Wont you join us in the play?你不愿同我们一起去玩吗?Why not join us in playing games?(3)“join in 某活动”表示“参加某活动”,这时相当于take part in。e

15、.g. He joined in the game. 他加入了比赛。(4)join sb.表示“加入到某人群中(一起做某事)”。e.g. Ill join you later. 我随后就加入了你们中去。二、重难点句子解析1I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing.我住在石家庄,是离北京不远的一个城市。在本句中,a city not far from Beijing是Shijiazhuang的同位语。一个名词(或其它形式)对另一个名词或代词进行修饰、限定或说明,这个名词(或其它形式)就是同位语。通常情况下,作同位语的有以下几种形式:e

16、.g.Well visit the park, the Summer Palace tomorrow.The manager gave the work to us two.English and Chinese are both interesting.The news that a new English teacher would come made us excited.2Every room has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen.每间教室都有一个和电影院屏幕大小差不多大的特殊屏幕。

17、asas表示“和一样”。两as之间使用形容词或副词的原级。e.g.My book is as interesting as yours. 我的书和你的书一样有趣。He can run as fast as I can.他能跑得和我一样快。其否定形式为not as/soas,意为“与不一样/不如”。e.g.The teacher doesnt jump as (so) high as I. 那位老师跳得不如我高。“asas”结构虽有比较之意,但是,在表示同一个人或物时,就没有比较之意了,译为“不但而且,又又”。e.g.Joan is as diligent as she is beautiful

18、. 琼不但勤奋而且美丽。3The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen.老师是一位姓沈的非常热心的女士。请注意句中的动词-ed形式,called Ms Shen是过去分词作定语修饰woman,同 named;可译为“被称 / 叫做;名叫”。书中第8 页的对话出现类似的句子:Theres an assistant teacher called Miss Wang. 又如:A girl named/called Wang Ping won the game. 一个叫王萍的女孩赢了比赛。Do you know a person nam

19、ed/called John Wilson? 你知道一个叫约翰威尔逊的人吗?4Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High School.沈老师的教学方法与我初中的老师不同。(1)be nothing like 一点儿不像,与什么不同e.g.Your looks are nothing like your mothers.你的长相一点也不像你妈妈。Your mobile phone is nothing like mine. 你的手机和我的一点也不像。没有比某事更好的了e.g

20、.There is nothing like a hot bath after a days work.一天工作之后,没什么比洗个热水澡更舒服的了。There is nothing like music when you are tired. 当你疲劳的时候,没有什么比音乐更好的了。(2)在这个句子中,that代替the method. 代词that可用来代替前面提到的事物(单数名词或者不可数名词),以避免重复这个名词,但必须是这一名词在第二次出现时有后置定语。e.g.The weather in Beijing is not as good as that in Dalian. 北京的天气不

21、如大连的天气好。The sweater he wears today is different from that he wore yesterday.他今天穿的羊毛衫和昨天的不同。The study of idiom is as important as that of grammar .习惯用语的学习和语法的学习同样重要。如果前面提到的是复数名词,后面就用those来代替。e.g.The books on that desk are better than those on this desk. 那个桌子上的书比这个桌子上的书要好。5In other words, there are th

22、ree times as many girls as boy.换句话说,女孩是男孩的三倍。倍数表示法:“A+倍数+ as +as B”解释为:“A是B 的多少倍。”e.g.My book is twice as thick as yours. 我的书是你的两倍厚。There are half as many new words in this module as in that one.这个模块的生词只有那个模块的一半。倍数表示法常用的三种形式:(1)A + is times + as + 形容词原级 + as + B(2)A + is times + 比较级 + than B(3)A + i

23、s times + the size / length / height / width / depth of B下面用这三种结构翻译同一个句子:这个房间是那个房间的三倍大。答案6Oh, really? So have I. Which language are you studying? 哦,是吗?我也是。你在学什么语言?(1)“So + 助动词 + 主语”表“某人也”。He is sixteen, so am I. 他十六了,我也是。Tom likes playing football, so do I. 汤姆喜欢踢足球,我也是。注意:助动词及其时态的选择要根据前句确定。He has fi

24、nished his homework, so has Mary.(so have the other students.)他已经完成了他的家庭作业,玛丽也完成了。(其他学生也完成了。)The teacher will go to America, so will the students.老师要去美国,学生们也要去。(2)neither或nor引导的倒装句表否定。He doesnt like math, neither do I. 他不喜欢数学,我也不喜欢(数学)。I dont know about it, nor/neither do I care. 我不知道这件事,也不关心。拓展:“So

25、 + 主语 + 助动词”表示对前一说话者的意思进行肯定。Mary is good at music.玛丽音乐很好。So she is. (是的,的确很好。)They have moved away. (他们已搬走了。)So they have. (是的,他们已搬走了。)三、语法点拨(一)复习一般现在时与现在进行时的用法1一般现在时用法:(1)表示现在经常或反复发生的动作或存在的状态,常和often, always, usually, sometimes, every day, once a week 等时间状语连用。e.g.He takes a walk after supper every

26、day.My mother works at the same company as my father.(2)表示主语的特征、性格、能力等。e.g. Mr. Smith hates fish and never eats any.(3)表示客观事实或普遍真理。e.g. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.(4)表示安排或计划好的将来发生的动作。e.g. The plane takes off at 10 a. m.(5)在时间或条件状语从句中表示将来的动作。e.g. I cant leave unless my boss agrees

27、.(6)代替过去时表示某些文学作品的情节描述,或用来引述书刊材料。e.g. The little boy goes up to the policeman and says , “Theres a car accident over there.”2现在进行时的四种用法:(1)表示正在进行或发生的动作。e.g.Its raining hard outside now.What are you doing now? (2)表示现阶段正在进行,而此时未必正在进行或发生的动作。e.g.These days they are working hard to finish the task in tim

28、e.We are doing an experiment this week. (3)某些动词的现在进行时,如:go, come, leave, start, arrive, return, sleep, stay, do, have 等也可表示一个最近按计划或安排要进行的动作。e.g.Christmas is coming.We are leaving on Friday.We are having a holiday next week.(4)频度副词always, constantly, continually和forever等和进行时连用时,给现在或过去的动作披上一层感情色彩,并不强调

29、动作在进行。表示讨厌、不满,带有埋怨情绪,指责某人一贯的行径。如:e.g.He is forever boasting.他老爱说大话。She is always finding fault with others. 她总是找别人的岔。表示赞许、高兴。带夸奖口吻,称赞对方的一贯表现。如:e.g. You are always doing well. 你总是干得很不错。(二)以-ing/ed结尾形容词的用法首先我们找出My First Day at Senior High中以-ing/ed结尾的形容词。(1)The teachers are very enthusiastic and friend

30、ly and the classmates are amazing.(P2 L9-10)(2)The English class is really interesting.(P3 L18)(3)I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shens class! (P3 L27-28)(4)Some students were embarrassed at first but everyone was very friendly and it was really nice. (P4 L31-33)动词加-ing形式和动词加-ed形式都可以在句中作定语和表语。按照本

31、模块中课文的解释,v.-ed形式通常表示主语所处的状态或感受(主要描绘人或事处于的一种状态),而v.-ing形式多表示主语所具有的特征(主要描绘人或事)。e.g.They were frightened to hear the frightening sound. 他们听到那可怕的声音很害怕。At the sight of the moving scene, all the people present were moved to tears.看到这么动人的情景,所有在场的人都感动得流下了眼泪。The film is so interesting that they are all interested in it.电影这么有趣大家对其都很感兴趣。She was much surprised at the surprising news.听到这个令人惊奇的消息她感到

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